// EFS Nova. Last modified by Richard Wein 24/11/97
// -1 in the unit needed to build column means you don't need any unit to build
// The number before the abbreviation is the type of plural extension.
// 0 means none, 1 means 's', 2 means 'es', and 3 means replace y with 'ies'.
// Move Spot Camo Ag Armor PsyDef Water Indirect Air Direct Close Psy RangedSp DirectSp CloseSp Cargo CanBCargo !Combat Crd/Trn Cred Food Energy Metal Trac Exot Chems Bio Elec CSteel Wet Mono Gems Sing Unit Bldgs Turns2Bld Req'd Tech Tax Flock Range Eat Rank RoP