Labels:bulletin board | hakham | railing | tree OCR: Full Version ofOUAKE Required to Operate. After defeating Shub-Niggurath you arrive back 31 your home base on Earth, butit' s not all bluc skies and butterflies. Apparently not all QUAKE forces have been subdued. Chaos ensues you blast your way through the QUAKE minions and toward the infested gateway Your only choice is to find the source of evil and shut it down Without any hesitation and with more guts than common sense you leap into portal of unknown destination 15 BEASTLY LEVELS Strafeand slaughter your waythrough 15 Jevels containedin three monster -infested episodes And tear your friends apart inan all-new DeathMatch Level: Edge of Oblivion ALL-NEW FLESH-RIPPING DEMONS Gremlins: Small.blood -thirsty creatures that attack in swarms and can steal your weapons, then use them against yo ...