Labels:crt screen | hakham | monitor | person | plant | sky | stairway | tree | tv | windowpane OCR: MISSION DITEITTING OPERATION EAGLE'S ROOST Weapons Repair Weapons Name ap Io Mylonas Ashford Suit Type Standard Suit Standard Suit Standard Suit Left Arm aser aser Weapon S1ots Muitipulsar Muitipulsar Multipulsar Righ Arm EM Emitter Laser Laser Weapon S1ots Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher Universal Backup PBA Hepair Pack Dynamo Review Personnel Suit Specs Weapon Specs A.S.F Specs [The gloves are off this time don WOrrY about beino deteoted Go Review Video Briefing in and take them a11 out! Review Text Briefing Return To Outfit complete MSSON OUTFTTING apons Myionas Muitipuisar Right Ermitter 51ot Personne Weapor tine being detected Base