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- Name:________________________________ Title:_______________________________
- Company:_____________________________________________________________________
- Address:_______________________________ City:_____________________________
- State:______________ Zip:____________ Country:_________________________
- Date:_______/_______/_______ Telephone: _________________________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Product # Price/ea* Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DRAFT Choice for Windows ___ $59.00 ______
- AS-EASY-AS 5.7 (Spreadsheet, DOS) ___ $69.00 ______
- DRAFT Choice 2.15 (DOS) ___ $49.00 ______
- DRAFT Choice Productivity Pack (DOS) ___ $69.00 ______
- ProtoCAD 3D (Rendering, DOS) ___ $59.00 ______
- StarFlic (Animator Player, DOS) ___ $29.00 ______
- DRAFT Choice PLUS v3.00 (DOS) ___ $99.00 ______
- PIVOT (Sideways Printing, DOS) ___ $15.00 ______
- ALITE /R (Spreadsheet, DOS, TSR) ___ $20.00 ______
- DCLIB1 (Symbol Libraries) ___ $19.00 ______
- DCLIB2 (Symbol Libraries) ___ $19.00 ______
- DCLIB3 (Symbol Libraries) ___ $19.00 ______
- XTRAN (File Transfer, DOS) ___ $19.00 ______
- PRINT-GL (Plotter Util., DOS) ___ $50.00 ______
- ODYSSEY 2.0 (Communications/Fax, DOS) ___ $89.00 ______
- ODYSSEY 2.0 (Communications/Fax, Windows) ___ $79.00 ______
- Power Menu Plus (DOS) ___ $59.00 ______
- PC Outline (DOS) ___ $49.00 ______
- MindReader (DOS) ___ $59.00 ______
- Music Works for Windows (v2.3) (+) ___ $69.00 ______
- (+) Special Offer, CD-ROM Only!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** SUB-TOTAL _____________
- * Mass Residents add appropriate sales tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______
- ** Shipping and Handling: within U.S.A. Add $6.00 for each copy,
- for Canada, Add $8.50 ea, for Other Countries, Add $12.50 ea ______
- TOTAL ENCLOSED _____________
- Disk Size: [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5" [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] AMEX
- Card# ____________________________________________ Exp. Date __________
- Signature __________________________________________________________________
- Mail form with Payment to:
- TRIUS, Inc., P.O. BOX 249, N. Andover, MA 01845-0249
- Orders ONLY, Call 1-800-GO-TRIUS
- Prices subject to change without notice! [Call After May 1998]
- For latest prices and information you may call: (978) 794-9377