OK you start off on a bridge near the satellite dish.
Walk off the edge of the bridge and drop to the asteroid underneath.
Go North & PICK UP bent metal bar. Go North to bridge section, go West, West & PICK UP circuit board. You can have a wander around if you wish and pick up some rocks, you can also JUMP to a stationary asteroid and PICK UP a sharp piece of metal but it's of no use to you like a lot of other junk you can collect throughout the game.
Go back to bridge section, stand near the left of the screen & when the spinning asteroid appears Jump on it. When the asteroid nears the bridge, JUMP to the bridge. (It's easy to miss the asteroid when you jump but it'll be back so keep trying.) You'll find yourself back at the satellite dish. INSERT bent metal bar into satellite panel, PICK UP panel from ground, INSERT circuit board into satellite panel, USE satellite panel.
From the terminal screen select "Set filtration system" & close filtration system for Gavric Homeworld. Select open service channel for Gavric Homeworld & walk into town.
PICK UP the food container on the right (it's no use to you but pick it up anyway), PUSH/PULL the larger of the two ventilation shafts on the left of the screen. OOPS! You get sucked in and dumped back on the asteroid together with a mirror and some garbage. PICK UP mirror and garbage (which is absolutely no use to you but is typical of this game) & make your way back to the town by the previously tried and trusted method! SAVE HERE it's easy to get arrested by robots and you don't want to go back to the spinning asteroid do you?
Go North then West at the end of the street (yes it's a little slow but possible) DON'T talk to any robots or press any buttons etc. As you may get zapped. You see the glowing red doorway on your right?
Well throw your mirror at it. ( What else? ) An irate alien will pop his head out the window, give you some verbal, and tell you to go see Sylphinaa (Yes it is a silly name). USE the keypad on the south door.
Sylphinaa will invite you in and have her wicked way with you (you wish!). Have a chat with her and agree to help.
You have to be fairly quick here:- the robots will break in and zap Sylphinaa (with a name like that she deserves to be zapped). Before they get in ATTACK the south door keypad with bent metal bar (yeh really!) And go through the door. OPEN the cupboard door and WEAR the suit inside.
Check out your inventory - you have now got an arm computer, a blue I.D card and a green plastic key card.
Use the main console above the bed and select open window shutter.
JUMP out of the window. USE arm computer with car to shut down the force field. JUMP into the car before the robots arrest you ( I told you to save it earlier!) Check out the controls. INSERT the green key card into the anti theft console on the left. USE the anti theft keypad on the right and enter your personal PTV number from your game manual (if you've got one; if not it's 87764) ZOOM! You're off into the cosmos. (But I haven't taken anything officer honest!)
After a brief vision of what's going on elsewhere in the UV you'll be accosted by SNORGLAT (great name isn't it?) who will ask you for some goodies in exchange for a trip to Wheelworld and then leave you in peace.
Click on the navigation screen in the centre & select 'navigate course'. Lay in course for Balkamos 7, WHOOSH!
Click nav. screen again & select 'descend to planet'. You're now skimming the surface.
Click nav. screen again and 'select quadrant'.
Select N.E. quadrant and you'll land.
Phew! Got the picture for using the controls now? Good coz I'm not going thro them again! Use this proc. for navigating your way to other planets.
Back to the game.
Ignore the aliens behind the rock, they're just checking out your PTV before they steal, sorry, borrow it. (After all they're just underprivileged, underdeveloped, deprived kids from broken homes trying to call attention to themselves aren't they your honour?) Go North where you'll find a space wreck (you'll also see the alien kids joyriding in your PTV but don't worry they're just having a bit of fun! ). PICK UP the domestic droid and go East, East, South, South and PICK UP the canister. Go as far West as you can and then North where you'll find your PTV along with the aliens indulging in a spot of mindless vandalism, sorry, youthful exuberance.
COMBINE canister with droid and USE droid on alien kids.
Well that showed 'em didn't it? Or perhaps you should have sent them to Centre-parks for a couple of weeks! Back to the plot: JUMP into your PTV, ascend from planet and head for Jor-Slev 4 N.W.
quadrant. Have a wander around & PICK UP any rocks you find lying around. When you come across the blob snorting alien, (yes really!) THROW a rock at it & kill it!!! (This game doesn't go a bundle on interstellar public relations does it? - Visit strange new worlds, meet strange looking aliens and kill them!) USE droid with blue blobs and go back to your PTV (by the way PTV stands for Personal Transport Vehicle) ignoring any other blob snorting aliens on the way, after all they're just underpriv.....etc.
Select S.E quadrant and go West till you come to a hermit. Talk to the old creature & give him the blobs to eat. (NOT snort!) He'll give you a rock of pure CARVITE.(now don't do it all at once or you'll never get up for work in the morning and your mum will play hell with you for using drugs.......) Jump into the old PVC and set course for Pfallenop asteroid cluster.
Snorglat will accost you again and you cant get away so just give him the dope and after a fairly easy arcade sequence in which you have to dock your PMT with his GVP he will dump you on Wheelworld.
