Kolejny miesi╣c klΩski narodowej. Nic, posucha. Czy wam edytory zamarz│y w grach Bracia Polacy? Przecie┐ mo┐na tworzyµ jaki£ akcencik polski w prawie dowolnej epoce i wojence. Kowalscy wszak jak µmy do ognia pchali siΩ we wszelkie awantury wojenne.
No trudno. Ale popatrzmy co dzisiaj mo┐e nam zaj╣µ kilka wieczor≤w (a mo┐e nawet ca│y miesi╣c). Oczywi£cie s╣ scenariusze do Panzer Generala 2. S╣ oczywi£cie akcenty polskie. Nie m≤wiΩ tu bynajmniej o moim typowo polskim niechlujstwie (w spisie scenariuszy w jednym miejscu pomyli│em siΩ i jest Poalnd - ale niech tak ju┐ zostanie). Mo┐emy po prostu zagraµ w scenariusz o bitwie nad Bzur╣, Ciechan≤w z udzia│em Aliant≤w oraz scenariusz o dzia│aniach XIX Korpusu Zmotoryzowanego atakuj╣cego na po│udnie we wschodniej Polsce.
Inne scenariusze metalowego dow≤dcy przenios╣ nas na front zachodni - do Francji, W│och oraz do Afryki.
Dalej w szyku posuwa siΩ 25 scenariuszy do Steel Panthers. Ta gra broni siΩ sama, a jeden z moich koleg≤w gra w ni╣ tak metodycznie, ┐e zna ju┐ ka┐dy heks we wszystkich scenariuszach jakie kiedykolwiek siΩ ukaza│y. Walczy w jakich£ niesamowitych kampaniach, podnieca siΩ kolejnymi zwyciΩstwami i przewagami. Dzi£ w£r≤d scenariuszy znaczna czΩ£µ odnosi siΩ do frontu zachodniego. Kilka scenariuszy pozwala na walkΩ na Ba│kanach, kilka przybli┐a rzeczywisto£µ zapomnianego w Polsce 1940 r. (pobicie Francji).
Na uwagΩ zas│uguj╣ jednak inne scenariusze. Przede wszystkim warto sobie "zapu£ciµ" scenariusz cambrai.zip, kt≤ry przenosi nas ni mniej ni wiΩcej tylko w rok 1917. Bitwa pancerna? Zobaczmy.
Poleciµ te┐ mo┐na (dla cel≤w por≤wnawczych?) scenariusz korea50.zip. To co jest mo┐liwe na dzie± dobry w kolejnej czΩ£ci Steel Panthers tu urasta do miana wyczynu. Jak siΩ to uda│o? Wsiadaj do czo│gu. Tym bardziej, ┐e nim zatrza£niesz klapΩ u£wiadom sobie jeszcze, ┐e dwa scenariusze nie s╣ nimi w rzeczywisto£ci. Japcamp.zip to w rzeczywisto£ci kampania z│o┐ona z 6 scenariuszy opisuj╣ca fikcyjn╣ inwazjΩ na Hong Kong w grudniu 1941 r.
Tak┐e belgorod.zip to z│o┐ony z 24 scenariuszy opis dzia│a± niemieckiej 6 Dywizji Pancernej w bitwie kurskiej. Po prostu pychota.
Nie gorzej bΩdzie £mia│kom, kt≤rzy odwa┐╣ siΩ zajrzeµ do scenariuszy do Steel Panthers 2 (ty┐ 25 scenariuszy - wooow). Scenariusze historyczne przeplataj╣ siΩ z fikcyjnymi. Mo┐emy wiΩc znaleƒµ siΩ w Budapeszcie w 1956 r., zaznaµ gor╣ca pustyni w Czadzie czy poharataµ Irakijczyk≤w w Kuwejcie w 1991 r. Je┐eli kto£ uwielbia wcielaµ siΩ w kt≤r╣kolwiek ze stron w konfliktach arabsko-izraelskich to zacz╣µ mo┐na w 1956, a sko±czyµ w latach 90-tych nie ruszaj╣c siΩ specjalnie geograficznie z miejsca. Bo Jordania nie le┐y tak daleko od Synaju czy Syrii, a te w│a£nie regiony bΩd╣ mia┐d┐one g╣siennicami czo│g≤w i opluwane pociskami z groƒnych paszczy stalowych potwor≤w.
Mimo, ┐e niewiele os≤b w Polsce mo┐e ju┐ cieszyµ swe oczy wspania│╣ Steel Panthers 3 nie mo┐emy nie zamie£ciµ £wie┐utkich scenariuszy do tej gry. To, ┐e jest ich tylko 12 nie mo┐e przes│oniµ faktu, ┐e dwa z nich zrobi│ osobi£cie przewielebny Pejotl. S╣ to dwa kolejne odcinki straszliwego zderzenia Wschodu z Zachodem gdzie£ w Niemczech, w krainie Bergewald (a rok to by│ Panie Dziejku 1981). Pozosta│e scenariusze odnosz╣ siΩ do wydarze± z lat 1946-99. Historia przeplata siΩ z fikcj╣. Rosjanie wystΩpuj╣ raz jako brzydkie dzikusy czyhaj╣ce na wolno£µ i demokracjΩ, a raz jako wspaniali alianci trzepi╣cy sk≤rΩ hitlerowcom. C≤┐. Tak bywa.
