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# MODULE[data]: new_user_startup - All platforms
# This file is used to query for information that is user specific and
# not provided in the sysdflt.tcl file. It is only run the first time
# the user runs Simeon.
# The intent for this file is to ask new user's whatever questions
# are needed to complete the initialization their Simeon configuraton.
# The file is run if (and only if) after loading the site default
# file "sysdflt.tcl", we were unable to load a user configuration.
# The test for seeing if the user configuration was loaded is the
# existence (or lack thereof) of the option "General.Fullname".
# Because this option is user specific, the only way that we would
# actually get this option was to have run this file.
# As a result, if you (the system administrator) modifies this file,
# then you had better make sure that "General.Fullname" is set into
# the user's configuration after they are done with it.
# The file is a Tool Command Language (TCL) file that contains a set of
# "option" commands. The "option" command is a Simeon extension to TCL
# that supports updating the content of the Simeon runtime option
# (configuration) database. The file can contain any of the standard
# TCL commands and statements.
# Options are defined using the following syntax:
# "option [-default | -permanent | -session] [-readonly] {name} [{value}]
# where arguments in the [] are optional, and arguments in {} are
# variables that are provided by you. If just the option {name} is
# provide with no {value}, then value of the option is returned. If the
# {name} and {value} are provided, then the value is stored in the
# runtime option database.
# Options can be stored in one of three levels: default, permanent, and
# session. When options are referenced in the repository, a session
# value is retrieved ahead of a permanent value, and a permanent value
# is retrieved ahead of a default value. Therefore, a session value
# will "mask" a permanent value which will "mask" a default value. Only
# permanent values are saved from the option database to the user's
# permanent option repository.
# The file also makes use of a set of user interface extensions to TCL
# that allows you to put up dialogues and ask questions of the user. A
# procedure named "askQuestion" has been defined that can be used to ask
# any one line question of a user on the way in.
# IncrDev Jul 11, 1997 by ll: added code to test for sysdflt version.
# IncrDev Jul 10, 1997 by ll: combined startup.demo into this file and
# incorporated the getInstallData procedure
# IncrDev Feb 4, 1995 by ll: modified defaultRemainder to only default
# ms2.hostname (News Host) if it is still set
# to the factory default of "newshost"
# IncrDev Jan 9, 1997 by ll : added getDemoUserID, defaultDemoMailAddress
# procs
# IncrDev Dec 23, 1996 by ll: changes for 4.1. Enhanced documentation.
# IncrDev May 6, 1996 by ll: added default for Page Layout footer to contain
# the user's full name as entered during startup
# IncrDev Mar 12, 1996 by ll: added documentation and added IMSP and
# signature defaults in proc DefaultRemainder
# IncrDev Mar 12, 1996 by ll: added code in proc askQuestion to not
# select the field if it contains @domain.name
# IncrDev Mar 7, 1995 by ll: added code to default to default to option
# in sysdflt.tcl file. If not set, THEN default
# to Post Office (IMAP) answer
# IncrDev Dec 28, 1995 by ll: put back other hostname questions but defaulted
# answers to the Post Office answer
# IncrDev Dec 28, 1995 by ll: added selection on input field
# IncrDev Nov 2, 1995 by sh: to only ask one hostname question and default others
# Doc____ Nov 5, 1995 by sh: first cut of new documentation
# IncrDev Nov 1, 1995 by sh: added default View options for new users
if {[info exists sysdflt_version] == 1} {
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {
debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin"}
debug_trace "startup.tcl : guest = $guest"
} else {
# sysdflt.tcl from version earlier than 4.1.2 so
# initialize variables.
set sdlog "no"
set guest "no"
debug_trace "startup.tcl : sysdflt.tcl file from 4.1.1 or earlier."
# : This function is called from Simeon, to kick off the
# : process
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare startSetup"}
proc startSetup {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin startSetup"}
label t1 -parent startupwin -left 20 -top 60 -right 370 -bottom 80 \
-title "You'll need to provide a bit of information to start."
