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Text File
768 lines
'FILE DESCRIPTION: SAMPLE.DSM is a collection of sample editor macros.
'This routine has many uses if you are trying to determine the type of source
' file.
'Return value: 0 Unknown file type
' 1 C-related file, this includes .c, .cpp, .cxx, .h, .hpp, .hxx
' 2 Java-related file, this includes .jav, .java
' 3 ODL-style file, .odl, .idl
' 4 Resource file, .rc, .rc2
' 5 HTML-style file, this includes .html, and .htm
' 6 VBS-style file, .dsm
' 7 Def-style file, .def
'USE: Pass this function the document that you wish to get information for.
Function FileType (ByVal doc)
ext = doc.Name
FileType = 0
pos = Instr(ext, ".")
if pos > 0 then
Do While pos <> 1
ext = Mid(ext, pos, Len(ext) - pos + 1)
pos = Instr(ext, ".")
ext = LCase(ext)
end if
If ext = ".rc" Or ext = ".rc2" Then
FileType = 4
ElseIf doc.Language = dsCPP Then
FileType = 1
ElseIf doc.Language = dsJava Then
FileType = 2
ElseIf doc.Language = dsIDL Then
FileType = 3
ElseIf doc.Language = dsHTML_IE3 Or doc.Language = dsHTML_RFC1866 Then
FileType = 5
ElseIf doc.Language = dsVBSMacro Then '
FileType = 6
ElseIf ext = ".def" Then
FileType = 7
FileType = 0
End If
End Function
'This routine has many uses if you are trying to determine if an identifier
' is a valid C identifier.
' These identifiers do not include qualification syntax, for example:
' foo.bar is not valid
' foo i valid
'Parameters: String to test for a valid C identifier.
'Return value: True: passed parameter is a valid C identifier.
' False: passed parameter is not a valid C identifier.
Function ValidId(Id)
ValidId = True
'Don't permit an empty string
' (how can you identify nothing with something?)
if Id = "" then
ValidID = False
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To Len(Id)
if Mid(Id, i, 1) < "a" Or Mid(Id, i, 1) > "z" Then
if Mid(Id, i, 1) < "A" Or Mid(Id, i, 1) > "Z" Then
if Mid(Id, i, 1) < "0" Or Mid(Id, i, 1) > "9" Then
if Mid(Id, i, 1) <> "_" Then
ValidId = False
End if
End If
End If
End If
If IsNumeric(Left(Id, 1)) = True Then
ValidId = False
End If
End Function
Dim ParamArr () ' Dynamic array to store function arguments.
Sub AddFunctionDescription ( )
'DESCRIPTION: Creates a comment block for the currently selected C/C++ function prototype
'Throughout this file, ActiveDocument.Selection is used in place
'of ActiveDocument.Selection.Text. The two are equivalent, and can
'be used interchangeably. The reason for the equivalence is that
'Text is regarded as the default property to use. All uses of
'ActiveDocument.Selection without any other property default to the Text
if ActiveDocument.Language = dsCPP Then
Header = StripTabs(Trim(ActiveDocument.Selection))
'Get the function return type.
if Header <> "" then
Reti = InStr(Header, " ")
Loc = InStr(Header, "(")
if Reti < Loc Then
RetTp = Left(Header, Reti)
Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Reti)
End If
'Get the function name.
Loc = InStr(Header, "(") - 1
Loc2 = InStr(Header, ")")
if Loc > 0 And Loc2 > 0 then 'make sure there is a '(' and a ')'
fcName = Left(Header, Loc)
Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Len(fcName))
'Do we have storage type on the return type?
Trim (fcName)
If InStr(fcName," ") <> 0 Then
retTp = retTp + Left(fcName,InStr (fcName," "))
fcName = Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - InStr(fcName," "))
End If
'Get the function parameters.
iPrm = 0
iPrmA = 0
prms = Header
'Count the number of parameters.
Do While InStr(prms, ",") <> 0
iPrm = iPrm + 1
prms = Right(prms, Len(prms) - InStr(prms, ","))
'Store the parameter list in the array.
If iPrm > 0 Then ' If multiple params.
iPrm = iPrm + 1
iPrmA = iPrm
Redim ParamArr(iPrm)
Do While InStr(header, ",") <> 0
ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(Header, InStr (Header, ",") - 1)
'Remove brace from first parameter.