Once safely landed you will have to talk to Snorglat but no matter what you say or how polite you are he'll shoot you.(A bit like Moss Side isn't it?).
When you recover jump into your PVT..... Look, lets just call it a car OK? and lay in a course for landing bay REF. 40e. PUSH the robot welder into the hole and PICK UP the steel cable. Go back to your car and head for landing bay REF. 1h.
LOOK at the sky:( WOW! did you have a little bit of that Carvite?) Go thro the gate. -This is the ONLY way into the city, even if you have an I.D. pass, so don't waste your time trying other landing bays.
Pick up the flask of blue liquid near the steps & go down the entrance middle right under the monorail.
Walk onto the elevator which blows up halfway down. (Does this sound familiar? ) Use cable with elevator. Talk to the tramp politely & ask for his help. Give him the blue flask, he'll give you his I.D. pass.
While you're here check out the monorail down the entry on your right.
Have you noticed I've stopped using capitals for commands? You should be used to them by now.
Go back to the elevator & walk up the cable! Use droid with elevator control at the top. Go back to Arcway & go North down the freeway, man.
You're now on Kaleev Way. Go up the escalator and go right. Go up the escalator and insert blue I.D. card into dispenser on the left.
Buy some government drugs, go back down the escalator, left & back to the arcades. Go in brightly lit entrance to the North. Use the consoles on the right. Good eh? They don't make 'em like this anymore.
Talk to the alien sitting on his own. Offer to buy him a drink. Talk to him again and ask him if he wants another. This time mix your Happy Carvite with the brandy and give it to him. He'll pass out and you can steal his badge. You can then go and bust the dudes hanging around outside waiting for their man!..........No, not really but it would make a little diversion to ease the boredom.
Go outside and down the elevator to the parking lot.
SAVE HERE. There's a tricky little arcade sequence coming up in which you can easily be killed. Go back to Arcway, talk to healer and offer to get his hand back (no, this is not a joke!) Chase after packers.
The arcade sequence which follows is fairly difficult, the best way to do it is to stay high (sic.) fire constantly and ram the packers into the walls as you pass them.
You'll land back at bay 1h. Talk to the dying packer and get the healer's hand back for him. Go to Keevly Way & talk to the Healer who is waiting near the taxis. He'll give you a starchart and starts to take you to a safe house but Baron Keevly materialises and sends his bully boys after you. From here you'll run to the elevator at Wheel Street. Jump down, climb down the cable and run down the alley to the monorail. Walk to the first opening on the bridge and jump onto a passing train. The train will stop at a low bridge near the station, you have to jump onto the right gantry and climb down rather sharpish or the train will set off again and you'll lose your head! Go to the edge of the platform and jump down to the track below. Use droid with the air filtration duct. The droid will open the door for you but dies in the process.(Oh! Poor little thing). Insert blue I.D. card into ticket machine & buy a ticket to the Mekanthalor Galaxy.
First check your inventory to make sure you've got your ticket then use the keypad on the door on the far left and enter the corridor.
Once inside the corridor you'll see a force field blocking your way.
DO NOT I repeat, DO NOT use the keypad on the door to go back out coz there's a nasty bug in the programme which can crash the game in a big way (It also invalidated dh0: on my drive corrupted the root directories on all three partitions and trashed the game disk in df0: -some bug!)
OK, insert your ticket into the terminal and walk thro to the shuttle.
Be quick here or the Baron's robots will get you; Use keypad on shuttle door, enter the shuttle. Escape.
On board the shuttle, talk to the official, drinking man and shop assistant. Go to the lift door, look at your ticket - it says room 1 floor 1. Use keypad on lift door, select launch bay. In the launch bay check out the blue car and talk to the parking attendant (Yeh, parking attendants are just as uncooperative throughout the galaxy).
Use lift again & select level 1. Talk to builder (check out his builders bum!) about security, tell him you're from security on Wheelworld. Go left, use keypad on your room, get message from the rebellion. Use communicator on the right, select level 3 MYRELL.
Go out to lift, use lift, select level 3 and go right to room 3. Talk to Myrell who'll give you the second piece of the star chart & tell you to find Haldebar. Go outside where a cop will threaten you with a gun. However an explosion Knocks her out and you can steal her gun and car card. Go to the launch bay, don't forget to tip the parking attendant (joke!), jump in your car and escape before the shuttle explpodes. (They seem to do a lot of that, shuttles, don't they? You know, exploding!!) OK you're out in space and you have another vision (are you sure you didn't stash a teeny bit of that Carvite?) Use your nav. screen and go to Ankarlon 5 N.W. quadrant. Go west past the crawler and pull the straight metal bar from the pile of junk. Use the bent metal bar on the ship's terminal cover. Go back to the car, go to Siruf 2 but don't land, there's nothing there. Go to Daarlor-Korv N.E quadrant, go east to the shrine. Combine both pieces of the star chart & combine the star chart with the straight metal rod. Insert starchart into recess in shrine & a black hole will appear and suck you in (no comment!).
