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Text File | 1999-02-02 | 91.9 KB | 6,878 lines |
- AntiGame Plus Game List Database
- Following is a list of all the games which are recognized by
- AntiGame Plus 4.2.
- Note that the list contains 6865 game names (and not 8100).
- It is due to duplicate game names (e.g., there are more than
- 40 different games called Tetris).
- A Clues Solution
- A Day At The Races
- A Fork In A Tale
- A Jigsaw Puzzle Game
- A Matter Of Time
- A Pipe-laying Game
- A Puzzle Game
- A Tetris-like Game
- A.t.a.c. Demo
- A10 Cuba
- A10 Tank Killer
- Abaco
- Abalone
- Abe's Exoddus
- Abm Command
- Ac94
- Acbj12
- Aces Of The Eno
- Acfight
- Actuasoccer
- Acidbox
- Ad&dwin
- Ada_twrs
- Addiction Pinball
- Adom
- Aduno 16
- Afl 98
- Aft
- Aft Modem
- Agf
- Air Troubles
- Alchemy
- Alien Alley
- Alien Rampage V1.11
- Alpha
- Alphabet Soup V1.0s
- Amazeing
- Amazeing 5.11
- Amazeing
- Ambush
- Amfilter
- Amnesia
- Ampro'z First Game.
- Amprochess
- Amprojack'z Space J
- Amproslither I
- Amproslither ]i[
- Amproslither ][
- Anarchy
- Ancients I
- Angel
- Animated Blackjack
- Animated Slots V1.2
- Ansidude
- Apuzzle
- Aqbible
- Aquanaut
- Archimedean Dynasty
- Arena
- Argh!
- Ariva
- Arkane
- Askit
- Asp Attack Plus 2.0
- Assault
- Assimilation
- Asteroid
- Asylum
- Atc-game
- Atlantis
- Awesome Jackpot
- Axium Adventures
- Aztec
- Aaalife V. 1.0.
- Aaron Vs. Ruth
- Abalone
- Abcwords
- Abe's Oddysee
- About Wep
- Above & Beyond 2.1
- Abrams
- Abrams Battle Tank
- Abroad
- Absolute Pinball
- Absolute Zero
- Abuse
- Abyss
- Accolade
- Accordian Solitarie
- Accordion
- Accordion Solitaire
- Ace Ventura
- Aces Of The Deep
- Aces Up
- Acey Deucy
- Acey-ducey
- Achi
- Achtung Spitfire
- Acme
- Acquire
- Acropolis Casino
- Acrostix
- Acrostix 2.4
- Acrostix V2.3
- Acrostix.
- Action Graphics
- Active Worlds
- Actua Tennis
- Adams Backgammon
- Addalot
- Addix20
- Admiral
- Admiral Sea Battles
- Admirals Command
- Adrenix
- Advance Civilizatio
- Advance Civilization
- Advanced Civiliz
- Advanced Xoru V5.82
- Advantage Tennis
- Adventur
- Adventure
- Adventure Math
- Adventurer's Maze
- Aethra
- Aethra Chronicles
- Affairs Of Th Court
- Africa V.1.5b
- After Burner
- Afterlife
- Age Of Empires
- Age Of Rifels
- Age Of Rifles
- Age Of Sale
- Aggravation
- Aggression
- Aggression V. 1.0.
- Aint
- Air Command
- Air Dual Demo
- Air Fight
- Air Strike
- Air Traffic Control
- Air Trax V. 1.0.
- Air Warrior Ii
- Air Wars For Windows
- Airborne Ranger
- Airduel
- Airlift Rescue
- Airpower
- Airpuck 2.0
- Al Unser
- Aladdin
- Aladdin Demo
- Alagar 16
- Albion
- Alchemys
- Alcor Trivia Pro
- Aldo
- Aldo 2
- Aldo 3
- Aldo Again
- Aldo's Adventures
- Aleatoric Composer
- Alexander
- Alfie 1.0
- Alfie V. 1.1.
- Alfredo Cartoon
- Aliad General
- Alian Logic
- Alien Arcade
- Alien Breed
- Alien Cabal
- Alien Cabal V1.1
- Alien Carnage
- Alien Force
- Alien Rampage
- Alien Tictactoe Game
- Alien Trilogy
- Alien Worlds
- Aliens
- Alive Sharks
- Alley
- Alley 19 Bowling
- Alley Cat
- Alone I
- Alone In The Dark
- Alone In The Dark Ii
- Alone In The Dark.
- Alpha Man V1.0
- Alpha Natix
- Alphabet Soup
- Alphaman
- Alphaman 1.03
- Alphaman Alpha Man
- Alphatris
- Alquerqu
- Alternate Solitaire
- Alternations
- Amado V. 1.0.
- Amarillo Slim
- Amaze
- Amaze-ing
- Amazeing 3.84
- Amazeing For Windows
- Amazement 2.0
- Amazement V 1.10.
- Amazing
- Amazing Maze
- Amazon
- Amazon Amazon
- Amazon Queen
- Amazon Skulls
- Amazon Snake
- Amazons
- Amber
- Ambilalf
- Ambush
- Amem
- Amends Yahtzee
- Amerika 1998.
- Amnesia
- Amok
- Amulets &armor
- Amy's First Primer
- Amy's Fun-2-3
- Amygdala
- Ana.
- Anagram
- Anagram Master
- Anagrams 1.5
- Analyzer Iii
- Ancient
- Ancient Conquest
- Ancient Empire W31
- Ancient Empire W95
- Ancient Evil V0.99
- Ancient Evil V1.00
- Ancient Yacht
- Ancient Yacht V2.0
- Ancient1 Ancient I :
- Ancients I
- Andretti Racing
- Angband
- Angela's Bug Swat
- Anipaint
- Animal
- Animal Bits
- Animal Pictures
- Animal Quest 1.5
- Animal Quest 2.0
- Animal Quest V1.0.