If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), " (") <> 0 Then
ParamArr(iPrm) = Right(ParamArr(iPrm), _
Len(ParamArr(iPrm))-InStr(ParamArr(iPrm)," ("))
End If
Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - InStr(Header,","))
iPrm = iPrm - 1
ParamArr(iPrm) = Header
'Remove trailing brace from last parameter.
If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") <> 0 Then
ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(ParamArr(iPrm), _
InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") - 1)
End If
Else 'Possibly one param.
Redim ParamArr(1)
Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - 1) ' Strip the first brace.
ParamArr(1) = StripTabs(Header)
If InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") <> 1 Then
ParamArr(1) = Left(ParamArr(1), InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") - 1)
iPrmA = 1
End If
End If
'Position the cursor one line above the selected text.
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf
Descr = "// Function name : " + fcName + _
vbLf + "// Description : " + _
vbLf + "// Return type : " + RetTp + vbLf
'Print the parameter list.
Last = iPrmA
Do While iPrmA <> 0
'Remove a line feed from any of the arguments.
If InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf) <> 0 Then
ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), _
(Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - _
InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf)))
End If
ParamArr(iPrmA) = StripTabs(ParamArr(iPrmA))
'If there are 2+ parameters, the first parameter will
'have a '(' prepended to it, remove it here:
if iPrmA = Last AND Last <> 1 then
ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), _
Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - 1)
End If
Descr = Descr + "// Argument : " + _
ParamArr(iPrmA) + vbLf
iPrmA = iPrmA - 1
ActiveDocument.Selection = Descr
MsgBox("It is possible that the function you are trying to"+_
" work with has a syntax error.")
End if
End If
MsgBox("You need to have an active C/C++ document open"+ _
vbLF+"with the function prototype selected.")
End If
End Sub
'Strips the leading tab spaces.
Function StripTabs (ByVal MyStr)
Do While InStr(MyStr, vbTab) <> 0
MyStr = Right(MyStr, Len(MyStr) - InStr(MyStr, vbTab))
StripTabs = Trim(MyStr)
End Function
Sub ToggleCommentStyle ( )
'DESCRIPTION: Toggles between comment styles /* and //.
TmpBlock = ""
CmtBlock = ActiveDocument.Selection
TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)
If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then 'C/C++ style comment.
'Get the first two characters of the comment block.
If Instr(CmtBlock,"//") <> 0 Then
Do While Instr (CmtBlock,"//") <> 0
TmpBlock = TmpBlock + Left (CmtBlock, Instr (CmtBlock,"//") - 1)
CmtBlock = Right(CmtBlock, (Len(CmtBlock) - (Instr(CmtBlock,_
"//") + 1)))
CmtBlock = "/*" + TmpBlock + CmtBlock + "*/"
ElseIf Instr(CmtBlock, "/*") <> 0 Then
CmtBlock = Right(CmtBlock, Len(CmtBlock) - (Instr(CmtBlock,"/*")_
+ 1))
Do While Instr (CmtBlock, vbLf) <> 0
TmpBlock = TmpBlock + Left (CmtBlock, Instr(CmtBlock, vbLf))_
+ "//"
CmtBlock = Right(CmtBlock, (Len(CmtBlock) - (Instr(CmtBlock,_
CmtBlock = "//" + TmpBlock + Trim(CmtBlock)
CmtBlock = Left(CmtBlock, Instr(CmtBlock,"*/")-1)
End If
ActiveDocument.Selection = CmtBlock
MsgBox "This macro does not work on this type of file."
End If
End Sub
Sub AddRevisionMarks ( )
'DESCRIPTION: Adds comments to a file that describe the changes made.
'This routine adds a new comment block to the top of a file, where the
' programmer can place revision marks to describe the changes made to the file.
'The rules this routine uses are as follows:
' 1) Start at the top of the file.
' 2) Scan through each line; if the current line starts with a comment,
' advance to the next line..
' 3) If we are currently in a group comment block, keep advancing until
' the end of the block is found.
' 4) If we are in a line item comment (e.g.: //, ', rem, etc), keep advancing
' until a line that does not start with a comment is found.
' By 'start with a comment', it is meant a line, where after
' stripping off spaces and tabs from the beginning, the first set of
' characters is not a comment delimiter.
' 5) Insert a blank line; this allows the next invocation of this macro
' to place the newer revision mark before all others.
' 6) Insert the revision block.
'Change this to the programmer's name for a default.
DefaultUserName = "..."
'Because the user may not have closed a comment (e.g. a /* without a */),
' try to protect ourselves from an infinite loop...
