"Dementia" is a unique Quest/Adventure Game from several points of view and well worth the effort of playing through to its conclusion. It is almost completely 'open-ended' and there are six Main-Worlds to explore (almost all containing many Sub-Worlds). "Dementia", as its name infers, is pretty wacky, and hence somewhat difficult for all us sane (??) gamers to follow !
Anybody who manages to do so absolutely 100% without ANY walkthru, cheat-sheet, hints, or help from anybody REALLY deserves a prize --- maybe the Distributors will send you one......ha ha !?!?!?!? But some lesser mortals may want just a little (or maybe quite a lot of) assistance. To that end there are TWO walkthru's :-
For experienced Quest players who only need a small amount of help here and there, there is the "Bare-Bones Walkthru". This walkthru tells you the BEST order in which to proceed without having to revisit Worlds and Sub-Worlds any more than essential (and saves quite a bit of time since they are spread over the five CD-Rom's, which have to be changed frequently).
It also tells you all the inventory items you must collect at each site (and there are several dozen altogether). However, it does NOT tell you how or exactly where to get them or (in any way) how or where to use them, so it doesn't completely rob you of the satisfaction of 'doing your own thing' ! If, at a particular site, you are still stuck (and there are several pretty tricky places like this), and you haven't got the time or patience to solve the problem yourself, you can always go to the identical numbered section of the "Full Walkthru" which tells you in clear detail exactly what to do.
If, however, you do not wish to play the game completely without any assistance, nor even 'waste time' with the "Bare-Bones Walkthru", there is the "Full Walkthru" which is a VERY greatly amplified version and which tells you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DO (and more !! --- and in extremely great detail).
IMPORTANT NOTE :- You can of course visit all the Worlds and Sub-Worlds in ANY order you choose. You can always move ahead, but generally only up to a certain limited point, since you are probably missing an essential item you need from somewhere else. So you often have to do quite a lot of superfluous 'going backwards and forwards' (you have to do quite a lot of this anyhow, even using either walkthru !).
However, if you stick exclusively to either walkthru, you will definitely be able to finish the game, and via the 'most efficient path' : But, you will miss quite a large number of comic antics and a lot of amusing dialogue --- these frequently are of a partially random nature and hence do not necessarily repeat themselves identically each time, but often vary according to your previous actions (and those of Granny !). So feel free to 'go your own way' !
It's worth mentioning that even these two walkthru's are not the VERY minimum you need to do in order to finish the game. At many of the sites it is hinted that whilst you (Granny !) are there, you may as well want to do something which turns out to be not actually essential to continue the game and finish it, [ e.g. :- at (097) "Observe Granny's 'reading habits' and note......" !! ]. Even though such actions are 'redundant' to the final outcome of the game, you'll miss some fun if you don't perform them whilst you've been forced to go to the trouble of actually getting to these places (and you'll only shorten your wanderings by a very few percent !!).
Incidentally, you can usually guess when such 'superfluous suggestions' occur since they are generally incorporated into a section where there is something you HAVE TO DO in order to continue (and every single action you MUST do does have its own individual numbered section).
As written in the booklets and walkthru's of most Quests ; pick up every item you can that is not actually 'nailed-down' --- you'll need it all (almost) later on. In BOTH walkthru's, all the inventory items you obtain are highlighted in bold-blue and underlined. In the "Full Walkthru" only, the ones you use are in regular blue and dotted-underlined. (You are NEVER told which items to use or where in the "Bare-Bones Walkthru".) In this game, Granny stores all her inventory items in her bra !@#%$*&&?. So from here onwards, your inventory is referred to as your BRAVENTORY !!
As in all Quest/Adventure games save VERY FREQUENTLY ! You never get 'killed' in this game (thank goodness !!), but you can VERY easily 'get lost'. Unlike many games, "Dementia" is fully adapted to Windows '95, and so there is absolutely NO limit to the number of Saves you can make. If, as some do, you favour longish descriptions of your Saves :- no problem --- they can be almost unlimited in length (there are some restrictions imposed by Windows '95, e.g., no front or back slashes, and no colons or asterisks, etc. --- but they are very few and very easily spotted and avoided !).
There are a few places where the timing is fairly critical and you may have to repeat a few times before getting it right --- before these special situations arise, you're recommended (in green) to S A V E ! There are also a (very) few places where the actions are somewhat complex or 'unclear', and going back involves the bother of changing back to previous CD-Rom's ; and hence it may be advisable to save -- these places are marked (in green) s a v e !
In "Dementia" there is a gimmick practically unknown in any other Quest/Adventure. You very frequently have to drag an object in a special direction or to a certain place. The "Bare-Bones Walkthru" does not tell you what to drag, how, or where ; but since you might overlook this action, every site in which you do have to drag something is marked in BOTH walkthru's with a red asterisk, {e.g. drag*}, and also the instruction section number is highlighted in bold red { e.g. (007) }.
The tape recorder gives you some 'demented' hints at many of the sites you visit. You can rewind, fast-forward, play and stop, as desired. In some screens you are informed that the tape recorder is not functioning ("intentionally" --- those programmers !!!) for one reason or another :- obviously you get no 'info' from the tape recorder in those screens !
Whenever you right-click on a braventory item, you obtain a large mobile illustration of the item and a (usually zany) written description of it &/or its use. These descriptions often contain (obscure) hints as to where/how you will have to use the item in the future !
Usually it is very clear, both visually and audibly, whenever you obtain a new braventory item. Occasionally, however, you can pick up something without being aware of it ; so to avoid repeating actions and wasting time, check Granny's braventory from time to time. The opposite can also happen (albeit rarely) and you imagine that you have obtained an item whereas in reality you haven't. This can be very annoying, since, at a later stage when you actually need the braventory item you may have to return to another World and Sub-World and often have to change CD's twice in the process. Bottom line :- WHENEVER you have got (or hope to have got) a new braventory item, it is well worth the extra few seconds to check to make certain --- and also to view it in close-up !
When you get the map, you can travel to the different Worlds and Sub-Worlds. In order to save time later, here are some general notes and the appellations used (it is well worth while drawing your own simple rough circular diagram for easy reference --- you will need it during the whole of the game, and the couple of minutes it takes to draw will save you very much more time later in the game !).
On the map, the Worlds are situated on a circular track and Granny always travels in an anti-clockwise direction. In the following description, the numbers inside the 'curly parentheses' {} refer to the serial numbers of the CD-Rom's concerned (not really necessary !). Granny's villa is pretty obviously situated in the middle of the left hand circumference of this circle. Travelling anti-clockwise from the villa, the other 5 Worlds are marked in violet thus :- A, B, C, D, & E. The villa itself {1}, A {2}, & B {1}, don't contain any Sub-Worlds. The last 3 only, contain Sub-Worlds as follows :-
C consists of :- C1 {4} which is the right-hand square trapdoor (closed and with a hinged-lid).
C2 {3} which is the large double swing-doored (orange coloured) vent opening.
C3 {5} At the extreme right end of the platform (right-hand bottom corner of screen).
D consists of :- D1 {2} which is the 'black-hole' (just below the centre of your monitor screen).
D2 {2} which is the 'satellite' (at the top, near the left side of your monitor screen).
E consists of :- E1 {5} which is the rock (to which is attached a balloon), on the upper left of the platform.
E2 {4} which is the tree, in the 'middle' of the upper surface of the platform.
E3 {3) which is the wheel to the right of the upper surface of the platform.
E4 {3} which is the sphere to the right of the lower surface of the platform.
There is always at least one exit icon from every frame (screen) to get back to a previous frame, a 'Sub-World', a 'Main-World', or to return to the Map itself !
If you do not wish to use the "Bare-Bones Walkthru" of 'DEMENTIA' :- BELOW IS THE "FULL (DETAILED) WALKTHRU".
(001) After the introduction, the game proper starts with Granny in the kitchen of her villa. Click twice on the pink thing on top of the cupboard --- Granny can't reach it !
(002) Click on the chair on the right, don't let go of the button, and move the drag cursor* to the far left of the screen (wherever in the game you 'find' a drag icon, you have to decide where to drag that specific item ) --- she moves the chair towards the cupboard.
(003) Now click again on the pink thing on top of the cupboard --- you get a snorkel.
(004) Now click on the bottom left of the screen ( you'll see an exit icon ); you are now in the hallway.