- Animation
- Another Missile
- Another Pool
- Ansi Crazy Craps
- Ansi-animator V1.5
- Ant Attack
- Ant Farm V2.1
- Ant Hill
- Ant Run
- Ant Run 2.0
- Ant Run V2.1
- Ant Run V2.3
- Antagony
- Anti-ballist-missile
- Antic 1.11
- Antic
- Antiet
- Antiquity
- Antix
- Antkill V1.1
- Ants Farm
- Anyone For Cards
- Apache
- Apocalypse Cow
- Apollo
- Apollo 13
- Apollo Mission
- Appendix
- Apples
- Apples & Oranges
- Apporg Apples And
- Approach Control
- Aqua Man 1.0
- Aquanoid
- Aquanoid 1.1
- Aquanoid V1.35
- Aquarium
- Aquarium Aquarium
- Aquarium Simulation.
- Arachnid
- Arachnid Card Game
- Arasan Chess
- Arasan Chess 32
- Arasan Chess For Nt
- Arc Master V10.4
- Arcade America
- Arcade Skills Test
- Arcade Volleyball.
- Archeodroid.
- Archo Ultra
- Arctic Advanture
- Arctic Adventure
- Arcy 2
- Ardennes Offensive
- Arena 2
- Ares Rising
- Argh! 4.0
- Argh. V. 3.0.
- Argo Checkers
- Ariva
- Ark
- Arkania
- Arkanoid 2
- Armchair Quarterback
- Armada
- Armchair Quarterback
- Armies Of Steel
- Armor Alley
- Armor Command
- Armorgeddon
- Armored
- Armored Fist
- Armored Fist 2
- Army Men
- Army Strategy
- Army V. 1.2.
- Aro
- Arrows
- Arsenal
- Artificial Intellig
- Ascendancy
- Ashes To Ashes
- Assain Door Game
- Assault Rigs
- Assorted Trivia
- Asteroid 1.07
- Asteroid Mayhem V1.0
- Asteroid Ver 0.3
- Asteroids
- Asteroids Game
- Asteroids Pro
- Astro Blaster
- Astro Rock
- Astro-dodge.
- Astro-lite 1.1
- Astrofire
- Astrofire 1.1s
- Astronomy Clock
- Astronomy Lab
- Astrorock 2000
- Atcsim V1.4b.
- Atlantean Enquirer
- Atlantis
- Atlantis V. 2.0.
- Atomic Bomberman
- Atomic Tetris
- Atomic V. 1.0.
- Atomix
- Atomix Atomix
- Atoms
- Atoms Game
- Attaxx
- Audio Cipher
- Audio Cipher Puzzle
- Auto Cell
- Auto Concentration
- Autocell 1.1
- Autobots V. 1.1p.
- Automon3 V. 3.2.
- Avplan V. 3.0.
- Avenger
- Avenger V1.0
- Avoid The Noid
- Avoid The Roids Ii
- Avvy
- Awale
- Awale 2.2.0
- Awele
- Awesome Jackpot
- Axtrons
- Axtrons.
- Azrael's Tear
- B17edit
- Backup V1.3
- Backup V1.4
- Bad Toys
- Baker's Dozen
- Ball Game 2
- Balloon Challenge
- Bandor Ii
- Barrage
- Bars
- Barteyes
- Baseball Dice
- Bats
- Battle Charge
- Battlecruiser:3000ad
- Battles
- Battles In A Desert
- Battlestar 2 V1.0
- Battlestar V1.0
- Bb2
- Bbf Boxing.
- Bbs Blackjack/21
- Bbs Door Puzzle
- Bbs Drag Racing
- Bbs Putt Putt
- Bbs Roulette
- Bc Poker
- Bc Raceres
- Bcracers
- Bdd
- Begin2
- Bert
- Bert And The Snake
- Betsy Ross Solitare
- Bg
- Bhawk
- Bhunter
- Bible-x1
- Big 8 Solitaire
- Bingo
- Bingov10
- Bj-sim 2.02
- Black Ice
- Black Knight Se
- Blackboard Ball Jump
- Blackbox
- Blackjack! 2.41d
- Blackjack! 2.50d
- Blackthorne
- Blagtron 3.01
- Blakjak
- Blast
- Blaster
- Blind Wars
- Blob.c
- Block
- Block Man Ii V1.0
- Blood & Magic
- Blort!
- Blueangl
- Blwin350
- Bob Os
- Bob Os\
- Bodypark
- Boloball
- Boloball V2.1
- Bomber V2.1
- Bomberboy
- Bombs And Bugs V2.0s
- Bombs11
- Bombsq
- Bones
- Bonus Wheel Slots
- Boom
- Boulder
- Bout 1.05
- Bowl101o V12.2
- Bowling Solitaire
- Box Dice
- Box Poker Solitaire
- Boxes Ii
- Board Games
- Braindead2 V1.00.
- Bratock.exe 169848
- Bre
- Breakthr
- Bridge 1.1
- Brigzee For Windows
- Brix Puzzle
- Brutal
- Bs Dice
- Btnmad
- Bugs
- Bummer
- Byanose
- Ball Blaster
- Babble V. 2.0.
- Baby Brats
- Baby Joe
- Babylon Ii
- Bacarat 3.3
- Baccarat
- Baccarat For Windows
- Baccarat Profesional
- Back Gammon
- Back To Baghdad
- Back To The Forest
- Backgammon
- Backgammon For Os2
- Backcountry Killers
- Backgammon
- Backgammon 1.4
- Backgammon 5.1
- Backgammon V1.3.1.
- Backlash
- Backup For Windows
- Bactwar
- Bad Toys 3d
- Badlands Blackjack
- Badlibs
- Badtille
- Baffle Ball
- Baghdad.
- Bago For Windows
- Bail Out Bob
- Bailout
- Bajorean Mercenary
- Baker's Hearts
- Baku Baku
- Bal Ru's Curse
- Baldies
- Ball
- Ball Master
- Ball Race V1
- Ballclim
- Ballistix
- Ballon Challange
- Balloonc Balloon
- Balloons
- Balloons V3.0
- Balloonz V1.0
- Balls Of Steel
- Balls Of Steel.
- Balltris 2.0
- Baloons Phrase
- Baltimore Orioles
- Bananatron V. 1.1.
- Bananoid
- Bandit 1.1
- Bandit For Windows
- Bandor 1.1
- Bandor Ii 1.0
- Bankshot
- Banyon Wars
- Banyon Wars V. 2.0.
