The screen saver is a self-contained program which will run if you double-click on it. Just move the mouse to quit.
Use Screen Genie so that the screen saver will come on when your computer is not in use. Get a copy from the Raft Toolchest. Add the screen saver to Screen Genie's faders folder, double-click on Screen Genie, and select it under "User Settings..." in the File menu.
If the screen saver quits unexpectedly, it may need more memory: click once on its icon, select "Get Info" under the File menu, and change the minimum size.
The ScreenSaver was programmed and designed by Mark Weber and Mark Gaved.
Any suggestions, get in touch with the Raft.
The ScreenSaver was programmed and designed by Mark Weber and Mark Gaved,
and is accessed from the Raft Internet site. It was created in Macromedia
Hope you enjoy it.
Any suggestions, get in touch with the Raft, whose Web pages are found
at ""
Heavy Duty Legal Notice!
Whilst every effort has been made to make this software compatible with your computer the author of this application accepts no responsibility for any damage resulting from its use and makes no warranty guarantee or representation either express or implied as to its merchantibility or fitness for any purpose.