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- 1 View
- 2 Preview
- 3 Move to
- 4 Copy to
- 5 Delete
- 6 Rename
- 8 Describe
- 9 Launch - Open
- 10 Launch - Edit
- 11 Launch - Print
- 12 About
- 13 Help
- 14 Refresh
- 15 Options
- 16 Up One Level
- 17 Browse
- 18 Previous Image
- 19 Next Image
- 20 Stop/Resume Slideshow
- 21 Reload
- 22 Print
- 23 Zoom In
- 24 Zoom Out
- 25 Desktop Wallpaper
- 26 Large Icons
- 27 Small Icons
- 28 List
- 29 Details
- 30 Name*
- 31 Size*
- 32 Type*
- 33 Modified*
- 34 Image Properties*
- 35 Description*
- 36 Thumbnails
- 37 Open
- 38 Previous page in document
- 39 Next page in document
- 100 Copying files...
- 101 Moving files...
- 102 Copy files
- 103 Move files
- 104 Replace
- 105 Skip
- 106 Rename
- 107 Ask
- 108 Choose destination folder.
- 109 Do you want to remove all items from\nthe recently used folders list?
- 110 Remove all
- 112 Copying file:\n\n%s
- 113 Moving file:\n\n%s
- 114 Files left: %d
- 115 Copy of %s
- 116 Copy (%d) of %s
- 500 Error getting full path name.
- 501 Source and destination directories\nmust be different
- 502 Can't write to "%s":\n\n
- 503 The specified directory does not exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
- 504 Access to the specified location is denied
- 505 The disk is write-protected.
- 506 The drive is not ready or there is no disk in the drive.
- 507 The path name is invalid.
- 508 A file with the specified name already exists.
- 509 You must specify an image to print.
- 510 Cannot open : %s
- 511 This application will only run properly under\nWindows 95 or Windows NT version 4.0 or later.
- 512 The application requires that your video display\nbe configured to support no less than 256 colours.
- 513 ACDSee 32 has not been properly installed. Please install ACDSee 32 from the master disc.
- 514 The image could not be copied.
- 515 Copy failure
- 20100 View the selected images in full size.
- 20101 Show a preview of the selected image.
- 20103 Copies the selected items to the clipboard. Use Paste to put them to the new location.
- 20104 Rename the selected file.
- 20105 Delete the selected files. Shift->No recycle bin Ctrl->No Confirmation
- 20107 Edit the description for the selected file.
- 20108 Open the file using the associated editing application.
- 20110 Refresh the contents of the folder tree, file list and shortcuts list
- 20112 Customize by changing software options.
- 20113 About this software.
- 20114 Display on-line help table of contents.
- 20115 Close this application.
- 20116 Open the file using the default associated application.
- 20117 Change into the parent folder.
- 20119 Show files using large icons.
- 20120 Show files using small icons.
- 20121 Show files using a small icon list.
- 20122 Show verbose information about each file.
- 20123 Sort files by name.
- 20124 Sort files by size.
- 20125 Sort files by type.
- 20126 Sort files by creation time.
- 20127 Sort files by image dimensions.
- 20128 Sort files by description.
- 20129 Sort files in ascending order.
- 20130 Sort files in descending order.
- 20131 Show or hide the size column in details view.
- 20132 Show or hide the type column in details view.
- 20133 Show or hide the modified column in details view.
- 20134 Show or hide the image properties column in details view.
- 20135 Show or hide the description column in details view.
- 20136 Print the selected images.
- 20137 Automatically display a preview whenever an image is selected.
- 20138 Automatically size the preview image to fit the allowable area.
- 20139 Display the preview image at 100% size.
- 20140 Display the preview image at 50% size.
- 20141 Display the preview image at 25% size.
- 20142 Display the preview image at 1/8 size.
- 20144 Open the selected file(s).
- 20145 Set the desktop wallpaper to the selected image.
- 20147 Show previous image in view list.
- 20148 Show next image in view list.
- 20149 Toggle full-screen mode.
- 20150 Start or stop the slide show.
- 20151 Reopen image.
- 20152 Increase magnification.
- 20153 Decrease magnification.
- 20154 Switch to Browser mode.
- 20156 Hide or show files that are not recognized as images.
- 20157 Stop background processing of thumbnails and/or image headers.
- 20158 Show the selected image in a new window.
- 20160 Select all files.
- 20161 Show first image in view list.
- 20162 Show last image in view list.
- 20163 Minimize the window to the task bar.
- 20164 Sort files by MS-DOS extension.
- 20165 Automatically adjust the width of the columns to match the data.
- 20166 Set the default associated application for the selected filetype.
- 20167 Set the associated editing application for the selected filetype.
- 20168 Alternate the preview image size between 100% and automatic.
- 20169 Show image files using thumbnail icons.
- 20171 Change into the folder specified in the path box.
- 20205 Set the desktop wallpaper to the selected image (centered).
- 20206 Set the desktop wallpaper to the selected image (tiled).
- 20208 Revert to original desktop wallpaper.
- 20210 Enter your registration code and unlock this software.
- 20218 Show or hide the status bar.
- 20222 Show next page of a multi-page image.
- 20223 Show previous page of a multi-page image.
- 20224 Show first page of a multi-page image.
- 20225 Show last page of a multi-page image.
- 20231 Show or hide the tool bar.
- 20233 Magnify image to fit screen or window.
- 20234 Show image at 100% magnification.
- 20239 Show or hide the folder tree.
- 20241 Show or hide the preview image area.
- 20244 Display the preview image to the left of the file list and below the folder tree.
- 20245 Display the preview image below the file list.
- 20246 Display the preview image to the right of the file list and below the shortcuts.
- 20247 Show or hide the shortcuts list.
- 20248 Change into the selected shortcut folder.
- 20249 Show or hide the menu bar.
- 20250 Remove image from the view list.
- 20252 Remove all images from the view list.
- 20255 Create a new subfolder within the current folder.
- 20256 Automatically refresh the file list as the files change.
- 20257 Add one or more images to the view list.
- 20258 Print image.
- 20259 Copies the image to the clipboard.
- 20261 Delete image. Shift->No recycle bin Ctrl->No Confirmation
- 20262 Rename image.
- 20263 Edit image description.
- 20264 Use this image for the desktop wallpaper.
- 20265 Use this image for the desktop wallpaper (centered).
- 20266 Use this image for the desktop wallpaper (tiled).
- 20267 Remove the desktop wallpaper.
- 20268 Convert the selected images to a different image format.
- 20270 Show the next image in the slide show sequence.
- 20271 Visit ACD Systems' Web Site using the default Web Browser.
- 20273 Show the previous image in the slide show sequence.
- 20276 Adjust the print settings.
- 20279 Show or hide the current folder path.
- 20280 Displays a list of keyboard shortcuts.
- 20283 Inserts the files on the clipboard into the image list.
- 20285 Copy the selected files to another folder.
- 20286 Inserts the items you have cut or copied into the selected location.
- 20287 Removes the selected items and copies them to the clipboard. Use Paste to move them to the new location.
- 20288 Move the selected files to another folder.
- 20290 Copy image to another folder.
- 20291 Move image to another folder.
- 20292 Views all images immediately within the selected items.
- 20293 Generate an ASCII text listing for the contents of the file list.
- 20295 Views all images within the selected items or their decendents.
- 20296 Start background processing of thumbnails and/or image headers.
- 20297 Copies the image to the clipboard.
- 30000 Launch the selected file using the associated application.