- Banzai Bug
- Bap! V1.22
- Bar Darts
- Barbie
- Barbie Paint
- Barney
- Barney Splat
- Barneyblast
- Baron Baldric
- Baron Baldric 2.1
- Baroness
- Barracuda
- Barrage
- Barren Realms Elite
- Barts Law Preview
- Baryon
- Baseball
- Baseball
- Baseball 98
- Baseball Card Keeper
- Baseball Mogul 99
- Baseball Scout
- Baseball Statpak
- Baseball Trivial
- Baseball V. 1.1.
- Bash
- Basic English V1.0.
- Basic Rummy
- Basketball
- Basketball Statis
- Basketball Stats
- Basketball.
- Bass
- Bass Class
- Bass Class V1.8
- Bass Fishing
- Bass Masters Classic
- Bass Tournament
- Bassduel 1.21
- Bassduel 2.0
- Bassduel V. 1.0.
- Bassmap 1.3
- Bassmap V. 1.2.
- Basstour
- Basstour 4.9
- Basstour V. 4.55.
- Bastille
- Bastille.exe
- Bat'n Ball
- Batalia
- Batfish.
- Batlshp Battle Ship
- Batman
- Bats V1.21
- Batsat
- Batstat
- Battery Check
- Battle
- Battle Beast
- Battle Beyond
- Battle Charge
- Battle Charge V1.02
- Battle Chess Ii.
- Battle Cruiser
- Battle Drome
- Battle Fleet V2.2.
- Battle For Atlantis
- Battle For Os2
- Battle Grid
- Battle Ground
- Battle Ground V. 1.0
- Battle Ground V1.00
- Battle Isle
- Battle Isle 2200
- Battle Isle 2220
- Battle Of Eras
- Battle Of Eras 2
- Battle Of Kursk
- Battle Of The Eras
- Battle Ship
- Battle Ship V2.3.
- Battle Ship V4.02.
- Battle Tech
- Battle Wrath 1.0
- Battle Zone
- Battlecruiser
- Battlecruiser 3000ad
- Battlegrid
- Battleship 2.3
- Battleship Attack
- Battlestar
- Battlestar V1.3
- Battlefield V1.0.
- Battleground
- Battles Distant
- Battles In Time
- Battles Of Hannibal
- Battles On Distant
- Battleship
- Battleship Game
- Battleship V1.5.
- Battleship V2.0
- Battleship V2.0.
- Bb16guns
- Bbant
- Bbloogie
- Bbtennis
- Beam Up 2.0
- Beasley's Deathtrap
- Beast
- Beast Wars
- Beat The Bomb
- Beat The Bomb V1.05
- Beavis Iv
- Beavis4
- Bedlam
- Bedlam
- Beem-up V2.0
- Beer - The Last
- Beer Trivia
- Beer War V2.0
- Beetle Run
- Begin V. 1.65.
- Belecast
- Bermuda
- Bernie 1.0
- Berserk
- Bert
- Bertha Slot
- Berwal15
- Best Bet
- Best Bet Usa
- Betrayal In Antara
- Beyond Columns
- Beyond Pyramid!
- Beyond Pyramid! V2.0
- Beyond The Abyss
- Beyond The Tesseract
- Bitris
- Bible Cryptogram
- Bible Puzzles
- Bible Trivia
- Big Math Attack
- Big Number
- Big Red
- Big Red Racing
- Big Rig
- Big Three
- Big2
- Big2 V. 1.01.
- Bigbobs
- Bigsix
- Billard
- Billy The Kid
- Billy The Kid 1.1
- Bingo
- Bingo Mania!
- Bingo V2.0
- Bio
- Bio Graf For Windows
- Bio-lotto
- Bioforge
- Biomenac Biomenace
- Biomorffs V. 1.3.
- Bipbop 2
- Bipbop 2.0
- Birthright Net
- Birthright Net 95
- Bizerky.
- Bj
- Bjw
- Black - Jack.
- Black Box
- Black Box 1.1
- Black Box 1.2.
- Black Dahlia
- Black Diamond Skiing
- Black Dog Crib 2.1c
- Black Dog Cribbage
- Black Glass
- Black Hole
- Black Hole V1.1
- Black Jack
- Black Jack For Os2
- Black Jack Plus
- Black Jack V1.0
- Black Rain
- Black Stone
- Blackbox 1.0
- Blackjack
- Blackjack 1.01
- Blackjack Gold Lite
- Blackjack Plus
- Blackjack Professor
- Blackjack Strategy
- Blackout V2.2
- Blackjack
- Blackjack For Os/2
- Blackjack Or 21
- Blackjack Plus
- Blackjack Professor
- Blackjack Simulation
- Blackjack V. 2.2.
- Blackjack V6.0
- Blackjack!
- Blackjack.
- Blackout
- Blackstar
- Blake Stone
- Blake Stone 3.0
- Blake Stone V2.00
- Blam
- Blammo!
- Blast Chamber
- Blast Saddam
- Blasteroids
- Blasteroids 3-d
- Bleak Stone V1.21
- Bleifuss
- Blind Maze 2.0
- Blind Maze.
- Blind Wars V1.0
- Blitz
- Blitz 3.6
- Blitz Draghts
- Blitz-draughts
- Blitzer
- Blob
- Blob Factory
- Blobshop 1.0a
- Blochole
- Block
- Block 5
- Block Breaker
- Block Breaker V2.7e
- Block Breaker V3.12
- Block Breaker V4.02
- Block Eleven
- Block Heads
- Block Ten
- Block-man V1.0
- Block11
- Blockc 1
- Blockade
- Blockade 1.9
- Blockout: 3d Tetris
- Blocks
- Blocks For Windows
- Blocks From Hell
- Blocks V. Alpha 2.
- Blood
- Blood Bath
- Blood Ii: The Chosen
- Blood Money
- Bloodthirsty V2.3
- Blox 2.0
- Blox V10.
- Bloxz
- Bluebox
- Blueice
- Blueball Blue Balls
- Blueballs V. 2.2.
- Blueballs V1.0.
- Blueballs V3.0
- Board Games For 2
- Board Warfare
- Bob
- Bob Hell
- Body Count
- Bodyblows
- Bog
- Bog V1.06
- Bog V2.04
- Bogest
- Boggle
- Boggle Game
- Boggle Word Game
- Boggled
- Bogle!
- Bogout
- Bogout For Windows
- Boink
- Bolo Adventures
- Bolo Adventures 2
- Bolo Adventures Iii
- Bolo3 Bolo
- Boloball
- Boloballl 2.0
- Bolobox 1.1
- Boloball V. 1.0.
