Secret Service 38
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|b|s18About ·The Internet,25206 's Areas|b|s10
·The Internet,25206 is not one huge, organised area as many people would have you
believe. It's actually made of lots of different aspects, each one of which
needs its own software, and its own areas of expertise.
|b|s09 ·Access All Areas,0 |b|s10 deals with this by presenting each of the main areas of
the Net in its own section.
This means that you can learn about it each area in your own time.
Each of these sections makes use of |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 super-fast
hypertext system to ensure that you are never bewildered by all the jargon
that litters ·the Internet,25206 .
Plus there's voiced-over video giving you an insight into the
::workings of the Internet¬EMAIL.MOV.
The areas covered in |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 are:
|b ·Email,9277 |b - you've heard all about it, now find out the facts
|b ·News,19311 |b - how to read it and how to make it
|b ·World Wide Web,28238 |b - the face of ·the Internet,25206 , get the inside track
|b ·TCP/IP,24331 |b - the language of ·the Internet,25206 . It's the techie wonderland
|b ·FTP,11881 |b - File Transfer Protocol - get your hands on loads of free software!
|b ·Games,28866 |b - there's loads to be played with millions of people on the Internet
|b ·IRC,15915 & ·Chat,6037 |b - realtime conversations with people scattered all over the
|b Searchers |b - this is how you track down all the files, sounds, movies and
more on the Internet
|b Helpers |b - make the most of the files that you get from ·the Internet,25206 with this
quick and easy tutorial
|b Hardcore Net Tools |b - really get inside ·the Internet,25206 and gain a whole new
chunk of value!
|b Fun Bits |b - yes, it's all the other, 'less important', areas of the Net that are
just too much fun to leave out
|b ·Virtual Reality,29051 |b - we've managed to secure one of the world's first and
best ·Virtual Reality,29051 browsers with ·Cybergate,29211 . You won't believe what you're
seeing when you try it
Don't forget, if you have any problems finding |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 call 01924
|b|s18How ·Access All Areas,0 Benefits You|b|s10
|b|s12Quick access to relevant information|b|s10
|b|s12All the jargon explained in pop-up definitions|b|s10
|b|s12Voiced-over movies show how things work|b|s10
|b|s12Simple examples help get you Netted quickly|b|s10
|b|s12Help right where you need it|b|s10
|b|s12Print out the info for relaxed reading|b|s10
|b|s12Find any word on|b|s10 |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10
|b|s12Retrace your steps with two clicks|b|s10
Making use of the same Blue (hypertext) link and Red (HyperMovie) link
system, these sections of the CD thoroughly ground the |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10
owner in setting up and using a their software (that can be installed from the
first |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 ·Home Page,12368 ).
Everything you need to get started and have fun on ·the Internet,25206 is included in
text form, and using the voiced-over movies that can ease anybody into
full-·Internet,14318 action.
|b|s14Information is Power|b|s10
Enabling the |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 user to get to grips with their programs
before they venture onto ·the Internet,25206 itself provides the following benefits:
|b|s12Save Money!|b|s10 Don't waste the phone bill getting to grips with the software.
|b|s12Save Face|b|s10 Avoid all those simple mistakes that often put new users off the
whole Net.
|b|s12Save Disk Space|b|s10 Knowing your software means being able to store it
properly, and this saves valuable disk space (and cash).