I to na dzi£ ju┐ koniec. Warto jeszcze zajrzeµ do katalogu Warcrafta 2 na tym dysku gdzie swe k│y prezentuje kilkadziesi╣t nowych scenariuszy zgrupowanych w dw≤ch wspania│ych kampaniach.
Spis scenariuszy do Panzer General 2
wykorzystano zbi≤r "Mario Kroll, The Gamers Net, and Strategic Simulations, Inc."
Redakcja SS nie odpowiada za jako£µ i b│Ωdy zawarte w scenariuszach.
BOI1: Gustav Line
(Italy, Monte Cassino - March 15, 1944)
Autor: WarGod
After the Salerno landings, the Allies push north up the boot of Italy. Field Marshall Kesserling planned a defense of fortified lines that would delay and bleed the Allies. The Gustav Line was the first of these. This scenario is a 15 turn two player game. (This is scenario one of four scenarios in the Battles of Italy series: 1 Gustav Line, 2 Lake Trasimeno, 3 Gothic Line, and 4 Brenner Pass.) In this scenario the Axis have the Advantage.
(Leningrad - July 15, 1946)
Autor: Tad3
A fictional two player scenerio between Russian and German forces.
Kelly's Heroes
(Sedan - June 15, 1944)
Autor: Tad3
Scenariusz oparty na filmie Z│oto dla zuchwa│ych.
(Russia - January 24, 1944)
Autor: Kovacs Zsolt
The Red Army's attempt to trap the First Panzer Army in the Korsun sailent.
BOI2: Lake Trasimeno
(Italy, Lake Trasimeno - August 15, 1944)
Autor: WarGod
With the German withdrawal from the Gustav Line the Allies push north. In the area around Lake Trasimeno, they find the Germans have again dug in and the Allied advance can go no further until the Germans are uprooted once more. (This is scenario two of four scenarios in the Battles of Italy series: 1 Gustav Line, 2 Lake Trasimeno, 3 Gothic Line, and 4 Brenner Pass.) A 10 turn, two player game. The Allies have the advantage but the Germans will put up a good fight and may just surprise those who are not careful.
Maze of Blood
(Italy - November 25, 1945)
Autor: Tad3
This is a four player scenerio involving two German armies, one American, and one British.
(Bastogne, Belgium - December 22, 1944)
Autor: Thunder
This is a one-player scenario designed to be played as the US player. The US player must rescue the defendants of Bastogne surrounded by three German Panzer divisions. The title comes from the reply the American commander gave the German commander when told to surrender. Ten turns and the weather is snow for most of those turns. To rescue the defenders of Bastogne, the US player has elements of the 101st Airborne, 10th Armor Division, and parts of Patton's Third Army.
Help Poland
(Ciechanow, Poalnd - May 31, 1940)
Autor: Roger Bradley
The Allies step in this time to help Poland. Fairly balanced, with a sligthly increased difficulty for the Germans.
Operation Typhoon-Rzhev
(Russia - October 16, 1941)
The German 9th army with the 3rd panzer group capture Rzhev.
(Sudetenland,Czechoslovakia - October 01, 1938)
Autor: Gorgen Posse
While not having an agreement on the Munich-pact, the Fuehrer decides to take the Sudetenland by force. But it has to be done quickly, before the western powers can react. In no more than 3 days the Sudetenland must be occupied...
Polish Surprise
(Bzura Kutno Poland - September 09, 1939)
Autor: Jeff Meriam
Surprise The desperate stand of the German 30th Infantry Division, 9, 10 and 11 September, Bzura River area, Poland 1939. The battle portrayed in this scenario is perhaps the only battle during the Polish invasion that the Poles were able to execute their pre-invasion strategic plan on how they would fight the Germans. You must play the Germans. Just be ready. See surprise.doc for a full explanation.
Testing the Theory
(Eastern Poland - September 09, 1939)
Autor: Jeff Meriam
XIX German Motorized Corps attacks southward in eastern Poland, 9 to 14 September 1939. During World War II, the German Wehrmacht was recognized as the originator and expert user of the combined arms assault technique known as Blitzkrieg. The action depicted in this scenario is the first large scale use of the technique. Must be played as Germans. See the included documentation for details.
Tigers in Africa
(Near Tunis, Northern Africa - March 15, 1943)
Autor: Bas van Zetten
On November 23, 1943, the first Tigers of schwere Panzer Abteilung 501 arrived in Tunesia, together with much lighter PzKpfw III tanks. These tanks were to stop the British and American drive east. As it turned out, nothing could stop the Allied forces: by May 13, 1943, Tunesia was in Allied hands.
Spis scenariuszy do STEEL PANTHERS
wykorzystano zbi≤r "Mario Kroll, The Gamers Net, and Strategic Simulations, Inc."
Redakcja SS nie odpowiada za jako£µ i b│Ωdy zawarte w scenariuszach.
