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- Manual.txt for Version 2.71 of ISO/MPEG Audio Layer 3 software only
- encoder/decoder for Unix.
- 1. ENCODER V2.71
- =============
- l3enc is an ISO/MPEG Layer-3 software only encoder. It takes
- audio data files as input and delivers Layer-3 coded bitstream
- files as output. Several options can be selected via command line
- switches. Usage:
- l3enc <audio_data> <bitstream> [-switch1 [-switch2 [...]]]
- ------------
- o For non-registered users, ancillary data processing is not supported.
- o Non-registered users may use the encoder only with the
- following options (input must be 44.1, 22.05 or 11.025kHz):
- 112 kbit/s stereo @ 44.1 kHz
- 56 kbit/s stereo @ 22.05 kHz
- 16 kbit/s mono @ 11.025 kHz
- o Registered users may use the encoder additionally with the following
- options:
- 8 kbit/s mono @ 8 kHz
- 16 kbit/s mono @ 11.025, 16 kHz
- 24 kbit/s mono @ 16, 22.05, 24 kHz.
- 32 kbit/s mono @ 16, 22.05, 24 kHz.
- 56 kbit/s stereo @ 16, 22.05, 24 kHz.
- 64 kbit/s stereo @ 16, 22.05, 24 kHz.
- 56 kbit/s mono @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 64 kbit/s mono @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 96 kbit/s stereo @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 112 kbit/s stereo @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 128 kbit/s stereo @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 192 kbit/s stereo @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- 256 kbit/s stereo @ 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- If the input has a sampling frequency of x2, x3, x4 or x6, it is
- downsampled on the fly.
- If you need other bitrates, please contact layer3@iis.fhg.de.
- 1.1 <audio_data>: audio input file
- The first command line argument specifies the name for the PCM audio
- data file. Version 2.71 of the encoder accepts either raw PCM audio
- data files, PCM audio data files in RIFF/WAVE format as used by
- Microsoft Windows, PCM audio data files in the sun .au or PCM audio
- data files in the Apple AIFF format.
- The samples must be 16 bit signed integer values.
- for raw PCM audio data:
- By default the input file is assumed to contain raw PCM audio data.
- Stereo audio data is input in interleaved format, the first channel
- beeing the left channel.
- <sample #1 channel #1> <s. #1 ch. #2> <s.#2 ch.#1> <s.#2 ch.#2> ...
- Mono audio data has the format
- <sample #1> <sample #2> <sample #3> ....
- Whether the input file is treated as mono or stereo audio data is set
- by the downmix switch (1.4). Default is stereo.
- Please see for the -sr, -tfc and -tfs switches below.
- PLEASE NOTE: Non-registered users may use the encoder only with
- .snd/.wav/.aiff files.
- 1.2 <bitstream>: Layer 3 output file
- The second command line argument specifies the name for the bitstream
- output file. The extension of the file name should be .mp3.
- The format of the bitstream is as defined in the
- ISO/MPEG publications IS11172-3 (MPEG-1) and IS13818-3 (MPEG-2).
- For very low bitrates a special Fraunhofer format called "MPEG 2.5"
- is used.
- 1.3 bitrate
- The bitrate of the bitstream output is selected via the '-br' switch. The
- bitrate is specified in bits/second. The bitrate is the total bitrate for
- all encoded channels, i.e. if you select 'br 112000' and 'stereo', both
- channels will be stuffed into one bitstream of 112000 bits/second.
- Valid bitrates are:
- o 8000 bit/s
- o 16000 bit/s
- o 24000 bit/s
- o 32000 bit/s
- o 56000 bit/s
- o 64000 bit/s
- o 96000 bit/s
- o 112000 bit/s
- o 128000 bit/s
- o 256000 bit/s
- The default bitrate is 112000 bit/s.
- 1.4 downmix
- If a stereo input file should be treated as mono, the '-dm' swich can be
- used.
- The mono signal is calculated by (l+r)/2.