(005) Click on the stairs at the bottom middle of the screen; you are now in the attic.
(006) Click on the green bottle on the table --- you get a bottle of brandy.
(007) Now drag* the pole (middle-rear of the screen) to the right. A trapdoor opens in the ceiling and a bucket falls on Granny's head.
(008) Click on the bucket --- your cursor will change to a bucket icon (whenever this happens in the game, it means that this particular item is used on something/someone in that SAME screen). Use the bucket icon on the running worm until you catch the worm --- you get color worms in a bucket.
(009) Now exit the attic (lower left edge of screen); you are now in the bathroom. The 'mad cow' (no...NOT Granny !) is helping herself to Granny's treasured sun tan lotion. She seems a bit short sighted, but able to avoid the hole in the floor !
(010) Whilst the cow is otherwise occupied, drag* the trash can near to the carpet.
(011) Click on this 'cloning carpet', and click the carpet icon over the hole in the floor. The cow continues to luxuriate in her bath.
(012) Now click on the trash can's lid. Mrs. Cow tries to get to the bathroom cabinet again, but WOW, Granny gets her sun tan lotion !!
(013) Now go back to the hallway. Click on the left exit at the bottom left hand corner of the screen (at the side of the stairs); you are now in the dining room. Click on the various objects there.
(014) Click on the remote control on the desk and then click on the coffin in the left bottom corner --- you get a flying casket.
(015) Also click on the drawer on the floor underneath the table --- you get a porno magazine (which somebody will doubtless be keen to read sometime/somewhere !).
(016) Click on the exit under the stairs (left side of the screen, near the bottom); you are now in the bedroom. Click a few times on the portrait & hear something of the 'bio' of Granny's first husband !
(017) Drag* the portrait upwards.
(018) Click on the jar of pills behind it. Granny can't open the jar !
(019) Use the jar icon on the huge footprint on the floor and leave the elephant to do the rest --- you get Granny's essential anti-dizziness pill.
(020) Now click on the trash basket in the bottom left corner of the screen. Click again, and you get a new exit icon.
(021) The abovementioned exit brings you to 'George's secret room'. Have a nosey around :- look at the photograph, the left hand closet door marked 'X', the square gadget on the rear wall to the right of the two doors, etc.
(022) In particular, click the weird looking device at the bottom right hand corner of the screen (cut out scene !). The telephone is a pain in the neck, but it won't hurt to answer it a few times !
(023) Click on the second drawer up, near the left of the screen and notice that the bottom middle drawer opens !
(024) Take George's tape recorder --- THIS ITEM IS IMPORTANT, since George's recordings will give you clues (albeit obscure clues !) later on about many, although not all, of the screens you're in. Now click on the trapdoor in the floor and return to the bedroom, the dining room and finally the hallway.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(025) Click on the safe on the right, and Granny will indulge in some petty larceny. However, there's nothing for her to get except a plunger (with a bell).
(026) Drag* it to Granny. Now go the exit door to the left of the main front door; you are now in the washroom.
(027) In here, investigate the different objects, e.g. the taps, the vessels on the shelf above them, the tool box, the items on the shelves on the rear wall. In particular, click on the very end of the rails (cut out scene !) and the rail-sleepers in the middle of the bottom of the screen. Click on Granny's unique 'washing machine vehicle' --- what a toy !! Click on the brown vase on the top shelf --- and see what happens !
(028) Click on the white object that was in the vase (a bit tricky this one, sometimes !) --- you get an electric button.
(029) Now click on the whitish object clipped to the top of the drawer --- you get two braventory items this time; a coat hanger and a scarf.
(030) Now click again on the rail-sleepers in the middle of the bottom of the screen. Granny's braventory is now heavy enough to keep the rails levered up ! ( if the rails don't remain up, check that you have all of the following items :- a snorkel ; color worms in a bucket ; a bottle of brandy ; sun tan lotion ; a flying casket ; a coat hanger ; and a scarf).
(031) Now click on the washing-driving machine.
(032) F u l l T h r o t t l e ......................... Drag* the incredible flying machine to the door on the right. You now get cut out scenes of Agent Rabbit, one of his henchmen, astronaut-Granny in orbit, finishing with a map of the Worlds with Granny in her washing-flying machine at the villa. .......... and so :- "into the great beyond" !!
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(033) See the end of the Preface.
(034) Granny goes to B, but due to age and dizziness, quickly falls off --- but somehow she acquires a chit in the process !
(035) Return to B. The inhabitants appear to be a 'man' and a pig. If you talk (click) on them both, the former seems to be only interested in bartering items, and obsessed by food and particularly corn flakes ! Some objects that you will find in the future have to be swapped by the guy in the van, for different objects ! For now, just click on the elastic band on the left --- you get a
rubber band. Try to catch that obnoxious chicken ?!?!
(036) Now click on the twirling object on the right (above one of the clouds ) --- you get a half a compass.
(037) Now click on the left tire of the van and get a dream maker capsule.
Now use the exit icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
D & D1.
(038) Granny goes to D and then direct to D1. A giant toilet !! There is a dark brown spherical boulder on the lower centre area of the screen. Try picking it up. OK --- need a different way ! --- drag* it to the right.
(039) Click on the very large needle in the rubbish barrel on the left and position it on the rim of the toilet --- a path ! (for the ants ??).
(040) Now click on the shovel to the right of Granny and put it into the trash can (on the right of screen).
(041) Click on the shovel 3 times --- something flies and sticks into the hole in the toilet lid.
(042) Now click on the golden coloured metallic thing just sticking out from behind the rubbish barrel (left middle of the screen). Whilst the marching ants are not 'on screen', place it on the ground directly in their regular path (near the bottom, mid screen). Yo-ho --- an angle iron ! The ants have a feast --- and clear the path for Granny !! Exit centre screen.
(043) You are now in an eerie forest, which has several exits. Take the exit near the top left corner of the screen.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(044) Weird !! Two louts (Bo & Chuck) 'minding' a baby, with a kangaroo jogging round and round in circles. Granny wants the baby's carriage (but not the baby !). She can try the rope ladder, the red button, the triple-X sign, etc. (better not to explore the exit just to the left of this sign at this stage --- you'll be going there shortly anyhow !!). Click on the wedge shaped golden coloured object on the ground and 'place' it a little left of the base of the tree (with the red button on it).
(045) Now click on the plank closest to this wedge and put it onto the wedge itself.
(046) Click on the left side of the plank and Granny will stand on it --- a 'seesaw' ??
(047) Wait until you see the kangaroo approaching from the left and click on the red button. You may 'misfire' once or twice, but when you get the timing just right you get a baby carriage.
(048) Exit middle or top left side of the screen to the forest --- then bottom middle to the ex-/-toilet bowl site --- then top right corner to D --- and the same again to the map.
(049) Go again to B to find our turnip-head guy fishing. Give him your baby carriage (from braventory) and you get a hammer and music notes. You also find yourself back on the map again.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
D & D1.
(050) Return as you did before to D1 and to our kangaroo still jogging around in circles (ignore him --- at least for the present !). This time DO take the exit just left of the triple-X sign.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(051) Oboy ! A bit of S&M going on here !!! Granny can browse here a little and try to help the green elfin creature to get his/her turn. Click on the wooden block at the end of the railings. This removes the buffer and the cart goes crashing into the pedestal causing the green creature to fall to the ground.
(052) Give him/her the hammer and music notes and it GETS its 'turn'.
(053) Attention is drawn away from Granny who is now free to go to the right hand wall (a little above the head of the larger bluish masochist) and pick up the green object --- you have got a blow-dryer !
(054) Back again all the way to B. This World seems to have entered another ice-age. Also, apparently there's some sort of frozen plate in the sky.
Thaw out either the plate or the guy using your blow-dryer --- you've got a china plate !
(055) Go to C and then to C2. Proceed through the centre screen exit and enter into the 'Pinball-Park'.
(056) There are 4 exits from Pinball-Park, as follows :- near the centre of the screen, and from left to right, [i], [ii], & [iii] ; and the 'return exit' at the top right hand corner of the screen... ... ... Go to [i].
(057) Granny, indiscreet as ever, stumbles into a steamy session in a weapons shop. The proprietor is making whoopee with his girlfriend offstage ! Granny noses around, finds noodles, and takes earphones.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(058) She gets fed up waiting and rings the bell twice. The owner appears !
