Labels:box | bridge | bus | cabinet | conveyer belt | crt screen | earth | fence | grass | lake | person | plaything | poster | putty knife | road | rock | sidewalk | sky | tree | water | window | windowpane OCR: Sid Meier's CivNet X Game View Multiplaver City Kingdom Orders Advisors World Civilopedia W orld Viewing English Units Frarkhirt tatus TlllE Kingdom of the Enghsh The Population is1,170.000 The year is 540 B Treasury 646 Luxury 0 Tax5 Science Advance VALID ATING Berlin Settlers Moves: Leipzig Plains (Irrigation] Leipzig Rom Hamburg Moving End Tum Start Arheitsnlatz CivNet Launcher CivNet Sid Meier's Adohe Photoshop 18:50 Civilonedia Englisi Frarikfurt alll Knoon Luur ScieTICe Berlir Eeipzig AStart Arheitsnlat ASid