Labels:book | computer | crt screen | monitor | reckoner | sky | tribute album | windowpane OCR: Frequently Asked Ouestions Instructions for Y2K Tester When I'm done rurning or installing program the SmartCDO browser disappears Where does go? After complering the installation fram the Smart-CD tmwser you will teed to run Y2K fron DOS WILI NOI RUN IN WIN DOW The SmartCD@ has -ou.. -bounce' feature for your convenience. is still running. but EXTT TODOS not in the "front" window Click on your ask manager to restart ut From iession Windos Click 3.1 [Program Manager): Click FILE Selear EIXT You will 189 mensage "This will end your Windows receive "Writing Disk Error durine the installation (diskettes) then From press Windows YES 95 Click the START butier sclzct SHUT DOWN seleci RESTARI THE COMPUTEI IN MS-DOS MODE This error is most often caused by full hard drive You may need to make some ...