(059) She tries out the right hand automatic weapon. !!@#$%&?? . She wants to use the rifle but must provide her own target.
(060) Granny gives her china plate to the owner. BOOOOM ! Granny only needs a bullet.
(061) Exit the weapons shop (bottom left corner). Granny's braventory is snatched, but she soon gets the better of the mugger !!
(062) Granny enters [iii], a bar, and investigates its 'facilities'. She puts her coat hanger on the coat rack ( to the left of the toilet door ).
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(063) Click on the toilet door and when it opens up click on the coat hanger. S A V E !
(064) Click on the glass of beer on the counter. The woman who drinks it goes to the toilet (Granny had a 'hand' in this !). As she starts to zip up and get out, click on the coat hanger --- you may have to do this more than once till you get the actions and timing right ! The woman gets trapped inside.
(065) Click on her empty seat and take her place in the card game.
(066) Click on the cards.....shuffled.....chaos.....you get the translator ...............and o u t !!!
s a v e !
(067) Exit Pinball-Park. Go to C3 (cut out scene).....Look around, try the toilet, walk forwards and backwards, etc. ..... The very first door on the left (to the left of the ash-tray/spittoon) is the exit from this underground corridor.
(068) Take a step forward. What a strange floor !!!
(069) Click between Granny's shoes and drag* upwards --- the 'top layer' of the floor flies upwards and Granny can now progress !
(070) Click on the first ("new") door on the right --- the one with the metal grille and a video camera above it.
(071) Click on the FLOOR and make Granny jump a little to the left and back to the door again, a couple of times --- the video camera goes berserk.
(Be careful not to click on the entrance-icon to the orange coloured door next to the prison door).
(072) Enter the prison door ......... Interrogation ......... Thrown out into the corridor again.
(073) Enter the prison again and suss around. The Guard is busy on the phone (clues ?). Get the scarf ready, & when he bends down, strangle him !!!
(074) Use the control panel to access the cell with the telescope, as follows (there may be other ways ?!) :- There are 3 columns of different types of switches (the left hand column has a blue box at the top --- ignore this !). Press the switches in the following order (and different 'partitions' move !) :- Top middle column ..... Bottom right column......Bottom left column..... Bottom right column......Middle button of middle column.
(075) Click on the prison bars and drag* in the direction of the manhole lid. The prison bars open !
(076) Granny's in ! Click on the telescope/rabbit. Whoooops!! You've got a telescope.
(077) Click on the entrance icon to the manhole lid.....(cut out scene).
(078) "The hairdresser and the hedgehog" ...... Granny interferes, and touches whatever she can lay her hands on.
(079) Drag* the circular lid on the floor, upwards. --- a hole !
(080) Click on the mauve couch. Granny sits down.
(081) Click again on the couch whilst Granny's crossing and uncrossing her legs (you may have to do it a few times to get the timing right). The effeminate hairdresser walks backwards admiring his artistic handiwork .......... and falls down the hole !!!
(082) Click on the hedgehog. Granny jumps into her chair and taunts her by comparing her red shoes with Granny's.......Exit hedgehog in a hurry !!
(083) Drag* Granny into her (right hand) mirror image. Whoooom!!.....the wall disintegrates and reveals an entrance to the 'plants --- underground command centre' ! (Granny may want to do a bit of sweeping up and general pottering around ???).
(084) Exit via the 'new' staircase into the 'fan-chamber'.
(085) Drag* the right hand side of largest fan (ventilator) cover to the left. The cover opens.
(086) Drag* the tip of the fan itself to the right. ( You may have to repeat this more than once ). Granny enters the plants' underground command centre.
(087) Put the plunger (with a bell) onto the circular manhole near the bottom right corner of the screen.
(088) Try exiting and entering a couple of times. Listen to the plants' words of wisdom.
(089) Click on and get the double mirror. Chief-Plant will insist on briefing Granny (clues ??).
(090) Use the translator on the device at the bottom left of the large pendulum.
(091) Now you are free to take a pendulum (not the large hanging pendulum but the small standing metronome thing !).
(092) Now travel back the way you came ( fan-chamber ; hairdresser's salon; prison ) to the corridor.
(093) Granny wants to enter the library, but it's closed from 12:00, to 11:59 or maybe even 12:00 !! There is a notice saying that it has moved to other, completely unspecified, premises ! A bit difficult hey ??
(094) Two weird creatures emerge from the first door on the left (gold coloured and to the right of the ash-tray/spittoon). They look very vaguely rather like a large distorted fly sitting on a strange sort of snail.
Apparently their names are 'Yellow' and 'Brick-Road'. Converse with them.
Eventually they will tell Granny to "Follow the yellow bricks road" !! S A V E !
(095) This is a bit tricky. You have to follow their small circuit clicking on FOUR floor tiles just after they have moved on and away from them. When you click 'correctly', the floor tile turns from purple to yellow. It takes a bit of practice, but is not as difficult as it seems at first. The first tile is the second one, directly outside the gold coloured door --- you only click when the finger-icon turns to a sort of hammer-icon. There is no limitation to the number of tries you get. The trouble is that if you go wrong you have to start the whole performance again from the beginning !
When you succeed, the library is open for Granny !!
(096) Enter the library --- the fourth door on the left (whitish in colour and just to the left of an oval mirror).
(097) Observe Granny's 'reading habits' and note the large crack in the floor.
What taste in literature Granny has !? Drag* the large bookcase to the left and see what happens.
(098) Now a new exit opens up at the bottom left hand corner of the screen --- click on it.
(099) Drag* the screw downwards. You get a screw.
(100) Leave C3 and C. On the map, go to A.
(101) Try the door at centre screen a few times ..... Aliens Arggh !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(102) Click on the large toothed-wheel/screw device just above that door.
(103) Drag* the steps to this wheel. Where to now ?
(104) Click the button on the base of the steps until the opening on the large screw is accessible --- a new entrance-icon !
(105) Click on this entrance-icon. How to get past that parading guard ??
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
S A V E !
(106) Click on the swing doors just as the guard approaches Granny, this will knock him out. (You may have to repeat more than once, but it's actually easier than it sounds --- as is the following action !).
(107) Click on the circular chandelier (or whatever) on the ceiling until the second guard is neutralized.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(108) Take the right exit and enter a strange garden with a peculiar flying creature hovering in the air.
S A V E !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(109) You need to be pretty destructive here !! ...... Drag* the cannon (the end of its muzzle just protrudes from the right side of the screen) to the left, up to the middle path.
(110) Click on Granny. Centre the cross-hair onto one of the nine pillars and click on Granny --- the pillar is blasted away. Repeat for the other eight pillars.
(If your cross-hair reverts to an ordinary icon, simply click on Granny again to restore it !).
(111) Click on the two vertical retaining walls (at the extreme right and left of the screen). The roof falls in and squashes the flying critter.
Take his corn flakes.
(112) Exit to the left. Click on the mirror near the middle-left side of the screen (just to the right of the unconscious guard on the stairs). Exit to the map and return to B.
(113) In Granny's braventory, 'pour' your bottle of brandy onto the corn flakes and cook up some spiced corn flakes !
(114) Give the spiced corn flakes to the pig (if he doesn't accept them first time, he will the next time !). You get an air bubbling pig (of all things !!).
(115) 'Hypnotize' the chicken with the pendulum (metronome). You get an airy chicken (What next ??).
(116) The guy is reading something. Give him a telescope to 'help his vision', and he gives you the worms poster he was looking at (what a lousy deal !!).
(117) On the map, go to E and then to E1.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(118) Drag* the handle of the well to the right, once.
(119) There is a bent pipe with a lever on it near to the left corner of the screen. Drag* this lever to the left.
(120) Drag* the bucket to the lever.
(121) Drag* the well-handle to the right again. A new exit-icon appears (alongside the well).
(122) Take this new exit. You are in an underground cavern with a lagoon.
Browse around a bit but don't exit yet.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(123) Click on the mauve items floating towards the rear right of the screen (close to Granny). They turn into a sort of fishhook --- hang it onto the left hand large dangling hook and it turns into a mauve coloured mobile !
(124) Click on the bluish semi transparent box in the water. You get a fish tank.
(125) Exit lower left. Granny arrives into a pastoral scene (and music !).
