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INI File | 1997-10-14 | 16.9 KB | 609 lines |
- Music Works 2 initialisation file
- ;
- ; The MW2 initialisation file is used by Music Works 2 to set
- ; the default operating parameters
- ; Advanced or experienced users may edit this file, referring to the
- ; MWW documentation or online help for explanations of the various
- ; sections and entries.
- ; Invalid entries may cause unexpected results.
- ; Comments such as these must be preceded with a semicolon (;)
- [Directories]
- ; directory to load music files from
- LoadData=c:\mw2\music\
- ; directory to save music files to
- SaveData=c:\mw2\music\
- ; directory to load MWW support files from
- Support Files=c:\mw2\support\
- ; force Load and Save directories to be updated together
- TieLoadAndSave=1
- [Files]
- ; default composition template file
- ; can be edited in the same way as any other file
- prototype=c:\mw2\music\mw2.mww
- ; tells MW2 whether to update Division Gap settings
- ; when reading a file
- ReadDivisionSetting=0
- ; tells MW2 where the help file is stored
- ; help=mw2.hlp
- ; Specifies the maximum number of attachment objects
- ; (beams, ties, slurs etc) that can be saved per track
- MaxNoOfTies=5000
- [Patches]
- ; ascii file containing guitar tab definitions
- GuitarTabFileName=mw_tabs.lst
- ; ascii file containing list of midi control change names
- ControlChangeFile=controls.lst
- ; ascii file containing list of patch names
- TitleFile=patch.lst
- ; ascii file containing list of drum names
- DrumFile=drum.lst
- ; ascii file containing list of symbol names
- SymbolFile=symbol.lst
- [Print]
- ; convert all colours to black for printing only
- AllColorsToBlack=0
- [Log]
- ; Indicate whether to log midi file information to mww.log
- ; normally set to 0
- ShowMidiFileLoad=0
- ; Indicate whether to log midi file errors to mww.err
- ; normally set to 0
- ShowMidiLoadError=0
- [MidiFile]
- ; indicates whether instrument names should be saved into midi files
- WriteInstrumentName=0
- ; indicates whether untitled tracks should be given a name when reading then added to list
- FixTitles=1
- ; indicates whether to write copyright message to start of file
- WriteCopyright=0
- ; indicates whether to write key signature to start of file
- WriteKeysig=1
- ; indicates whether to write control change to start of each track
- WriteControlChange=1
- ; indicates whether to write program change to start of each track
- WriteProgramChange=1
- ; indicates whether to save notes
- WriteNotes=1
- ; this is set by the midi file configuration in the File menu
- FixStaves=5
- DeleteEmptyTracks=1
- [Limits]
- ; lowest and highest notes acceptable to program
- LowestNote=0
- HighestNote=161
- ; length (time) of a crotchet
- CrotchetDuration=240
- ; length (time) of note to play while dragging with mouse
- DragNotePlayDuration=1
- ChangeToBassBreak=60
- DivisionGap=2
- [Play]
- ; number of system exclusive buffers, used for playing system exclusive
- ; messages
- ; more buffers use more memory, default is 60
- NumberOfBuffers=60
- ; control whether patch caching is implemented
- ; different bits turn caching on and off at different times
- ; the bits are ored together
- ; 1 to turn on patch caching
- ; 2 to turn on drum patch caching
- ; 4 to turn on while playing
- ; 8 to turn on while recording into an existing song
- ; 0x10 to turn on while playing metronome
- ; 0x20 to turn on while recording a new song
- ; default value = 0xFFFF - which turns on all patch caching
- ; UsePatchCaches=0xFFFF
- ; bank to use for patch caching
- ; set to 0 to use default bank
- ; default vaule is 0
- PatchBank = 0
- ; bank to use for drum patch caching
- ; set to 0 to use default bank
- ; default vaule is 0
- DrumPatchBank = 0
- ; control which channels are used for drums
- ; 0x0200 for channel 9 (10)
- ; 0x8000 for channel 15 (16)
- ; 0x8200 for both
- ; default is 0x0200
- ; DrumPatch = 0x0200
- ; control evenness of timer used for playing, recording and metronome
- ; the smaller the number, the better the timing, and the more resources
- ; are used by Windows
- ; default value is 10
- TimeResolution=10
- ; control timer accuracy
- ; the smaller the number, the more accurate the timing
- ; this number must not be smaller than TimeResolution
- ; default value is 10
- TimeDelay=10
- ; force all MIDI output through a single channel
