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|b|s14Useful Mailing Lists|b|s10
This section of |b|s09Access All Areas|b|s10 contains hundreds of addresses, contact
details and descriptions of ·Email,9277 mailing lists on ·the Internet,25206 .
Mailing Lists are discussion lists between like-minded people carried out with
the ease of ·email,9277 . Make this your first step to joining in.
This list is for the discussion of the Norwegian rock group known as "a-ha"
which burst onto the Top-40 scene in 1985 w/ the #1 single "Take on me" from
their debut album "Hunting High and Low" & topped charts in the UK with later
|bSend subscribe message to:|b majordomo@best.com
|bBody:|b subscribe a-ha
|bModerator:|b Peter Losher
|bAmnesty International Internet|b
This group is in its earliest stage, and is not yet official (we're working on it).
Please feel free to share your ideas about what the purpose of this group
should be, what kind of work we should undertake, how we will finance it, and
everything else you think.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b majordomo@lists.best.com
|bBody:|b subscribe amnesty-group-digest your email address
|bModerator:|b Mike Katz, mlacabe@best.com
|bAnime and Role Playing Games|b
Anime-RPGs is a mailing list that has been created to give anime lovers and
gamers a place to speak with similarly-minded folks. The general purpose of
this list is to cover the topic of anime in RPGs (or anime RPGs) as the case
may be...
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com
|bBody:|b subscribe anime-rpgs
|bModerator:|b mhobby@netcom.com
|bAnxiety Depression and Youth|b
This forum has been set up to encourage an exchange of ideas, opinions, and
information amongst those involved in research and clinical practice in the
areas of child and adolescent anxiety and depression. The group is an
interdisciplinary one involving a variety of mental health professions. The
group is NOT a forum for on line diagnostic advice. Nor is it a forum for airing
your own subjective personal views that are unsupported by empirical
evidence or strong theoretical bases. Given that the group is an
interdisciplinary one it should not focus excessively upon medication issues.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com
|bBody:|b subscribe anxiety-depression-youth
|bModerator:|b Sue Spence, sues@psych.psy.uq.oz.au
|bApple Macintosh Information|b
Apple Computer supports a number of regular newsletters dealing with its
products. Information about all of these is available from the following
·address,299 .
|bSend subscribe message to:|b info@abs.apple.com>. It will return a
document listing all
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE apple-·internet,14318 -announce your real name goes here
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE apple-·internet,14318 -authoring your real name goes here
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE apple-·internet,14318 -jobs your real name goes here
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE apple-·internet,14318 -providers your real name goes here
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE apple-·internet,14318 -users your real name goes here
|bPublishers:|b Chuq Von Rospach, huqui@plaidworks.com,
chuq@abs.apple.com, Adam C. Engst, ace@tidbits.com>)
|bAsian Arts|b
This list will serve as a clearinghouse for ·news,19311 and views about Asian arts.
Those outside of the United States are welcome to subscribe to this list. What
do we mean by the Asian arts? The Asian arts can be any one of the arts
(performing, visual and written) and crafts originating from the Asia including
work by those of Asian descent in the United States and elsewhere.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com
|bBody:|b subscribe asianarts-l
|bModerator:|b Unknown
|bAston Villa|b
Find out what the Brummie boys are up to, and have your say.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b richard@pyramid.com
|bBody:|b Subscribe Aston Villa mailing list
|bModerator:|b Richard McCormack
|bAustralian Wine Discussion Group|b
A general discussion of things wine and Oz.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b majordomo@koala.cs.cowan.edu.au
|bBody:|b Subscribe OZWINE
|bModerator:|b GPREWETT@fin.ad.cowan.edu.au
|bBabylon 5 Review|b
A discussion of various materials, books, videos, comics and so on, relating
to the Babylon 5 TV series.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b LISTSERV@cornell.edu
|bBody:|b SUBSCRIBE B5-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname
|bModerator:|b Michael S. Shappe, mss1@cornell.edu
|bBodyguards: how to become one|b
Sponsored by Executive Protection Associates, Inc. ( cntrspy@HQ.iapps.org )
and the IAPPS-
International Association of Personal Protection Specialists ( Info@iapps.org).
The bodyguard-L is for working Protective Service Agents from the Public and
Private Sectors, and those interested in becoming Protective Service Agents (
Bodyguards ). It is for discussion of Intelligence Analysis from Open
Sources, US State Department Travel Alerts, Techniques and Equipment,
Training and Tactics, Advance Work, and Employment Opportunities. The list
is NOT CONFIDENTIAL, and you are advised to take sensitive conversations
to private e-mail or encrypted private e-mail. The official language of this list
is English. Flames are not tolerated on the list. Blatant advertising is not
|bSend subscribe message to: |blistserv@netcom.com
|bBody: |b Subscribe bodyguard-l
|bModerator:|b cntrspy@iapps.org
|bBeijing 95|b
BEIJING95-L is a fully moderated discussion and information exchange
dedicated to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com
|bBody:|b Subscribe beijing95-l
|bModerator:|b Jennifer Gagliardi, gagliajn@netcom.com
|bBibilcal Apologia|b
This is a forum for the exploration of Biblical Christian apologetics. As this
description implies, the Bible will be viewed as the standard and held to be
absolute. Any discussion relating to the responsible defence of the Christian
faith is appropriate here. Among the goals is to strengthen the participant's
faith by exposing it to honest and sincere objective analysis. This list is
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com
|bBody:|b Subscribe apologia-l
|bModerator:|b Paul Nanson, think@netcom.com.
|bCyber Cafe|b
This list is for discussion between owners/operators of CyberCafes.
Discussions to include (but not limited to) technical, legal, and busisness
operations of Cybercafes. This list is for people currently running a
cybercafe, or anyone wishing to discuss the possiblity of opening one. This
list is NOT for use of customers at cybercafes.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b listserv@netcom.com.
|bBody:|b subscribe ·cyber,6658 -cafe
|bModerator:|b Unknown
|bIBM PC list|b
Info-IBMPC is a forum for technical discussion of the IBM Personal Computer
and compatible micro-computers. Info-IBMPC provides a way for interested
members of the ·Arpanet,2811 community to compare notes, ask questions, and
share insights of a technical nature about these machines.
|bSend subscribe message to:|b LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU
|bBody:|b Subscribe IBMPC
|bModerators:|b Billy Brackenridge, BRACKENRIDGE@C.ISI.EDU, Richard
Gillmann, GILLMANN@C.ISI.EDU, Eliot Moore Elmo@C.ISI.EDU, Richard
Nelson, Nelson@C.ISI.EDU, Phyllis O'Neil, SWG.ONeil@C.ISI.EDU, Koji
Okazaki, Koji@VENERA.ISI.EDU