Converse and look around.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(126) Drag* the middle pair of fruits (on the right) downwards. A lake emerges. (127) Release your color worms in a bucket into the water.
(128) Click on the hole beneath the bobbing green creature. You get a round green creature.
(129) Return, more or less the way you came, to the well (with the handle).
From there take the exit to the gas-station (to the rear left of the well).
(130) 'Sniff' around. Pick up the supply nozzle !?
(131) Click on the triple-wheel-counter & see what happens (Quite a show !).
(132) Repeat this TWICE more and the Jack-in-the-box/worm remains out of its box.
(133) Give him your worms poster. You get a baseball cap (a bit better exchange than last time ?!).
(134) Return to the well and take the exit at mid left of the screen. WOW !
some huge guy --- a real giant in fact !!
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(135) Give your bullet to the giant --- this keeps him 'occupied' !
(136) You take (click) a giant belt.
(137) Amongst other things floating in the sky is a coloured balloon supporting a pagoda-like house. This is your next exit. Take it and you arrive in a sort of Einsteinian chamber with a pseudo-cosmonaut floating around in space. s a v e !
(138) Granny herself is encapsulated in a large transparent cylinder with a lid that opens and closes periodically and automatically. (Apparently, every time it opens, bubbles of air are transmitted to the cosmonaut guy and keep him going !). How can she get out ?? Close to her is a device with three levers. Drag* the left hand lever upwards. This diverts the air and causes the cosmonaut to lose consciousness.
(139) Pull (drag*) the left lever back down.
(140) Pull (drag*) the right hand lever upwards and diagonally to the right. This causes the lid to remain fixed open (and the bubbles of air to escape !).
(141) Drag* the guy's helmet to the right. Granny gets out and dons his helmet !
(142) Use the air bubbling pig on the cosmonaut. He revives and gives Granny some "hints". Granny discards the pig (it's fulfilled its 'air-raising' purpose apparently !?!).
(143) Click on the device at the bottom centre of the screen (with two megaphones or whatever). Something starts happening.
(144) Click again. You get a memo (echo) machine.
(145) Granny exits (at least she gives the guy back his helmet !!)....back past the giant.....the well.....exit (right side of screen) to E. Go to E3.
Phew --- what pollution.....what a stink ! s a v e !
(146) Get moving pretty quickly :- If Granny stands there too long she gets literally 'carted away' back to E. To avoid her getting asphyxiated, click on the laundry on the washing line just behind her -----> Peg-Nose !!!
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(147) Exit bottom left corner. Take a look around the broken conveyer-belt machine.
(148) Exit centre (or left) screen. You arrive at a smelly pool with grandpa tied up in a large transparent blue plastic sack --- (nuclear waste ??).
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(149) Click on him, and get old grandpa moving !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(150) Exit lower left corner and return to the conveyer-belt machine. Loop your rubber band onto the lever (middle left side of screen).
(151) Put your giant belt between the cog wheels of the conveyer machine.
(152) Place your fish tank on the (repaired ?) conveyer belt --- a cut out scene, finishing with the old man still in his bag, on the ground !!
(153) Click on grandpa's head and you get grandpa in bag --- (Hey there !
--- what a thing to possess !! --- in Granny's braventory ??).
(154) Exit bottom left ; right ; then just above mid screen (don't take the right hand exit just yet !) to E. From there go to E4.
(155) Click on the bench. Granny rests her weary limbs and resents those grungy kids on their roller-blades, especially the ones with dynamo operated 'head-lights' that dazzle !! S A V E !
(156) Drag* one of Granny's legs upwards (this can be a bit tricky --- but "if at first you don't succeed ; try, try, try again !") so that she deliberately trips up one of the girls who goes flying into the fountain --- nasty, nasty, nasty !!
(157) Granny uses her snorkel to 'rescue' the girl in the fountain !!??
(158) Click on the object that just flew out of the fountain. You get a dynamo.
(159) Drag* the bus to the left. W--O--W ! Can old grannies REALLY do that ?
(160) Click on Granny. She regains consciousness --- or maybe just wakes up ?!
(161) Drag* the green hosepipe (top, towards the right of the screen) down to the orange coloured face to the right of the steering wheel --- could be the wipers-lever ?!
(162) Click on the windscreen wipers. Granny jumps out to 'operate' them.
(163) Whilst she's on top of the bus, grab the light bulb. (you may have to repeat this more than once --- but it's not very difficult !). You've got a light bulb.
(164) Exit the bus (the exit icon is on the stop sign --- well where did you expect it to be ? ). Enter the last house on the right. S A V E !
(165) Wait until the empty trolley stops on the left (close to Granny).
Dump poor old grandpa in bag into the trolley. When the trolley stops at the right, click on the dumpster below (right hand bottom corner of the screen) and grandpa gets tipped out with the rest of the rubbish -- is that all HE'S worth ?
(166) Now click on the handle just above the dumpster. Grandpa obligingly pulls it ( I wouldn't !! ).
(167) Click on the exit-icon just above the middle of the left edge of the screen. Granny goes downstairs where three antiquated goons are sitting round a table, drinking and nattering.
(168) On the round table is a bone to which is attached a heart shaped balloon. Click on the bone and whilst it is in the air click on the tablecloth --- You may have to do this more than once !. You get a tablecloth.
(169) Click on the skeleton and take his glass of old liquor.
(170) Exit at the top left hand corner (from someone's old parents' house ??).
(171) Now go to the end 'house' at the very end of the road, facing Granny ! Whether you like it or not, you get a slide show of the game's credits.
(Some gamers can't be bothered wasting their time with credits --- can you blame them ?? If you're one of these, simply right-click them into oblivion !). Whether you 'appreciate' credits or not, you get a metal crowbar.
(172) Exit bottom middle ; bottom middle/right ; to E. From there go to E2.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(173) Listen, talk, and generally socialize with the tree (and its 'friend'). But how to get past it ??
(174) Click on the pebbles in front of the tree (near the bottom right of the screen). Throw the pebbles again whilst the tree moves its 'limbs'. (If this doesn't 'work' first time, you can repeat it as often as you need to).
(175) Now click on the bike (on the left) and you're off. S A V E !
(176) Click on the car battery. Granny kicks it and jumps on it. It disintegrates. 'Lights Out' !
(177) Click on the wooden bridge (near the right hand bottom corner of the screen). It caves in !
(178) Click on the shrub near to the bridge. It camouflages the gap left by the bridge !
(179) Click on the envelope which is lying on the table (near the bottom left corner of the painting on the easel). A weird postman cycles up, doesn't notice the bridge-gap, and crashes !
(180) Click on the postman's abandoned (half a) bike. Granny moves it into position !
(181) Use your light bulb on the empty socket (it's a bit difficult to see it, but it's hanging down from the roof and near the top left of the painting). Granny plugs it in. But :- No battery --- No light !!
(182) Use your dynamo on the bike. Granny cunningly improvises ! --- " ............... and there was light !" (183) Click on the back of the painting. You get folding steps !!
(184) Exit right and return to that revolting tree !
(185) Click on the skateboard and travel to the woodland.
(186) Take the path at the middle of the bottom of the screen and get to a 'tree' (a musical-conductor, complete with baton), with a gabbling crowd in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(187) Try to take the top box (at the right of this tree) .... BUT....
apparently, "no singing --- no prizes" !! Jump (i.e. click) into the crowd and they disperse immediately.
(188) Place your memo (echo) machine on the ground just to the left of this tree. This appears to appeal to its sense of musical appreciation !
(189) Now click on the top box to the right of the tree. You get a Jack-in-a-box.
(190) Exit bottom right corner ; then near bottom left corner. You arrive at a strange terrain where a never ending stream of 'Humpty-Dumpty' like tree characters on skateboards seem intent on committing suicide ! S A V E !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(191) Kick (click) on the wedge of cheese. It blocks the skateboarders' path ..... but they dislodge it every time they speed past. How to fix it in position ?
(192) Click on the boulder (just below centre screen). It anchors the wedge in position permanently.
(193) Click on the signpost to rotate it. Then click on it a second time and it points to the wall at the right hand side of the screen.
(194) Drag* the painting (near the right hand edge of the screen) a little upwards so that it resembles the opening of a tunnel in the blank wall !
(195) Click on the cheese again. W H A M ! The 'tree' is immobilized.
(196) He's got a 'screw-loose' so give him your screw. Watch what goes on inside his head ! He flies away happily, leaving behind for you, a horn.
