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- ; by Tim Schafer and friends
- ;
- ; (c) 1994 LucasArts Entertainment Company. All Rights Reserved.
- Why are you reading this? Play the game! It's fun! More fun than reading!
- Reading is what we did BEFORE we had CD-ROM games! I guess you're reading
- this because you want to know how it all works. Or you just can't resist
- opening any file called "README." Or you just like to read. Whatever.
- Here it is!
- Okay... put the CD in your CD-ROM drive... Wait, you must have done that
- already if you're reading this file. Okay, then type "DEMO" from the LUCASART
- directory. It won't install much on your hard drive--Just a few essential
- files. After installation is complete, you should probably make a boot disk
- unless you have specifically configured your machine to run protected-mode
- CD-ROM games (if you generally run Windows and you have 8 MB of RAM or less,
- then you will definitely need a boot disk). Once you have done this and are
- returned to the LucasArts Demo Launcher, choose item 2 and prepare yourself
- emotionally for a life-changing experience.
- For more detailed instructions and requirements, please see the section
- titled 'Troubleshooting' at the end of this file.
- This demo consists of three interactive segments, each representing an area
- and style of gameplay from FULL THROTTLE. In all three segments, you control
- Ben, leader of the Polecats. The controls for each section are not all the
- same, but you'll always be steering Ben through different environments,
- using him to find clues, and helping him fight his way past obstacles.
- Ben's been tricked, knocked out, and thrown out with the garbage. This makes
- him mad. He needs to catch up with his gang, but someone's taken the keys
- to his bike. Help Ben make someone pay for this.
- First, get Ben out of the dumpster. He'll punch the dumpster wherever you
- point the cursor and click, so just hit the right place and he'll pop out.
- Now, walk Ben around. Just point and click on the ground and watch him go.
- Look at the cursor. When it's over an interesting object, it either goes
- "hot" (framed by red brackets) or becomes an arrow. The arrows indicate
- exits. Click with an arrow, and Ben will walk that way and enter another area.
- (Double-click with an arrow, and Ben will jump to the new area immediately!)
- When the cursor is "hot," (for example, when the cursor is over the dumpster)
- click and HOLD DOWN the mouse button. Yikes! What is that thing!? It's a
- flaming tattoo! It's covered with icons. These icons represent actions Ben
- can take on the object you clicked on (the dumpster). While the tattoo is on
- the screen, slide the cursor over the boot and let go. Ben should kick the
- dumpster. Bring up the tattoo again, slide the cursor over the eyes, and
- let go. Ben should examine the dumpster. Next, try the hand and the mouth.
- This is how Ben interacts with his environment. Try different actions on
- different objects and see if you can make something interesting happen. Use
- your fists on the front door of the bar. Talk to the bartender (use the
- mouth.) Kick the piano. Try it all, until you find Ben's keys.
- This part is totally different from that last part. Forget about that part.
- Now you're on the road--The Old Mine road! There are no cops here, no rules--
- just bikers. Bikers who are looking for trouble.
- Swerve left or right with the mouse. Select a weapon (Ben's fist or his
- tire iron) by clicking the right mouse button. Use the weapon by clicking
- the left mouse button. If at first you don't succeed--punch, punch again.
- The Cavefish are a nasty, antisocial, cult-like gang who live in a secret
- cave off the Old Mine Road. Living underground all their lives, the Cavefish
- are very sensitive to sunlight, and wear special opaque goggles that help
- them navigate the road using the bumps on the center line. Ben would normally
- steer clear of them, but they have something he wants--a ramp. He needs a ramp
- to jump Poyahoga gorge, and since they stole it from Ricky Myran, Ben feels
- justified in stealing it back.
- When you're off your bike, this area works the same way the Kickstand area
- does. You get the flaming tattoo interface and all that. But, when you're
- ON your bike, you only control WHERE Ben drives. When the cursor passes over
- something Ben can drive to, you'll see a big yellow road sign. Click the
- mouse when you see the road sign, and Ben will ride off! Click anywhere else
- on the screen, and Ben gets off his bike and walks. Walking's pretty lame,
- I know, but sometimes you gotta do it.
- BUY THE GAME! (Coming Early Spring, 1995)
- It's the greatest game of all time! It's the game you bought your computer
- for! It's the entire reason you were born! Go! Now! To the software store!
- See that sales clerk behind the counter? The sneering one with the attitude?
