Labels:book | poster | reckoner | tribute album OCR: CD-ROM DISKETTES MACINTCSH WINDOWS 95TM WINDOWS 95IN Floppy CD -ROM disc After irto vouT your CD computer ROM starts insert The the 1] After your computer starts 35 insert the icon Place automaticall titled the CD "Software appear into the USA drive will The CD drive. Install Disk No. 1" Jin you Toppy Software USA opening screen shculd drive cune up aulomatieally. You nay also star Double click on the CD icom the program at any time using WindowsIN 21 In the af your : COMMAND CD LINE drive hox (usually type the DI 2j Press the [RUN] [START) button first! Double-click This on documeni the icon explains titled the "Read CD me Explorer. letter -ROM and Select 2) 1f Click the CD does " then noi "Run. start on Type its own then followed by SETUPEXF colon and backslash [\] the 3In lelte the box ...