You are then transported to Haldebar. Go east. You can see the powergem in the middle of an altar with six beams radiating from it.
There's a small rock on the right which you can pick up if you forgot to collect the ones earlier in the plot. Look at the plaque on the left (is this really the time to inspect your teeth?), it shows you a riddle and a diagram of the places to walk over before you throw the rock at the powergem. You have to walk to the places marked on the diagram and click the right mouse button at each one until all the beams from the powergem have been extinguished. Have patience you'll get it right sooner or later.
SAVE HERE When you've extinguished all the beams, throw the rock at the powergem, pick it up and run like hell back to the vortex from whence you came.
Jump over the collapsed bridge and run to the black vortex. If you're too slow the demons will get you. This little procedure can take several attempts but it is possible so don't give up. If you got it right first time you're just a smartass!
OK, now back to your mean machine and head back to the crawler on Anklehorn 5. Use powergem on crawler terminal, Use arm computer with terminal, select the middle line of alien writing and walk to the transporter beam which appears. Talk to the alien in the ship & offer to help; he will give you a cloaking device and beam you down (Scotty) Combine the cloaking device with the powergem and take a look at it.
It needs batteries right? (This game is getting too real) Jump into your hot-rod and cruise on down to the Mekanthelor Galaxy cluster baby. You'll get hi-jacked by a prison ship and drawn in with a tractor beam. (I didn't know they used tractors in space!) Inside the prison ship, talk to Man Brute. (He uses great after-shave) SAVE HERE Use the transporter beam on the right and you'll be beamed down to Coros along with your car Where you'll find two smugglers hanging around on the landing pad. These guys are real nasty so give them the car or they'll shoot you dead. Walk into the city and talk to the waiting man. Tell him you're Boris. He'll take you round the back and..... tell you about the passages behind the wall. Go back to the main square and talk to the ridiculous robot. Walk south and check out the sentinel guards. The only way you're gonna get past them babies is if you're invisible! Get the picture? Go back to the main square and talk to the silly robot. Tell him how decorative he looks and that the sentinels have a message for him. When he comes back, give him the secret password. What? Can this be humour creeping in at last? Go back to the sentinel square and pick up his battery pack. Ahaa! Combine the batteries with the powergem and Eureka! you have a fully functional cloaking device. Use arm computer with powegem and walk North past the sentinels then West. Oh no, it's the mad baron! He'll shoot you but your trusty powergem will reflect the fire and disable old Kaleev.
Take his I.D. chip, use the cloaking device again and head back past the sentinels, thro the square and back to where the robots are guarding the wall.
SAVE HERE Ask the droid nearest the edge to blow a hole in the wall, in fact insist he blow a hole in the wall. Guess what; he blows a hole in the wall for you.( Could this be what happened at Whitemoor) You are now in the passages but the baron has seen through your little plan and has sent his pet gorillas after you so you'd better get your skates on. Run East & up, run East again, use keypad and hide in the alcove.
When the droid goes thro the door, close it behind him and run east, and up to the big rock. When the next droid appears on the stairs, use bent metal bar on rock to crush him. Run East, then South. Ignore the keypad it doesn't work. Run East, up, and East into the lizard's den.
Throw the I.D. chip at the lizard's head. (Yes it's so obvious what to do isn't it? It only took me four nights of using just about everything with everything else before I stumbled on this one. Do you know how many different combinations there are possible with the amount of junk you're carrying?) Jump into the lizard's tail and wait for the dumb droid to come in for lunch. He doesn't know that he is the lunch. Pick up the droid's battery pack and combine it with the powergem. Use the cloaking device, jump to the ledge at the back of the room & climb out thro the ventilation shaft. Run past the sniper to the North and check out the droid with his back to you. Re-cloak and insert the bent metal bar (it's really come in useful that bent metal bar hasn't it?) with the droid. Watch the next scene, I think Core is really going over the top with the humour don't you? Two funny episodes what! Go North, past the defunct guards and into the heart of the citadel where you'll find He-man, sorry, Man Brute in a sorry state. Talk to him and get his power glove.
You might like to save here or you may miss the end of the story.
Go west into the citadel square. Baron Kaleev will appear and threaten to disintegrate you but just before he does, grass him up to the God Neiamises and watch him fry.
Refuse to surrender to Neiamises then throw the powergem at him.
My programme crashed at this point and I had to reload! Good job I'd saved it. Do you think Core did this on purpose or what?
Well it's all over now bar the shouting. Watch the finale as the mad god is fried, check out your uncle who comes to take you back,(pity you didn't get to take the girl back with you), have a brew and go to bed.
Comment: There are some really bad bugs in this game and the fact that it's not hd installable makes it a real pain to reload etc.
If you bought this game legit. and it crashes often, take it back and complain bitterly about it. I'm now on my third copy and the bugs are still there. I think it may be something to do with the floppy drive continuing to spin when you have to swap disks.
Whinge over.
Thanks to Wendy B for her help in the solve and relief typing.