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- Music Works 2.3 (Build 49) Readme file 14 Oct 1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is best viewed maximized to fill the screen
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Exclusive Distribution in the U.S.A. and Canada:
- TRIUS, Inc., P.O. Box 249, N.Andover, MA 01845-0249
- Tel: 978-794-9377 Fax: 978-688-6312
- Email: info@triusinc.com CIS: GO TRIUS
- BBS. 978-794-0762 FIDO: 1:324/413
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- This is ONLY an evaluation copy, it is NOT a full, licensed copy!
- You may purchase a licensed copy and take advantage of a
- Special Limited Time Introductory offer (USA & Canada ONLY!)
- from TRIUS, Inc.
- $69 + s&h (a $30 savings!)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ====================================
- Auto Format
- -----------
- Auto format allows selected notes to be formatted automatically.
- Notes will be adjusted onto the beat and beamed and tied as
- appropriate. Rests will be added as well. See the manual or on
- line help for more information.
- Editing Objects
- ---------------
- Pressing the right mouse button when pointing at an object
- displays a popup menu. To display the Edit Dialog Box for an
- object, choose the Edit option from the menu. For other editing
- operations, select the appropriate option from the popup menu.
- Double clicking on an object with the left mouse button will
- perform the default edit operation (eg for a note with a stem,
- the stem will be flipped).
- Symbol Palette
- --------------
- A symbol palette has been added to allow user defined symbols to
- be used. A number of symbols have been added for your use.
- Adjustable Ties/Slurs etc
- -------------------------
- Ties and slurs can now be dragged to increase or decrease their
- curve.
- Transposing Notes
- -----------------
- Transpose routines have been rewritten. It is now possible to
- specify a destination key either from a list of key signatures,
- or by specifying an offset as a number of semitones. Select the
- approriate option in the Transpose Dialog Box.
- Additionally a diatonic transpose is supported. Choose the
- Diatonic checkbox in the Transpose Dialog Box. Music will be
- tranposed by the number of whole tones specified in the same
- dialog box instead of by a number of semitones.
- Normally key signatures will be transposed as well. Optionally
- the key signatures can be left alone. Notes will be moved, and
- accidentals adjusted to achieve the appropriate pitch.
- Changing Division Settings Automatically
- ----------------------------------------
- Division Settings can be made to change automatically to match
- the value of the current note. This makes it easier to ensure
- notes are only placed at legal positions. The option can be
- turned on and off in the View|Preferences Dialog Box.
- Choosing Language or Nomenclature
- ---------------------------------
- Music Works can display terms in vacabularies suitable for
- different regions. At present USA and European nomenclature is
- supported. Select the appropriate region from the
- View|Preferences Dialog Box. Music Works will have to be
- restarted for this option to take effect.
- Compress/Expand
- ---------------
- A new option has been added to compress or expand music to take
- more or less bars.
- Select Special
- --------------
- Select Special has been modified to select objects other than
- notes for easier editing.
- Examples
- --------
- A number of example files have been added to the release. These
- can be found in the example subdirectory.
- See sections in this file for more information.
- ----------------------------------------------
- Refer also to the file REVS.TXT installed to your Music Works
- program directory for a more complete list of revisions to the
- program.
- =================================================================
- You must install Music Works 2 from the Windows program manager.
- If you are running a different shell such as Nortons Desktop for
- Windows, run Progman by select Run from the File menu in the
- desktop and typing PROGMAN.
- If you are running OS/2, you must ensure that the Windows Program
- Manager is running if you wish to add the Music Works for Windows
- group and icons. You may also find that the Setup program does
- not terminate correctly when installing from OS/2. If this
- happens the blue screen will be left open with no dialogue box
- displayed. In this case you will need to terminate the Setup
- program using the OS/2 Window list that pops up by pressing Ctrl
- Escape.
- Once you are running the Windows program manager, choose Run from
- the Windows program manager File menu, and type either
- d:\direcory\SETUP where "d:\directory" is the drive and directory
- where the contents of the MW2NET.EXE file were extracted to.
- ====================
- If 3D support for dialogue boxes has been improperly installed on
- you computer, a warning message box may pop up when you start the
- install program. This will not affect the running of the install
- program except that the dialogue boxes will be drawn without 3D
- effects. Continue with the installation and ignore the warning.
- If 3D support for dialogue boxes has not been installed, the
- installation program will install 3D support, but will run
- without 3D effects. The next time the program is run, the 3D
- effects will be used.
- =========================================
- The installation program will warn you before overwriting
- existing files in the Windows or Windows System directories. You
- should normally overwrite older versions of files only. Do not
- overwrite a newer version of a file. The version numbers are
- displayed in the warning box that pops up when the program tries
- to overwrite a file.
- =============================
- All files are copied to the directory that MW2 is installed to,
- and subdirectories with the following exceptions.
