Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | windowpane OCR: DISKETTES MACITOSH Start WINDOWS 9FIN 312 CA: Floppy DISKETTES 11 Afler yuur conputer starts, inser Insert disk l in the disk drive To start your Software USA the "Insfall Disk No in your .3.5 and open the install program programs floppy drive. guide located you on the through diskette. the This installation will CD-ROM 21 In the COMMAND LINE box 2 pue PTESE Select the [RUN] [START] button process type the letter of your CD. -ROM The computer will then ask you 11 WINDOWS 05IM compu SMA drive colon Examplc: RTCD (usually and D). D: hackslash followed SMARTCD bu then 31 and tyne Tri (usually the the A box backslash lctter of that followed IN is VOUT by labeled floppy colon OPEN drive in you Group this installatiom custom want while to volume's installs perform installation. custom Special ev ...