Black Day
(Normandy, France - June 11, 1944)
Autor: Rich Rockwood
This scenario depicts the 12 SS Panzer Division "Hitler Jugend" in its victorious struggle with Canadian armor in Normandy. The Canadian units involved suffered nearly one third of their total losses during the entire campaign in this one "black day".
The Race for Rollesbroich
(Near Rollesbroich, the Huertgenwald - October 21, 1944)
Autor: Keith Heitmann
The Beleagured 39th Infantry, 9th Div, 7th Corps, was part of the U.S. Army assigned to penetrate the Siegfried Line. It's mission was to sweep the central part of the Huertgen Forest and link up with the 47th Infantry near Schevenhuette by advancing up the Monschau Corridor from the town of Monschau through the forest. Having fought its way through the forest, its strength severely sapped by the endeavour, the 39th had one of its battalions detached to other duties in a rear area. After receiving armor reinforcements the 39th Infantry was assigned to take the ridge east of the town of Lammersdorf. This ridge was dominated by the town of Rollesbroich and was held firmly in the hands of the German 89th Infantry Division. The assault failed when the exhausted men of the 39th were unable to cross the last few hundred yards of open ground. You must take the town of Rollesbroich if you can.
Take the field
(Solomon Islands, Pacific - June 15, 1943)
Autor: Nicolas Kalasjnikov
A hypothetical scenario concerning a US-marine assault on a Japanese Airfield. It is played best as US. The scenario will only run properly if you install the OBJA file supplied with this scenario it should be installed under your main SP directory. It will not alter game play, only add two units and one formation. The computer will not use these units in normal game play. Nicolas Kalasjnikov kager@mpg.tmf.hva.nl
Second Battle of El Alamein
(El Alamein, Egypt - August 24, 1942)
Autor: Lorenzo Lanciers
The German drive towards Cairo died in the hills south of the rail station at El Alamein. Rommel dug in defensively along this vital choke point. Now, months later, the British have begun the counteroffensive, driving against various positions overlooking the vital Rahman Track. Montgomery is on the move! General Stumme, we have just come under heavy fire from the English artillery. A British offensive is to be expected. We must keep control of the Rahman track, so it is absolutely necessary to keep the Kidney and the Miteyryia ridge. No aviation and no artillery are available and the region has been heavily mined. To resist Montgomery's armored 10th division, only the courage of the 15th Panzer-division can save us. Gott mit uns!
Revenge at Arras (1944)
(Arras, France - January 15, 1944)
Autor: Dusan Bolek
This fictive scenario uses only a slighly changed map from Encounter at Arras, but forces are very different. This time, the Germans are supposed to be crushed. But the problem is that resistance is really tough, and it will get worse - a group of King Tigers is moving to strenghten defense.
This scenario is designed to be played from British side only.
6th Panzer at Belgorod
(Kursk, Russia - July 05, 1943)
Autor: Stefan Sheckells
Collection of 24 scenarios depicting the 6th Panzer Division at The Battle of Belgorod - the southeast sector of the Battle of Kursk.
Mussolini's Invasion
(Somewhere in the Balkans - April 11, 1943)
Autor: Nieznany
Highly hypothetical scenario in which Italian Special Forces attempt to wrest an airport, small town, a dock, and nearby resources from its Baltic neighbor.
Playing With Bridges
(Unknown - December 10, 1945)
Autor: "Ambush" Gariepy
A Russian forces faces off against trapped Japanese forces stuck on various bridges. Highly ficticious to the point of surrealism.
Lion's Cub
(Somewhere south-east of Yenangyaung, Central Burma - March 29, 1942)
Autor: C.M. Hagmaier
The Burma Army had been shattered by the destruction of 17 Indian Division on the Sittang River in February and the resultant loss of Rangoon. The only remaining combat-worthy troops were consolidated in "BurCorps", which chose to make it's stand south of the vital oil fields around Yenangyuang. A task force under the commander of 7th armored Brigade, Brigadier Anstice, was sent to probe for the advancing Japanese 15th Army in the direction of Prome. A battalion of the Japanese 33 Division and a regiment-sized group of Burmese National Army insurrectionists slipped in behind the advancing British force, occupying the small town of Shwedaung in their rear. Anstice was ordered to clear the town and rejoin the bulk of Burcorps to the north. In between was the Japanese, and the deeply fanatic and committed patriots of the BNA. This was to be the baptism of fire for the new national army.
Tanks? Was ist los?
(Near Cambrai, France - July 05, 1917)
Autor: C.M. Hagmaier
A World War I scenario featuring the successful deployment of British armor during the Cambrai offensive. Although the equipment is closely modeled, the map and terrain are highly ficticious
Channel Islands
(Channel Islands, off of France. - July 10, 1940)
Autor: Joe Sherfy
This hypothetical scenario follows a contested invasion of the English Channel Islands by the Germans. After the German armies conquered France in June of 1940, only the British remained to be beaten. Just off the coast of France lay the English Channel Islands. While they were captured without a fight, this scenario explores the hypothetical invasion of a small channel island defended by the local Home Guard. You command elements of the German 216th Division, which did assist in the occupation of the islands, along with a contingent of Paratroops who have made the initial landing ahead of the 216th. You must move quickly to capture the Town Hall and show the inhabitants the might of the New Order.
