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234 lines
486/66 or better processor
8 mb RAM (16 recommended)
Windows 95 (or 3.1)
To install the demo, double-click on
HOTWDEMO.EXE. Answer yes to all questions.
This will create a directory on your hard drive
called \HOTWDEMO
To run the demo, click on HOTW.EXE from
the \HOTWDEMO directory. If your Windows is not
configured to view file extensions, you may
see two HOTW files. In this case, click on the
first one.
We recommend playing the demo in 800 x 600
resolution at 256 colors. Running in 16-bit
and 32-bit color will slow the game down
Welcome to the History of the World demo!
History of the World is based on Avalon Hill's
classic boardgame of the same name. If you're
familiar with the boardgame, you'll probably
be able to jump right into the game. If not,
please follow these instructions to get a feel
for the game.
History of the World takes place from the
beginning of civilization and goes all the way
to the modern era -- the beginning of World
War I. Unlike other games where you take control
of a single empire, in HOTW, you take control
of several empires.
There are seven EPOCHS in the game, each of which
represents a several hundred years. During each
epoch, each player receives an empire. He plays
it, and once that epoch is over, he never controls
it again. In the demo, there are only two playable
Click on HOTW.EXE (or just HOTW) to start the game.
You'll be presented with a TIPS box, which you can
Close. Or you can scroll through it for additional
Now go to the GAME menu and select NEW GAME. You'll
be shown the starting game screen with 3 players,
two of which are computer controlled. That's fine,
so select OK to proceeed (you can rename the players
whatever you want). The demo will let you play
Now it's time to divy out the empires for the Epoch.
A player is given one "Empire Card." You'll see in
the bottom corner which Empire you drew. You can now
elect to KEEP it, or PASS it to another player.
Some empires are better than others. You can see
all the Empires that may come up in a game to the
bottom-left of the empire screen. Look at the
STRENGTHS for a good comparison. You'll see that in
Epoch One, Egypt and the Aryans are the strongest.
If you get another empire, you may want to Pass
it to another player, in which case he'll be forced
to keep it!
As the game progresses, the strongest player draws
last, so he's more likely to be passed weaker
empires. Likewise, weak players are often given
stronger empires. In Epoch 2, if you're doing well,
a computer player may give you a really weak
empire to handicap you!
If you're passed an empire, you must pass the empire
that you draw to another player, since you were
already given one.
Once everyone has received an empire, the Epoch begins.
The computer players may go first -- the order
depends on which Empire each player receives.
When it's your turn, the map will change to your
starting land (it will blink Start Land) and pass
control to you.
First, you must START YOUR EMPIRE. Click on the
castle on the upper-right part of the screen, right
below your name.
Each Empire receives a certain amount of armies,
which is the same as the Empire's Strength. You
can see how many armies you receive on the
Empire box. Look right below the icon of the ship
on the upper-right part of the screen. You'll
see a number next to a square counter of your color
(probably red). That's how many armies you can
use during this epoch.
Once you start your Empire, one army will automatically
be used to begin your Empire.
Now it's time to take over the world. Click on the
red counter in the Empire box. Your pointer will
become an army unit. Place this army unit (by clicking)
in any land ADJACENT to your starting land. You must
always place an army next to another army -- if you
start in China you can't place an army in America!
If you place an army in a land with an enemy army,
combat will happen. Attackers usually win, but
be careful. Attacking over forests, mountains,
and the Great Wall is difficult.
Scattered on the map are Resources -- an icon
of a shovel and pick. If you conquer TWO
resources (have an army in that land), your
people build you a monument. This gives you
a higher score.
You'll see the scores down below (if using
Win 95, you may have to slide your Start Menu
bar down). You receive 1 point for
having an army in an area (areas are
colored different colors) and more
if you have three armies in an area, and
the maximum if you have every land in
an area conquered. How many points you
receive depends on the land and the Epoch.
Europe is always worth a lot of points.
The Middle East is worth a lot at first,
but as the game progresses, it becomes
less valuable.
Each land can only hold 3 armies. Grouping
armies together in a single land is an
excellent way to protect valuables, such
as capitals and monuments.
If your empire has Navigation, the boat
below the army unit will be highlighted.
If this is highlighted, you MUST place a
ship unit (which gives you a point). You
may only place ships in the seas that are
listed in the Empire window.
Once you've placed all your army units, click
Next Turn (the blue arrow icon right next to the
disk -- in the top left corner).
Now you know the basics. The key to the game,
however, lies in the Event Cards.
The Event card window lies right below the Empire
window. Here you'll see several cards that you
can play during the course of the game. At your
command will be Leaders, Weaponry, Disasters,
and more.
To scroll through your Event cards, click
NEXT or PREV in the Event window. If you
see one you want to play, click PLAY. Note
that many Events can only be played before you
start your Empire. Likewise, many events can
be played only during certain Epochs.
Knowing when to use these Events is key to
game. Once you use the Event, you won't
be able to use it again.
You can only play two Events per Epoch.
You'll get a good taste of the full game with
this demo. Keep in mind that in a full, seven
Epoch game, the world becomes much more
crowded and hostile!
The full game includes:
- Videos for each Event card
- CD quality music for each Epoch.
- Voice tutorial that teaches the intricies of
the game.
- Over 50 empires and over 60 events.
- High score table to record the scores.
- Play by e-mail for internet play.
- Extensive help files.
- Encyclopedia which details all of the game's empires.
- A strong AI which never cheats!
- A 50 page full-color, illustrated manual and a foldout
- The Avalon Hill Compendium, a complete catalog of demos,
updates, and previews for upcoming games, such as
If the game runs slowly, turn off the Sound Effects.
You can also speed up the game by turning off
Smooth Scrolling.
If you are using Windows 3.1, increasing your Virtual
Memory to 16 mb will also enhance performance.
To order, visit your local retail store. Or you can
order directly from us. Call 1-800-999-3222. We also
have an online catalog and store at http://www.avalonhill.com.
For assistance or questions, e-mail AHGAMES@AOL.COM.