- ; the default of 65535 will use all channels
- ; SingleChannelPatch=0
- ; number of output device used by player
- ; currently always the midi mapper, so this field will be ignored
- Device=0
- ; various switches here control what is written to a file for playing
- ; 0 means do not write
- ; 1 means do write
- WriteInstrumentName=0
- FixTitles=0
- WriteCopyright=0
- WriteKeySig=0
- WriteControlChange=1
- WriteProgramChange=1
- WriteNotes=0
- ForceMultiple=1
- ; turns on/off function where cursor follows played position
- ShowPlayPosition=0
- PassThrough=0
- PassThroughDevice=-1
- SpeedRecord=1
- ; controls error reporting while playing/recording
- VerboseLevel=0
- ; set by the device selection dialog box
- AllMIDIOutput=1
- ; set from menu options
- AutoRewind=0
- AutoRepeat=0
- ; size of block used to play music from
- ; should not need to change
- MinSizeOfBlock=2048
- ; if set to 1, will write Header info (velocity and patch) for tracks
- ; with no notes
- ; otherwise will not write header info
- PlayEmptyTracks=0
- ; tell MW2 to write velocity settings on the fly while playing MIDI files
- ; that have more than one track assigned to a channel
- ; keeps the velocity correct
- WriteVelocityChanges=1
- [Record]
- ; number of input device used by recorder
- Device=0
- ; various switches here control what is read while recording
- ; 0 means do not read
- ; 1 means do read
- WriteInstrumentName=0
- FixTitles=0
- WriteCopyright=0
- WriteKeySig=0
- WriteControlChange=0
- WriteProgramChange=0
- WriteNotes=1
- ActiveSensing=0
- PlayNote=0
- Interval=50
- ; number of system exclusive buffers, used for receiving system exclusive
- ; messages
- ; this may cause problems terminating record sessions if set to more than 3
- NumberOfBuffers=2
- ; size of each record buffer in bytes
- SizeOfBuffer=10240
- ; determines whether notes are displayed while recording
- ShowNotes=0
- [Metronome]
- ; number of output device used by metronome
- MidiDevice=Ad Lib
- Device=-1
- Record=1
- ; pitch, velocity etc parameters for metronome up and down beats
- DownPitch=46
- DownVelocity=120
- DownDuration=200
- ; channel information for the metronome is ALWAYS stored as a zero
- ; based value in the ini file, irrespective of MWW settings
- DownChannel=9
- UpChannel=9
- UpPitch=44
- UpVelocity=80
- UpDuration=50
- ; patch information for the metronome is ALWAYS stored as a zero
- ; based value in the ini file, irrespective of MWW settings
- DownPatch=-1
- UpPatch=-1
- Tempo=300
- CrotchetLength=420
- ; number of bars to count in before starting record session
- Count In=1
- ; controls whether metronome plays while recording or playing
- ; this is set by device selection dialog box
- Mode=1
- [LoadFile]
- ; various switches here control what is read while loading files
- ; 0 means do not read
- ; 1 means do read
- WriteInstrumentName=1
- FixTitles=1
- WriteCopyright=0
- WriteKeySig=0
- WriteControlChange=0
- WriteProgramChange=0
- WriteNotes=0
- [SaveFile]
- ; various switches here control what is written to a file for playing
- ; 0 means do not write
- ; 1 means do write
- WriteInstrumentName=0
- FixTitles=0
- WriteCopyright=1
- WriteKeySig=1
- WriteControlChange=0
- WriteProgramChange=0
- WriteNotes=0
- [Modes]
- DragOnlySelectedNotes=1
- SelectBeamEnds=1
- Snap=1
- MainWindow=1
- ; uses lowest selected beat to set copy reference point instead of current cursor position
- CopyUsingLowestSelectedBeat=1
- UseDrumMode=1
- [Layout]
- ; switches here control which palettes are turnend on or off at
- ; start up, location is also specified
- KeySignaturePalette=0
- NotePalette=0
- TimeSignaturePalette=0
- OrnamentPalette=0
- StavePalette=0
- PlayerPalette=0
- Player=1
- RegionPalette=0
- RestPalette=0
- DynamicsPalette=0
- MidiEventPalette=0
- GuitarTabPalette=0
- TrackPalette=0
- Ruler=1
- IconBar=1
- Main=247, 83, 603, 518
- [Preferences]
- ; the settings here are controlled by the preferences
- ; dialogue box while running MWW
- ; This option determines whether bar numbers are displayed
- ShowBarNumbers=1
- ; This option turns on and off the display of parts of guitar tabs
- ; if set to 0, nothing will be displayed
- ; if set to 1, the tab body will be displayed
- ; if set to 2, the tab title will be displayed
- ; if set to 3, the entire tab will be displayed (this is the default)
- ShowTab=3
