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/ Secret Service 38 / SSERV_38_CD.bin / utils / sharewar / its.arj / CREAGAIA.IT (.mp3) < prev    next >
Impulse Tracker Module  |  1996-04-07  |  203KB  |  2 channels  |  44,100 sample rate  |  2 minutes, 28 seconds

≡≡ The Creation of Gaia
it (Impulse Tracker 1.00)
Impulse Tracker 1.06 IT 1.00
Press Shift-F9! ___
[DrumPlm] Palmed [\]
[CymbalT] Tapped [^]
[DrumShk] Slided [X]
[DrumPat] Patted [-]
[DrumTip] Tapped [_]
[DrumSna] Snare St [/]
[EfxClap] Tri-Clap [c]
[DrumDip] Semi Drum [d]
[WindFlu] Flute Bass [b]
[EfxNatu] Beach Wind [o]
[EfxChim] Sweet Chime [w]
[EfxSynt] Rich Mix [m]
[VocChor] Fem Chorus [V]
[WindFre] Attack [F]
[WindFre] Decay [f]
[WindWod] Pan Flute I [P]
[PianoMz] Mezzo [p]
T h e C r e a t i o n o f
pril 6, 1996
rom ZaStaR (Sherman Wu)
Picture the creation of a newly g
garden, green overrunning a barre
It is true that it takes only one
grow a garden. Whether it be a r
a weed is up to us."
ell, thanks for the coffee *again
nd thanks Jeffrey Lim for the
best tracker on the planet ;)
omments? Questions? Howz the song
'm at zastar@uclink4.berkeley.ed
Warining: I answer ;)
Press Down/PgDn to see more)
his song requires quite a powerfu
o 44 channels) unless you have a
an't handle this, then you will n
/Lxx will limit the number of cha
/Mxxxxx will set the 'mixing' spe
xample: IT /L32 will limit the pr
han some MIDI soundcards)
he mixing speed is the number of
as to make for each note. If you
4 THOUSAND calculations per secon
peed reduces the quality of the s
hannels that you can play.
xample: IT /M32000 will set the m
f course, you can combine these a
T /M32000 /L16
he final commandline switch worth
ight output channels.