(197) Exit lower right side of screen ; again lower right ; upper right corner to E. Jump off onto the map. Go to C and then to C3. Take a single step (click on the exit-cursor) forward.
s a v e !
(198) Enter the second (red doored) room on the right. You are in some sort of workshop/laboratory. A strange professor receives a communication via the system of tubes on the rear wall. A mad 'boat race' (??) crashes in and out of the room !
(199) Talk to the professor !? Turn (click) the red handle (middle right side of screen). The weird animals go berserk and scamper off --- If you wish to 'punish' Granny for her behaviour, get her to touch (click) the small box just above the handle !
(200) Drag* the end of the transparent air tube (just below the bottom right hand corner of the clock) to the opening of the suction machine (just a little to the right and below the exit of the air tube).
(201) Put your round green creature onto the brown conveyor belt and watch it travel along the tubes until it attacks the prof' who exits pronto !!
(202) Click on the device above the nozzle of the cylinder. You get a whistle.
(203) Exit via the closet ; Step backwards ; exit through the first door on the left to C. Jump off onto the map. Go to D and then to D2. s a v e !
(204) Click on the switch a little to the left and above Granny's head --- all sorts of things start moving !
(205) Click on the green shutters.
(206) Click again on each half of the shutters separately.
(207) Click on any 2 of the 3 fawn coloured triangular windows just to the right of the shutters.
(208) Notice that there are 4 green plungers near the middle right side of the screen :- from left to right ; [a], [b], [c] & [d]. Click on them as follows :- [a] once, [c] twice, and [d] three times.
(209) A new door opens up (right of middle screen). Exit via this door. You enter a room where a supervisor is scrutinizing a TV set and frequently answering a phone. A mouse emerges periodically from a wide tube into a box below ! Granny would like to get near to the TV set, but ........no go !
(210) There is a cover panel along the right side of the door with yellowish electric light bulbs. Click this panel.
(211) There is a black electric cable to the right of this panel. Connect (drag*) the cable to the live panel. When the supervisor answers the phone next, he is electrocuted !! NOW Granny can proceed !
(212) There is a pair of switches just to the left of the TV screen. Press (click) the right hand switch, which lights up red. The travelling mouse gets 'frozen' at the top of the box !
(213) Click on it and you get a mouse.
(214) Go through the (lit) door into the dressing room. Look around and get to know the striptease artiste.
(215) Drag* the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner to the stripper's (golden coloured) shoes.
(216) Click on the clothes-rack (on the left) which swivels round. S A V E !
(217) Get your mouse (from braventory) ready. When "Zink Flusik" goes behind the curtain to shower, QUICKLY throw (click) the mouse over the shower curtain ......... and ......
(218) A very quick drag* (ha ha) --- QUICKLY drag the vacuum cleaner nozzle upwards. She trips over the tube and makes a really crashing exit !! (You may have to repeat this 2 or 3 times).
(219) Pick up (click) the model's clothes.
NOTE. If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) and read the written captions below them --- they may contain wacky hints ??
(220) Exit the dressing room and back to the (prostrate) supervisor's room.
IMPORTANT .......... S A V E !
(221) Press the left hand button which lights up yellow, and only for a short time a new exit opens up (near the bottom left hand corner of the screen).
(222) Quickly take this exit. Granny finds herself in a 'fork & shopping-cart' contest !
(223) This short game can be troublesome. It can best be 'won' by using the four arrow keys on the keyboard rather than the mouse. Granny has to avoid being 'killed' by either the fork or the shopping-cart. She has to move left, right, forwards (up) etc., with her pursuers following each of her moves. The object is to lure the shopping cart into bumping into the wheel.
Once she has done that she can then climb over the top of the now stationary shopping cart and over the wheel without hindrance (since the fork is also immobilised). You may do it first time, or it may take you many attempts --- but don't give up if you find it somewhat tedious --- you'll succeed sooner or later !!
(224) For all your efforts, you get the bottom part of a hang glider --- of all things !!
(225) Click on the top of the screen and then take the main door to return to the platform with those shutters, etc.
(226) Click on the central rotating object and you are transported to an 'electrified room'. Try entering the laser room --- serves Granny right !!
(227) On the wall (near centre screen) are 3 knobs or whatever. The outside two are red and the middle one fawn coloured. You can try them all, but the one that will do the trick is the centre one. Granny uses it to make a sort of stepping stone.
(228) Click on this again and Granny succeeds in stepping into the room but becomes invisible !!
(229) Near the right hand corner are 3 pairs of transistors (or maybe vacuum tubes ?). At the top right of the window (with expanding circles) are a pair of wire endings. Click on the middle pair of transistors and a rod descends from the ceiling.
(230) Quickly, before the rod retracts, click on the wire ends. The window 'opens' into a new exit !
(231) Exit to the rabbit's 'residence'. Poke around things there --- particularly the candy machine and the bubble-gum machine. In Granny's braventory, combine your whistle and your horn and obtain a horn connected to a whistle.
(232) Use this horn connected to a whistle on the bubble-gum machine (on the right). The residence door opens and the rowing-boat/chariot makes another brief 'appearance'.
(233) Granny reverses backwards to the 'invisible-electric' room. A smelly cigar has emerged, near the middle of the screen --- take it !
(234) Examine the circular entrance into the house, and then the square 'trapdoor'. You get inside the place. Mr. Rabbit himself ..... .....
scampers away before Granny can get to him ! Look around and about.
(235) Click on the squeegee. It flips up and away and finishes up at the bottom of a mud bath together with Granny. Granny gets out (remarkably clean ?!#$%&!?) but not with the squeegee !
(236) Click on the tap.
(237) Drag* the spout of the tap vertically downwards into the mud bath.
(238) Click and you get a squeegee.
(239) (Young ???) Granny ........ 'aerobics' ....... on the trampoline.
(240) Whilst in mid air she grabs the pair of gymnastic rings, somersaults, and finishes up inside the transparent cubicle and astride the exercise-bicycle !
(241) Click on the cycle wheel. A door opens automatically and Granny enters a weird red 'vacuum' room.
(242) Click on the 'red-eye' on the rear wall near centre screen. The 'eyelids' close !
(243) Pull (click) the handle beneath the green box (middle right edge of screen). The machinery stops.
(244) Turn (click) the hand-wheel to the right of the rectangular shaped main machine (a bit to the right of centre screen). This disconnects the tube from the 'bellows'.
(245) Close (click) the open circular hatch to the left of the green box.
(246) Click on the seat in the left bottom corner of the screen. Granny sits in it and straps up her seat-belt.
(247) Click on the open hatch near the middle of the ceiling. Granny is hoisted up and closes the hatch. She is lowered again, still strapped into her seat ! S A V E !
(248) Click on the grey button near the top right of the main machine.
(249) VERY QUICKLY Click again on the seat. If you get the timing right, the whole room contracts and expands ; Granny is swivelled to the left ; and you get a Master key. You may be lucky and succeed first time or you may have to repeat a few times. (N.B. You may not notice that you actually GOT the key, but if the abovementioned phenomena took place, then you DID.
But it's very well worth while just checking Granny's braventory to make absolutely sure --- you don't want to have to make the very long journey specially all the way back to here again, and then have to repeat ALL of this again, some time later in the game !!).
(250) Exit near bottom right corner ; middle left ; middle bottom ; middle left ; middle left again. Jump off onto the map. Travel from D to A. Go back into the room with the two 'slumbering guards'.
(251) Click a few times on the mirror just a little left of centre screen.
Phew ..... filthy !! Clean (click) it using your squeegee on Granny's image in the mirror. Click the mirror again a couple of times.
(252) You now see an image of the back of the safe (which was not visible before). Click on the grey coloured handle of the safe and you get a diamond --- scintillating !
(253) Exit bottom centre ; top right hand corner (what :- another alien ?!) ; out onto the map. Go to E and from there to E2. You're back at that drowsy tree again.
(254) When the tree yawns, click on its open mouth ..... another room !
(255) Click on the table.
(256) Click on the chair.
(257) Drag* the rope hanging down from the ceiling to the left. WHAT....
yet another room !! Wander around.
(258) Click on the chair (bottom left hand corner) a few times. Apart from a possible clue, this gets you nowhere.
(259) Use your smelly cigar on the chair --- it panics, and you NOW get a long sheet of paper.
