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- //
- // File : test16.cpp
- // Description : test the 16-bit addZIP Compression Libraries
- //
- // Copyright ⌐ 1996 Stephen Darlington. All rights reserved.
- //
- // You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
- // distribute this (and any other) example file (or any modified
- // version) in any way you find useful, provided that you agree
- // that Stephen Darlington has no warranty obligations or liability.
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include "azip.h"
- #include "aunzip.h"
- #include "ntfy_box.h"
- int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
- char *cTitle = "Test for 16-bit addZIP Compression Library";
- char cMessage[1000];
- char *cArchive = "TEST16.ZIP";
- char cFiles[256];
- char cWinDir[256];
- int iReturn;
- GetWindowsDirectory((LPSTR)cWinDir, sizeof(cWinDir));
- wsprintf(cMessage, "This is a simple test for the 16-bit addZIP Compression Libraries. \
- Please follow the on-screen prompts.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?");
- if (MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return 0;
- //
- // STEP 1 - adding files
- //
- wsprintf(cFiles, "%s\\*.INI", cWinDir);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Step 1: adding %s to %s.\n\nThis will use the default compression \
- (COMPRESSION_NORMAL), save full path information (SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATH) and query the user \
- if the file already exists in the archive (OVERWRITE_QUERY).\n\nDo you wish to proceed?", cFiles, cArchive);
- if (MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return 0;
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Compressing %s to %s ...", cFiles, cArchive);
- NotifyBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, hInstance);
- addZIP_ArchiveName(cArchive);
- // the following are commented out because they are redundant when using the
- // default values
- //addZIP_Overwrite(OVERWRITE_QUERY);
- //addZIP_SetCompressionLevel(COMPRESSION_NORMAL);
- //addZIP_SaveStructure(SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATH);
- addZIP_Include(cFiles);
- iReturn = addZIP();
- NotifyBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "%i files matching %s successfully compressed to %s. \
- You may want to examine the .ZIP archive at this point, or click OK to proceed.",
- iReturn, cFiles, cArchive);
- MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_OK);
- //
- // STEP 2
- //
- wsprintf(cFiles, "%s\\*.BMP", cWinDir);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Step 2: adding %s to %s.\n\nThis will use the maximum compression \
- (COMPRESSION_MAXIMUM), save no path information (SAVE_FILENAME_ONLY) and query the user \
- if the file already exists in the archive (OVERWRITE_QUERY).\n\nDo you wish to proceed?", cFiles, cArchive);
- if (MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return 0;
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Compressing %s to %s ...", cFiles, cArchive);
- NotifyBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, hInstance);
- addZIP_ArchiveName(cArchive);
- //addZIP_Overwrite(OVERWRITE_QUERY);
- addZIP_SetCompressionLevel(COMPRESSION_MAXIMUM);
- addZIP_SaveStructure(SAVE_FILENAME_ONLY);
- addZIP_Include(cFiles);
- iReturn = addZIP();
- NotifyBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "%i files matching %s successfully compressed to %s. \
- You may want to examine the .ZIP archive at this point, or click OK to proceed.",
- iReturn, cFiles, cArchive);
- MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_OK);
- //
- // STEP 3 - deleting files
- //
- wsprintf(cFiles, "%s\\*.INI", cWinDir);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Step 3: deleting %s from %s.\n\nThis will remove only those files \
- matching %s and will ignore files that match *.INI.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?", cFiles, cArchive, cFiles);
- if (MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return 0;
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Deleting %s from %s ...", cFiles, cArchive);
- NotifyBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, hInstance);
- addZIP_ArchiveName(cArchive);
- addZIP_Include(cFiles);
- addZIP_Delete(TRUE);
- iReturn = addZIP();
- NotifyBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "%i files matching %s successfully deleted from %s. \
- You may want to examine the .ZIP archive at this point, or click OK to proceed.",
- iReturn, cFiles, cArchive);
- MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_OK);
- //
- // STEP 4 - extracting files
- //
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Step 4: extracting all files from %s.\n\nThis step will decompress all \
- the files from the .ZIP archive to the C:\TEMP directory (which will be created if it \
- does not already exist). All stored path information will be ignored.\
- \n\nDo you wish to proceed?", cArchive);
- if (MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return 0;
- wsprintf(cMessage, "Extracting *.* from %s ...", cArchive);
- NotifyBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, hInstance);
- addUNZIP_ArchiveName(cArchive);
- addUNZIP_Include("*.*");
- addUNZIP_ExtractTo("c:\\temp");
- iReturn = addUNZIP();
- NotifyBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- wsprintf(cMessage, "%i files successfully extracted to C:\\TEMP.\n\n\
- This ends the test of the addZIP Compression Libraries. The archive %s will be deleted when \
- you click OK.", iReturn);
- MessageBox(NULL, cMessage, cTitle, MB_OK);
- unlink(cArchive);
- return 0;
- }