- Bolz
- Bomb 3.0
- Bomb Aquad 2
- Bomb Run
- Bomb Squad
- Bombaway 1.2
- Bombaway V. 1.2.
- Bombboy
- Bomber 2.1
- Bomber V2.2
- Bombrs
- Bones
- Booby Trap V2.4
- Boogle Deluxe
- Book Of Shadows
- Booly - Cga
- Booly - Vga
- Boomerang V2.0.
- Boppin V1.0
- Boppin V1.1
- Border 1.1
- Bostick
- Botz
- Boulder Dash
- Bouncing Babies
- Bouncing Babies.
- Bow & Arrow V1.0
- Bowl-101k V. 8.2.
- Bowlstat
- Box World
- Boxmania 2
- Boxcars 1.0
- Boxem V1.0
- Boxes
- Boxes Ii
- Boxes V1.2.
- Boxes V5.0
- Boxes V5.3
- Boxing A2600 On W -
- Brain
- Brain Cubes
- Brain Jam
- Brain Jam For Window
- Brain Jam V1.4
- Brain Jam V2.1
- Brain Storm 3.0
- Braino
- Brainstorm
- Brainstrain
- Brainsbreaker
- Brainy
- Brandon's Bigbox
- Brats
- Braw V1.1
- Break In V3.21
- Break Machine
- Break Thru
- Breakfree
- Breakin
- Breakthrough
- Breakthru For Window
- Breaktime
- Breakfree
- Breakout
- Breakout.
- Brett Hul Hockey
- Brick
- Brick - Win Game
- Brickanoid
- Brickbat
- Bricklayer
- Bricklayer V1.7
- Bricks
- Bridge
- Bridge Assistant
- Bridge Contractors.
- Bridge For Windows
- Bridge Game
- Bridge Master
- Bridge Pal
- Bridgebrain
- Brix
- Brix 2.0
- Brix V1.0
- Brix1
- Brn-bog
- Broken Sword Ii
- Brokeout
- Brudal Baddle
- Brunswick Circuit
- Brutal
- Bthorne
- Bubble Puzzle
- Bubble Trouble
- Bubloids V1.0
- Buckeye 95
- Bug Bomber
- Bug Shoot
- Bug Splat!
- Bug!
- Bugs
- Bugs Alive
- Bullbear Bulls And
- Bullsy
- Bummer For Os/2
- Bumpmaze V. 1.3.
- Bumpy
- Bumpy Bumpy
- Bunny Blast
- Bunny Bricks
- Burnout
- Bushido
- Busketball
- Bust-a-move 2
- Buster
- Bustmove
- Bustout!
- Busy Aces
- Busyaces
- Button Madness
- Buttons
- Bworks
- Byte Bandit
- Byzantine
- C.v.blackjack
- Calculate
- Camaze
- Campaign For Windows
- Canasta
- Canasta For Windows
- Capture The Flag!
- Cards1r
- Cardshark Bridge
- Carmageddon
- Carmageddon Splat
- Cart Precision
- Casc 1.9
- Cashflow
- Casino 99
- Casino Blackjack
- Casino Verite
- Casino21
- Cat & Mse
- Cat!
- Cbb
- Cbcount 0.1
- Cbdedupe
- Cbdiff
- Cbexport
- Cbnormal
- Cbook14a
- Cbpool
- Cbstrip
- Cc-tarot
- Cc3
- Cchess V1.2.
- Ccw
- Cd Man
- Cd-man
- Cd-man Pacman-like
- Cd-man V2.0
- Cd-man 1.5
- Cd-man
- Centaur
- Cga Soccer
- Cgamaze
- Champ Ms. Pacman
- Champion Kong
- Championship Boxing
- Champions Of Zulula
- Checkers
- Cheezi
- Cherry Delight
- Chinese Checkers
- Cipher 2.1
- Civil War
- Civilwar Battleset
- Clx 2a
- Close Combat
- Cobra
- Codebrk
- Coffee
- Cold Dreams
- Color Cross 1.01
- Comet Busters!
- Compound
- Concen 2.1
- Concentr
- Concentration
- Confound
- Confuse
- Constutn
- Contact
- Cookie
- Cool 130a
- Comix Zone W31
- Cpu
- Cpokeman
- Craps!
- Crayon Box 3.0
- Crazy Shuffle 1.5
- Creep Clash V1.01
- Cribbage
- Cribbage Solitaire
- Cross Word Finder
- Crossd
- Crossdown V2.8d
- Crossword Compiler
- Crossword Creator
- Crossword Power
- Crush!
- Crusher Castle Ii
- Crusher V3.1
- Crw
- Crypto 95
- Crypto V1.5
- Crypto V2.0
- Cstone
- Ct-art V2.0
- Cubeaz V. 1.
- Cultural Awareness
- Cws
- Cxword V2.0
- Cyberbox V4.54
- Cz_
- Caddiehack.
- Cadihack Caddiehack
- Caesar 2
- Caesar 3
- Calc Solitaire
- Calc Solitaire V1.12
- Calculation
- Calculation Solitair
- Calculation V1.10.
- California Games Ii
- Call It!
- Cambridge Greyhound
- Cambridge Harness
- Camp6 Campaign 6.1
- Campaign
- Canada Trivia
- Canasta
- Canasta For Windows
- Canasta V1.0
- Canasta V2.0.
- Canfield
- Canfield Game
- Cannon Fodder
- Cannon Fodder 2
- Cannon Fooder
- Cannon Force 2
- Cannonade
- Capworld
- Capcomic Captain
- Capitan Comic
- Capsize
- Captain Comic
- Captain Cosmo
- Captain Eric 2.6
- Capture Flag
- Capture Flag 1.4
- Capture The Flag
- Capture The Flag 3.1
- Car
- Car Race
- Car Racer
- Car Simulator
- Caral's Pazzels
- Card Games For Os/2
- Card Master
- Card Master 2
- Card Match
- Card Shark Hearts
- Card Sharks
- Card Sharks V5.7
- Card Stud Hi-low
- Card War
- Cardshark Hearts
- Cardsworkshop
- Cardtrik
- Careabean Stud Poker
- Cargo Bay
- Carlton
- Carma
- Carmageddon Ii
- Carmen
- Carmen Sandiego
- Carpet
- Carribian Stud
- Casino Blackjack
- Casino Blackjack
- Casino Craps
- Casino Games.