BreakAfter = 10 'Max number of lines to look at scan before aborting
CurrentCount = 1
BeginComment = "" 'The token for the specified language for the beginning
' of a comment.
EndComment = "" 'Same, except for the end of a comment.
EveryLine = "" 'Does the comment mark need to be placed on every line
' (VBS, DEF types)?
'First, make sure the active document is a text window
' (Not really necessary, but good practice).
If ActiveDocument.Type = "Text" Then
TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)
'Set ourselves at the very top of the document.
'This also clears any selection made.
CurrText = ActiveDocument.Selection
CurrText = LTrim(CurrText)
'All of the following do relatively the same thing,
' except they look for different comment types.
If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then 'C/C++ family of code
ContSearch = True
BeginComment = "/*"
EndComment = "*/"
EveryLine = " "
'In C/C++ style code, we need to look for a //;
' if not found, then look for a /*.
ActiveDocument.Selection = CurrText
If InStr(CurrText, "//") = 1 Then 'is a "//" available?
CurrText = LTrim(ActiveDocument.Selection) 'Remove whitespace.
ContSearch = False ' Looking at // style comments,
'don't look for a /* style.
Exit Do
End If
If ContSearch = False Then
End If
'When the method ActiveDocument.Selection.SelectLine is called,
' it is the same as when you click the mouse in the margin; it
' selects the whole line, including the carriage return.
' Because of this, the cursor comes down to the next line, which
' can really confuse this algorithm. So in a number of places,
' you will see a grouping of LineUp/LineDown commands. By executing
' these commands, the cursor is moved down, which clears the current
' selection (including getting us past the carriage return),
' then moves us back up, thus putting us on the same line. This
' removesthe danger of skipping a line (which is what will
' happen without the LineUp/LineDown combination).
If ContSearch = True Then
'Prime the loop with the first line.
CurrText = ActiveDocument.Selection
'Remove leading whitespace.
CurrText = LTrim(CurrText)
'Does line start with a /*?
If InStr(CurrText,"/*") = 1 Then
while (InStr(CurrText, "*/") = 0) And _
(BreakAfter > CurrentCount)
CurrText = ActiveDocument.Selection
CurrText = LTrim(CurrText)
CurrentCount = CurrentCount + 1
If (BreakAfter > CurrentCount) Then
'Exit the loop because the search has gone on for an
' unreasonable number of lines.
MsgBox "Could not find a closing comment mark"
End If
End If
End If
'The code for these is really just a copy of that from the
' C/C++ section...
ElseIf TypeOfFile = 5 Then 'HTML code
BeginComment = "<!--"
EndComment = "-->"
EveryLine = " "
If InStr(CurrText,"<!--") = 1 Then
If InStr(CurrText,"-->") <> 0 Then
CurrText = ActiveDocument.Selection
CurrText = Left(CurrText, Len(CurrText) - 2)
ActiveDocument.Selection = CurrText + vbLf
If InStr(CurrText, "-->") Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf TypeOfFile = 6 Then 'VBS code
BeginComment = "'"
EndComment = "'"
EveryLine = "'"
ActiveDocument.Selection = CurrText
If InStr(CurrText, "'") = 1 Or _
InStr(LCase(CurrText), "Rem") = 1 Then
CurrText = LTrim(ActiveDocument.Selection)
ContSearch = False
Exit Do
End If
If ContSearch = False Then
End If
ElseIf TypeOfFile = 7 Then 'DEF code
BeginComment = ";"
EndComment = ""
EveryLine = ";"
ActiveDocument.Selection = CurrText
If InStr(CurrText, ";") = 1 Then
CurrText = LTrim(ActiveDocument.Selection)
ContSearch = False
Exit Do
End If
If ContSearch = False Then
End If
End If
If TypeOfFile = 0 Then 'Unknown type of code.
MsgBox("Unable to add revision marks. Unrecgonized file type")
ElseIf (CurrentCount < BreakAfter) Then
'The BeginComment, EveryLine, and EndComment were set as
' avoid duplicating this section...
' just insert the generalized block, with the comment markers.
'This is added with one assignment statement, which enables the user
' to hit undo once, and remove the entire change.
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + _
BeginComment + "***********************************" + vbLf + _
EveryLine + " REVISION LOG ENTRY" + vbLf + _
EveryLine + " Revision By: " + DefaultUserName + vbLf + _
EveryLine + " Revised on " + CStr(Now) + vbLf + _
EveryLine + " Comments: ..." + vbLf + _
EveryLine + "***********************************" + _
EndComment + vbLf + vbLf
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseExceptActive ()
'DESCRIPTION: Closes all editor windows except the current one.