- 1.5 high quality
- If the '-hq' option is specified, the encoder will try to produce higher
- audio quality, but at the cost of a reduced encoding speed.
- 1.6 crc check
- If '-crc' is asserted, ISO/MPEG crc checking is enabled. Without the 'crc'
- switch, crc checking is disabled.
- 1.7 ancillary data
- If the '-anc <filename> <rate>' option is specified, the named file is
- is inserted as ancillary data in the bitstream.
- The rate is in bits/frame.
- 1.8 sampling rate
- If a raw PCM file is used as input, the '-sr' switch supplies the encoder
- with the sampling rate.
- THIS IS NOT NEEDED FOR .wav/.snd/.aiff INPUT!
- 1.9 swap input samples
- If a raw PCM file is used as input, the '-tfs' switch swaps each 16 bit
- input sample prior to processing.
- THIS IS NOT NEEDED FOR .wav/.snd/.aiff INPUT!
- 1.10 number of channels
- If a raw PCM file is used as input, the '-tfc' switch indicates the number of
- channels (1=mono, 2=stereo).
- THIS IS NOT NEEDED FOR .wav/.snd/.aiff INPUT!
- 1.11 signal type
- If the input signal contains mainly speech, the -spch flag should be set. The
- encoder will then be optimized for the special signal characteristics of speech.
- 1.12 examples of switch settings
- l3enc infile.pcm out.mp3 -br 112000 -crc
- l3enc /home/music/pcm/newage.pcm /homem/music/mp3/newage.mp3 -br 64000
- l3enc pop.wav pop.mp3 -br 96000
- 1.13 Encoding Recommendations
- Depending on the desired bitrate, the encoding process will be done
- with different parameter settings.
- 'l3enc' supports two versions of Layer-3 bitstreams called MPEG-1 and MPEG-2.
- The basic difference is the use of different sampling frequencies:
- MPEG-1 Layer 3 sampling frequencies 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
- MPEG-2 Layer 3 sampling frequencies 16, 22.05, 24 kHz
- MPEG-1 supports higher audio bandwidth and is therefore the best
- choice for high quality audio coding at bitrates >= 96 kbit/s (stereo)
- or >= 48 kbit/s (mono). For bitrates <= 64 kbit/s (stereo) or
- <=32 kbit/s (mono),
- MPEG-2 offers better sound quality compared to MPEG-1.
- l3enc selects between MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 automatically depending on the
- bitrate switch (see section 1.3)
- For the coding of stereo files with bitrates <=96 kbit/s, the encoder
- will use the intensity stereo technique.
- Note, however, that the use of intensity stereo may demage information
- which is needed for sound processing schemes like Dolby Surround.
- For bitrates >= 112 kbit/s, intensity stereo is not used.
- The following table summarizes the recommendations.
- - Coding of Mono Input
- bitrate coding standard
- -----------------------------
- <= 16 kbit/s "MPEG-2.5"
- <= 40 kbit/s MPEG-2
- >= 48 kbit/s MPEG-1
- - Coding of Stereo Input
- bitrate coding standard use of intensity stereo
- ------------------------------------------------------
- <= 64 kbit/s MPEG-2 on
- 96 kbit/s MPEG-1 on
- >=112 kbit/s MPEG-1 off
- 2. DECODER V2.71 =============
- l3dec is an ISO/MPEG Layer 3 software only decoder. It takes
- Layer 3 bitstream files as input and delivers PCM audio data files
- as output. A number of options can be selected via command line
- switches. Usage:
- l3dec <bitstream> <audio_data> [-switch1 [switch2 [...]]]
- If you specify no output file name and use the -sto option, the audio
- data is written to stdout. If you specify -sti, the decoder reads from stdin
- instead of the bitstream file.
- 2.1 <bitstream>: bitstream input file
- The format of the bitstream input file must comply with ISO/IEC
- IS11172-3 or IS 13818-3.
- The decoder will process all valid MPEG1 Layer-3 bitstream data
- without restrictions to bitrate or sampling frequency.
