40003 The Visual J++ Uninstall program will not remove user-created files or files that may be used by another currently installed Microsoft Developer product.\n\nAre you sure you want to remove Visual J++ and its components?
40004 Setup has determined that this is a shared file, but it is not being used by any other applications. Do you want to remove this file?
40005 The following file is marked as read-only. Do you want to remove it?
40006 Remove Shared File
40007 File Marked as Read-Only
40008 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ files.
40009 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ Macintosh files.
40010 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ registry items.
40011 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ folder
40012 Microsoft Visual J++ is doing final cleanup.
40013 Microsoft Visual J++ Trial Edition has been removed from your system. It is recommended that you restart your machine to remove a temporary file created during uninstall.
40014 VJREMOVE.INF must exist in the same directory as VJREMOVETRIAL.EXE. Uninstall of Microsoft Visual J++ cannot continue.
40015 Missing Required File
40016 Error Reading File
40017 VJREMOVE.INF is corrupted. Uninstall of Microsoft Visual J++ cannot continue.
40018 Microsoft Developer Studio is running. You should exit Microsoft Developer Studio before continuing the Visual J++ Uninstaller application.\n\nDo you wish to continue removing Visual J++ and its components?
40022 Visual J++ Uninstall can also remove Internet Explorer.\n\nDo you wish to remove Internet Explorer?
40023 An error occurred while removing Internet Explorer.
40024 Visual J++ Uninstall can also remove the Java Class Library Source Code files (.java) from the "%1" directory.\n\nHowever, if any modifications were made to the files, they will also be lost.\n\nDo you wish to remove the source files?
40025 Visual J++ Uninstall could not remove the Java Class Library Sources.\n\nThe file "%1" could not be found on the path "%2".
40026 Visual J++ Uninstall could not remove the Java Class Library Sources.\n\nAn error occurred while executing "%1" on the path "%2".
40027 Visual J++
40028 Platform, SDK, and DDK Documentation
40029 Uninstall has detected Java class files in the "%1" directory.\n\nApplets which rely on these class files will not function properly once the class files are removed.\n\nDo you wish to remove the DAO 3.5 class files?
40030 Uninstall has detected Java class files in the "%1" directory.\n\nApplets which rely on these class files will not function properly once the class files are removed.\n\nDo you wish to remove the RDO 2.0 class files?
40031 Removing all files in DAO 3.5 trustlib directory.
40032 Removing all files in RDO 2.0 trustlib directory.