Labels:book | cell phone | cellular telephone | shelf | telephone receiver | walker OCR: Frequently Asked Contacting Questions When I m done running Or installing a program. the SmartCD@ browser disappears Where does 1 go? Software USA Customer Service Hours: not in The the SmartCD@ "Trunt" has window "no-bounce" feature for manager your convenience cestart Lt i still running but Monday am through 4:30pm Friday PST receive "Writing Disk Error" during the installation (diskettes) 7:30 This error is most often pasned by full hard drive may peed to make some toom un your hard drive. You will need approximately 10 to 15 megabytes free disk space Customer Service the errur message persists, call Technical Suppxirt Have qucstions about yout account? Need to change you Special Tnterest I have trouble running some programs on my MacintoshM Group (SIG)? Feel free to contact Software US ...