Labels:book | shelf | tribute album OCR: Fonts Technical Support Arlington Normal The quick brown TOR jum ped ouer the lazg dog. Contacring Technical Suunort Army OUICK HROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THI LAZY Dor Software USA strives to provide you with soft ware that is of the highest quality as well as easy use If you l are having problems with any of the programs on your Software USA CD -ROM Attic Floppy Disks. call Tecl hnical Support at (619) 455 6033 The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog Bamboo we are busy handling other calls please leave the following informaticn and we will call you THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY hack: Bedrock-Light Your Nane THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG Your Phone Number Media Type (diskettes CD-ROM) FasL- Sid: Special Interest Group Education Children Lifestlyes. etc. fumrdos Ar ...