(260) Exit bottom right hand corner ; middle right of screen ; back to the yawning tree.
(261) Click on the skateboard. Back to the woodland again.
(262) Drag* vertically upwards on the tree immediately behind Granny. She is in the Rabbit's (Alice in Wonderland type) stock exchange.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(263) Click on the judge's desk --- what a nerve !
(264) Click on the largest (left hand) monitor.....smash the Rabbit's secret device for rigging the market !
(265) In Granny's braventory, combine your diamond with the double mirror to create an illusion of diamonds. (A crafty way of multiplying one diamond into many --- a stock exchange gambler's mirage !!).
(266) Give an illusion of diamonds to the trader in the white shirt at the right of the screen ......... and see what happens !
(267) Pick up (click) the box just in front of him. You get exploding boxes.
(268) Exit Bottom right hand corner ; the same again ; exit top right hand corner ; out onto the map. Go to D and from there to D1. Go back to that eerie forest again.
D & D1.
(269) Take the exit at the bottom right hand corner. You come upon an old geezer merrily snoring away despite the fact that he has an axe embedded deep in his head !?!? Examine the terrain.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(270) Click on the axe. A 'bubble of thought' emerges from his 'open mind'.
(271) Again on the axe. The old guy's head remains open.
(272) Slip in your dream maker capsule and just see what happens !!
(273) Exit lower left hand corner of screen. The next actions have to be done pretty quickly !
S A V E !
(274) Click on the right hand top corner of the screen. Granny appears at the far end of a semicircular tunnel. AS SOON AS YOU CAN, click on Granny and she ducks down behind the tunnel. Again, AS SOON AS YOU CAN, click near to the right hand bottom corner of the screen, and Granny edges her way around without being seen, to the front end of the semicircle and waits there. The laundress fills a trolley, which first tips out its contents (dirty washing ?) in one spot, continues, and picks up things (clean washing ?) at a later spot. AS SOON AS it comes to rest next to Granny, click on the trolley and Granny jumps aboard. It carries on (unseen) through the tunnel. Here comes the (mildly) tricky part. The laundress is poking the contents of the trolley with a stick, and if she pokes Granny, you've 'had it' ! To avoid this, click quickly just to the left of Granny and then just to the right of her. (You may see Granny feint in one direction and then the other). If you don't do this correctly, you start over again --- but it's fairly easy and you get as many tries as you want.
When you DO complete it O.K., the trolley carries on and dumps Granny down the dirty washing chute --- which is apparently 'what she (you) wants' !
(275) Granny would like to get to the guy in the chair but the billy-goat isn't having any !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(276) Click on the white bone on the cabinet just right of centre screen.
This keeps the goat busy !
(277) There is a basket being pulled up and down from the roof. Click on the basket (when you can get to it) and Granny jumps over the rope 'divider'.
(278) Keep on clicking on the basket (as often as you can) until Granny grabs it, removes a hand grenade from it, and lobs it at the chap. ----- Boy ; does he deserve it !! He literally starts smoking !!! After this, it gets a bit chaotic, but if you keep on clicking you'll succeed (N.B.
Sometimes, when Granny is close to the guy, it goes better if you move her anywhere away from him !).
(279) Use your baseball cap on his head.
(280) Use your glass of old liquor on the tankard on the table to the left of the fellow's chair.
(281) Click on his legs (maybe more than once).
(282) Click on his chair (maybe often). Eventually he'll rush off.
(283) Continue to click on the chair and Granny will occupy the chair, gyrate around, get the shakes, etc. Eventually she gets a pair of underpants.
(284) Click on the dart-board.
(285) There are 3 concentric circular rings of several colours. When you click a colour, the ring rotates until that colour finishes up on top. From the inner to the outer rings :- click yellow ; then blue ; and finally brown {since there is more than one brownish colour in the outside ring, the one you need is between the blue & red, and the black & green}.
Bull's-eye :- the darts go flying into the board !!
(286) Exit bottom right hand corner. The microwave is now open.
(287) Click on the microwave and enter. You are now in a place where a workman is using a pneumatic drill on a giant snail.
(288) Granny keeps shaking and falling down. She needs (so give her) her anti-dizziness pill.
(289) Click on the giant snail's head.
(290) Click on the snail's shell, very close to its tail.
(291) Click on the workman with the drill.
(292) Pick up (click) a mushroom.
(293) Exit via the 'new-exit' at the top of the rope ladders at the rear (mid screen). You are now in Melanie's room. Roam around ?!?
(294) Use the metal crowbar to lever up the triangular wedge on the floor (just to the right of the glass aquarium). It ends up in front of the stove.
(295) Up-end this wedge by clicking on it, and it becomes a serrated ramp.
(296) Click on the toaster ; and again; keep on clicking on it. With each 'click', it moves. ......... Continue until the toaster is poised at the top of the wedge-ramp.
(297) There are two small bug-like creatures bouncing up and down over the two hot plates of the stove. Click on each 'bug' in turn until both are inside the toaster.
(298) Click on the lever of the toaster. A toasted bug flies up and gets speared beneath the ceiling fan.
(299) Repeat exactly for the second bug.
(300) There is a black box just to the left of the circular disk that rotates Melanie. Use your Jack-in-a-box on this black box. Bingo !! Melanie deigns to get up !
(301) Use the underpants on Melanie. She's totally hypnotized into 'action'.
(302) Click on the opened closet. Granny somehow gets to the creature in the aquarium, and takes a family album.
(303) Drag* the vacated circular disk to the left. It rotates and Melanie flies to ........... ?? ..........
?? s a v e !
(304) Exit :- bottom left corner ; upper right corner ; upper right screen ; upper middle screen ; lower left corner ; bottom middle screen ; upper right corner ; out onto the map. Go to the Villa.
(305) Enter the villa. Go to the washroom. Use the long sheet of paper to reach the sphere on the uppermost shelf. You get a ball filled with water.
(306) Exit the washroom and the villa's front door. Go out onto the map.
Go to C and then to C1.
C & C1. --- (The Upside-Down World).
(307) Granny falls down the elevator shaft. She is in a sort of foyer outside an elevator. There are all sorts of things she can do here (some quite amusing !). Try as many as you wish.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(308) Remove (click) on one of the retaining screws on the panel (near mid screen) and see what happens.
(309) If you haven't already done so, try tickling the protruding foot (near bottom right)...Serves Granny right !! Drag* the foot towards the mirror on the left. Now something really starts to happen. The foyer turns upside-down (or at least twists 90║ onto its side).
(310) Again try various things to see what happens. If nothing 'works', do as follows :- There are four vertical buttons near the centre of the screen (for the four floors of the building). Click, say, the second from the bottom and see what happens.
(311) Pull (i.e. click) the left hand red knob just left of the buttons.
{N.B. Don't click the right hand red knob --- this is your exit 'icon' !!).
You can now explore (say) the second floor.
(312) You will find that there is nothing much of great significance on any of the floors except the top (fourth) floor. So repeat the previous actions and go there.
(313) Click in front of Granny (centre screen). Granny 'meditates' and then 'hides' whilst one of Rabbit's agents noses around.
(314) There is a triangular shaped swing-barrier barring her progress.
Drag* the pointed tip of this barrier to Granny. She's through !
(315) Enter (click) the last door (on the right) in the corridor. She's in a REALLY upside down room now --- Granny's upside down too !! The rabbit follows her and smashes her through a (thin) wall !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(316) Get to know the place. Near to the middle of the left hand side of the screen is a 'back to front' staircase. Try to use it !?@$% Drag* the stairs to the left and a 'reversed' door materializes.
(317) Click on this exit door!
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(318) You are now in a room whose stairs are arranged crazily. George and a dog rush in and out --- George is trying out some newfangled magnetic dog-catcher device. Explore as much as you want. Granny wants the half-compass floating near the middle of the screen. Try to get it !?@#&$% .
Use your folding steps on the gap in front of Granny.
(319) Now you can put (click) your half a compas (from braventory) on the floating half. The resulting full compass points somewhere --- look up at the ceiling !
(320) Wait until the dog is sitting next to its kennel, doing whatever dogs do (if it refuses to appear, exit the room and re-enter it !). 'Show' the dog your photos of Fritz in Granny's braventory family album. The dog goes down for the count !
