Labels:hakham OCR: Contactir If you have any questions about using yoU new programs eall Technical Support (619 455 6033 our technicians are busy please leave your name phone numher media type ldiskette 0r CD system tpe lMae or PC and brief description 01 the prohlem Your call will be returned you have any questions about voul account or changes you would like to make call (619 455-9600 return authorzation number may onEy be gen within the first days membershp for the initial paei kage onh Merchandise received b members past the day evaluation period non-refundable and non returnabe returns received wit hout 21D4 return authori zation number will refused Software USA Hours: Monday through Friday 7.30am 4.30 m PST (Lunch Break 12 to 1pm] AlL Software Rights USA Reserved Conta cting diskette problem given memb ...