- Five files are copied to the windows system directory. They are :
- CTL3DV2.DLL 3D dialogue box file
- MWSYMBOL.TTF MWW font file
- MWSYMBOL.FOT MWW font file
- GUITFNT1.TTF MWW font file
- GUITFNT1.FOT MWW font file
- The first file provides 3D support for dialogue boxes used in the
- installation program and in Music Works 2, and may be used by
- other Windows software.
- The next four files are font files used by Music Works 2, and are
- unlikely to be used by other applications.
- Installation files are copied to your TEMP directory. If you have
- a command such as
- in your autoexec.bat file, then these files will be copied to
- that directory, otherwise they may be copied to the DOS, WINDOWS,
- or root directory. At present, these files are not deleted after
- use. The files are :
- They can be deleted any time after completing installation.
- ======================
- Music Works 2 will add the following entries to the WIN.INI file
- in your Windows directory.
- [Extensions]
- mww=mw2.exe ^.mww to inform Windows that files with MWW extension
- belong to Music Works 2
- [fonts]
- MWW Symbols (TrueType)=mwsymbol.fot
- MWW Guitar Tabs (TrueType)=guitfnt1.fot
- The above two entries are added when the Music Works 2 fonts are
- added.
- ===================================
- Some Soundblaster drivers cause MW2 to crash while playing. This
- occurs only when playing through the FM output using more than
- one channel at a time. The problem can occur on early 8 bit
- standard Soundblaster cards with their own drivers, and on a
- Soundblaster Pro card with OS/2 drivers. There may be other
- configurations that cause the problem.
- Two solutions are possible.
- 1. Use one channel only in your composition. This is not really a
- problem with MW2, as MW2 will automatically generate patch
- changes and velocity changes to support multiple instruments on a
- single channel.
- 2. Add an entry to the MW2.INI file in the [Play] section setting
- the output channel for all music. This would read as follows
- SingleChannelPatch=n
- where n is a value between 0 and 15 indicating the channel to
- use, eg to send all output to channel 0, use
- SingleChannelPatch=0
- To disable this feature, either comment out the line by placing a
- semicolon at the start of the line, or set it to 65535.
- If your music is all assigned to a single channel, it will still
- play correctly. See the section titled "assigning the same
- channel to more than one track" for details.
- =================================================
- It is possible to output a number of tracks to the same channel.
- MW2 allows this to happen by automatically generating patch
- changes and velocity changes while playing so that the different
- tracks do not interfere with each other. This allows you to
- produce multichannel type output on a single channel. The
- automatic generation of velocity changes can be turned on and off
- from the MW2 INI file, and is on by default.
- This option does not work correctly on all devices. Some devices
- ignore patch changes sent while a note is being played. On these
- devices, if a note is playing on a given channel at the time a
- note from a different track is sent to the same channel the
- second note will probably be lost or played incorrectly.
- ======================================
- You may need to assign each track to a different channel. See
- "Assigning the Same Channel to More Than One Track" above.
- This is normally done by editing tracks from the Track Edit Palette.
- =================
- There can sometimes be problems printing to HP Deskjet printers
- if you are using Cirrus Logic variable resolution screen drivers.
- The problem is exhibited as a failure to print the heads and
- tails of notes and various other parts of your score at some
- stave size settings. It this problem occurs, the solution is to
- run the Windows Setup program from DOS (outside of Windows) and
- choose a different screen driver. Usually VGA or SVGA is fine.
- =================
- At 640x480 display resolution, the two rightmost buttons on the
- toolbar will not be visible. These two buttons adjust the width
- setting for your composition. If you are running at this
- resolution, adjust the width settings from the Layout dialog box
- in the View menu instead of using these buttons.
- =========
- A new switch has been added to give greater control of the record
- functions The switch allows the user to control whether data is
- processed while recording or after recording has finished.
- Previously data was always processed while recording. This could
- cause problems on slower systems or more complicated
- compositions. By enabling the switch, most data will be buffered
- while recording, and processed when the stop button is pressed.
- This should free up the computer to better handle recording. The
- switch is set by entering a line into the MW2.INI file. In the
- section headed [Record], add or change the line
- SpeedRecord=1
- to use the new recording method or
- SpeedRecord=0
- to use the old method.
- =========
- Improvements have been made to the copy to clipboard routines. It
- is no longer necessary to specify a scale in the ini file. Data
- will be produced into other applications at the same size it is
- in Music Works.
- The current page can be copied to the clipboard to be pasted into
- other applications. Select the page to copy and choose Copy Page
- from the Edit menu or type Control B to copy the page. In your
- other application choose Paste to retrieve the picture from the
- clipboard. The entire page will be inserted. There are many
- settings that can be altered for sizing of images. Refer to the
- MetaFile section of the Ini file.
- To ensure that the image does not need to be scaled in the other
- application, set the page size in Music Works to be the same as
- the page size WITHIN the margins of the receiving application.
