Text File
250 lines
1. You may place your order with a credit card through a SECURE
web page (and SAVE on shipping charges!) Point your web browser to:
http://www.chaosoft.com or http://www.pik.com
and choose the "Order with a credit card" link. You will be prompted
for your credit card information. In return, you will be immediately
provided with your personal registration code (sent back to you by
e-mail), allowing you to convert an evaluation version of the program
into the registered one.
NOTE: Except for the registration code, you will NOT receive
any other materials by regular mail. If you want your registration
package to be delivered to you by regular mail, please use some
other method of registration.
NOTE: Quantity and other discounts are not available when ordering via
the registration web page.
2. You may order with a credit card by calling Pik A Program, Inc.:
1-800-TOREGISTER or (212) 598-4939
(noon-8pm New York City time / 9am-5pm Los Angeles time)
Please have your credit card ready when calling the toll-free number.
NOTE: Technical support is NOT available at these numbers. Please
refer to the README.TXT file for information on technical support.
3. You may also order by filling in the order form below (using a
text editor or word procesor), printing it out, and sending it to
Pik A Program, Inc. at the address shown below in this file.
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[_] Yes! Please send me the registration code(s) and the latest
version(s) of the following products, for use on ________
[_] Folder Guard for Windows 95
[_] File Manager Guard for Windows 3.1x/95
These products are licensed on the 'per-computer' basis. This means
that if you want to install and use the software on more than one
computer, a site license for the total number of the computers must
be obtained. If you are ordering the software for use by multiple
users in a network, you don't need to include every computer
attached to the network in your license, but you must include every
computer on which the program is installed or used, regardless of
whether the user of the computer happens to know that the program is
in use on their system. If you have single computers which allow
multiple users to use the program simultaneously, you must count
each keyboard or terminal separately when determining how many
computers are using the program.
Price list:
Number of | Folder Guard Win95 | Folder Guard Win95 | FM Guard for |
computers | REGULAR price | DISCOUNT price | Win 3.1x/95 |
1 - 2 | $49.95 each | $29.95 each | $29.95 each |
3 - 5 | $40 each | $25 each | $25 each |
6 - 15 | $50 + $30 each | $25 + $20 each | $25+$20 each |
16 - 25 | $200 + $20 each | $95 + $15 each | $95+$15 each |
26 - 50 | $325 + $15 each | $245 + $9 each | $245+$9 each |
51 - 100 | $575 + $10 each | $395 + $6 each | $395+$6 each |
101 -more | $1075 + $5 each | $695 + $3 each | $695+$3 each |
For example, the REGULAR licensing fee for Folder Guard, 10
computers, would be (using the 3rd row and the 2nd column of the
table above): $50 + $30 * 10 computers = $350
You may order a license for Folder Guard at a discount price, if one
of the following conditions applies to you:
[_] You are ordering also a license for "File Manager Guard for
Windows 3.1x/95" for the number of computers not less than the
number of computers for which you are ordering a Folder Guard
[_] You are a registered user of our utility "File Manager Guard for
Windows 3.1x/95" *AND* the number of computers of your FM Guard
license is not less than the number of computers for which you
are ordering a Folder Guard license. Please provide the exact
name your copy of FM Guard is licensed to:
the number of users it is licensed to: _________, your FM Guard
registration code: _____________, and an approximate date when
you have ordered your FM Guard license (month and year):_______.
[_] You represent an educational or non-profit organization; please
submit by FAX or snail mail a copy of the document certifying the
educational or non-profit status of your institution.
If none of the conditions above applies to you, please use the
REGULAR price information in the table above to calculate the amount
of your licensing fee for Folder Guard.
Please note also, that the discount pricing is not available when you
place the order via the registration web page; the latter is set up to
accept the full price only.