- Casino Madness 98
- Casino Style Action
- Casino Verite
- Casino Verite Pai
- Casino Veritepoker
- Castle
- Castle Of Dr Brain
- Castle Of The Winds
- Castle Siege!
- Castles & Kings
- Castles Ii
- Castles Of Mew
- Castrol Honda
- Cat95!
- Catacomb
- Catacomb Absys 3d
- Catacomp Abuss
- Catch If You Can
- Catch'em.
- Catchem
- Catharsis
- Catmar 5 Card Draw
- Catz Ii
- Cavalcade O' Card
- Cave Wars
- Cavequest V1.1
- Caverns Of Zoarre
- Caves
- Caves Of Thor
- Cd-man
- Cdbasewin
- Cell War 1.0
- Centiped
- Centipede
- Centipede V. 1.0.
- Centurion
- Cgalemmi Cga Lemming
- Chag
- Chain Reaction
- Chain Reaction.
- Challenge Pool
- Chameleon
- Champions Of Zulula
- Championship Cribage
- Championship Manager
- Championship Spades
- Chaos
- Chaos 3-d
- Chaos Overlords
- Chargeball V1.01
- Charly
- Chase
- Chase V. 1.0.
- Chasemate
- Chaspuz1
- Cheat 1.00.
- Cheat 26.0
- Cheat Machine V2.02
- Cheat Machine V2.03
- Check1
- Checkers
- Checkers 1.61
- Chekkers V1.5.
- Cherry Delight
- Cherry Delight V4.2
- Cherry Delight Video
- Chess
- Chess Clock
- Chess Corresponder
- Chess Edit Postal
- Chess Filemate
- Chess For Windows
- Chess Gems
- Chess Indexer
- Chess Log
- Chess Mentor
- Chess Pearls
- Chess Replay
- Chess Saver
- Chess Tactics
- Chess Translator
- Chess Tutor
- Chess88
- Chess88 V. 2.0.
- Chessbase
- Chessclb 2.55
- Chessclock
- Chessedt
- Chessenv
- Chessnet 1.1
- Chessedt
- Chessmaster 6000
- Chessnet
- Chesswin
- Chexo
- Chicago 90
- Chicken Invasion
- Chinese
- Chinese Checkers
- Chinese Checkers 2.0
- Chinese Checkers 2.1
- Chinese Chess
- Choas For Windows
- Choice
- Chomp
- Chomp For Windows
- Chopper Commando
- Chopper Pilot
- Christmas Carange
- Christmas Demo
- Cimcity 2000 Client
- Cimcity 2000 Server
- Cipher
- Cipher - Na 2.2
- Cipher For Windows
- Cipher V. 2.1.
- Cipher-ace
- Circa 7000
- Circumspace V1.0
- Circus
- Cirquerat Maze Video
- Cisco Heat
- City Manager.
- Civ2demo
- Civnet
- Civil War
- Civil War Generals
- Civilazation
- Civilisation.
- Civnet
- Clash Of Spears
- Classic Draw Poker
- Classroom Jeopardy.
- Claude V. 1.10.
- Claw
- Click It !
- Click-it 1.00
- Clobby
- Clock Of Doom
- Clock Solitaire
- Clock Wiser
- Clone Invador V4.4
- Cloninv Clone
- Cloud Kingdom
- Clouds Of Keen
- Clown Puzzle
- Club 500 Bid
- Club Slots V 1.0
- Clubmate
- Clue
- Clyde's Adventure
- Clyde's Revenge
- Coach
- Cobra
- Code Break
- Code Breaker
- Code Breaker 1.01a
- Code Breaker Ii
- Code Hunt V1.1
- Code Ppe
- Codemaster V. 1.0.
- Codebreaker
- Coffeebreak
- Colin Mcrae Rally
- Collapse
- Collection Trainer
- College Basketball
- College Coach
- College Coach:
- College Football
- Colonization
- Color Buster
- Color Chaos
- Color Codes
- Color Cross
- Color Match
- Color Tetris
- Colorblind
- Colorcodes
- Colorup
- Colorbook
- Colorfrm
- Coloring Book
- Coloring Book V2.2
- Colors By Comitatus
- Colors V1.0.
- Colors V1.1.
- Colors.
- Coloseum
- Colossal Cave
- Columns
- Columns For Windows
- Columns Tetris
- Columns Vga
- Comanche 3
- Comanche Gold
- Comanche Simulator
- Combat 2
- Combat Tanks
- Combat Zone
- Combinem
- Comedy Generator
- Comix Zone
- Command & Conquor
- Commander Keen
- Commander Keen #5
- Commander Keen #6
- Commander Keen 2
- Commander Keen 3
- Commander Keen 4
- Commander Keen V131
- Commander Keen Vol6
- Commandos
- Commodor 64 Forwin95
- Common Knowledge
- Compquiz Computer
- Computer 10,000
- Computer Bowl.
- Computer Mind
- Computer Pazzles
- Computer Trivia Quiz
- Computer Wars
- Computer Word Search
- Computerants
- Compuzzle.
- Confound V1.2
- Conaga
- Concent Tic-tac-toe
- Concentrat Challenge
- Concentration
- Concentration V2.04
- Confound
- Confound For Windows
- Confound V1.32
- Conjecture
- Connect
- Connect 4 For Window
- Connect 4 Game
- Connect 5
- Connect It Up
- Connect4
- Connect4 1.1a
- Conquer
- Conquer 2.64
- Conquer The World!
- Conquest
- Conquest New World
- Conquest V. 1.3.
- Conquest V2.5
- Constitution
- Constraction Bob
- Construction Bob
- Contax For Windows
- Contax V2.2
- Continuing Advent
- Contract Bridge
- Conway's Life
- Cool
- Cool Crok Twins
- Cool Spot
- Cool-aid Stand V1.1
- Cooncan
- Cops & Crops V1.0
- Core War
- Core Wars V3.0
- Corewar Pro V. 3.0.
- Corewars
- Corewar
- Corewars V. 2.22.