(Cherbourg, France - June 15, 1940)
Autor: Lee R. Toman
As Rommel's forces rolled across France, the British army fell back to the Sea. In this scenario, the British fight to delay the German forces so that the British army can evacuate their troops from the port of Cherbourg. This is intended to be played from the British side as player 2. The goal is to slow down the Germans enough to allow your troops to board the arriving ships. If you try to fight the Germans too long, they will overrun your position. If you pull back too fast, the Germans will roll into the dock area. Good Luck
Italian Invasion of Croatia
(Croatia - April 11, 1941)
Autor: Salvatore Marino
The Italian 2nd Army, under Ambrosio, invaded Yugoslavia. This scenario depicts a battle between elements of 3 "Amadeo Duca D'Aosta" Celere Division and the Yugoslavs. [Note: Modifies your Order of Battle Files (!!) Create second SP directory first!]
Desperate Drive for the Danube
(Budapest, Hungarry - November 10, 1944)
Autor: Wolfgang
It's November, 1944. The Reich is being assailed from all sides. Germanystands alone against the combined might of the entire world. Only Hungaryremains stalwart, if somewhat ineffective. While the war was still going well, Hungary's regent Miklos Horthy remained a staunch supporter of Hitler. By Spring 44', however, Horthy had become disenchanted and this word reached Hitler, who promptly occupied Hungary. This scenario depicts what may have been a typical small unit action at the outskirts of the Hungarian capital. Soviet troops of the Third Ukrainian Front stubbornly fought their way into the heart of Budapest. One of the German units that was involved in the fighting in Budapest was the German 357th Infantry Division. In this scenario, elements of the 357th hold vital strong points in the South-west portion of Budapest, namely the Town Hall. An engineer platoon of the 357th attempts to seize a factory complex several blocks to the West. The German battalion commander has radioed HQ for armor support, since he has heard the rumbling of Soviet armor just to the north of the Town Hall. A scratch kampfgruppe from the 5th SS Pz Division Wiking is dispatched to restore the situation.
In the Middle
(Dunkirk, France - May 26, 1940)
Autor: The Progeneral and his staff
After successfully cutting off the Allied forces in the Low Countries, the Germans inexplicably paused for several precious days. This gave the encircled armies enough time to begin evacuating via the small Channel port of Dunkirk, and enough time for British troops to dig into defensive positions covering the withdrawl. Now the German panzers are on the move again, and the retreat is endangered. Faced with the on coming German army, the British forces must attempt to slow the Panzer's advance, and allow their crippled army to escape from the beaches at Dunkirk.
Eben Emael
(Fortress Eben Emael, Belgium - May 10, 1940)
Autor: CPT Christopher S. Carnes
Hitler has ordered Kurt Student's Fallschirmjaeger to capture the Belgian fortress of Eben Emael. Capture of this highly touted fortress will break the Belgian will to fight, and will gain the Germans the vital crossing across the Albert Canal. The task to reduce Eben Emael has fallen upon one company of elite Fallschirmjaeger. The Germans have just landed by glider atop the fortress and are commencing their bold and audacious assault. Unfortunately, the only glider to miss the objective was that of the company commander. Under the command of sergeants and sometimes privates, the Germans succeeded in this assault which earned Student the Knights Cross.
Debacle at Epinal
(Northeast of Epinal, France - September 13, 1944)
Autor: C.M. Hagmaier
Patton's Third Army had just now emerging from the "supply crisis" of early September. Units began probing eastward in preparation for another bound forward across the Meuse and hopefully the Moselle. XV Corps had been given the task of guarding the flank of the Army advance between the Meuse and the Moselle. 2nd French Armored Division, attached to XV Corps, broke through the thin German defenses between Neufchateau and Chaunmont. The Germans were in the process of massing armored units in the vicinity of Epinal for a flanking counterattack against Third Army's right. 2nd French Armored Division's Combat Command L encountered one of these units, the 112nd Panzer Brigade, in the towns of Dompaire and Damas. The French armor skilfully engaged the ill-prepared panzer brigade in day-long battles. 112nd Panzer Brigade was effectively destroyed as a combat unit.
The Falaise Gap
(Near Falaise, Normandy, France - August 21, 1944)
Autor: James Kiras
The Allies finally broke out of the bocage at the end of July, with the Americans acting as the door and the Commonwealth troops acting as the hinge. The Allied armies finally encircled the remaining elements of the German armies in Normandy at Falaise, but did not completely close the gap. Panicked Germans poured through the closing door under constant Allied fire.
The Pass at Halfaya
(Halfaya Pass, Libya, Africa - June 15, 1941)
Autor: C.M. Hagmaier
At the Halfaya Pass. Rommel's Deutsche Afrika Korps had burst across the Libyan desert in a dreadful blitzkrieg, knocking the British Army back on its heels. The Germans and Italians are now deployed outside of the port-fortress of Tobruk in the third month of a siege. The British, having received word of the arrival of 15th Panzer Division in North Africa, have resolved to break the siege before these reinforcements make that impossible. In order to achieve manoeuvring space on the plain south of Tobruk, 13th Corps must clear the escarpment above the coast road. This escarpment is mostly impassable to tanks, except at certain defiles such as the ones at Halfaya Pass. Halfaya is being defended by a German-Italian kampfgruppe composed mostly of Savona Division infantry and DAK anti-tank guns. 4th Indian Division is planning to attack this redoubt from both sides of the escarpment. At least two regiments of British heavy armor from 7th Armored Division will support the attack.
