64 Delrina WinFax PRO for Networks Server and User
65 Delrina WinFax PRO for Networks Server
66 Delrina WinFax PRO for Networks User
67 Delrina WinFax LITE 3.1
68 Delrina WinFax PRO 3.0
69 Delrina WinFax PRO 3.0 with Services
70 Delrina WinFax PRO 4.0
71 Server
72 User
73 Delrina WinFax Scanner 4.0
74 ExePath
75 Version
76 WinFax PRO 7.0
77 Cover Path
78 Software\Delrina\DelFax
79 Software\Delrina
80 MajorVersion
81 MinorVersion
82 Invalid Folder or Directory
83 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
84 RegisteredOwner
85 RegisteredOrganization
86 Please type your name.
87 Please specify a program group name.
88 CurrentVersion
89 Uninstall
90 You cannot install WinFax PRO 8.0 on Windows 3.1.
91 You cannot install WinFax PRO 8.0 on a Windows NT version earlier than 3.5.
92 Type your country code.
93 Type your area code.
94 Please enter a valid registration number.
96 Install New Modem
97 Modem Properties
98 Select a modem.
99 Idenify Modem: %s
100 Setup cannot automatically reconcile this Windows 95 installed modem in its internal database. Please select the closest match.
101 CommSuite
102 7.0
103 Extra Path Starting Point
104 Fax Path
105 Cover Path
106 Comm Info Starting Point
107 ComPort
108 Fax Device
109 ModemModel
110 Modem
111 Terminate
112 ModemDesc
113 ModemMaxRate
114 Modem Minimum Rate
115 Modem Tag
116 Retry Time
117 HdwFlowControl
118 Dial Control
119 Dial Mode
120 Speaker Mode
121 Volume
122 Max Tx Rate
123 Min Tx Rate
124 ECMFaxSend
125 ECMFaxReceive
126 imodemclass
127 imodeminit
128 imodemdesc
129 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
130 WinFax PRO 7.5
131 7.5
132 ProgramGroup
133 Type your long distance access code.
134 Long distance access code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
135 Type your international access code.
136 International access code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
150 You cannot install WinFax PRO 8.0 on a Windows 95 version earlier than build 950.
151 MailProgram
152 UploadPath
153 DownloadPath
154 WinComm PRO 7.0
155 7.0
156 There is not enough disk space on the drive(s) you selected.
157 %s is being used by process %s.\n\nPlease close all other programs before continuing.
158 There is no modem installed. Do you want to continue Setup?
159 To exit Setup, click Cancel.
160 There is a voice modem present on your system.\n\nYou may want to install TalkWorks.
161 There is currently no voice modem installed on your system. Do you still want to install TalkWorks?
162 Do you want to exit Setup?
165 DialLocalArea
166 DialCountry
167 DialIntl
168 DialLongDis
169 FaxNumber
170 VoiceNumber
171 DialUsePrefix
172 CSID
173 Delrina WinFax LITE 4.0
174 Delrina WinFax LITE 4.0 with Voice
175 Locations
176 Your program group name contains invalid character. Please type a new one.
177 Location0
178 7.0
179 CommonPath
180 Direct Connect (Cabled)
181 SharedDLLs
182 WinComm LITE
183 Version
184 Delrina WinComm LITE 1.0
185 Delrina WinComm LITE 1.1
186 7.0
187 Registration
188 Address1
189 Address2
190 city
191 state
192 zip
193 country
194 phone
195 fax numb
196 email
197 Setup cannot communicate with Windows. Please reboot your system and run Setup again.
198 File Section
199 Symantec\Common\
200 Country code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
201 Area code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
202 Unable to open EULA txt file
203 Setup Error
204 Setup Warning
205 Unable to launch the Modem Control Panel
206 Cyberjack 7.0
207 CommSuite 95
208 Failed to load REGLIB32.DLL
209 OpenProcessToken Error #%d
210 AdjustTokenPrivileges Error #%d
211 Error ExitWindows Error #%d
212 Failed to enumerate keys under %s
213 Internal Setup Error.\n\nRun Setup later to install WinFax PRO.
214 Setup is not complete.\n\nRun Setup later to install WinFax PRO.
216 WinFax PRO for Networks
217 CAS
218 NET SatisFAXtion
219 LAN
220 Phonebooks
221 WinFax PRO for Networks Active Users
222 Path
224 Comment
225 WinFax PRO for Networks current active user list
226 Type
227 Read Only
228 Existing
229 GUID
230 WinFax PRO 8.0
233 MTDOS.386
236 Monitoring Tool
238 User Configuration
239 Load DLLs
240 Unload DLLs
241 Delrina CommServer 1.0
242 CAS/NET SatisFAXtion
243 ISDN
244 Faxnode
245 If you previously used FAXability to send and receive faxes with NET SatisFAXtion, you cannot run FAXability and WinFax at the same time.\n\nIf FAXability is in your Startup group, we strongly recommend you remove it.
246 Profiles
247 Start Menu
248 Programs
249 LocalExePath
250 Install New Modem Type
252 CTL3D32.DLL
253 %s is not installed properly. Do you want to try again?
254 Active modem is not installed with WinFax. Please go to Setup | Modem to choose a new modem after installation.
255 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Program Manager\UNICODE Groups