UNINSTALLWARN = Removing the Titanic program component will completely uninstall Titanic.
CANTPLAYWARN = You won't be able to play Titanic unless you install the program component.
DELSAVEDWARN = If you choose to uninstall Titanic in the next section, the saved game files you have in the Titanic directory will be deleted.
REMOVESTR = Remove Components:
ADDSTR = Add Components:
TYPICALTYPESTR = Typical Installation
COMPACTTYPESTR = Compact Installation
CUSTOMTYPESTR = Custom Installation
TARGETDIRSTR = Target Directory:
STARTCOPYINGMSG = Setup has enough information to start installing Titanic. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files.
STARTUNINSTMSG = Setup has enough information to uninstall Titanic. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin removing files.
STARTRECONFMSG = Setup has enough information to start reconfiguring Titanic. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin.
STARTRECONFTITLE = Ready To Reconfigure
ADDREMOVETITLE = Add/Remove Components
ADDREMOVEMSG = Select the Titanic components you wish to install, or clear the components you wish to remove, then click Next.
CREATINGICONSMSG = Creating Program Folder and Icons....
REMOVINGICONSMSG = Removing Program Folder and Icons....
SETUPCOMPLETEMSG = Setup complete.
VGAREQUIREDMSG = Setup requires VGA or better resolution.
DISKSPACE1 = There is not enough disk space available to install the components you have selected. %ldk is needed; %ldk is available. Please deselect some components, or uninstall Titanic and reinstall on a different drive.
DISKSPACE2 = There is not enough space available on the drive you have selected. %ldk is needed; %ldk is available. Please free up some space or change the destination directory.
DISKSPACE3 = There is not enough space to install these option(s). Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.
ENDREMOVEDMSG = Setup is complete; Titanic has been removed from your computer.
ENDRECONFIGEDMSG = Setup is complete; Titanic components have been added or removed from your computer.
ENDPROGMANSTR = Setup is complete. You may play Titanic by double-clicking on the Titanic icon that was installed in the %s Program Manager group.
ENDSTARTMENUSTR = Setup is complete. You may play Titanic by selecting the Titanic icon in the %s folder under Programs in the Start Menu.
ENDCANTPLAYSTR = Setup is complete; however you will not be able to run Titanic until you install the Titanic program component.
ENDCANRECONFIGMSG = You may run Setup again at any time to add or remove optional Titanic components, or to remove Titanic from your system.
ENDVIEWREADMEMSG = Please view the contents of the Release Notes file if you have any problems.
ENDFINISHMSG = Click Finish to complete Setup.
NOTESICONTITLE = Titanic Release Notes
ENDREADMECHOICE = I want to view the Release Notes now.
ENDPLAYCHOICE = I want to play Titanic now.
DIRNOTDELMSG = The directory %s was not removed because it contains files not created by Titanic.
SETUPTYPETYPICAL = Titanic will be installed with the most common options. Recommended for most users.
SETUPTYPECOMPACT = Titanic will be installed with the minimum required options.
UNINSTALLDESC = Select this option to remove Titanic from your computer.
CUSTOMIZEDESC = Select this option to add or remove optional Titanic components.
PROGRAM386 = Titanic program
PROGRAM486 = Titanic program
PROGRAMPENTIUM = Titanic program
EXTRADATA = Extra data (makes Titanic faster)
RESTOFDEMO = Everything else on the CD
PROGRAM386 = Copying Titanic program...
PROGRAM486 = Copying Titanic program...
PROGRAMPENTIUM = Copying Titanic program...
EXTRADATA = Copying extra data...
RESTOFDEMO = Copying everything else...
PROGRAM386 = Removing Titanic program...
PROGRAM486 = Removing Titanic program...
PROGRAMPENTIUM = Removing Titanic program...
EXTRADATA = Removing extra data...
RESTOFDEMO = Removing everything else...