BUG 11
< prev
Text File
124 lines
App Name Microsoft Excel Viewer 97
App Version (1033)
Frame Bitmap "viewer.dll, 122"
Frame Caption Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 Setup
Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Excel Viewer 97
Usage String Usage: Setup\n
About Box String Microsoft Excel Viewer 97\n\nCopyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
MSAPPS Mode local
Inf File Name xlview97.inf
Maximum Object ID 1000
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 11 : 1
Batch Mode Root Object ID 12: 1
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 13 : 1
Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs
Suppress Serial Number Dialog
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us Install Data Install Dest Dir
1 yes Microsoft Excel Viewer AppSearch """%p\XLView"",""XLView.exe"","""","" 200"",""Yes"",""Yes"",2"
2 yes Search_Drives SearchReg """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"",""InstalledTo"""
11 yes Floppy Installation AppMainDlg 16 : 15
12 yes Batch Mode Installation Group 16
13 yes Maintenance installation Group 17
15 yes Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 Setup Are you sure you want to exit Setup? CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""DisplayEULAList"",""license.txt"""
16 yes &Install Microsoft Excel Viewer 97 will be installed with all options. Group 17 "viewer.dll, 111"
17 yes Main Group Group 40 50 60 140 150 240
=== Detection CustomActions ===
20 yes --- On 3.51 --- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""OnWindowsNT"", ""3.51"""
21 yes --- netscape -- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""netscape"""
40 Viewer Files Group 41 42 43
41 CopySection """viewer"""
42 CopyFile """Exe"", ""XLView_exe"""
43 CopySection """Readme"""
50 yes Shortcuts/Icons Group 51 52 53
51 yes Depend 20 ? 55 : 54
52 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders,Programs"""
53 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders,Desktop"""
54 yes InstallShortcut """%42\%F42"", ""Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer""" %52
55 yes AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Office"", ""Microsoft Excel 97 Viewer"", ""%42\%F42"""
60 yes System Files Group 61 62 63 64 65 71 72 73 74 90 400 %M
61 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""hlink_dll""" %M
62 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""docobj_dll""" %M
63 yes InstallShared """System"",""msv7enu_dll"",""msv7enu.dll"",,42" %M
64 yes InstallShared """System"",""MSO97v_DLL"",""mso97v.dll"",,42" %M
65 yes InstallShared """System"",""msorfs_dll"",""MSORFS.DLL"",,42" %M
71 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""urlmon_dll""" %M
72 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""wininet_dll""" %M
73 yes InstallSysFile """System"",""hlinkprx_dll""" %M
74 InstallShared """System"",""hlp95en_dll"",""HLP95EN.DLL"",,42" %M
90 Font File Group 91
91 InstallTTFFile """System"", ""tahoma_ttf"", ""Tahoma (TrueType)""" %m\fonts
139 Is netscape installed 2.X
140 yes Depend 21 ? 141 200
141 yes ---Install Netscape--- Group 142 %p
142 yes Group 143 %d\Netscape
143 yes Group 144 145 %d\Navigator
144 yes CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""GetPathFromReg"", ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Main,Install Directory"""
145 yes Group 146 147 148 149 %144\Program
146 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""npdoc_dll"",""NPDOC.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
147 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""oleplug_dll"",""OLEPLUG.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
148 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""errormsg_dll"",""ERRORMSG.DLL"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
149 yes InstallShared """NCompass"",""oleplug_ini"",""OLEPLUG.INI"","""",""42""" %d\Plugins
150 yes Uninstall Support Group 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 %D\setup
151 yes CopySection """Setup""" %D
152 yes WriteTableFile """setup.stf""" %D
153 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\XLViewer97"", ""DisplayName"", ""Microsoft Excel Viewer 97"", """"" %150
154 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\XLViewer97"", ""UninstallString"", ""%s\setup.exe"", """"" %150
155 yes RemoveRegEntry """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Xlviewer"""
156 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""Version"", ""8.0"", """""
157 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""InstalledTo"", ""%s"", """"" %40
158 yes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"", ""Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Viewer"", ""Path"", ""%42\%F42"", """""
200 yes ---Netscape Installed--- Group 201 202 203
201 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""Edition"", ""Full"", """""
202 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""OCX Storage"", ""%s\ActiveX Control Cache"", """"" %w
203 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\NCompass\ActiveX Plug-In"", ""Root"", ""%s\Plugins"", """"" %145
204 yes Depend 21 ? 205 206 207 208 209 210
205 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Suffixes"", ""application/msword"", ""doc"", """""
206 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Suffixes"", ""application/rtf"", ""rtf"", """""
207 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""application/msword"", ""%s\wordview.exe"", """"" %42
208 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""application/rtf"", ""%s\wordview.exe"", """"" %42
209 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""TYPE0"", ""application/msword"", """"" %42
210 yes AddRegData """HKEY_CURRENT_USER"", ""Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers"", ""TYPE1"", ""application/rtf"", """"" %42
230 yes --- excel 8--- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""excel8"""
231 yes --- excel 5 or 7--- CustomAction """viewer.dll"", ""CheckReg"", ""excel5or7"""
240 === RegKeys === Group 245 260 270
--- SRG files ---
245 Group 246 247
246 CopyFile """Exe"",""excel8_srg"""
247 CopyFile """Exe"",""settings_srg"""
--- All installs---
260 Group 262
262 Help AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help"",""xlview.hlp"",""%s""" %40
--- Now Check Excel Install Status ---
270 ? Excel 8 installed ? Depend 230 ? : 280 300
280 --- No Excel 8 installed --- Group 281
281 CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""RegFile"",""247,,XLVIEW.EXE"""
300 --- No Excel 8 and No Excel 5/7 --- Depend 231 ? : 301
301 CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""RegFile"",""246,,XLVIEW.EXE"""
400 yes "Error Title" "Error Description" CustomAction """viewer.dll"",""NeverRemoveGroup"",""401 402 403 405"""
401 hlink.dll SelfReg """System"",""hlink_dll""" %M
402 docobj.dll SelfReg """System"",""docobj_dll""" %M
403 urlmon.dll SelfReg """System"",""urlmon_dll""" %M
405 hlinkprx.dll SelfReg """System"",""hlinkprx_dll""" %M