Labels:book | poster | reckoner | tribute album OCR: MAC children This Happy Dollars simple House Spelled HyperCard 100 stack converts number to "spoken dollar" format HappyHouse virtual pet simulator. Feed your hamster and watch it groom itself eat AstroGumhy and sleep T6 gel it atlention use your pointer Color pictures AstroGumby with number of wild colors print the pictures to color with markers crayons MacCheckers This checl ckers game includes board editor play against the computer scoring. descrip- Bub VS the Aliens tions of the computer's play analysis. and the option save games In Bob the Aliens. you assume the role of Bob. top agent far the government few years back aliens invaded and thanks to Bob. theit attack SEM th warted. Unfortnately. Noah. scme of the aliens escaped and went into hiding underground. Now they are back and It 1 ...