Invasion of Hong Kong (Japanese Campaign)
(Hong Kong - December 30, 1941)
Autor: Roger Bacon
A campaign of four to six scenarios (based on the number of major victories) of a semi- fictional invasion of Hong Kong. It includes custom OB files to give the Japanese forces more unit types. A text file description is included.
The Bridgehead at Kletskaya
(Kletskaya, Russia - November 19, 1942)
Autor: C.M. Hagmaier
The Germans have been battering away at Stalingrad all fall, concentrating Sixth Army and 14th Panzer Korps on the eastern side of the Don. Stavka is planning to encircle and destroy this salient. We hold a number of bridgeheads on the Don above Stalingrad. They have been heavily developed by our peerless pioneering units, troops and logistics have been crammed into the narrow, swampy bottomlands, and the fire plans have been registered. The only troops covering these jumping-off points are poorly-equipped, low-quality Rumanian infantry, with minimal armor support. The 647th Rifle Division has been given a key role in this grand offensive. You are to smash through the Rumanian defenses around the eastern flank of the bridgehead, seize the town of Kletskaya, and establish a corridor for our mechanized shock groups into the rear of 3 Rumanian Army. You will be supported by a Breakthrough Artillery Regiment and an Independent Tank Battalion.
Winter Road
(Koko-Ni, North Korea - November 10, 1950)
Autor: Timothy A. Torres
The United Nations push to the Yalu has seen increasing contact with personnel from the Chinese Communist Forces who have crossed from Manchuria to support the crumbling North Korean Army as it is driven back to the border. As the UN forces advance north along the primitive road net, supply convoys struggling to keep up, NKA and CCF troops infiltrating through the mountains and setting up roadblocks have become a serious menace and large groupings have mauled several ROK Army detachments. Task Force Winter has been assigned to secure the key road junction and supply road through Koto-ni against infiltrators. Colonel Winter has sent a reinforced company ahead to secure the route and escort a column of heavy artillery to firing positions in Koto-ni. The snow has cut visibility in the mountains, but is not yet a serious obstacle to movement. Air support is available as necessary.
Battle for the Larissa Airport
(Larissa Airport, Thessaly, Greece - November 23, 1943)
Autor: Francesco Vianello
The soldiers of the Italian Division "Pinerolo" refused to give up their weapons after the Italian collapse of the 8th of September: They defended the Airport of Larissa against a first German attack in the night between the 8th and the 9th of September (1st Scenario). Two days later the German attacked again, with overwhelming forces, and seized the airport, but the Italians were able to retire in Trekkala with the help of the "6th Lancieri Aosta" Cavalry (2nd Scenario). Now, in this 3rd Larissa' Scenario, General Infante and the men of the "Pinerolo" are back in their last desperate attempt to seize the airport in order to permit the landing of British troops. The Germans did not reckon with an Italian counterattack and were caught unaware. The Italians could have won, were it not for the incredible performance of a platoon of German PZ-Lynxes.
Operation Meteor
(Mittlewerk, Germany - March 17, 1945)
Autor: Alex Kazhdan
The Allies have learned of a secret V2 factory that must be captured immediately. Failure will result in the deaths of thousands of civilians. Proceed to Mittlewerk & secure all targets. The factory is to remain intact so we can study this new technology back in the US. You will be facing several Sipo, SD & elite SS squads part of Sturmbannfuhrer Bernhard Utz' command.
June, 1942, Lybia, Sahara Desert, Bir Aqrum
Autor: Keith Heitmann
An American tank crew joins forces with a small rag-tag British unit under
the command of Capt. Halladay, a British medical officer. Sgt. Joe Gunn and
Pvt. Jimmy Doyle and their tank "Lulubelle" help defend a desert well at
Bir Aqrum ruins from a battalion of infantry from the Afrika Korps under the
command of Major von Falken. Having dug their trenches and spread some
captured German mines, the small allied force awaits the arrival of the
Germans to prevent them from capturing the well.
The British unit consists of Capt. Halladay, M.O., Sgt. Tambu a British
(Australian), and a Free French private known by the name of "Frenchy".
This scenario is based on the movie "Sahara" staring Humphrey Bogart and
Dan Duryea. I created the U.S. "sniper" class infantry required for this
scenario using the same technique I used for my "Combat!" scenario.
Spis scenariuszy do STEEL PANTHERS 2
wykorzystano zbi≤r "Mario Kroll, The Gamers Net, and Strategic Simulations, Inc."
Redakcja SS nie odpowiada za jako£µ i b│Ωdy zawarte w scenariuszach.