- Go hook his nosering with your finger, pull his face down to the counter, and
- say in the lowest voice you can, "I want FULL THROTTLE... NOW." If it's not
- out yet, THAT'S NO EXCUSE! Call 1-800-STARWARS for availability.
- CTRL-T Toggles text display on and off
- + Speed up text display
- - Slow down text display
- ] Increase voice volume
- [ Reduce voice volume
- ' Increase sound effects volume
- ; Reduce sound effects volume
- CTRL-C, Alt-X or Alt-Q Quit to DOS
- NOTE: Pressing keys other than the ones indicated above may cause your
- the demo to lock up.
- The Full Throttle Demo requires the following hardware to run properly:
- - 486 Microprocessor or better recommended
- - Double-speed CD-ROM drive
- - 8 Megabytes of RAM
- - Sound Blaster TM-compatible or Pro AudioSpectrum TM sound card
- - Microsoft TM-compatible Mouse
- - VL Bus or PCI Bus Video card recommended (see below)
- Performance Issues
- The Full Throttle Demo contains a preview of an exciting new addition to this
- genre of game in the Biker Road Duel section. Unfortunately, this part of the
- demo may appear somewhat slow on older computers that do not have accelerated
- video hardware (a VL or PCI Local Bus video card).
- Joystick Control
- There is currently NO support for joystick control in the demo. Please use
- your mouse to control Ben.
- Boot Disk
- The Full Throttle Demo runs in Protect Mode. Most computers with 8MB of RAM
- will NOT be able to run the demo immediately after exiting Microsoft
- Windows or with Windows-optimized startup files. If you encounter any
- problems runnung the demo, please make a boot disk. You can make a boot disk
- by selecting the Make Boot Disk option from the DEMO.BAT file on the demo
- CD-ROM. The DEMO.BAT file is located in the LUCASART directory on the CD-ROM.
- Set Soundboard
- After selecting the "Set Sound Board" option from the install program
- you will be asked to choose either Express Setup or Custom Setup.
- If you choose Express Setup and the install program fails to configure
- your sound board automatically, then you should choose Custom Setup.
- If you have added a new sound board to your system, or changed your sound
- board configuration, then you will need to repeat the above instructions.
- From the Custom Setup Standard Menu, you can choose from the sound
- standards supported by the demo and manually set the Port, IRQ, DMA,
- and Stereo Reverse settings. You can also test your configuration for
- both music and sound. In some cases, you may want to select the
- Advanced Menu. This menu allows you to select the Music and Digital
- Sound standards for the demo independently of each other. This is
- most useful for systems with more than one sound board, or sound boards
- which support more than one standard.
- If you have a SoundBlaster 16 or AWE 32 that is configured to use IRQ 10,
- you may have a problem getting digital sound. If this occurs, you must re-
- configure your soundcard to use another available IRQ channel (2,5, or 7).
- To do this, either run SBCONFIG.EXE (older SoundBlaster 16's) or DIAGNOSE.EXE
- (newer SB16's and AWE32) from the directory that your soundcard's software is
- installed to (usually C:\SB16).
- If you have a SoundBlaster Pro or compatible with the DMA channel configured
- to 0 or 3, if will fail to be detected by our sound set-up utility. The card
- will work fine, but you muse choose 'Custom Setup' to enter the Port, IRQ, and
- DMA channel manually.
- NOTE: These demos represent work in progress, and the above mentioned problems
- are expected to be resolved in the finished products.
- If you cannot resolve problems with the demo by using the above suggestions,
- or just need a hint, you can reach LucasArts by calling the following numbers.
- At Work:
- Hint Line (Must be 18 or have parents permission, $.75/minute)
- 1-900-740-JEDI
- Tech Support Phone
- (415) 721-3333
- Tech Support Fax
- (415) 721-3482
- Product Support Mailing Address
- P.O. Box 10307
- San Rafael, CA 94912
- OnLine:
- Compuserve
- Game Publishers Forum A (GO GAMAPUB)
- Section 7
- Or send E-Mail to ID# 75300,454
- America Online
- Keyword "LucasArts"
- Or send E-Mail to LUCASARTS3
- GEnie
- Games RT (m205)
- Category 27
- Or send E-Mail to LUCASARTS
- Internet E-Mail
- 75300.454@compuserve.com
- Or Lucasarts3@AOL.com
- Tech Support BBS
- (415) 257-3070
- Full Throttle TM and copyright LucasArts Entertainment Company. All Rights
- Reserved. Used Under Authorization. The LucasArts logo is a registered
- trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company.