'Windows.Item(1) is always the currently active window. So to close all
' the windows except the active one, keep looping until there is no
' longer a Windows.Item(2).
do while Windows.Count > 1
End Sub
Sub CommentOut ()
'DESCRIPTION: Comments out a selected block of text.
Dim win
set win = ActiveWindow
if win.type <> "Text" Then
MsgBox "This macro can only be run when a text editor window is active."
TypeOfFile = FileType(ActiveDocument)
If TypeOfFile > 0 And TypeOfFile < 5 Then 'C & Java use the same
'style of comments.
ActiveDocument.Selection = "/*" + ActiveDocument.Selection + "*/"
ElseIf TypeOfFile = 5 Then
ActiveDocument.Selection = "<!-- " + ActiveDocument.Selection + " -->"
ElseIf TypeOfFile = 6 Or TypeOfFile = 7 Then
'There is no group comment like there is in the other file types,
'so we need to iterate through each line, and prepend a ' to the line.
'Also, because VBS/DEF does not have a 'end the comment at this
'particular column' delimiter, entire lines of code must be
'commented out, not sections.
If TypeOfFile = 6 Then
CommentType = " ' "
CommentType = " ; "
End If
StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine
EndLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine
If EndLine < StartLine Then
Temp = StartLine
StartLine = EndLine
EndLine = Temp
End If
If EndLine = StartLine Then
ActiveDocument.Selection = CommentType + ActiveDocument.Selection
For i = StartLine To EndLine
ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine i
ActiveDocument.Selection = CommentType + _
End If
MsgBox("Unable to comment out the highlighted text" + vbLf + _
"because the file type was unrecognized." + vbLf + _
"If the file has not yet been saved, " + vbLf + _
"please save it and try again.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MultiplePaste ()
'DESCRIPTION: Performs a paste of what is on the clipboard a multiple number of times.
NumPastes = InputBox("Number of pastes to make", "Multiple Paste Macro",_
For i = 1 To CInt(NumPastes)
'Because the selection remains active, the following two lines
'clear the selection, while keeping the cursor in the same place.
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf
End Sub
Sub PrintAllOpenDocuments ()
'DESCRIPTION: Prints all open, active documents.
'Small, quick macro, but it can be usefull.
for each doc in Application.Documents
End Sub
Sub PoundDefOut (ifndef)
If ifndef = true Then
PoundType = "#ifndef "
PoundType = "#ifdef "
End If
If FileType(ActiveDocument) <> 1 Then
MsgBox ("This macro only works on" + vbLf + _
".c, .cpp, .cxx, .h, .hpp, or .hxx files")
ControlVarName = InputBox("What should the control variable be?" + _
vbLf + vbLf + "Example: #ifdef ControlVariable", PoundType + _
" out a section of code")
OK = True
If ValidId (ControlVarName) = False Then
Ok = False
MsgBox("""" + ControlVarName + """" + _
" is not a valid C identifier." + _
vbLf + "please re-run the macro with a valid C identifier")
End If
Sel = ActiveDocument.Selection
For i = 1 To Len(Sel) - 1
If Mid(Sel, i, 1) = vbLf Then
Sel = Left(Sel,i) + vbTab + Right(Sel, Len(Sel)-i)
End If
If ControlVarName <> "" And Ok = True Then
Sel = vbLf + PoundType + ControlVarName + vbLf + vbTab + Sel + _
vbLf+ "#endif //" + ControlVarName
If Right(Sel,1) <> vbLf Then
Sel = Sel + vbLf
End If
ActiveDocument.Selection = Sel
End If
End If
End Sub
'The next two macros are exactly the same, except one uses ifndef and the
' other ifdef. We recycle the same code and just use a different
' preprocessor directive.
Sub ifdefOut ()
'DESCRIPTION: #ifdef / #endif out a section of code.
PoundDefOut (False)
End Sub
Sub ifndefOut ()
'DESCRIPTION: #ifndef / #endif out a section of code.
PoundDefOut (True)
End Sub
'Allows the user to make sure the current header file is included only once.
' There are two ways to do this, using the #pragma once directive or
' surrounding the entire file in a #ifndef/#endif structure. The first way
' is much cleaner, but it is VC++ specific, and therefore not portable. If
' you plan on compiling your code with other compilers, use the
' #ifndef/#endif method, otherwise, the #pragma once option is preferrable.