- It supports also MPEG2 Layer-3 low sampling frequencies.
- For very low bitrates an special Fraunhofer format called "MPEG 2.5"
- is used.
- 2.2 <audio_data>: audio data output file
- Audio data is output as samples of 16 bit signed integer PCM data.
- The default format is raw PCM data and can be either one channel or
- two interleaved channels.
- format of one (mono) channel PCM audio data:
- <sample #1><sample #2>....
- format of two channel (stereo) PCM audio data:
- <spl.#1 ch.#1><spl.#1 ch.#2><sp.#2 ch.#1><spl.#2 ch.#2>...
- If one or two audio channels are used depends on the encoded information in
- the bitstream. For stereo output data the first channel is the left
- channel. Information about sampling frequency and number of used channels
- is displayed at the beginning of the decoding process.
- 2.3 RIFF/WAVE format
- If selected by the '-wav' switch, audio data is output in RIFF/WAVE format
- (*.WAV) as used by Microsoft Windows. The audio data itself is still
- written as 16 bit PCM data as described in 2.2 but it is preceded by a
- WAVE-header. The WAVE-Header contains information about the number of
- channels (1 or 2), sampling frequency (32k/44.1k/48k) and used bits per
- sample (16).
- 2.4 SND format
- If selected by the '-snd' switch, audio data files are output in
- the SND format used on SUN and NeXT-Workstations.
- 2.5 AIFF format
- If selected by the '-aif' switch, audio data files are output in
- the AIFF format.
- 2.6 AIFC format
- If selected by the '-aic' switch, audio data files are output in
- the AIFC format.
- 2.7 skip frames
- With the '-fb' option you can skip a number of frames in the bitstream
- before the decoding starts. '-fb nnn' skips the first nnn frames. Each
- frame contains 1152 (MPEG-1) or 576 (MPEG-2) samples of audio data.
- Depending on the sampling frequency used, the duration of a frame is
- calculated as 24 msec (@ 48kHz, 24kHz), 26.1 msec (@ 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz)
- or 36 msec (@ 32kHz, 16 kHz).
- 2.8 decode only nnn frames
- If you want to decode only a certain number of frames, specify the '-fn'
- option. '-fn xxx' will decode only xxx frames (see also 2.6).
- 2.9 search again after loss of synchronisation
- Normally the decoding process is stopped, if a loss of synchronisation is
- detected, i.e. the synch information is incorrect. To enable decoding of
- partially damaged bitstream files, you may assert the '-sa' option. In
- this mode the decoding is not stopped and the file is searched for valid
- synch information until the end of file is encountered.
- 2.10 write audio data as ascii hex 24bit output file
- If the option '-h24 xxx' is specified an (additional) output file with
- name 'xxx' is opened. PCM Audio data is output as 24 bit ascii hex values
- followed by carriage return and line feed. Accuracy of the output values
- is 24 bit compared to the 16 bits raw output mode. Files output in
- 'h24' format take four times the storage capacity necessary for raw
- 16bit output format.
- 2.11 ignore error messages
- If errors in the bitstream are detected, the decoding process is normally
- halted. If the '-ign' option is specified, the decoder tries to continue
- with the decoding process.
- 2.11 accept free format bitstream
- If the '-ff' option is specified, a free format bitstream is accepted.
- 2.11 ancillary data
- If the bitstream contains ancillary data (user data integrated into
- the bitstream) the decoder can write this data into an ancillary
- data file. Use the switch '-a file' to specify the filename for the
- ancillary data. The default alignment of ancillary data is byte
- aligned ('-aba'). You can also use the switch '-afh' for the FhG mode.
- In FhG-mode, ancillary data is framed, beginning with a Sync, a length
- byte and has a trailing checksum.
- 2.12 write to stdout
- If the '-sto' option is specified, the PCM data output is written to
- stdout.
- 2.13 read from stdin
- If the '-sti' option is specified, the bitstream input is read from
- stdin.
- All brand names are registered trade marks of their respective owners.