[_] Yes! Please send me also the registration code(s) and the
latest version(s) of the following products, for use by ________
[_] StepUp'98 for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
[_] File Manager StepUp for Windows NT 3.5x/4.0
[_] File Manager StepUp for Windows 3.1x/95
[_] File Manager Toolbar for Windows 3.1x/95
These products are licensed on the 'per-user' basis. This means
that you may purchase a single individual license and install the
software on more than one computer (for example, a desktop system
and a notebook), provided that there is *no possibility* to use the
Registered Copy by anybody else. On the other hand, if more than
one person uses a computer, every such user must purchase an
individual license for continued use of the software, or a site
license for the total number of users accessing the computer must be
Price list:
Number | StepUp'98 | FM StepUp | FM StepUp | FM Toolbar |
of users| Win95/NT4.0 | WinNT35x/4.0 | Win 3.1x/95 | Win 3.1x/95 |
1- 2 | $29.95 each | $29.95 each | $29.95 each | $19.95 each |
3- 5 | $25 each | $25 each | $25 each | $18 each |
6-15 | $25+$20 each | $25+$20 each | $25+$20 each | $18+$15 each |
16-25 | $95+$15 each | $95+$15 each | $95+$15 each | $66+$12 each |
26-50 | $245+$9 each | $245+$9 each | $245+$9 each | $144+$9 each |
51-100 | $395+$6 each | $395+$6 each | $395+$6 each | $297+$6 each |
101-more| $695+$3 each | $695+$3 each | $695+$3 each | $599+$3 each |
For example, registration fee for StepUp'98, 20 users, would be
(using the 4th row of the table above): $95 + $15 * 20 users = $395
SPECIAL OFFERS: (single user licenses only!)
[_] order three StepUp utilities (StepUp'98 for Win95/WinNT4.0,
FM StepUp for WinNT3.5x/4.0, and FM StepUp for Win3.1x/95) for
only $59.95
[_] order Chaosoft Utilities for Windows 3.1x/95 (a set of
FM StepUp, FM Toolbar, and FM Guard) for only $49.95
[_] order all six utilities for only $149.95
Registration fee (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________
Purchase order processing, $15.00 (if applicable) . $ _________
Shipping and handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.00_____
TAX (NYS residents only) . . . . . . . . . _____ % $ _________
TOTAL: US$ _________
All prices shown are in US dollars.
Please make all checks payable to: Pik a Program, Inc.
Please include one of the following:
[_] Check (in US dollars, payable through a US bank ONLY!)
[_] Money order (in US dollars, payable through a US bank ONLY!)
[_] Cash (by registered mail only, please)
[_] Purchase Order # ____________ (from a company only). Please
submit your Purchase Order by FAX or snail mail. Purchase
order processing fee is $15.00.
[_] Please charge my:
[_] VISA [_] MasterCard [_] American Express [_] Discover
(no other cards accepted)
Credit Card # ____________________________________________
Exp. Date: ___ / ___
Name of the Credit Card holder: _______________________________
Signature (required): _______________________________
Name to register software to: _______________________________
(from 6 to 29 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Number of users/computers
to license the software to: _______________________________
Shipping address:
NAME (if other than above): _______________________________
COMPANY: _______________________________
STREET: _______________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: _______________________________
COUNTRY: _______________________________
Email address: _______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
FAX: _______________________________
We would appreciate it if you would tell us where did you first
hear about this program. Thanks for your cooperation!
[_] Internet/web site - which one?_______________________________
[_] BBS - which one?_____________________________________________
[_] Friend [_] retail store package
[_] CD-ROM - which one? _________________________________________
[_] magazine - which one?________________________________________
[_] other - _____________________________________________________
Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated:
Thank you for ordering ChaoSoft products!
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You may mail, fax, e-mail, or phone in your order. Please send the
completed registration form, along with payment to Pik A Program,
Inc. at:
13 Saint Marks Place (noon-8pm NYC / 9am-5pm LA) (867-3447)
New York, NY 10003 Telephone (212) 598-4939
USA Fax (212) 228-5879
E-mail: sales@pik.com
Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery.
4. If you are a member of Compuserve(r), you may order Chaosoft
products on-line, through its SWREG registration service. The
registration fee will be added to your CIS bill. To order in this
way, connect to CIS as usual, and enter GO SWREG at any ! prompt.
Choose 'Register a program' from a menu, and select one of the
following registration IDs:
Product Registration ID
------------------------------ ----------------
Folder Guard for Windows 95 14533
StepUp'98 for Win95/WinNT4.0 12893
FM StepUp for WinNT 3.5x/4.0 10877
FM StepUp for Windows 3.1x/95 10787
FM Toolbar for Windows 3.1x/95 10878
FM Guard for Windows 3.1x/95 10875
Chaosoft Utilities for Win3.1x/95 10876
(a set of FM StepUp, FM Toolbar,
and FM Guard at special
discount price $49.95 + s&h)
NOTE: quantity discounts are not available when ordering via SWREG