Secret Service 56b
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76 lines
(The introductory text mentions the fact that you (Harper) have dropped
your goggles/nightshades).
Get goggles, Wear goggles, N, E, E, D, N, Examine sink, Get medikit,
Examine Medikit, Examine window, Examine bars, Forcibly remove bars,
Examine red button, Examine green button, Press red button, Bend bar,
Inventory, Remove medikit, Throw medikit through window, Remove kit, Throw
suit through window, N, Get suit, Wear suit, Get medikit, Wear medikit, W,
Press green button, Open door, W, S, Examine body, Get satchel.
Examine satchel, W, W, Read certificate, W, W, Get bone,
Look, Examine desert, Follow tracks, E, E, Examine door, Remove wire, Open
door, Look under bed, Get shape, Move bed, Move bed, Get shape, Examine gun,
Open door, E, E, E, U, Give bone to dog, U, U, W, S, SE, Press green
U, S, Jump gap, R, D, E, S, Remove medikit, S, U, E, E, E, E, E, Get
screwdriver, Put screwdriver in satchel, E, Throw medikit at light, Wear
nightshades, E, Get rigel uniform, W, W, W, W, N, N, Wear uniform, N, N, N,
N, N, E, U, Press switch, Get mine detector, Press switch, U, W, S, E, D,
Z, Z, Z, Z, Put gun in satchel, Get bomb, Examine bomb, Examine mine
detector, U, U.
E, Turn dial on bomb, Turn dial on detector, Wear headphones, Turn dial (You
now have to correctly traverse a minefield, but rge detector guides you.
ou need to select Three moves in Each direction before finally finding the
small hut to the east. One easiest way to do this is as follows:
E, E, E, N, N, N, S, S, S, W, W, W, NW, NW, NW, NE, NE, NE, SW, SW, SW, SE,
SE, SE ...... every direction has now been tried Three times), E, E, E, SE,
E, Introduce bomb (The guards run away and part one is now complete
(Save data for part two)
(After loading in saved data from part one)
Remove goggles, Get bomb, N, Carefully drop bomb, E, E, W, W, N, N, Examine
apparatus, Read instructions, Get gun, Insert plug into socket, Pull lever,
Unplug gun, Examine gun, S, E, E, E, E, E, Put gun in satchel, Put
nightshades in satchel, Read graphitti, Look under bench, Get can, W, W, S,
W, Examine dustbin, Get case, Open case, Look inside case, Put can in
satchel, Get flare, Put flare in satchel, Drop case, Wear satchel, Drop
suit, Inventory, Z, Z (Keep waiting until the marching goes away), E, N, N,
E, Examine seat, Get documents, W, S, E, Z (Until soldiers pass), W, N, E,
Get rifle, W, S, E, Read documents, R, Get identcard.
Z (Until you hear marching from the west), W, S (You quietly follow the
troops), S, E, E (The checkpoint barrier is raised to let the troops
through, and you follow on, unchallenged), E (A guard nods to you as you
pass), E, E, S, Dig (You unearth Elliot's hidden light-guide,
Put documents in satchel, Put identcard in satchel, Get light guide,
Examine light guide, Press memory, Z, Z, Z (Until you hear marching to the
west), W, S, Examine android, Get paint, Shake paintm Spray lens, S,
Examine gate, Drop paint, Get identcard, Insert identcard in slot, SW,
Examine ivy, Climb into shaft, Examine grille, Get screwdriver, Unscew
drill, Clim into shaft, Crawl north, Crawl north, Look through opening (You
see the guard room), Crawl north, Crawl north, Look through opening (You
now see a cell), Crawl north, Crawl north, Look through opening (Another
cell), Crawl north, Crawl north, Crawl west, Crawl west, Look through opening
(You see a soldier in an abandoned labratory), Drop identcard, Get gun,
Fire at soldier, Push mesh, Crawl north.
Bolt door, Examine soldier, Read paper,Examine cube, Open panel, Examine
panel, Connect light guide to panel, Examine dipswitch, Switch on 1, Switch
on 3, Switch on 4, Press execute, Drop rifle, Drop gun, Drop screwdriver,
Z, Get sphere, Put sphere in satchel, Climb into shaft, Crawl east, Crawl
east, Crawl down, Crawl down, Examine opening, Crawl north, Push mesh,
Crawl north, Open trapdoor, D, Get goggles, Wear goggles, Get flare, E, N,
N, N, Fire flare at monster, N, S, S.