- Corncob
- Corncob 3d
- Corncob 3d V3.4
- Corncob Corncob 3d
- Corncob3 Corncob 3d
- Corp
- Correspondence Chess
- Corridor 7
- Cosmic
- Cosmic Adventure
- Counter Action
- Cover-up
- Cow V For Windows
- Cowgirls For Windows
- Crap Shooter V. 1.02
- Craps
- Craps Complete
- Craps Notes V2.0
- Craps!
- Crash
- Crates
- Crates.
- Crawler
- Crayon Box
- Crazy 8's
- Crazy Cards
- Crazy Cards 2.2
- Crazy Char
- Crazy Eights
- Crazy Shuffle
- Crazy Square V1.0
- Create Puzzles
- Creative Mosaic
- Creepers
- Creepers Christmes
- Cribbage
- Cribbage For Windows
- Cribbage Partner
- Cribbage Squares
- Cribbage.
- Cribbean Stud Poker
- Cricket '97
- Cricket 97
- Cricket Captain
- Cricket V1.12
- Crime
- Crimea
- Crimelab Crime Lab
- Crispy1
- Critic V. 2.1.
- Critical Mass
- Croc
- Cronologia
- Cross Of Insanity
- Cross Words Deluxe
- Crosscheck
- Crossdown V. 1.0.
- Crosspro
- Crossword Maker
- Crosswords
- Crosswords V2.01
- Crossdown
- Crossdown For Window
- Crossword
- Crossword Challenge
- Crossword Cheater
- Crossword Clipper
- Crossword Compiler
- Crossword Constructi
- Crossword Creator
- Crossword Finder
- Crossword Kit
- Crossword Kit V2.0a
- Crossword Mania
- Crossword Mania!
- Crossword Power
- Crossword Puzzle
- Crossword Puzzler
- Crossword Puzzles
- Crosswords #2
- Crosswords U-create
- Crosword
- Crow
- Crowd
- Cruel Solitare Game
- Cruise For A Corpse
- Crunchy Numbers
- Crusade
- Crusader: No Regret
- Crusader: No Remorse
- Crush
- Crush!
- Crush! Deluxe
- Crusher Custle Ii
- Crusher V2.0
- Crusher2 Crusher
- Crux V. 1.0.
- Cryp-it
- Crypt V2.0
- Crypt-o-search 3.1
- Cryptoz
- Cryptic
- Cryptik
- Crypto
- Crypto Maniac V2.21
- Crypto! V. 3.0.
- Cryptoquest
- Cryptoword Puzzles!
- Cryptoquote Solver
- Crystal Caves
- Crystal Dream
- Crystal Madness
- Crystal1 Crystal
- Cthulhu
- Cube
- Cube 5
- Cube Solver.
- Cube V1.5
- Cube_ega
- Cuber 2.0
- Cuber V1.0.
- Cubic
- Cubic Tic Tac Toe.
- Cubics' Maze
- Cubits
- Cubix
- Cubix 2-triplets
- Cubix V1.2
- Cue Ball
- Cult
- Cunning Football
- Cunning Football
- Curacao
- Curling For Windows
- Curses! 3.1
- Curves V1.3
- Cutout!
- Cvirt31
- Cwc
- Cyclones
- Cyber Checss
- Cyber Chopper
- Cyber Cube
- Cyber Dome
- Cyber Gladiators
- Cyberball
- Cyberbykes
- Cyberclone
- Cybergladiators
- Cyberspace Crossword
- Cyberstorm
- Cyberstorm 2
- Cyberstrike 2
- Cybertris
- Cyberbox Ii
- Cyberbox V.8/91.
- Cyberia2
- Cyberspace 3-d
- Cyberspace Crossword
- Cyberspace Puzzle
- Cybersphere
- Cyberstrip Poker
- Cyberwars
- Cycle Warz
- Cyclones
- Cyril Cyberpunk
- Cyrus
- D Generation
- D-mineur
- D-story
- D2 Hacker
- Dabbaba V0.96
- Dang Dave
- Danger
- Dark Omen
- Darnit
- Day Of The Tentacle
- Dbk
- Dblxslt2
- Dbquest 1.2
- Dd Baseball V3.23
- Dd Solitaire
- Deadend
- Defender
- Delta Force
- Dersenia V1.0
- Descent 2
- Desk1
- Despair!
- Dfd
- Diamond Dice 2.3
- Die By The Sword
- Dig Demo
- Diggers 1.0
- Discard
- Dm2conv V3.0
- Dnc 1.02
- Dnd V1.12
- Doc Defiant V1.0
- Dodger
- Domin
- Dominoes
- Doom V1.8
- Dos-joke
- Dosmine 1.0
- Dot Demo
- Double Dynamite
- Double Wild Slots
- Dowar V1.1
- Dpoker
- Dr. Rudy V1.35a
- Dr. Riptide
- Dr. Riptide
- Dr. Ruth Sex Trivia
- Driftos2
- Driver's Edge
- Dtq 2.2
- Duel 4.0
- Duel100
- Dungeon
- Dx-ball
- Dxword
- Dzone
- Da.
- Dagger
- Dagger Fall
- Dagger's Rage
- Daggerfall
- Daily Number Buster
- Daisy's Garden
- Dalek Attack
- Daleks
- Daloman Depths
- Dama Italiana
- Dammit! V. 6.0.
- Dangeons Of Moria
- Dangerous Cave
- Dangerous Dave
- Dangerous Dave 2
- Daniel's Checker
- Dare To Dream
- Dare To Dream 2
- Dark Ages 1
- Dark Ages V1.0
- Dark Angael
- Dark Colony
- Dark Forces Demo
- Dark Hour
- Dark Reign
- Dark Streets Of
- Dark Sun
- Dark Sun From Ssi.
- Dark Wolf 1.4
- Darklight
- Darkwolf
- Darklands
- Darkvader Demo
- Darnit
- Darts
- Darts 3.0
- Darts V. 1.0.
- Darwin V1.6
- Darwin's Arena V2.0.
- Dave Dude
- Dave's Pentrix
- David's Kong.
- Dawn Patrol
- Day Of The Tentacle
- Daymare 2
- Daytona Usa
- Daytona Usa Delux
- Dazzle! V. 1.1.