# : askQuestion is called in the following routines to prompt the user
# : for IMAP host, SMTP host, and IMSP (Address book) host.
# : The nextcmd parameter contains the procedure name of the next
# : question to be asked. If you wish to skip a question from this
# : list, modify the previous routine's call to askQuestion as described
# : in the documentation for the verifyAddrBookHost routine below.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare askQuestion"}
proc askQuestion {win nextcmd prompt initval example option} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin askQuestion"}
set w startupwin.$win
frame $w -parent startupwin -left 10 -top 100 -right 390 -bottom 290 \
-entercommand "option $option \[get_ctl_title $w.resp\]; hide_win $w; $nextcmd"
label $w.t1 -parent $w -left 20 -top 30 -right 370 -bottom 50 -title $prompt
edit $w.resp -parent $w -left 30 -top 60 -right 360 -bottom 80 \
-title $initval -command ""
focus $w.resp
if { $initval != "" } {
# if {$initval != "simeon"} {
if {[string index $initval 0] != "@" } {
select $w.resp
# }
label $w.ex -parent $w -left 30 -top 100 -right 360 -bottom 120 -title $example
button $w.done -parent $w -left 135 -top 160 -right 195 -bottom 180 -title "OK" \
-command "option $option \[get_ctl_title $w.resp\]; hide_win $w; $nextcmd"
# : Ask for the user's full name. No default should be supplied from
# : sysdflt.tcl Simeon checks for the presence of this option to determine
# : whether it should run this script.
# IncrDev July 10, 1997 by ll: if a guest account set the next command
# to get the DemoUserID rather than getMailAddress
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare getUserName"}
proc getUserName {} {
global sdlog
global guest
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin getUserName"}
if {$guest == "yes"} {
askQuestion name getDemoUserID "What is your full name?" \
"" "e.g. Bill Smith" General.Fullname
} else {
askQuestion name getMailAddress "What is your full name?" \
"" "e.g. Bill Smith" General.Fullname
# : Ask for user's email address.
# : General.MailDomain from sysdflt.tcl is defaulted into this field.
# : If the sysdflt.tcl contains "simeon.com" the user will see
# : @simeon.com and the cursor placed ahead of the @ when this question
# : is asked.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare getMailAddress"}
proc getMailAddress {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin getMailAddress"}
set init ""
catch {set init "@[option General.MailDomain]"}
if { $init=="@"} {set init ""}
askQuestion email verifyMailHost "What is your email address?" \
$init "e.g. userid@company.com" General.MailAddress
# : Ask for user's demo account user id.
# : Only used for demo guest account installations.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare getDemoUserID"}
proc getDemoUserID {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin getDemoUserID"}
set init ""
askQuestion email defaultDemoMailAddress \
"Enter your Simeon guest account username" \
$init "e.g. bsmith" General.MailAddress
# : Get the host name of the mail server.
# : This is the Post Office message service host name and is the server
# : running an IMAP2bis or IMAP4 daemon.
# : NOTE: if the setting in sysdflt.tcl is correct and does not need to
# : be changed by the user, this question can be omitted. See the comments
# : under Verify Address Book Host for information on how to skip a startup
# : question.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare verifyMailHost"}
proc verifyMailHost {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin verifyMailHost"}
set init ""
catch {set init [option MsgService.ms1.Hostname]}
askQuestion email verifySMTPHost \
"What is your Post Office (IMAP) server hostname?" \
$init "e.g. mailhost.company.com" MsgService.ms1.Hostname
# : Verify SMTP Host
# : General.DeliveryHost from sysdflt.tcl is defaulted into this field.
# : If this field has not been initialized in sysdflt.tcl (ie. still
# : set to "mailhost") default it to the IMAP host instead.
# : NOTE: if the setting in sysdflt.tcl is correct and does not need to
# : be changed by the user, this question can be omitted. See the comments
# : under Verify Address Book Host for information on how to skip a startup
# : question.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare verifySMTPHost"}
proc verifySMTPHost {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin verifySMTPHost"}
set init ""
