Labels:book | bulletin board | clock | monitor | poster | reckoner | tribute album OCR: Quiz Master (CD-ROM Exclusive. Windows 95 Quiz Master L quiz generating program that allows teacher Or user input questions BM/F ed:u ca tion with different multiple formats choicc answers Testing can be on-line the quiz be printed out four Space is Special (CD-ROM Exclusive. Windiows (S6 Easy Action for WindowsTM This entertaining pue educational game is based on space trivia. You are given one chance Teachers can customiz: this program to construct seating charts for their students OT run guess correctly before the answer pops up and you move on to the next questicn spot drills throughout the classroom Enter your student roster and your desired room arrangement and this program will do the rest The World's Simpest Compu er (CD -ROM Exelusive. Windows 95 NOTE: You will need to have Video ...