- Dblblock
- Dequoter
- Descrambler
- Dead Lock
- Deadline
- Deadlock Ii
- Deadly Games
- Death
- Death By Dark
- Death Drome
- Death Rally
- Death Rally 1.0
- Deathbringer
- Deathrace V2.0
- Debris V2
- Decathlon
- Decko V2.0
- Declaration Of War
- Deep Fortress
- Deep Sea
- Deep Sea Trophy
- Deep Space Drifter
- Deer Expert V. 3.0.
- Deer Hunter
- Def
- Defcon One V1.0.
- Defend
- Defender
- Defender Of Boston
- Defense
- Defense Of The Boat
- Defense Of The Squid
- Defiance
- Delta Drawing Today
- Delta Force
- Deluxe
- Dem Bonz
- Demitor V. 1.0.
- Demo: Cybernauts
- Demo: Frankenstein
- Demofob
- Demon Blue
- Demon's Maze.
- Demonstar
- Denarius Avaricius
- Depth Charge
- Depth Dwellers
- Depth Dwellers 1.5
- Derby
- Descent
- Descent 1.1
- Descent 1.4
- Descent 1.4a
- Descent 2 V1.0
- Descent 2.0 Demo
- Descent: Freespace
- Descnet
- Desert Raid
- Desert Storm Cmd
- Desert Storm Command
- Desert Strike Pc
- Desk Caddy 2.0
- Desktop Cigarette
- Desktop Ghost
- Desktop Pumpkin
- Desktop Shuffle
- Desktop Toys
- Destination: Earth
- Destroyer
- Destroyer For Win
- Destruction Derby
- Destruction Derby 2
- Dethkarz
- Deutex 3.3
- Dgate
- Dirty Game Iv
- Diachess
- Diablo
- Diablo Ii Demo
- Diamaze V. 1.0.
- Diamond
- Diamond Dash
- Diamond Grab 94
- Diamond Man
- Dianalee
- Dice
- Dice Game
- Dice Roller
- Dicebag Ii
- Dicegame 1.2
- Dicemaster
- Digger
- Digicard
- Digital Downs
- Digital Dragon
- Dilbert Desktop
- Dilbert Toy
- Dim Esquire
- Dink Smallwood
- Dink Smallwood V1.01
- Dino Cards V1.1
- Dino Match V4.0
- Dino Numbers
- Dino Slot Dinosaur
- Dino Slot For Window
- Dinomight Baseball
- Dinosaur Predators
- Dinosaur Puzzles
- Dirty Little Helper
- Disctetris - 96
- Discworld
- Disccover
- Disk Crash.
- Disney Jungle
- Distant Desert
- Distant Planets 1.5
- Dits And Dats
- Divecomp.
- Dizzy
- Doctor Dan's Fish
- Dodge Ball
- Dodgem
- Dog Star
- Dogday
- Dogarr V1.00e
- Dogcow For Windows
- Dogs
- Dogstar 3.0
- Dogtrack
- Dogz
- Dohdoh
- Dominant Species
- Dominate For Windows
- Domination
- Dominion
- Domino 4.2
- Domino Solitaire
- Dominoes
- Dominos
- Dominus
- Don't Worry Be Happy
- Doofus
- Doofus Trainer
- Doom
- Doom 1.2
- Doom 1.6
- Doom 1.9
- Doom 95
- Doom Construction
- Doom For Os/2 1.6b
- Doom Ii
- Doom V1.2
- Doom11 Doom 1.1
- Door Minesweeper.
- Door-cat!
- Dorkd
- Dot Puzzle Game
- Dot2dot 2.0
- Dotso 1.1
- Dots
- Dots V. 1.0.
- Dotso V1.0
- Double 1.1
- Double Block
- Double Blocks V1.22
- Double Bogie Killer
- Double Deck
- Double Down Poker
- Double Dragon
- Double Dynamite
- Double Link
- Double Match 1.0a
- Double Match 1.0b
- Double Pinochle 1.01
- Double Snake
- Double Solitaire
- Double Switch
- Double Trouble
- Double-deck Pinochle
- Doublets
- Dozen
- Dr. Black Jack
- Dr. Blackjack
- Dr. Ed's 4d-tic
- Dr. Mystic
- Dr. Riptide V1.0
- Dr. Riptide V1.1
- Dr. Rudy V. 1.24.
- Dr. Spoc
- Dracula In London
- Drag-n-drop
- Dragcity 3.0
- Dragcity
- Dragcity V1.2.
- Draghunt Bob's
- Dragon
- Dragon Drawing
- Dragon Shard
- Dragon Shard Role
- Dragon Warz 2.00!
- Dragon's Eye
- Dragon's Pight Game
- Dragon's Quest
- Dragons
- Dragons Ban Mahjongg
- Dragons Bane
- Dragons Domain Iii
- Dragons Dueling
- Dragons Tail
- Drakklor Dungeons
- Draks
- Draughts/checkers
- Draw 5
- Draw Poker
- Draw Poker V5.63
- Drawsome V. 2.4.
- Dream Web
- Dreamweb
- Drip For Windows
- Drop 'em
- Drop-it 1.7
- Drop-it For Windows
- Drug Wars.
- Dscdlx
- Dschump! 1.40
- Dtdemo Vd.5
- Dubbel
- Duck Hunt For Window
- Duck Hunt Ii
- Duckhunt
- Duckhunt
- Dude
- Duel 2000
- Duel!
- Duel: The Mage Wars
- Dueling Starships
- Duke 3
- Duke Nukem
- Duke Nukem 3d
- Duke Nukem Ii
- Duke Nukum
- Dukeedit
- Dulles Tower
- Dune Ii
- Dungeon
- Dungeon Explorer
- Dungeon Hack
- Dungeon Keeper
- Dungeon Master Ii
- Dungeon Of Death
- Dungeon V6
- Dungeons Of Grimlor2
- Dungeons Of Silmar
- Dunjin
- Dunk The Sysop
- Duplicate Bridge
- Dutch For Windows
- Dwango
- Dwango 95
- Dx Time 1.0
- Dynamic Gin
- Dynamic Gin 32
- Dynamite Mine
- Dynamite Minesweeper
- Dynamo
- Dynamo Draughts
- Dynamo Draughts 5.9
- E-chess
- E-z Bingo V1.5
- E-z Hang'n V1.1
- Earth 2140.
- Earthsiege 2
- Ecc V2.1
- Ecomaster
- Ecplay
- Ega 1933
- Ega Four
- Ega Mouse Paint.