- ; this provides palette support for double dotted notes
- ; and for double flats and sharps when turned on (set to 1)
- ; partial support is provided when this is set to 0
- DblDotsSharpAndFlats=1
- PaletteSupportForDoubleDottedNotes=1
- language=mwwusa
- Units=1270
- MidiEvents=1
- FileListSize=5
- ShowHandles=0
- Use Saved Location=1
- Disable Warnings=1
- LayoutMarks=1
- TurnOffDot=1
- RightButtonSetPointer=1
- ShowBeatWithinBar=1
- ; sets whether channel numbers are displayed as zero based
- ; or 1 based
- OneBasedChannels=1
- OneBasedPatches=1
- ; velocity given to notes and trackscreated by dragging onto score
- DefaultTrackVelocity=64
- DefaultNoteVelocity=96
- ; controls whether accidentals are automatically held for length of bar
- UseImpliedAccidentals = 0
- ;Note length rounding 0=average, 1=round down, 2=round up
- RoundNote=0
- ; Repeat markers by default do not include a drop on the left hand side
- ; they can be changed by setting the below to 0 or 1
- ShowLeftDropOnRepeatMarkers=0
- [StatusLine]
- ; controls size of various elements of the status line
- BeatWidth=100
- PitchWidth=80
- DrumWidth=180
- TitleWidth=180
- [Colors]
- ; colours of the various parts of the MWW screen
- ; colour=Red, Green, Blue
- ; ShadeBrushColor=226, 226, 226
- ShadeBrushColor=192, 192, 192
- HandleColor=255, 0, 0
- HighlightColor=0, 0, 255
- ButtonColor=192, 192, 192
- ButtonGrayColor=128, 128, 128
- ButtonWhiteColor=255, 255, 255
- StatusShadeColor=160, 160, 160
- StatusTextFrontColor=0, 0, 0
- StatusFrameShadeColor=192, 192, 192
- StatusFramePen1=255, 255, 255
- StatusFramePen2=128, 128, 128
- IconShadeColor=128, 128, 128
- RulerEdgeColor=128, 128, 128
- RulerDivisionColor=0, 0, 0
- RulerBarColor=255, 0, 0
- RulerStuffColor=0, 0, 255
- RulerTextBkgrndColor=255, 255, 255
- RulerTextFrontColor=0, 0, 0
- RulerBarTextFrontColor=255, 0, 0
- RulerMarkerColor=0, 0, 0
- [Filters]
- ; File loading and saving filters
- ; setup from File Filters dialogue box
- ; from MWW
- FileIn=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- FileOut=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Merge=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Paste=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Paste Special=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Play=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Record=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- Default=65535, 65535, 65535, 65532, 1, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535
- [Note Player]
- ; number of output device used by note dragger
- Device=-1
- [Defaults]
- TrebleClefTitle=Treble Clef
- BassClefTitle=Bass Clef
- [Performance]
- ; number of note memory blocks that are allocated at one time as Music Works
- ; loads in or creates more notes.
- Note List Increment=50
- ; number of note memory blocks that are initially allocated when Music Works starts up.
- Note List Size=100
- ; Specifies the number of objects that must be deleted in one operation before the
- ; display is updated only after deleting all of the objects
- WaitToClearCount=100
- [MetaFile]
- ; Controls method used to define size of output
- ; if this is set to 2, the program will try to determine the output size
- ; based on the current page size and margin settings
- ; XScale, YScale and OverallScale will be used
- ; if set to 1, the output size will be determined by the variables
- ; XSize, YSize, PageSizeXMM, and PageSizeYMM
- ; the size will not be adjusted for the current page size
- SizeMethod=2
- ; Controls whether Text Alignment instructions are written to metafiles (clipboard)
- ; when set to 0, no text alignment instructions are written and some text may be misaligned
- ; however, when set to 1, other parts of the score may be misaligned
- ; The default setting is 0, and satisfactory metafiles are produced
- UseTextAlign=0
- ; Controls whether a metafile is copied to the clipboard when Ctrl C
- ; is pressed, or copy is chosen from the menu
- ; 1=yes, 0=no, default=0
- UseCopyOperation=0
- [Display]
- ; Controls whether fonts are built once before a redisplay or
- ; at times during a redisplay - previous version built fonts
- ; during redisplay, however this may cause problems with metafiles
- ; default is 5, to build some fonts once
- ; if stave braces are drawn incorrectly, try setting this to 3
