Labels:box | crt screen | earth | monitor | trade name | tree | window OCR: You iave total of 500 Gold. You need 158 more experience for level 2 aaa Dungeon Look Buffers Misc 9.11,1 North 1 Stats Resist Char Guild Male Elf {Good} Vagrant You are Alone Age Spells 120/120 Spell _evel There are Stairs Up here Hits 15/15 Att/Def 10/10 Experience 23 456789110 Map Pickup Drop Fight Spell Take Open Fxit Gold 500 Automap Objects Spells Strength Items Spells Companions Intelligence Hands Wisdom Constitution 4 Charisma 5 Dexterity rOD Party Information Name Hits Spells Status Opi 10. Fauip 11 15/15 120 None 12 Use Drop Info Welcome to MORDOR 1.11 Switch To Options Leave Must be Dungeon to Use items You were killed by Outcast Goblin You are now week[s] and day[s] older MORGUE: You lost point of Constitution during the raise have Golo Automar Equip Messages HOBDOR