Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | poster OCR: you have any questions about your account, or changes you would like make, call (619) 455. -9600 you have any questions about using your new programs, call Technical Support at (619) 455. 6033 If all of our technicians are busy please leave your name phone number media type (diskette CD] system type (Mac or PCJ, and brief description of the problem. Your call will be returned A return authorization number may only be given within the first 45 days 0 membership for the initial package only. Merchandise recei ived by mem bers past the 45 day evaluation period non-re fundable and non-returnable 41 returns received without a valid return authorization num ber will be refused. Software USA Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30am 4:30pm PST (Lunch Break 12 to 1pm] 1999 Rights Software Reserved USA C ...