(321) George's magnetic device pulls and attaches him to the dog. Drag* them both up to the skylight window.................... and get rid of them both !!
(322) Exit bottom right corner. Click on the creature on the ceiling/floor.
'Converse' with the creature.
(323) Put your ball filled with water on Granny's feet. Whatever happened to Newton's law of gravity ?
(324) Click on the hole created in the floor/ceiling. Darkness !!
(325) Near the bottom middle of the screen there is a faint orange glow (in the same position on the screen where the creature was). Click on this.
Granny will be back, upside-down, in the upside-down room. Notice that the lampshade has fallen down onto the table below/above !
(326) Click on it and you get a lampshade.
(327) Put your electric button into the grey circular button-panel (near middle-right of the screen). It fits !
(328) Click on the service-elevator just to the right of the electric button (holder). Granny goes travelling.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(329) She is in some sort of machine room. As always, poke around and keep your eyes and ears open. N.B. Keep a half an eye on the cat and the goldfish (near the top of the screen towards the right). Hanging from the pipe is a sketch --- not exactly Picasso, but.......! Click on it and see what happens.
(330) Click on the drawing a second time. You get a blueprint.
(331) Turn (click) the wheel underneath the drawing.
(332) Near to the bottom right corner is a large machine with 2 brown handles and a grey button between them. Pull (click) one handle. What happens ?
(333) Pull (click) the other handle. What happens this time ?
(334) Click the button between them.
(335) Now go to another grey button a little to the right and below the (remaining) drawing. Click it. This time something unusual really does happen !
(336) There is some sort of cavity near the bottom left corner of the screen. Click on it. NOSEY !! You get a weird fish ! (Check Granny's braventory to see you've really got it !).
(337) Exit bottom left corner. Exit again near mid screen and you are back in the fourth floor corridor. Click on the bottom ledge of the first entrance on the right. You are now in A VERY STRANGE ROOM INDEED !!
Some crazy architect has somehow split it horizontally along the middle --- goodness only knows how or why ?!? This time, have a very good look around (if you want to make ANY 'sense' of what is to happen ??). Granny can also take a shower if she so wishes !?
S A V E !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(338) There is a round metallic looking knob on the floor near the bottom middle of the screen. Click on it --- anything significant happen ? Drag* it to Granny.
(339) There is a crack in the floor in front of the chest of drawers (near the left bottom corner). Click on the crack and a trapdoor opens on both levels. For some really weird behaviour, click on the trapdoor, and the two drawers of the chest and its 'counterpart' on the upper level !!
(340) If you don't succeed, click on the upper drawer on the upper chest.
(341) And THEN click on the lower trapdoor. Granny has made it to the upper floor (talk about "split level" !). Granny would like to get to the right hand side of this floor but the artist won't let her ....... it spoils his 'concentraaaaation'!
(342) From his talking and singing, it's not difficult to guess what would distract him ! The only thing that seems to obsess the artist is 'chicken'.
So give him your airy chicken. But unfortunately it jumps (or rather, floats) 'downstairs'.
(343) Return downstairs :- Click on the top drawer of the lower chest and jump into the upper trapdoor !
(344) Click on the chicken.........into the 'ancient Russian fireplace' ............... ....... upstairs 'via' chimneys .......... mayhem !!
.......... exit artist !@#$%&?
(345) Repeat (340) & (341). { N.B. There IS a somewhat shorter method to get rid of the artist than this !! Maybe you've found it already ?!? But you miss a fair bit of the 'fun' ! }.
(346) Click on the weirdo on the right of the camera (maybe more than once)......... goodbye weirdo !@#$%&?
(347) Click on, and get, a camera (with a backwards flash).
(348) There is a mirror to the left of the easel. Click on it. Granny has apparently "missed her waxing appointment" ?!!
(349) Drag* the mirror to the right. Granny arrives at a 'Hungarian cube' with its crazy architect. Inspect ! Why no electricity ? Wires disconnected ?
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(350) Click on the (only) arrow which is pointing towards Granny. Part of the cube rotates in one plane !
(351) Click on the arrow which is directly in front of Granny (pointing down screen and a bit towards the left --- not the far left arrow.). A different part of the cube rotates in a different plane !............Country and Western music, and dancing red boots ! At least the cube looks a bit more 'normal' now !!
(352) Go into the 'cubic-house' (click on the phonograph, bucket, electric wire, etc.). The architect is obstreperous. What has he lost ? Oh yes --- give him your blueprint (not that it seems to actually help him much !).
(353) Now you can click on the bucket and put it onto the phonograph. The music becomes very muffled and the red boots fall down and stop dancing.
(354) Click and you get red dancing boots . s a v e !
(355) Exit via the hook (right upper corner) ; then { see (343) } exit the split-level studio ; exit bottom right corner ; exit bottom right corner again ; exit rotated foyer { see (311) } ; exit right side of the screen ; Go out onto the map. Go to E and then to E3.
E & E3.
(356) Exit middle right side of the screen (if you click higher up, you're returned to base !). Granny has arrived at George's office. Click on him many times to get him to pay any serious attention ---- you'll hear just what he thinks of his mother (and vice versa) !!!
(357) Since (according to Granny --- his mother) George is only interested in "money & young women", get Granny to put on the model's clothes !@$%?
NOW George really pays attention, and opens up his inner sanctum !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(358) Put your flying casket just to the left of the column (a little to the left of where George is sitting).
(359) Click on George. " Can you photograph him ? "................ " Sure !! ".
(360) Use your camera (with a backwards flash) on George. Wait a few seconds, and George REALLY launches into orbit !!!!
(361) Click on the suitcase next to the table (it's rather difficult to see --- it's against the right hand side of the table and just to the right of Granny's green mini-skirt). You get a suitcase (with a sock credit card) !
(362) Exit bottom middle ; exit top of the screen ; Go out onto the map. Go to the villa.
(363) Go back to George's secret room { see (021) }. There are two red doors near the middle of the screen. Click on them both. Now drag* the left hand door to the left.........and the right hand door opens !!
(364) Put your suitcase (with a sock credit card) onto the square panel (to the right of the two doors --- near to middle right of the screen). Dark red curtains are drawn revealing a sophisticated missile of some sort.
(365) Click on the machine inside the right hand opened door. Whooommmfff.
Hatch closed ---Take off !
(366) Click on and get a football helmet. (If you click again on the above machine, the bed crashes down and stops Granny from getting the helmet --- you can try it if you like !! Don't worry --- simply click on the machine again, and the bed retracts !).
(367) Now click on the trapdoor in the floor and return to the bedroom, the dining room and finally the hallway. Go out onto the map. Go to A.
(368) Open (click) the double fawn coloured doors at the top of the (static) staircase near the middle of the right hand side of the screen.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(369) Click on the intercom near the middle of the right hand side of the screen and also on the creature in the booth near centre screen. If you do this a few times Granny will be told that "for the sake of security" she must have a helmet.
(370) Put the football helmet on Granny. She is informed that she can begin the game ; whereupon she immediately discards the helmet (what was it for ?) and begins the game !
S A V E !
(371) This may be a bit tricky, but not really hard. One way of 'winning' is as follows (there may be better, easier and more precise methods !!) :- There is a sort of forecourt of 4 large squares in front of the game area (near the right side of the screen). As each of the four creatures lands on its particular forecourt square, 'dose' it with sun tan lotion (gives them sticky feet --- at least temporarily). Then position Granny at the jumping off point at the middle-front of this forecourt. Click on a square in front (or behind) of one of the four creatures, and it jumps to that square, often causing one of the obstacles to rise or fall. Do the same with the other creatures until the first small square of the middle row opens up for Granny --- click on this free square and Granny jumps onto it. By continuing this procedure, Granny can proceed along the middle row from square to square (five in all). After this, she just has to click on the trophy and automatically obtains a goblet. (N.B. Sometimes, Granny may have to backtrack in order to 'wake the creatures up' !).
(372) Exit lower right side of the screen ; and again exit lower right side of the screen ; Go out onto the map. Go to E and then E1 and then to the giant.
(373) Granny needs to find the balloon maker --- He's not far away. Just below and to the right of the large coloured balloon (from which is suspended the pagoda-like house) there is a V-shaped hill from which balloons are emerging. It is an entrance-icon --- click on it. A galloping stone carries Granny to the wacky dancing balloon maker. Granny shows off her dancing prowess (is that her idea of " jiving " @#$%&???).