catch {set init [option General.DeliveryHost]}
if {$init == "mailhost"} {
catch {set init [option MsgService.ms1.Hostname]}
askQuestion email verifyAddrBookHost \
"What is your mail sending (SMTP) server hostname?" \
$init "e.g. smtphost.company.com" General.DeliveryHost
# : Verify Address Book Host
# : AddrBook.Hostname from sysdflt.tcl is defaulted into this field.
# : By default this is field is empty in sysdflt.tcl because a value in
# : this field indicates to Simeon that an IMSP host is available and
# : Simeon will search for remote address books when the address book
# : module is started up. For this reason, we do not default this field
# : to the Post Office host.
# : If your site does not run IMSP or will not be using IMSP addressbooks
# : you will not want to ask this question of new users. To eliminate
# : this question from being asked, modify the following line in
# : verifySMTPHost
# : askQuestion email verifyAddrBookHost "What is your mail sending...
# : to read
# : askQuestion email defaultRemainder "What is your mail sending...
# : This causes defaultRemainder to be run after verifySMTPHost instead
# : of verifyAddrBookHost. This mechanism can be used in any of the
# : verify routines to eliminate a question or to reorder them.
# : You can also write a new routine and add it to the list if you wish.
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare verifyAddrBookHost"}
proc verifyAddrBookHost {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin verifyAddrBookHost"}
set init ""
catch {set init [option AddrBook.Hostname]}
askQuestion email defaultRemainder \
"What is your address book (IMSP) server hostname?" \
$init "e.g. addrhost.company.com" AddrBook.Hostname
# : Default demo account mail address. If this routine is called, it
# : is assumed that the user id is an ESYS guest account id and will
# : append the ESYS demo server domain onto the mail address.
# : Called only from getDemoUserID
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare defaultDemoMailAddress"}
proc defaultDemoMailAddress {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin defaultDemoMailAddress"}
# : Set userid in Post Office Message Service
option MsgService.ms1.Userid [option General.MailAddress]
# : Add demo domain to General.MailAddress
option General.MailAddress [option General.MailAddress]@demo.simeon.com
# : Perform other default actions
# : Note that "doneECSStartup" is a magic token that says ask no
# : more questions. You must use that token exactly to terminate the question
# : string.
# Oct 17, 1997 by ll: commented out setting of Reply-To variable
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : declare defaultRemainder"}
proc defaultRemainder {} {
global sdlog
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : begin defaultRemainder"}
# : Default the News host name to that of the Post Office
if {[option MsgService.ms2.Hostname] == "newshost"} {
option MsgService.ms2.Hostname [option MsgService.ms1.Hostname]
# : Default the user's signature to his full name and email address
option Compose.Signature.Lines "3"
option Compose.Signature.1 "----------------------"
option Compose.Signature.2 [option General.Fullname]
option Compose.Signature.3 [option General.MailAddress]
# : default the user's Reply-To address to be the same as his
# : email address
# : ReplyTo should only be set if it will be different than
# : From address, so we no longer do this
# option General.ReplyTo [option General.MailAddress]
# : default print page footer to contain user's name
option PageLayout.Footer "l 'Printed by: [option General.Fullname]' c 'Page: ' \$page"
# : Default the IMSP options hostname to that given for the Address book
# : with the assumption that the the same IMSP host will be used for both.
# : If no IMSP host then these options will just be blank.
option -session Options.RemoteHost [option AddrBook.Hostname]
option -session Options.RemotePort [option AddrBook.TCPPort]
# : Done the startup script.
# : define default views for new users
# : A first time user will inherit these settings into their personal
# : options file.
option FOLDER.ID "1"
option Folder.1.IsSelecting "OFF"
option Folder.1.MS "1"
option Folder.1.Name "inbox"
option Folder.1.ViewMsgGrps "OFF"
option Folder.1.inbox.ID "1"
option Folder.1.inbox.Sort "Most Recent Date Sent"
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : calling startSetup"}
# : initiate setup scripts
if {$sdlog == "yes"} {debug_trace "startup.tcl : end"}
# END MODULE: new_user_startup - All platforms