- Set the margins in Music Works all to zero. The image will
- exactly fill the page in the other application.
- To copy a single line of music, set the vertical page size in
- Music Works to display a single line of music (eg 180). The
- single line of music displayed will be copied to the other
- application.
- ===========
- Grace notes are now supported.
- These notes are drawn at half the normal size and are often used
- to show short notes that may be played before the beat or on the
- beat. In almost all ways a grace note can be used and edited in
- exactly the same way as a normal note. One exception is that a
- grace note cannot be beamed to a normal note. Grace notes can be
- beamed and tied to normal notes, and grace notes can be beamed to
- other grace notes. A note is set to be a grace note from the Edit
- Note dialog box which has a Grace Note check box. To better
- support grace notes a few extra options have been added to the
- Edit Note dialog box. These options allow a note to be shifted
- from its correct position on the score, and played at a different
- time to that indicated on the score. There is also an option to
- adjust the played length of a note. They are explained in the on
- line help. These options can be applied to all notes.
- To support these extra options, the Music Works files format has
- changed. This version of Music Works will read files from all
- previous versions of the program, however previous versions of
- Music Works will not read files written by this version. If you
- wish to transfer files to other people, ensure that they also
- have this release of Music Works.
- There are several ways of placing grace notes. A method we have
- found to be satisfactory is as follows.
- Place the grace note at the beat of the normal note following the
- grace note before the normal note is placed. Edit the grace note
- by double clicking on it, select the Grace Note check box to
- change it to a grace note and adjust the position offset (usually
- with a negative value to shift it to the left - possible 2.5 to
- 5.0). Also adjust the play offset to make the grace note play
- early. This is specified in clock ticks (default of 240 to beat
- or crotchet). This might be a value of -60 or so. You may want
- the note to play shorter than the displayed value by adjusting
- the length offset once again in clock ticks. This may be a value
- of -30 or so. Select OK and the note will be redrawn. Add any
- following grace notes in the same way and beam them together if
- required. Place the normal note the same way. You may need to
- adjust the play offset to cause the note to be played off the
- beat. You may also need to adjust the length offset to compensate
- for the note starting early or late.
- Note that you need to use the Edit Note dialog box for these edit
- operations rather than the Edit Selected Notes dialog box. When
- editing Selected Notes it is possible to change notes from normal
- notes to grace notes and vice versa however it is not possible to
- move notes or adjust the play offset.
- Note also that a note must not be beamed to allow it to be
- changed to or from a grace note. To change beamed notes, first
- remove the beam, then change the notes then add a new beam.
- Refer also to online help for use of grace notes.
- =============================
- When dragging notes with the mouse all notes will be placed on
- the same stave at the completion of the operation. Notes on
- separate staves should be dragged separately. As an alternate
- method, select the notes to be moved and use Tools|Edit Selected
- Notes. Turn on the Beat field and enter a relative beat (eg +1 in
- the Bar edit box) and turn on the Note Value field and enter a
- relative pitch (eg +2 in the Pitch field and 0 in the Octave
- field). This would move the selected notes forward 1 bar and up 2
- semitones.
- =========================
- Music Works has not yet been written as a Windows 95 or NT
- program. It has been tested on both systems extensively, and runs
- well. If you install Windows 95 or NT onto your computer, you
- will need to re-install Music Works to ensure that it will run
- correctly. If the program is not re-installed, it may crash while
- starting up or display incorrectly. Music Works may also crash
- while starting if the MW2.INI file is missing, or moved.
- A Windows 95/NT version is currently being written.
- =============
- When exporting to CorelDraw 3.0 using the clipboard, some symbols
- will not be imported by CorelDraw. This is a limitation of
- CorelDraw. MusicWorks symbols are actually characters of a
- special font. The symbols defined as characters beyond the normal
- range (ie greater than character 127) are not imported by
- CorelDraw 3.0. These symbols are imported correctly by most other
- applications.
- ===============================
- There is a problem with the OPL3 Soft Synth driver that causes
- screen refresh problems while music is being played back. We are
- not aware of a replacement driver at the time of writing. The
- solution is to disable the Track Player function from the
- Preferences dialog box, or to change to the card's FM driver.
- Ornaments Drawing Incorrectly
- =============================
- We have had reported to us that on some machines the ornaments
- can draw incorrectly when there is a mixture of ornaments and
- text and symbols drawn on screen at the same time. If you have
- this problem, add the following line to your ini file and restart
- Music Works.
- In the
- [Display]
- section, add
- UseMetaOutputForScreen=1
- ==========================
- If you have previously installed an evaluation version of Music
- Works you may find that you cannot run this evaluation version.
- The program will report that it has expired. If you would like to
- evaluate the new version, please contact Middle Earth Software
- Systems at:
- midearth@gil.com.au
- or PO Box 449, Wynnum, Brisbane, Qld 4178, Australia
- for a patch to reinitialise your evaluation software.
- -- End