- ; to make MW2 work the way it used to, set this to 0
- BuildFontOnce=5
- ; Controls the height of the stave braces when BuildFontOnce
- ; is set to 5
- ; the bigger the number, the smaller the staves are drawn
- ; default is 16
- StaveDefaultDistance=16
- ; Also controls the height of the stave braces when BuildFontOnce
- ; is set to 5
- ; Used to control creep as different stave sizes are selected
- ; default is 0
- StaveFactor=0
- ; Controls the height of the stave braces when BuildFontOnce
- ; is set to 2 or 3
- ; default is 199
- StaveFontSize=199
- ; Allows use of double dots to accurately represent note lengths
- AllowDoubleDottedNotes=1
- ; Thickness of line used to draw standard bar lines
- BarLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of line used to draw stave lines
- StaveLineThickness=1
- ; Thickness of line used to draw note stems
- StemLineThickness=1
- ; Thickness of line used to draw ledger lines
- LedgerLineThickness=1
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw crescendo regions
- CrescendoLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw diminuendo regions
- DiminuendoLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw pedal regions
- PedalRegionLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw up/down octave regions
- OctaveRegionLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw repeat regions
- RepeatRegionLineThickness=2
- ; Thickness of lines used to draw repeat-continue regions
- RepeatContinueLineThickness=2
- ; Use the 8va symbol for ictave regions instead of 8ve
- OctaveRegionUse8va=0
- ; Defines the gap at the open end of a crescendo symbol
- CrescendoGap=30
- ; Defines the gap at the open end of a diminuendo symbol
- DiminuendoGap=30
- ; Defines minimum length of region objects
- MinimumRegionSpan=96;
- ; Defines the number of line segments used to draw ties
- ; and slurs. The higher the number, the more accurate the
- ; curve, but the longer it takes to draw.
- CurveAccuracy=64
- ; Defines the maximum zoom percentage
- MaximumZoom=500
- ; Defines the minimum zoom percentage
- MinimumZoom=10
- ; Defines the standard minimum stem length used as the pivot
- ; when drawing a beam.
- DefaultBeamExtension=8
- ; Defines the minimum stem length allowed for notes attached
- ; to a beam.
- MinBeamExtension=6
- ; Defines the longest stem length allowed for notes attached
- ; to a beam.
- MaxBeamExtension=20
- ; Draw triplet spans as lines instead of curve
- UseSquareTriplets=0
- ; Allows key signatures to cancel the previous key signature
- CancelKeySignatures=1
- ; Defines the pad space before a barline as percentage of crotchet space
- SpaceBeforeBarLine=25
- ; Defines the pad space after a barline as percentage of crotchet space
- SpaceAfterBarLine=50
- ; Determines whether the last system is right justified.
- JustifyLastSystem=1
- ; MIDI event to display. -1 disables display. >127 shows all MIDI events.
- MidiEvents=-1
- ; Displays Layout marks.
- LayoutMarks=1
- ; Display bar numbers. 0 disables display of bar numbers,
- ; 1 shows first bar in each system. >1 shows all bar numbers
- ShowBarNumbers=0
- ; Min and max curvature specify the minimum and maximum offset of the
- ; middle of a tie/slur in 10ths of a linegap
- MinCurvature=5
- MaxCurvature=100
- ; This is the maximum amount a tie/slur end can be pulled away from a note
- MaxCurveExtension=50
- [mwwusa]
- 356=64th Note
- 357=32nd Note
- 358=dotted 32nd Note
- 359=Sixteenth Note
- 360=dotted Sixteenth Note
- 361=double dotted Sixteenth Note
- 362=Eighth Note
- 363=dotted Eighth Note
- 364=double dotted Eighth Note
- 365=Quarter Note
- 366=dotted Quarter Note
- 367=double dotted Quarter Note
- 368=Half Note
- 369=dotted HalfNote
- 370=doubled dotted Half Note
- 371=Whole Note
- 372=dotted Whole Note
- 373=double dotted Whole Note
- 374=Breve
- 375=dotted Breve
- 376=double dotted Breve
- [mwweng]
- 356=HemiDemi SemiQuaver
- 357=Demi SemiQuaver
- 358=dotted DemiSemiQuaver
- 359=SemiQuaver
- 360=dotted SemiQuaver
- 361=double dotted SemiQuaver
- 362=Quaver
- 363=dotted Quaver
- 364=double dotted Quaver
- 365=Crotchet
- 366=dotted Crotchet
- 367=double dotted Crotchet
- 368=Minim
- 369=dotted Minim
- 370=double dotted Minim
- 371=SemiBreve
- 372=dotted SemiBreve
- 373=double dotted SemiBreve
- 374=Breve
- 375=dotted Breve
- 376=double dotted Breve
- [configure]
- mididevices=1