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- Welcome to the Paper Revolution!(TM)
- PaperDisk is remarkably easy to use. You select a
- number of computer files, and PaperDisk will create
- special patterns representing them. These patterns can then
- be attached to documents, or faxed. The recipient then
- scans in these patterns with an off-the-shelf scanner, and
- PaperDisk will extract and store the original files on the
- reader's PC.
- PaperDisk extends the power of digital attachments
- beyond e-mail to ordinary mail and all paper documents.
- And 95% of all information is communicated on paper, not
- electronically.
- PaperDisk delivers ANY kind of computer file, and in
- its original pristine state, perfect to the last bit. If the file is
- a word processing file, then it will arise on the recipient's
- screen with all fonts, formatting and text perfect. If a
- printed document refers to information in a database or in a
- spreadsheet, PaperDisk can print those files along with the
- document.
- PaperDisk can encode 200+ pages of a text document
- on a single side of a printed page. The density of
- information depends on the precision of the printer and
- scanner.
- The files themselves can be encrypted, so that no one
- can read the information on the printed page unless they
- possess the password. This makes it possible to include
- information in a report that might conventionally be left
- out because it is confidential. It also allows you to send
- faxes that are confidential, without concern about who may
- be present at the receiving end to view the fax.
- PaperDisk forges the link between the most pervasive
- communication medium -- paper -- and the digital world.
- Its potential is vast: in fundamental cases, it will solve the
- ease-of-use problem with computer technology. With a
- simple scan, a user might command all the resources of the
- Internet, computer telephony and fax, electronic
- appliances, and multimedia. PaperDisk promises to become
- a ubiquitious, central technology in the digital revolution --
- from electronic commerce, to publishing, to direct mail, to
- advertising, to electronic forms, to assisting the visually
- impaired. To find out more about PaperDisk, visit our web
- site at:
- www.paperdisk.com.
- The zip file paperdsk.zip, should, when unzipped, produce
- the following files:
- read1st.txt
- vendor.doc
- setup.exe
- papd.z
- setup.pkg
- setup.ins
- setup.lgo
- ~ins0762.lib
- To install, place all these files in a single directory, and run
- setup.exe from Windows.
- To uninstall, you should:
- 1. remove the entire contents of the PaperDisk home
- directory (which by default is c:\paperdsk)
- 2. remove the PaperDisk group (if Windows 3.1) or
- remove the PaperDisk start menu program (if Windows 95)
- 3. and (if desired) remove the entries in win.ini
- grouped under the [PaperDisk] entry
- To print a PaperDisk pattern (called a DataTile), press
- the Create DataTile button, and select the files you wish to
- encode. By default, the DataTile so created can be decoded
- by a 300 dpi , 256 gray scale scanner. It will also be narrow
- enough that it can be decoded by a hand held scanner. If
- you have in mind to use only flatbed scanners, go to the
- Data Format dialog and turn off the checkbox for hand held
- scanners. This will create DataTiles that span the width of
- the page.
- Press the "Scan, decode" button. Scan in the DataTile
- at the appropriate resolution, being sure to keep a margin of
- white space of 1/4" on all sides. The scan must be 256 gray
- scale.
- The "Open, decode" and "Open, decode, run" buttons
- are not functional in the shareware version: these would
- allow you to decode an image file or a fax file.
- For more details, see the Getting Started section in the
- on-line help.
- PC compatible, 386 or above
- Windows 3.1+, or Windows 95
- 10 MB hard disk space
- 4MB RAM (8MB strongly recommended)
- Supported printers:
- 300x300 dpi, 600x600 dpi, or 1200x1200 dpi laser
- printer
- 300x300 dpi or 360x360 dpi inkjet printer
- standard fax machines
- Supported scanners:
- TRUE 256 gray scale scanner 300, 400, or 600 dpi
- optical
- Sheetfed (binary mode) 200+ dpi optical
- TWAIN compliant strongly recommended
- fax machine as scanner
- (NOT supported:
- most binary scanners, emulated gray scale
- scanners, 32 gray scale scanners, hand held
- scanners that attach to laptops)