Sub OneTimeInclude ()
'DESCRIPTION: Adds code to the current header file so it is included only once per c/cpp file.
ext = ActiveDocument.Name
If ext = "" Then
If MsgBox("The file you are working with does not have a file extension." + _
vbLF + "Are you sure this is a C/C++ header file?", 4) = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
ext = "nofilenamegiven.h"
End If
DocName = UCase(ext)
pos = Instr(ext, ".")
Do While pos <> 1
ext = Mid(ext, pos, (Len(ext) - pos + 1))
pos = Instr(ext, ".")
ext = LCase(ext)
pos = Instr(DocName, ".")
If ext = ".h" Or ext = ".hpp" Then
'Warn user that this will not work with a compiler other than VC++.
If MsgBox("This macro uses the Visual C++ dependant #pragma once" + _
vbLf + "Is the source to be portable across compilers?", 4) _
= 6 Then
ActiveDocument.Selection.StartOfDocument (False)
Examp = "__" + Left(DocName, pos - 1) + "_" + _
UCase(Right(ext, len(ext) - 1)) + "__"
ControlVarName = InputBox("What should the control variable be?" _
+ vbLf + vbLf + "Example: #ifdef " + _
Examp, "One time header include protection", Examp)
If ValidId (ControlVarName) = True Then
ActiveDocument.Selection = "#ifndef " + ControlVarName + _
vbLf + "#define " + ControlVarName + vbLf
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "#endif //" + _
MsgBox(ControlVarName + " is not a valid c identifier." + _
vbLf + "please re-run the macro with a valid C identifier")
End If
ActiveDocument.Selection = "#pragma once" + vbLf + vbLf
End If
MsgBox("This macro can only be run on .h or .hpp files")
End If
End Sub
'Auto completion macro
Dim previousSelection
Dim completionWords
Dim completionWordsIndex
Sub AddToCompletionWords (word)
' If the word is already there, abort
if InStr(1, completionWords, " " & word & " ", 1) <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
completionWords = completionWords & word & " "
End Sub
Function ExtractNextCompletionWord()
ExtractNextCompletionWord = ""
' If no words yet, go away
if Len(completionWords) <= 1 Then
Exit Function
End If
' Wrap to beginning if necessary
if completionWordsIndex > Len(completionWords) Then
completionWordsIndex = 2
End If
' Find next <space>
Dim newIndex
newIndex = InStr (completionWordsIndex, completionWords, " ", 0)
if newIndex = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
ExtractNextCompletionWord = Mid(completionWords, completionWordsIndex, _
completionWordsIndex = newIndex+1 'Skip over <space>
End Function
Sub FillCompletionWords (word)
' Find all words in this file which match word, and
' add them, space separated, into completionWords
previousSelection = word
completionWords = " "
completionWordsIndex = 2
dim sel
set sel = ActiveDocument.Selection
Dim searchString
searchString = "\{^\![^a-zA-Z0-9]\}" & word
Dim firstTime
firstTime = True
Dim firstLine, firstCol
Do while sel.FindText (searchString, dsMatchBackward + dsMatchRegExp)
if firstTime Then
firstLine = sel.TopLine
firstCol = sel.CurrentColumn
firstTime = False
ElseIf firstLine = sel.TopLine And firstCol = sel.CurrentColumn Then
Exit Do ' Jump out of loop before repeat
End If
sel.WordLeft dsExtend
AddToCompletionWords Trim(sel.text)
End Sub
Function SuggestNextCompletionWord()
SuggestNextCompletionWord = True
Dim word
word = ExtractNextCompletionWord()
if word <> "" then
ActiveDocument.Selection = word
previousSelection = word
end if
End Function
Sub AutoCompleteFromFile()
'DESCRIPTION: Looks through the active file, searching for the rest of the word that you began to type.
Dim doc
set doc = ActiveDocument
' Be sure active document is a text document
if doc Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
elseif doc.Type <> "Text" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Get word to be completed
Dim sel
set sel = doc.Selection
dim origLine, origCol
origLine = sel.TopLine
origCol = sel.CurrentColumn
sel.WordLeft dsExtend
'If the cursor is sitting just to the right of a space, an infinite loop
'results. This bit of code protects from that:
if Right(sel, 1) = " " then
Exit Sub
end If
if sel <> previousSelection Or completionWords = "" Then
FillCompletionWords sel
sel.MoveTo origLine, origCol
sel.WordLeft dsExtend
End If
End Sub