Labels:book | comic book | crt screen | monitor | newspaper | poster OCR: sofrar US Vahine 1.03 Coticns THelp CD-ROM Browsing ScrambE What's It A About? Your chiltren wil learm spel by helour Farnsworth Attention WindowsTM Users!! enscramble severa Words The pictures shotw yorwhat yeu Software USA uses special CD browser for the IBM/PC Each program is formatted to try to spell with ithe gkrer letters This program s but one part to run or install from these screens Click on the Special Interest Group you wish ofthe entire Pamsworth Ferret Funpack prugram see, then double-click on the program title Below labeled diagram illustrating the different aspects of the Contents Menu Sicreenihct KTequiemenbs Aabishe Special Interest Group title deffr Program title Conterts [Run FInstal Prou Ne Pml Link Windows. Click or these for answers Award Winning common questions. Sof ...