Firebase Afghanistan
(Along the Kabul-Termez Highway, Afghanistan - July 14, 1985)
Autor: 2LT Trey Marshall, FA
A small firebase located along the Kabul-Termez Highway serves as a Soviet base for convoy protection missions. A small bonegruppa (Kampfgruppe) of the 1st MRB, 177th MRR currently occupy the base along with a small detachment of helicopters and gunships. Late this night, the local Mujadeen assault the firebase in a strong show of force. The Soviets must repel the rebels or face death or worse, torture.
The Thin Arabian Line
(Saudi Arabia - August 10, 1990)
Autor: Frederick J. Schwarz
This is the first of two what if scenarios based on if Saddam Hussein invaded Saudi Arabia after his conquest of Kuwait in August 1990 (see The Thin Airborne Line for the second one). Here elements of the Republican Guard attempt to break through a Saudi Defense line. The Saudis may be reinforced by elements of the Saudi Arabian National Guard.
Bosnian Convoy
(Somewhere in Bosnia - November 15, 1994)
Autor: Nieznany
Bosnia 1994. Escort a United Nations convoy with your company team. Scenario includes both a French versus Red and British versus Red variant.
Budapest 1956
(Hungary - January 22, 1956)
Autor: Rick Ziperfal
This scenario depicts the Soviet invasion of Hungary in November of 1956. Budapest was attacked with massed Russian firepower and was defended bravely by the Hungarian Army and civilian population.
Invasion at Salvador Bay
(Cuba - July 22, 1997)
Autor: C. J. McElhinney
This scenario deals with a hypothetical invasion of Cuba by the U.S. Marines. As commander of Fox Co, 2nd Bn, 2nd Marines, you must seize a radar installation and a Cuban military base.
East Meets West
(Somewhere in West Germany. Near the wall - July 04, 1989)
Autor: Sgt Mark Hamlin
East crosses the Wall trying to take West Germany. To gain USSR Suport. And Make Germany Hole again.
Rescue At Entebbe
(Uganda - January 15, 1976)
Autor: Rick Ziperfal
This scenario recreates the daring rescue of hostages held on a hijacked Air France airliner in Uganda by Israeli Commandos.
Assault On Gaza
(Sinai - January 22, 1963)
Autor: Rick Ziperfal
This scenario depicts the assault by the Israeli 11th infantry brigade reinforced on the City of Gaza. The city was defended by the Egyptian 26th National Guard Brigade.
Kahn Yunis
(Sinai - January 22, 1963)
Autor: Rick Ziperfal
This scenario deals with the mopping up operations on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli 11th Brigade must capture the town of Khan Yunis and it's surrounding ridges. These are defended by units of the 86th Palestinian brigade.
The Bridge to Peace
(Near Mount Hermon, Golan Heights - September 19, 1997)
Autor: Nieznany
The Golan Heights are the defensive linchpin to the Middle East. In response to escalating tensions between Israel and Syria over Israli control of them the U.S. deploys 9,000 peacekeepers with the approval of both sides. The troops are there to 'Keep the Peace' while negotiations continue. The Media is watching. Taking advantage of the political situation Syrian President Assad decides it is better to lose a division to the Americans than a war to the Isralis in recapturing the Golan Heights. In August Syria accuses the U.S. of taking sides with Israel in negotiations since Israel refuses to relinquish the Heights to Syria. Following threats and rhetoric against 'intransigent American occupation' of the Heights Syria launches an all-out assault against the Americans. 0700 Hours, September 19, the Syrians unleash their airforce against the Americans. It is midnight in Washington. Syrian ground-support aircraft attack at will while American carrier-based jets battle to gain air superiority and supress Syria's formidable SAM defenses. If Syria can break through the American lines quickly Washington will be forced to concede the Heights to prevent the destruction of the Peacekeepers. Any outcome other than a decisive defeat is a victory for Syria. Elements of Task Force 397-3, 'The Bridge to Peace,' occupy the approaches to Mount Hermon, strategic center of The Golan.
Battle for Guangzhou
(Guangzhou,China - July 15, 1997)
Autor: Davor Popovic
After John Majors statement that Great Britain needs more time to withdraw from Hong Kong, China decides to accelerate the British withdrawal forcibly and sends Chinese troops into Hong Kong. Expecting such hostilities, the British government sends reinforcement to Hong Kong in an attempt to prepare for a possible attack. On June 15, 1997 the 170th Armored Chinese Brigade starts its "liberation" by seizing a small city called Guangzhou. As commander for the 137th British Armoured Brigade, your mission is to defend the city.
Syrian Incursion into Jordan
(Northern Jordan - September 05, 1970)
Autor: Erik Williams
In September 1970, Syria sent an armored force into Jordan to support the Palestinians in their fight against Jordan. The Syrian force was destroyed.
(Jordan - January 15, 1956)
Autor: Rick Ziperfal
1956. Israeli commandos storm the Jordanian Arab Legion police fort Kalkilya.
Operation Chromite
(Keasong, North Korea - October 15, 1950)
Autor: Maurizio Laurenti
The bulk of the North Korean Army pulled back from the Imjin River. However, various NKPA units have been left behind to delay the advance into the town of Kaesong. Even though poor weather is limiting visibility, you are ordered to secure the road leading to Kaesong and clear it of enemy units.
