This file contains additional information about PUSH CD which is not contained in the User's Guide
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Note that PUSH CD requires a computer exceeding the Multimedia PC level 1 standard as it requires at least a 386 machine with a 25 MHz processor. 4 Mb of RAM and 10 Mb of hard disk space will also be required. The system will run poorly on a slower machine. For good performance, a MPC level 2 machine should be used: a 486 processor of 33 MHz or above is ideal.
A double speed CD-ROM drive also helps; it is really essential for networking.
PUSH CD will work across a network (a network licence is required) but the data transfer requirements of the pictures and sound means that it is unlikely that a number of users can successfully play the audio visual clips without significant network caching resources.
You can select a full installation (requires 10Mb of hard disk space) or you can select a minimal installation which requires 4.5Mb. We recommend that you choose the full option if at all possible. The minimal installation should only be used where disk space is really not available as performance is restricted.
When you install PUSH CD, it will automatically configure itself to your machine's performance. To do this it will start a separate program which tests the machine's ability to load pictures and play sounds in synchronisation. The configuration program can be run at any time you wish by selecting the PUSH CD Configure icon on the Program Manager screen. Configuration details are stored in a PUSHCD.INI file which is added to your Windows sub-directory.
PUSH CD uses compressed sound, which makes use of Microsoft's Video for Windows* drivers. If your system does not have Video for Windows installed, the PUSH CD installation program will automatically add these to your system.
PUSH CD needs Microsoft Windows* version 3.0 (with extensions) or above, which must be run in Enhanced mode.
In spite of meeting the above technical requirements, you may experience problems in the following areas. The file contains information on possible problems with:
If these points do not help to solve a problem, and support is still required, you may contact the developer's support service: fax to +44 (01) 705 597311 or write to:
Shillito Multimedia Ltd., 10 London Road, Horndean, Waterlooville, Hants PO8 0BZ, England. Please include full details of your machine, with processor type, memory capacity, graphics display and sound card details as appropriate.
PUSH CD uses your computer's memory to display pictures and to store sounds for playing. The Audio Visual clips of each University use a large number of pictures, which have to be displayed quickly in order to maintain sound synchronisation. The program has logic to check how powerful your machine is, and has tested it when you installed the system to see how quickly pictures can be displayed. The number of pictures it displays in each clip varies according to this test, and this ensures sound synchronisation is maintained, even on a slower machine.
If you find that PUSH CD runs too slowly, or sound breaks up, it is possible that your machine does not have enough memory available or that other applications are using system resources which PUSH CD needs. If this happens, close all other applications to free up those resources. PUSH CD needs a machine with at least 4 Mb of memory and Windows must be run in Enhanced mode, not Standard.
Other Windows tuning activities may be appropriate, such as setting up a permanent swap file on disk. Defragmentation of the hard disk may also help (preferably before installing PUSH CD). Ideally all this should be done as part of a series of tuning activities, in accordance with the Windows documentation.
If your system still cannot support the PUSH CD sound needs, the sound tracks of the Audio Visual clips can be switched off and the voice scripts displayed as subtitles. Use the PUSH CD Configure application (a separate icon on the screen) to switch the sound off permanently, or switch off individual sound clips with the button on the Audio Visual screen.
Note: do not attempt to remove a CD from the CD-ROM drive when the Busy light is on.
The PUSH CD program itself will be installed on your hard disk, together with the main database files. The program will need to refer to the CD disk for the detailed text files, the audio visual files and possibly some of the screen graphics. If PUSH CD cannot read the CD-ROM drive, an error message will appear. The drive should be checked to ensure the PUSH CD disk is inserted correctly.
If the CD-ROM disk still cannot be accessed, other disks should be inserted and the computer's ability to access them should be confirmed. Failure to read the CD-ROM drive may require re-installation of the drivers or system commands that set the drive up when the machine is switched on.
PUSH CD contains around 8000 photographs which need to be displayed in good colour. The MPC specification requires a 256 colour graphics card, and this is present in most modern machines. However, Windows is often installed to run only 16 colours, so it may be necessary to install the 256 colour driver to make use of your hardware's ability to show the photographs properly.
Refer to your Windows documentation for instructions on using Windows Setup to change the graphic drivers.
Note that some Windows screen drivers offer Large Font versions, which distort the relationship between text size and graphics. If your system is installed with a driver with Large Font options, it is likely that the screen display will be broken up, with text and graphic images in the wrong place. PUSH CD will not run successfully under this setup. It must be run on a system with standard (i.e. small) fonts to give the correct relationship between text and graphic sizes.
Traditionally, Windows applications have had problems playing sounds and doing other things as well. Modern powerful machines can manage it, though, and PUSH CD seeks to minimise the resources used to play sounds so that the pictures can continue to be displayed at the correct points in the clip. However, problems may occur.
The PUSH Configure option plays a soundtrack while checking the speed that the pictures are loaded. If you cannot hear PUSH CD sounds at all, first check that sound is available on other applications, such as the Windows system sounds (chimes etc.). Follow Windows documentation to install or re-install drivers and to set playback volumes, and then re-check PUSH CD.
Check that the PUSH Configure option does not have sound switched off. There is a button on the configure screen to toggle sound on/off.
Sounds that break up are probably due to overall resource requirements being too much for your machine: follow the instructions in 1 above to check this.
* Windows and Video for Windows are trade marks of the Microsoft Corporation