home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit Zwiz;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
- Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, FileCtrl, azip, fZip;
- type
- TfrmWizard = class(TForm)
- imgWizard: TImage;
- grpStep1: TGroupBox;
- lblArchiveName: TLabel;
- edtArchive: TEdit;
- shpLine: TShape;
- btnCancel: TSpeedButton;
- btnBack: TSpeedButton;
- btnNext: TSpeedButton;
- btnFinish: TSpeedButton;
- btnBrowse: TSpeedButton;
- grpStep2: TGroupBox;
- grpStep3: TGroupBox;
- grpStep4: TGroupBox;
- grpStep5: TGroupBox;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- grpPassword: TGroupBox;
- grpCompression: TGroupBox;
- radPathNo: TRadioButton;
- radPathYes: TRadioButton;
- radPasswordYes: TRadioButton;
- radPasswordNo: TRadioButton;
- lblPassword: TLabel;
- edtPassword: TEdit;
- radCompressNone: TRadioButton;
- radCompressMinimum: TRadioButton;
- radCompressNormal: TRadioButton;
- radCompressMaximum: TRadioButton;
- lblFiles: TLabel;
- lstFiles: TFileListBox;
- dirFiles: TDirectoryListBox;
- drvFiles: TDriveComboBox;
- btnAdd: TSpeedButton;
- btnRemove: TSpeedButton;
- lstSelected: TListBox;
- grpMultiDisk: TGroupBox;
- radMultiNo: TRadioButton;
- radMultiYes: TRadioButton;
- grpLFN: TGroupBox;
- radLFNYes: TRadioButton;
- radLFNNo: TRadioButton;
- grpComment: TGroupBox;
- radCommentNo: TRadioButton;
- radCommentYes: TRadioButton;
- mmoComment: TMemo;
- mmoSummary: TMemo;
- procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnBackClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnNextClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure edtArchiveChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnFinishClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure lstFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure dirFilesChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure radCommentNoClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure radCommentYesClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure radPasswordNoClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure radPasswordYesClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- procedure AlignGroups;
- procedure HideGroup(GroupNum : Integer);
- procedure ShowGroup(GroupNum : Integer);
- Function CheckFloppyDrives (cFileName : String) : Boolean;
- procedure DisplaySummary;
- function Trim(s : string) : string;
- procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(var MSG: Tmessage); message WM_GetMinMaxInfo;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- frmWizard: TfrmWizard;
- m_iStep : Integer;
- Const m_cMaxSteps = 5;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Close;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- begin
- Action := caFree;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- I := addZIP_SetParentWindowHandle(frmWizard.Handle);
- m_iStep := 1;
- AlignGroups;
- grpStep1.Visible := True;
- grpStep2.Visible := False;
- grpStep3.Visible := False;
- grpStep4.Visible := False;
- grpStep5.Visible := False;
- mmoSummary.Color := clBtnFace;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.AlignGroups;
- begin
- grpStep2.Top := GrpStep1.Top;
- grpStep2.Left := GrpStep1.Left;
- grpStep2.Width := GrpStep1.Width;
- grpStep2.Height := GrpStep1.height;
- grpStep3.Top := GrpStep1.Top;
- grpStep3.Left := GrpStep1.Left;
- grpStep3.Width := GrpStep1.Width;
- grpStep3.Height := GrpStep1.height;
- grpStep4.Top := GrpStep1.Top;
- grpStep4.Left := GrpStep1.Left;
- grpStep4.Width := GrpStep1.Width;
- grpStep4.Height := GrpStep1.height;
- grpStep5.Top := GrpStep1.Top;
- grpStep5.Left := GrpStep1.Left;
- grpStep5.Width := GrpStep1.Width;
- grpStep5.Height := GrpStep1.height;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnBackClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (m_iStep > 1) Then
- begin
- HideGroup(m_iStep);
- If (m_iStep = m_cMaxSteps) Then
- btnNext.Enabled := True;
- m_iStep := m_iStep - 1;
- If (m_iStep = 1) Then
- btnBack.Enabled := False;
- ShowGroup(m_iStep);
- End;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.HideGroup(GroupNum : Integer);
- begin
- case GroupNum of { which group to disable }
- 1 : begin
- grpStep1.Visible := False
- end;
- 2 : begin
- grpStep2.Visible := False
- end;
- 3 : begin
- grpStep3.Visible := False
- end;
- 4 : begin
- grpStep4.Visible := False
- end;
- 5 : begin
- grpStep5.Visible := False
- end;
- end; { case }
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.ShowGroup(GroupNum : Integer);
- begin
- case GroupNum of { which group to disable }
- 1 : begin
- grpStep1.Visible := True
- end;
- 2 : begin
- grpStep2.Visible := True
- end;
- 3 : begin
- grpStep3.Visible := True
- end;
- 4 : begin
- grpStep4.Visible := True
- end;
- 5 : begin
- grpStep5.Visible := True
- end;
- end; { case }
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnNextClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (m_iStep < m_cMaxSteps) Then
- begin
- HideGroup(m_iStep);
- If (m_iStep = 1) Then
- btnBack.Enabled := True;
- If (Pos(':', edtArchive.Text) > 0) Then
- begin
- If CheckFloppyDrives(edtArchive.Text) = False Then
- begin
- grpMultiDisk.Enabled := False;
- radMultiNo.Enabled := False;
- radMultiYes.Enabled := False;
- end
- Else
- begin
- grpMultiDisk.Enabled := True;
- radMultiNo.Enabled := True;
- radMultiYes.Enabled := True;
- end
- end
- Else
- begin
- grpMultiDisk.Enabled := False;
- radMultiNo.Enabled := False;
- radMultiYes.Enabled := False;
- End
- End;
- m_iStep := m_iStep + 1;
- If (m_iStep = m_cMaxSteps) Then
- begin
- btnNext.Enabled := False;
- DisplaySummary;
- End;
- ShowGroup(m_iStep);
- End;
- Function TfrmWizard.CheckFloppyDrives (cFileName : String) : Boolean;
- var
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- pFileName : PChar;
- wResult : Word;
- {$ELSE}
- Drive : String;
- DriveNumber, wResult : Word;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- CheckFloppyDrives := False;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- pFileName := StrAlloc(2);
