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File List | 1997-08-18 | 1.1 KB | 36 lines |
- [Windows 95 Params]
- WndTitle = Microsoft Setup
- WndMess = Starting Picture It! 2.0 Setup, please wait...
- TmpDirSize = 1500
- TmpDirName = ~msstfqf.t
- CmdLine = acmsetup /T setup.stf /S %s %s
- DrvWinClass = Stuff-Shell
- Require31 = This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows.
- [Windows 95 Files]
- acmsetup.exe = acmsetup.exe
- acmsetup.hlp = acmsetup.hlp
- mssetup.dll = mssetup.dll
- pibboard.dll = pibboard.dll
- pisetup.dll = pisetup.dll
- setup.stf = setup.stf
- setup.inf = setup.inf
- [NT Intel Params]
- WndTitle = Microsoft Setup
- WndMess = Starting Picture It! 2.0 Setup, please wait...
- TmpDirSize = 1500
- TmpDirName = ~msstfqf.t
- CmdLine = acmsetup /T setup.stf /S %s %s
- DrvWinClass = Stuff-Shell
- Require31 = This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows.
- [NT Intel Files]
- acmsetup.exe = acmsetup.exe
- acmsetup.hlp = acmsetup.hlp
- mssetup.dll = mssetup.dll
- pibboard.dll = pibboard.dll
- pisetup.dll = pisetup.dll
- setup.stf = setup.stf
- setup.inf = setup.inf