Burning Steel on the Sahara
(Lybian border - July 04, 1967)
Autor: Robert Floyd
This scenario represents a hypothetical battle between Lybian and Egyptian forces. After a failed Lybian invaision of Egypt, the Eqyptians respond by driving into Lybian territory. This scenario is armor heavy.
Bay of Pigs
(Cuba - April 17, 1961)
Autor: Lee R. Toman
The dark Monday night of April 17th in 1961, American trained and equipped Cuban freedom fighters stormed ashore to overthrow Castro's communist regime. Supported by B-26 Bombers and parachute drops, landings were made at Playa Larga and Giron. This scenario can be played as either side with freedom fighters as Green and Castro as Red. If playing Green, use your paratroopers and commandos to seize key objectives allowing time for your other troops and tanks to come ashore and move into defensive positions. Your B-26s are especially effective against Castro's tanks. If playing as Red, move swiftly to crush the invaders. Your artillery and jets can be used to pin down the attackers while your tanks and troops advance. Scenario based on The Bay of Pigs - The Untold Story by Peter Wyden and The Bay of Pigs - The Leaders Story of Brigade 2506 by Haynes Johnson.
Sabers Drawn
(Kuwaiti Border - February 20, 1991)
Autor: Wild Bill Wilder
After nearly five weeks of incessant air attacks, units of the 1st Cavalry Division make quick strikes into western Kuwait. The purpose of the Cav is a series of deceptive feints to hold five Iraqi divisions in place. It is an old-time lightning cavalry raid reminiscent of another day, when the charge was made with sabers drawn. Wild Bill Wilder
Sky Warriors
(Near Bong Son, Vietnam - January 28, 1967)
Autor: Wild Bill Wilder
The war in Vietnam became primarily an airmobile war. While other units played a big role in the conflict, it was the coming of age of the helicopter and the rapid deployment of large forces in the heart of enemy defenses. Vertical Envelopment. It nearly proved the undoing of the Communist forces. Near Bong Son, units of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Airborne Brigade begin making landings in a strong NVA fortress position.
Sweden: Last Stand
(Malmoe, Sweden - December 12, 1997)
Autor: Percy Ohlin
Russia makes a suprise attack. Our last reserve is thrown into battle to try to hold a lst line if defense just outside Malmoe in Sweden's south. If the Russians seize the city they gain control of the narrow Oresund Link, placing them in an excellent position to take Copenhagen.
The Sword and Shield
(Sinai - June 07, 1967)
Autor: "Ambush" Gariepy
Although Egypt was easily defeated during the Six-Day War, they did have useful defensive tactics. This scenario shows how the Egyptians use "The Sword and Shield" tactics.
Syrian Sunrise
(Israel - July 05, 1997)
Autor: Shawn Anglum
With the advent of the Middle East peace accord several wounds still remained open. One of these deep rooted wounds is between Syria and Israel. Both countries have grievances with each other. However, in the promise of peace each has tried to bury the axe or so was thought. Seizing an opportunity to extract revenge on an enemy Syria assaults into Israel via the Golan Height. The surpise in complete and Israel forces take heavy casualties. However, the tide is about to change thanks to some good fortune. Israel must reestablish order or risk losing all the work that has been done in the Middle East.
Flashpoint: Syria 1984
(Syria - June 15, 1984)
Autor: Dusan Bolek
Russian armor forces strike against Israel well defended position with T-80 tanks. The assault is strongly supported, including BM-22 Uragan artillery. This would be a true test of Israel's new Merkava 2 tank.
Flashpoint: Syria 1993
(Syria - June 15, 1993)
Autor: Dusan Bolek
After watching a major defeat of allied Syrian forces, the Russian decided to take matters into their own hands and attack Israel. A strong tank force including new T-80s meets an Israel armor batalion equipped with Merkava tanks.
2 em R.E.P in Tchad
(Tchad - January 15, 1984)
Autor: Thibault Lebrun
2em REP with air support and the help of the fast and powerful AMX 10-RC must crush a Libyan armored force .
(Turkmenistan, Afghanistan - January 15, 1987)
Autor: Dusan Bolek
A strong forces of Mujadeen move to Turkmenistan. Their target is a small research institute defend by a small group of Russian Army regulars. Can technological superiority stop fanaticism?
Spis scenariuszy do STEEL PANTHERS 3
wykorzystano zbi≤r "Mario Kroll, The Gamers Net, and Strategic Simulations, Inc."
Redakcja SS nie odpowiada za jako£µ i b│Ωdy zawarte w scenariuszach.
Brigade Attack
(NTC, Fort Irwin, California - December 09, 1998)
Autor: Renaldo Cabico
This scenario has a brigade attacking the OPFOR defenses in the central corridor at the U.S. Army's National Training Center. Do you have what it takes to be a Brigade Commander? The preferred side is the US Army.