- StrPCopy(pFileName, Copy(UpperCase(cFileName), 1, 1));
- wResult := GetDriveType(pFileName);
- StrDispose(pFileName);
- {$ELSE}
- Drive := UpperCase(Copy(cFileName, 1, 1));
- DriveNumber := Ord(Drive[1]) - 65; {Drive must be upper case}
- wResult := Word(GetDriveType(DriveNumber));
- {$ENDIF}
- If wResult = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then
- CheckFloppyDrives := True;
- End;
- procedure TfrmWizard.DisplaySummary;
- var
- sSummary : String;
- I : Integer;
- sFill : array[1..10] of Char;
- begin
- sFill := ' ';
- mmoSummary.Clear;
- sSummary := 'Compress the following ' + IntToStr(lstSelected.Items.Count) + ' file';
- If (lstSelected.items.Count > 1) Then
- sSummary := sSummary + 's';
- sSummary := sSummary + ' to the archive ' + edtArchive.Text + '.';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add('');
- For I := 0 To lstSelected.items.Count - 1 do
- begin
- sSummary := sFill + lstSelected.Items[I];
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- end;
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add('');
- sSummary := 'Selected options ';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radPathYes.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Full path information saved'
- Else
- sSummary := sFill + 'Only filenames saved';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radPasswordYes.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will be encrypted'
- Else
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will not be encrypted';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radCompressNone.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will be stored without compression'
- Else If (radCompressMinimum.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will hame minimum compressed'
- Else If (radCompressNormal.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will have normal compression'
- Else
- sSummary := sFill + 'Files will have maximum compression';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radMultiYes.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Archive may span multiple disks'
- Else
- sSummary := sFill + 'Archive will not span disks';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radLFNYes.Checked = True) Then
- sSummary := sFill + 'Long filenames will be stored'
- Else
- sSummary := sFill + 'Short (8.3) filenames will be stored';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- If (radCommentYes.Checked = True) Then
- begin
- sSummary := sFill + 'Archive will have a comment added';
- mmoSummary.Lines.Add(sSummary);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.edtArchiveChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (Length(edtArchive.Text) = 0) Then
- btnNext.Enabled := False
- Else
- btnNext.Enabled := True;
- end;
- {Supresses leading and trailing blanks}
- function TfrmWizard.Trim(s : string) : string;
- var
- sLen : byte absolute s;
- begin
- while (sLen>0) and (s[1] in [' ',^I]) do
- Delete(s,1,1);
- while (sLen>0) and (s[sLen] in [' ',^I]) do
- Dec(sLen);
- result:=s;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnFinishClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (grpStep5.Visible = False) Then
- begin
- DisplaySummary;
- HideGroup(m_iStep);
- ShowGroup(m_cMaxSteps);
- m_iStep := m_cMaxSteps;
- End;
- with TfrmZip.Create(Application) do
- try
- sArchiveName := edtArchive.Text;
- ShowModal;
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- Close;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnAddClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- sFilename : String;
- begin
- sFilename := lstFiles.Filename;
- lstSelected.Items.Add(LowerCase(sFilename));
- If (lstSelected.items.Count = 1) Then
- begin
- btnNext.Enabled := True;
- btnFinish.Enabled := True;
- btnRemove.Enabled := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- lstSelected.Items.Delete(lstSelected.ItemIndex);
- If (lstSelected.Items.Count = 0) Then
- begin
- btnNext.Enabled := False;
- btnFinish.Enabled := False;
- btnRemove.Enabled := False;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.lstFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- btnAdd.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.dirFilesChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- btnAdd.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.radCommentNoClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (radCommentNo.Checked = True) Then
- mmoComment.Enabled := False;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.radCommentYesClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (radCommentYes.Checked = True) Then
- mmoComment.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.radPasswordNoClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (radPasswordNo.Checked = True) Then
- begin
- edtPassword.Enabled := False;
- lblPassword.Enabled := False;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.radPasswordYesClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- If (radPasswordYes.Checked = True) Then
- begin
- edtPassword.Enabled := True;
- lblPassword.Enabled := True;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- with TOpenDialog.Create(Self) do
- try
- Title := 'Enter a name for a .ZIP archive';
- Filename := '';
- InitialDir := ExtractFilepath(Application.ExeName);
- DefaultExt := '.ZIP';
- Filter := 'ZIP Files (*.ZIP)|*.ZIP|All Files (*.*)|*.*';
- FilterIndex := 1;
- HelpContext := 0;
- Options := Options + [ofPathMustExist];
- if Execute then
- begin
- If Trim(Filename) <> '' Then
- edtArchive.Text := Filename
- Else
- edtArchive.Text := '';
- End
- Else
- edtArchive.Text := ''
- finally
- Free
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfrmWizard.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var MSG: Tmessage);
- Begin
- inherited;
- with PMinMaxInfo(MSG.lparam)^ do
- begin
- with ptMaxTrackSize do
- begin
- X := 504;
- Y := 420;
- end;
- with ptMinTrackSize do
- begin
- X := 504;
- Y := 420;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.