This program enables you to gain control over your physical memory. You can allocate and free any specified amount of memory. This makes Microsoft Windows95 or Microsoft Windows NT operating systems swap out unused programs and DLLs. The effect is that you get more free physical RAM which makes working a lot smoother. You can verify the effects by watching the easy to understand statistics.
Explanation of features:
"Free Memory"
You can select the amount of free RAM you like and click on "Allocate and Free" to start action. You can control how often the action is performed by entering a different number in the small edit field. The action is performed at least once. After each action, the free RAM is checked and if it is near what you selected, the action is stopped. If it is not near the what you selected, the "Allocate and Free" action is just executed again. Automatic repeating stops when the count you entered is reached in counting the repeatings.
This graphics shows you the available RAM as it goes over time. You can put the amount of free RAM in the title by activating the appropriate option. You can control the frequency of updates to the graph and title by changing the refresh time.
It is now possible to give command line parameters. This enables the program to run automaticly at startup with some given values or it is possible to use any task-scheduler to run the program on a regular basis or when certain contitions come true.
The following command line parameters have a meaning to the program
/F<MB> where <MB> is the number of MBs you want to free.
/T<times> where <times> is the maximum number of repititions.
/D<delay> where <delay> is a delay before action is started in seconds.
/C makes the program close immediately after all actions are complete.
By default the program tries to free up half of the RAM you have and tries this 4 times.
You can add the program to your startup-folder by just using windows standard mechanisms and using a command line like this:
freemem.exe /F10 /D10 /T5 /C
where the program frees up 10MB with a maximum try count of 5 and a delay of 10 seconds. The program is closed after performing its actions.
If you want the program to just use all its defaults, use a command line like this
freemem.exe auto
You must have a command line parameter to make the program perform some actions immediately if you give the "auto" parameter, all the defaults are taken.
This program is FREEWARE. This means you do not need to pay anything to the author to use it. However if you like this program, I would appreciate if you could send me a picture postcard of the area you live to:
Meikel Weber
Ostwaldstr. 8
53115 Bonn
What is the magic your program uses?
There is no magic! Just hink of it as starting Word, Excel and CorelDraw and closing them.
Is there any way to "undo" the changes to RAM?
No. This is not possible. Windows memory management is impossible to reverse.
Is it really free?
Yes, but please remember the postcard. I love recieving postcards.