LOCATION: Central Corridor National Training Center, Ft. Irwin California*
1st Brigade attacks East along the Central Corridor to penetrate and destroy enemy forces occupying deliberate defenses in order to protect the flank of the Division Main Effort*
3rd Bn., 66th Armor*
1st Bn., 7th Infantry*
A Company, 3rd Bn., 503rd Lt. Infantry*
1st Brigade attacks in zone vic Central Corrode to seize OBJ SHILO (vic RACETRACK) to support the passage of follow-on forces. The division commander's intent is to rapidly penetrate the enemy defensive belt, force early commitment of the counterattack force in zone and seize the key terrain on OBJ GRANT. These actions will allow the division to maintain the momentum of the corps offensive, to cut the enemy's communications zone, and to hinder his ability to retreat in zone.
1st Brigade will be established in a hasty defense on OBJ SHILOH and OBJ GRANT with 75 percent of forces and prepare for the counterattack forces.
Number of Turns: 12*
NOTE:The National Training Center has impassable terrain that restrict movement of wheel and track vehicles, to replicate these areas, I have employed dragon teeth's to restrict movement of vehicles to these areas. I also designed the map to closely depict the actual size of the terrain at the NTC.