Labels:book | box | bulletin board | person | poster | table OCR: Contacting TF yOu have any questions about using vour new proorams call Technical Stppott at [619] 455 6033 Tf of fechnicians are busy. please leave vour name phone numher media type (diskette or CD system type (Mac or PCJ and bricf deseription of the problem Your call will be rettrned you have anv guestions abott vour accotnt nt changes you would like to make call 610 455 9600 return authorization nmmoer THOLY given weithin the firy 45 daers of me mbers up for the inttial package onl Merchandise recerved mem! hers part the evaluation period Hon refundable nore retrnable All reurns recerved ithout ealta auhe kanon will hc retused Software USA Hours: Monday through Friday 7.30am to 4.30pm PST Iunch Break 12 to pm Al D Softwarr Richts TISA Reserved usin yuur Support techicians brief retuen w ...