Bergewald 3
(Niemcy 1981)
Autor: Pawe│ Pejotl Jankowski
Aby przy£pieszyµ prze│amanie dow≤dztwo Frontu zdecydowa│o o wykonaniu operacji powietrzno-desantowej na bliskie zaplecze przeciwnika, by odci╣µ jego drogi zaopatrzeniowe. Twoim zadaniem jest nawi╣zanie kontaktu z oddzia│ami spadochronowymi i powstrzymanie przeciwnika przed odbiciem dogodnych dr≤g odwrotu.
Gracz powinien dowodziµ stron╣ rosyjsk╣.
Bergewald 4
(Niemcy 1981)
Autor: Pawe│ Pejotl Jankowski
Mimo znacznego obezw│adnienia, w toku dotychczasowych dzia│a±, obrony nieprzyjaciela, rozpoznanie wykry│o przed naszym frontem ruchy kolejnych jednostek pancernych. Prawdopodobnie s╣ to jednostki £wie┐o przyby│e ze Stan≤w. Dow≤dztwo Frontu ostrzega przed mo┐liwo£ci╣ lokalnych kontratak≤w nieprzyjaciela.
Gracz powinien dowodziµ stron╣ rosyjsk╣.
(Champs, Belgium - December 25, 1944)
Autor: William "Bill" Jenkins
The Germans last desperate attempt to reach Bastogne. German Panzer Grenadiers supported by artillery and tanks attempt to force the road to Bastogne in a badly planned and poorly executed attack. The badly outnumbered American paratroopers resist heroically. Designed to be played as Germans but playable from either side.
Diamond Ridge
(Diamond Ridge, Alaska - April 03, 1946)
Autor: Greg Schutz
Three luckless American companies including the Defenders were caught behind the rapidly advancing front lines and sought temporary refuge on Diamond Ridge. The Russians discovered their positions, though, and immediately planned an assault. Due to a mix-up, however, the wrong Russian companies attacked the American units. It would be up to the Defenders to hold the Russians off long enough for the infantry to pull back. This scenario is based on my short story.
Russian Break-out accross the Dnieper
(Dnieper River, Soviet Union - September 24, 1943)
Autor: Paul Ferris
Operation Citadel has failed. The Red Army has counter-attacked on a massive scale, throwing Army Group South back to the Dnieper. On September 24, Red Army engineers complete pontoon bridges across the river near Zarubentsy. A German Armored recon battalion tries to seal off the crossing point before the bridgehead is established. Stronger German units rush to the scene as General Rybalko takes his 6th Guards Tank Corp across the Dnieper to the sound of Soviet parachute planes overhead. It is recommended that you play the German side.
Start Of The Final War
(Border of the two Germanys - June 27, 1985)
Autor: Lars Michler
This scenario is about the start World War III. The two sides meet at the German-German border. Due to a lengthy build up during the Cold War, both sides are heavily armed and ready to fight when the first salvos of WW III launch across the border. Playable as either side.
(Mariah, South Carolina - August 17, 1999)
Autor: Greg Schutz
For reasons unknown, though probably in response to American deaths in Bosnia, a company of Army National Guard M1A1HAs based near Columbia, South Carolina defected and took over their base. Any soldiers loyal to the federal government or the state were immediately killed. Quickly, many other ARNG units defected, stating that the South was rising again. Soon enough, loyal US forces throughout the Appalachians in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were either driven out or destroyed. The President, eager to avert the media's attention from the most recent White House scandal, immediately set a deadline by which the defectors must surrender. When the deadline passed without a surrender, federal forces attacked ARNG units throughout the tri-state area. The first battle to take place was in Mariah, South Carolina, where a reinforced Marine battalion assaulted two dug-in ARNG companies, one armored, the other rifle. Though it was planned to be a quick, brutal battle, it quickly degraded into a bloody stalemate.
Behind Enemy Lines
(Bering Strait Coast, Alaska - April 03, 1946)
Autor: Greg Schutz
Almost back to the front lines, the Defenders found themselves in another predicament. A Russian mechanized company was coming up from behind, and a Russian rifle battalion was about to achieve a breakthrough ahead. Acting quickly, the Defenders saved the day. This scenario is based on my short story.
Attaque Imprvue
(Federal Republic of Germany - February 23, 1950)
Autor: GamerS
Attack of Soviet troops against an American occupied zone in 1950, during the Cold War. Best played as Americans.
Chorwon Valley 1999
(Western Corridor, South Korea - November 01, 1999)
Autor: Travis R. Dean
The 2nd Infantry Division, stationed near Tongduchon, South Korea has the daunting task of stopping the advance of the NKPA as it moves north after bypassing the American units and taking the Osan Airfield. The 2nd Brigade Combat Team has set up a static defensive line protecting the supply routes and bridges in Uijongbu. Your job is to stop the encirclement of the American positions in Korea, and, if possible, take back the airfield and embassy in Osan. Your well-planned use of air cavalry and artillery is important here. Second to None!
The First Wave
(Daimel, Alaska - April 02, 1946)
Autor: Greg Schutz
To prove her willingness to fight for control of land gained in World War II, the Soviet Union staged a full-scale invasion of Alaska, South Korea, Germany, and Norway. Alaska was the first theater to see fighting, when a lead-off Russian task force met up with an entrenched American task force, the antitank company of which was nicknamed "The Defenders".