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(374) Talk to the guy. Granny wants an engine or electricity or whatever.
He says she can take it --- but how ?? Give him your lampshade.
(375) ......He lied.........He wants a trophy ; so give him your goblet.
You get an engine and a car battery. Exit bottom left hand side of the screen.
(376) Exit, exit, etc., and go out onto the map. Go to D, and then D1, and to the eerie forest. Near the right hand bottom corner is the car (which flew out of the axe-man's head). Click on it...no go ! Use the engine and a car battery on it. It lights up --- literally ! Exit bottom left corner. S A V E !
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(377) Granny is in front of a bench, next to a kind of 'fruit-machine' ; with that darned kangaroo still hopping round and round in circles. There is a switch-lever on the right of the machine (near the bottom of the barrier bar). Click it and the machine lights up.
(378) After the kangaroo has made a circuit and before he starts another (timing a little tricky !), click on the top fruit (a red pepper). The barrier bar descends and the kangaroo halts.
(379) QUICKLY click on the bench and Granny jumps on it. The kangaroo staggers a few steps and collapses.
(380) Quickly click on the kangaroo (since he soon recovers and continues hopping), and he takes Granny on a guided tour of the area --- ride him Cow-Granny ! On their travels, Granny picks up a magnet. On return, Granny is thrown down off the animal's back. IMPORTANT :- check Granny's braventory to see you've actually acquired the magnet. Exit right bottom corner ; back to D, and the map. Go to C and then to C2.
(381) At C2 go to [ii] --- see (056). Granny has arrived at a Disco. Slouch around and talk to the D.J. and listen to what he has to say.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(382) Click on the table (near the bottom right hand corner of the screen) --- Granny jumps on it and does things most grannies couldn't do!
(383) Click on the rotating ceiling lights. Granny has another session of acrobatics and sure clears the floor pronto !!
(384) Use your red dancing boots on Granny's red shoes ............
and she goes dancing ........... " rock-'n'-roll " ?????
(385) Click on the D.J. Granny wins the prize --- a clapping hat.
(386) Drag* the base of the table to the bottom right hand corner of the screen. A new exit opens up --- Enter this large round hole.
(387) Granny's in a Karaoke hall. Granny's grandson is boring everybody to tears. Play around there. There are three pedals near the right end of the bottom of the screen. Click on the right hand pedal (more than once if you like !) ..... see what happens ! Drag* this pedal downwards --- 'curtains' to the brat (although you can still hear him !!).
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder from time to time in the (many) different places you visit and listen to George's "diary". If you haven't done so already, view all items in your braventory (mouse:- right click) & read the written captions below them - they may contain wacky hints ?
(388) Now click on the middle pedal. THAT shuts him up ---- thank goodness ! (You can click on the left hand pedal as well if you like ?!).
(389) Click on the hearing tubes of both of the two ancient geezers.
(390) Click on the piano --- Granny's 'repertoire' ......... " honky-tonk " ??
(391) Click on the opening to the left of the old guy in red. A guard bashes Granny, shakes her, and grabs her braventory.
(392) She finds herself in another most curious room, and gets a REAL shock !! She can click on the exit-icon on the large central screen .... sit in the chair .... pull the lever on her right ..................... and get a really good close up view of Granny's hair and other things --- but not much else !! 'Retreat' :- centre bottom screen, and then the bottom of the screen.
(393) She's back with the guard and gets her own back by kicking him where it hurts most --- She also gets her braventory returned.
(394) The guard has plenty of pin-on metal medals --- use your magnet on him --- he's attracted !!!
(395) Click on the brown button to the right of the cloakroom 'window'.
Articles start moving round and you get an emergency steering wheel.
(396) Now enter the door to the left of the window and Granny's back in that very curious room.
NOTE. Operate the tape recorder again (hints !?).
(397) Try various things including conversation with the guard. Put your chit into the conical chute just to the left of the guard.
(398) Give the guard the porno magazine (There HAD to be some use for this !!!). He's too 'mesmerized' to pay attention to anything else.
(399) Click on the curtain. Granny enters a room where Florence is making 'music' on an electric guitar.
(400) Click on Florence, the cage, the door, the loudspeaker ; whatever !
Drag* the speaker upwards to the hook. The cage rises --- blessed silence !
(401) Push (click) the loose red brick on the wall (a bit difficult to see --- just right of centre screen).
(402) Use your emergency steering wheel on the gap left by the bricks --- the gap gets bigger.
(403) Drag* Florence to the hole in the wall ................ bye Florence !!!!
You get an electric guitar. Exit bottom of the screen near to the right edge ; the bottom of the screen ; the left bottom corner ; the left top corner ; the right middle side ; the right middle side.
(404) Go out onto the map. Go to B.
(405) Give 'trader' your clapping hat. You get the top part of a hang glider.
(406) Return to the trader and give him your electric guitar. You get a fishing rod.
(407) Go to E1 and again to the giant.
(408) Use your fishing rod on the walking stone at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You hook a pair of glasses. The stone vanishes --- he can't see where he's not going any more !
(409) Return to the well. Go down the hole next to it into the underground cavern and from there to the 'pastoral scene'.
(410) Drag* the sun to the right and enter the opening --- 'what a sunset'.......
(411) ........... One tiny Napoleon playing with a cannon, and another running around in circles attempting to avoid being crushed by a steamroller driven by Quinn (Granny's baby grandson) !@#$%&?!@#$%&?. Get as much of the "story" as you can from the 'cannon-kid' and surroundings.
(412) In Granny's braventory, combine both the upper half and the lower half of the hang glider. You get a 'full' hang glider.
(413) Use the (complete) hang glider on the fork sticking out vertically from the armchair. Granny goes hang-gliding !!! Eventually, she chases Quinn away from his games !
(414) Use the exit-icon on the manhole just by the armchair (close to the lower left corner of the screen). Exit the 'pastoral scene', the underground cavern, the well, E, the map. Go to C then C3.
(415) Take a step forward (so that the first door on your right is the 'prison' --- with the crazy video camera). s a v e !
(416) Click on the last (third --- dark green) door on the right of the corridor.
(417) Granny is in a room full of giant loudspeakers and a video camera (linked to Agent Rabbit). Quickly put on the earphones so that Granny won't get deafened.
(418) Click on the table just in front of the rotating circular plate supporting the microphone (or whatever). Granny goes to the right hand side of the table and messes with the instrument (cut scene to Agent Rabbit), and the video camera points downwards and ceases to track her subsequent movements !!
(419) Click on the partially opened drawer on the right side of the table ; what's this --- a magic stick ! You get TWO crooked sticks.
(420) Still standing on the right hand side of the table, Granny uses one crooked stick on the revolving microphone. It jams, pointing to the left hand large speaker in which a large (exit) hole has appeared !
(421) Use this new exit-icon and enter the hole. Granny enters a solitary confinement room with her granddaughter Donna. ( Let the sequence run to the end ........ No, there's n o t h i n g wrong with your computer !!
--- Granny's been temporarily blinded by Agent Rabbit's magic !).
(422) Put the pair of glasses on Granny --- now she can see properly !
(423) Click on the violet coloured top hat a few times --- a 'polite' grandma/granddaughter exchange !
(424) Now place the exploding boxes on the middle of the top hat.
(425) Use the second crooked stick on the box (which is now on the floor).
That explodes it all right --- and releases Donna from her imprisoning hat !!
(426) At the top left corner of the lower barred window is a hasp (or bolt, or hinge, or whatever) which is a bit difficult to pin-point. Drag* it to the right (maybe just clicking on it will do the trick also !) and the barred windows fly open.
(427) Now drag* Donna to the open window --- well I guess that's one way to shut up a real pesky kid !!!!
(428) Exit through the hole, the speakers-video room, the corridor, the prison, the hairdresser's salon, the fan-chamber and into the plants' underground command centre.
(429) Place your Master key on the centre of the giant ventilator (where that annoying plant is hitting it with a hammer). Wowwww --- all protective bars are removed (together with the plant) !
(430) Drag* the ventilator to the right.
(431) Now click on the mobile steps (near the right hand lower corner of the screen).
(432) There are four bluish coloured knobs on springs beneath the new position of the ventilator. Click on the right hand (longest) one. The ventilator spins full speed.
(433) Step (click) into the giant whirring ventilator...