home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name : export_.c
- // Date : 13.01.1997 Author : SM System : Win32
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This file contains the language-independent implementation of the module EXPORT_.DLL. All texts and
- // resources that are language-dependent are located in an additional EXPORT.DLL, whose sources can be
- // found in the subdirectories \E (for English) and \D (for German).
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define TOSO_MODULE_VERSION 420 // Required version of Toso Interface
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define USER_DATA_ID "1.00-1996-11-20"
- #define TXT_ID_HEADER "TommySoftware TXT 1.10"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "windows.h"
- #include "windowsx.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "e:\release4\tosoapi4.h" // Toso Interface Definitions
- #include "dialog.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef struct {
- STR32 TimeStamp;
- FILENAME FileName;
- //------ Language-dependent texts in EXPORT.DLL --------------------------------------------------------
- eStartUpText [],
- eDialogText [],
- eMessageText [];
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static HINSTANCE hInstDLL, // Instance handle of the main DLL
- hLanguage, // Instance handle of the language DLL
- hGlobalInst; // Instance handle of the serving application
- static HWND hGlobalWnd; // Main window handle of the serving application
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static HBITMAP hBitmap;
- static INF_HEADER INFHeader;
- static int gError; // Current error status ( 0 = OK )
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL ModuleLoadSettings( void )
- {
- BOOL Result = FALSE;
- if( TosoProfileReadKeyOpen( "EXPORT", FALSE ) ) {
- if( TosoProfileReadData( "Init", (LPBYTE) &INFHeader, sizeof( INFHeader ) ) )
- Result = TRUE;
- TosoProfileReadKeyClose();
- INFHeader.TimeStamp[31] = 0x00;
- if( lstrcmp( INFHeader.TimeStamp, USER_DATA_ID ) )
- Result = FALSE;
- }
- if( !Result ) {
- lstrcpy( INFHeader.FileName, eDialogText[1] );
- }
- return( Result );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL ModuleSaveSettings( void )
- {
- BOOL Result = FALSE;
- if( TosoProfileWriteKeyOpen( "EXPORT", FALSE ) ) {
- lstrcpy( INFHeader.TimeStamp, USER_DATA_ID );
- if( TosoProfileWriteData( "Init", (LPBYTE) &INFHeader, sizeof( INFHeader ) ) )
- Result = TRUE;
- TosoProfileWriteKeyClose();
- }
- return( Result );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure is used as callback procedure for an object enumeration based on the interface
- // procedure TosoEnumerateAll(). It simply runs through of the object described in EnumData and write
- // the coordinates of all its definition points to the currently open file.
- // After each coordinate pair written, it also updates the current progress indicator and checks whether
- // the user has pressed the Cancel button to stop the export.
- BOOL ModuleEnumCallback( const ENUMDEF_DATA* EnumData )
- {
- DUMMYSTR Text1, Text2;
- int Count;
- switch( EnumData->EnumData ) {
- for( Count = 0; Count < EnumData->EnumCount; Count++ ) {
- TosoFileWriteShort ( DB_POINT_ANY );
- TosoFileWriteCommaDouble( EnumData->PointPtr[Count].x );
- TosoFileWriteCommaDouble( EnumData->PointPtr[Count].y );
- TosoFileWriteSemi();
- if( TosoFileWriteError() ) {
- gError = 1;
- break;
- }
- wsprintf( Text1, eDialogText[3], TosoFileWriteCurrentLine() );
- wsprintf( Text2, eDialogText[4], ( TosoFileWriteCurrentSize() + 1023 ) / 1024 );
- TosoDialogUpdateProgress( Text1, Text2, NOPARAM, NOPARAM );
- if( TosoDialogIsCanceled() ) {
- gError = 999;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return( !gError );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure performs the export. It starts the object enumeration (which writes coordinate pairs
- // to the file).
- // In addition, it initializes and display a progress indicator window to inform the user about the
- // current progress and to allow him to cancel the export. Since the final file size is not known
- // in advance, the progress indicator does not include a percent bar.
- void ModuleExport( HANDLE FileHandle, const LPSTR FileName, int Flag )
- {
- FILENAME FileName2;
- DUMMYSTR DummyStr;
- gError = 0;
- if( !TosoFileWriteInitDisk( FileHandle ) ) {
- gError = 1;
- return;
- }
- TosoFileSplitName( FileName, NULL, FileName2 );
- wsprintf( DummyStr, eDialogText[2], FileName2 );
- TosoDialogShowProgress( eDialogText[0], DummyStr, FALSE );
- TosoFileWriteTextData( TXT_ID_HEADER );
- TosoFileWriteSemi();
- TosoEnumerateAll( TosoDrawingGetActive(), Flag, Flag,
- (TOSOENUMOBJECT_PROC) ModuleEnumCallback );
- TosoFileWriteShort( DB_END );
- TosoFileWriteSemi();
- if( !TosoFileWriteFlush() )
- gError = 1;
- TosoFileWriteExit();
- TosoDialogHideProgress();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This DLL entry procedure must exist in any DLL to be used in Win32. Since our DLL does all necessary
- // initialization in its TosoModuleInit() procedure, this procedure is quite empty.
- BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD Reason, LPVOID Dummy )
- {
- switch( Reason ) {
- hInstDLL = hInstance;
- break;
- hInstDLL = NULL;
- break;
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure is called when the module is loaded by the serving application. Its main tasks are:
- // - Checking whether it is compatible with the given InterfaceVersion
- // - Checking whether it is licensed to the given serial number (optional)
- // - Storing of the serving application's instance and main windows handle for further use
- // - Loading of the language-dependent library
- // - Filling in the module ID structure whose address is passed in ModuleID
- // - Loading of options from the registry database
- // - Loading profiles
- // - Allocating any static memory required
- DLL_EXPORT int TosoModuleInit( const LPSTR SerialNumber, HINSTANCE hMainInst, HWND hMainWnd,
- int InterfaceVersion, MODULE_ID* ModuleID )
- {
- if( InterfaceVersion < TOSO_MODULE_VERSION ) {
- MessageBox( hMainWnd, eMessageText[0], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
- return( 0 );
- }
- if( !lstrcmp( SerialNumber, "DEMO" ) )
- return( 0 );
- hGlobalInst = hMainInst;
- hGlobalWnd = hMainWnd;
- hLanguage = LoadLibrary( "EXPORT.DLL" );
- hBitmap = LoadBitmap( hLanguage, "IDB_COMMAND" );
- ModuleID->OwnerID = DB_OWNER_TOSO;
- ModuleID->ModuleID = 0x2000;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointInitProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTINIT_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointMoveProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTMOVE_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputPointExitProc = (TOSOINPUTPOINTEXIT_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputDisplayProc = (TOSOINPUTDISPLAY_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputParameterProc = (TOSOINPUTPARAMETER_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputCancelProc = (TOSOINPUTCANCEL_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleProc.InputFinishProc = (TOSOINPUTFINISH_PROC) NULL;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.Type = MODULETYPE_EXPORT;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.InputData.CommandMode = COMMAND_DIRECT;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.MenuData.MenuEntry = eStartUpText[1];
- ModuleID->ModuleData.MenuData.Description = eStartUpText[2];
- ModuleID->ModuleData.IconHandle = hBitmap;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.IconXOffset = 0;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.IconYOffset = 0;
- ModuleID->ModuleData.IconMode = 0;
- ModuleID->CommandData = NULL;
- ModuleID->VendorData = NULL;
- ModuleID->FileType = eStartUpText[4];
- ModuleID->FileExtension = eStartUpText[5];
- ModuleID->FileDefault = eStartUpText[6];
- ModuleLoadSettings();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure is called when the module is removed by the serving application. Its main tasks are:
- // - Checking whether anything is to be saved. If so, it should display a message information the user
- // about it and allowing him to save those changes.
- // - Freeing of all statically allocated memory.
- // If this procedure return FALSE, the serving application will not be able to terminate. So please, do
- // only return FALSE if shutting down the module now would severely damage or destroy user data.
- DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleExit( void )
- {
- ModuleSaveSettings();
- DeleteBitmap( hBitmap );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure is called when the user wants to save a non-TVG drawing using the File>Save as command.
- // For an export filter, its task is simply to save the file.
- DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleExport( const LPSTR FileName, int Flag )
- {
- HANDLE FileHandle;
- BOOL Result = FALSE;
- if( TosoFileCreate( &FileHandle, FileName ) ) {
- ModuleExport( FileHandle, FileName, Flag );
- TosoFileClose( FileHandle );
- switch( gError ) {
- case 999:
- TosoFileDelete( FileName );
- MessageBox( hGlobalWnd, eMessageText[2], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
- Result = TRUE;
- break;
- case 0:
- Result = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- TosoFileDelete( FileName );
- MessageBox( hGlobalWnd, eMessageText[4], eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
- Result = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- return( Result );
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This procedure is called when a module's command is chosen by the user. For an export filter, its
- // main tasks are:
- // - Parameter editing
- // - Help file display
- DLL_EXPORT BOOL TosoModuleCommand( int CommandID, int ExecMode )
- {
- switch( ExecMode ) { // Check which type of action is requested
- case MODULEEXEC_HELP: // Display the corresponding help topic
- {
- FILENAME FileName;
- TosoFileApplicationPath( "EXPORT.HLP", FileName );
- WinHelp( hGlobalWnd, FileName, HELP_CONTEXT, 1 );
- }
- return( TRUE );
- case MODULEEXEC_USER: // Edit the options
- {
- DUMMYSTR Text1, Text2;
- wsprintf( Text1, eStartUpText[0], Text2 );
- MessageBox( GetActiveWindow(), Text1, eDialogText[0], MB_OK );
- }
- return( TRUE );
- case MODULEEXEC_SYSTEM: // Execute the command
- // Nothing to do here...
- break;
- case MODULEEXEC_GET_PROFILE: // Read drawing-dependent data
- // Nothing to do here...
- break;
- case MODULEEXEC_SET_PROFILE: // Write drawing-dependent data
- // Nothing to do here...
- break;
- }
- return( FALSE );
- }