- Ega Risk
- Ega Soccer
- Ega Solitaire
- Ega Spiders
- Ega Trek V3.0
- Ega-poker
- Ega-pyramid
- Ega/vga Tetris
- Egasnake
- Egatrek 3.1
- Egawheel V.17.0s
- Egawheel V.19.0s
- Electro
- Elvis
- Empire Ii
- Empire Of Darkness
- Enigmacross V1.4
- Enigmacross V1.5
- Entrap
- Epballs
- Epic Pinball
- Epic Pinball
- Equilunr
- Euchre V2.0
- Evasive Action
- Exile Ii
- Extreme Assault!
- Extreme Slots 95
- Eagle's Nest
- Earth Centered
- Earth Invasion
- Earth Siege
- Earthsiege 3
- Earthworm Jim
- Earthinv Earth
- Earthquake Zeeno
- Earthworm Jim
- Earthworm Jim 2
- East Front, 1914
- Easthav
- Easy Crosswords
- Eat My Dust
- Eatit V2.0
- Ecstatica
- Echelon
- Ecneuqes 2.1
- Ecneuqes For Windows
- Ecoquest I.
- Ecology Game
- Econ's Arena
- Econoland 2000
- Ecstatic 2
- Ed's Chess
- Edcheass Edchess
- Edmark
- Edugame
- Efs
- Ega Gammon V1.05
- Ega Solitare
- Ega Spider
- Ega Trek
- Ega-roids
- Ega-roids V2.0.
- Egaint 0.94.12
- Egaint
- Egaint 0.93.05
- Egaint Egaint
- Egaoxyd Ega Oxyd 3.4
- Egaroids V 1.0c.
- Egatrek Ega Trek
- Egawheel V. 16.0.
- Egg Carton V1.0
- Eggy
- Eight Ball Deluxe
- Eight Puzzle
- Eight Queens
- Elecbody Electro
- Electra
- Electra 92
- Electranoid
- Electranoid 1.10s
- Electric Lights
- Electro Body
- Electro Man
- Electro-cute
- Electron Havoc
- Elevators From Hell
- Elevators To Hell
- Elevens Solitaire
- Elfland Vol 1
- Eliminate V4.7
- Elimination
- Elkmoon Murder Demo
- Elvira
- Empipe
- Empipe For Windows
- Emergancy
- Emergency
- Emlith
- Emlith For Windows
- Empire
- Empire Game
- Empire Soccer
- Empire World Empire
- Enchantasy
- End
- Endless Horror
- Endorfun
- Enemy 2
- Enemy Infestation
- Engine For Windows
- Engineer.
- Enigmacross
- Enigmacross 1.6
- Enigmacross V. 1.0.
- Entomorph
- Entombed 1.0
- Entombed 1.6
- Entombed 2.1
- Entrap2 Entrap 2.0
- Entrepreneur
- Entrepreneur 1.1a
- Epic Pinball
- Epsilon Games
- Equatron For Windows
- Eradicator
- Erwinlotto.
- Escapade
- Escape From Delirium
- Esoteria: Prequel
- Esterian Conquest
- Eternal Prison
- Eternam
- Eternum
- Euchre
- Euchre 3.5
- Euchre For Slurps
- European Air War
- Evasive Maneuvers
- Evasive Maneuvers.
- Even-out
- Everest
- Evil
- Evil Core
- Evil Core
- Evolution
- Evolution 1993
- Ewj
- Excalibur
- Excel-fnd
- Excellent Card Games
- Excelsior
- Execute
- Executioner
- Exhumed
- Exile
- Exile 2
- Exile Ii
- Exile Iii
- Expert Casino
- Exploding Atoms
- Extreme Pinball 1.0
- Extreme Tactics
- Extremis
- Eye Of Horus
- Eye Of Horus V1.2.
- Eye Of The Beholder
- Eye Saver For Window
- Eye.
- F F Electronic Darts
- F-15 Strike Eagle
- F-16 M Fighter
- F-18 No Fly Zone
- F-22 Raptor
- F. Godmom V3.0
- F. Godmom V4.0
- F/a18 Korea
- F15 Demo
- F15 Simulator
- F15 Strike Eagle 2
- F16
- F16 Simulator
- F18 No Fly Zone
- F18: No Fly Zone
- F19 Simulator
- F22
- F22 Demo
- F22 Lightning
- F29 Retaliator
- Fallen Haven
- Fate Of Atlantis
- Fbifred
- Fbi_fred
- Fforce
- Fifa 97
- Fifa 98
- Fifa 99
- Fifa Soccer
- Fifa World Cup 98
- Fifa96
- Fifteen
- Fintris
- Fire And Ice 1.0
- Five Hundred
- Flasher
- Floatris
- Flotto V4.0
- Flower Card
- Flower Card V6.3
- Flowers
- Flux: V1.1
- Flynn Sprint
- Flotto 5.0
- Fmaz21 2.1
- Fodder
- Fop 9
- Forbidden Planet
- Fortress
- Forty
- Forzee
- Four Seasons 1.01
- Fourpm
- Fpedpool
- Fpscout
- Fractint
- Framed V1.1
- Frazzle
- Frog Hop
- Fructus
- Fs-pro
- Full On F1
- Funcrd
- Funpok Video Poker
- Fury Of The Furries
- Fx Fighter
- Fx Fighter Turbo
- Fab Four
- Fab Four 2.0
- Fab Four 2.3
- Face.
- Facetrex
- Facetrex 1.1
- Faces
- Facetrex V1.0
- Facing The Empire
- Factory
- Fadeblkd Fade To
- Fairy Godmother
- Falcon 3
- Falcon 3.0.
- Falcon 4
- Falcon's Eye
- Fall Zone
- Fall Zone-ii
- Falling Faces Tetris
- Falling Fish
- Fallout
- Fallout.
- Famfeud Familiy Feud
- Family Memory Match
- Family Night
- Fancy-jiggler
- Fans
- Fantan
- Fantasy Five Spot
- Fantasy Football
- Fantasy General
- Fantasy Tools
- Farkl 2.19
- Farmer
- Faro - Card Game
- Farocar
- Farrago
- Fast Paced Klingon
- Fastbreak Basketball
- Fastmaze
- Fastgraph Tetris
- Fatal Abyss
- Fatal Challenge
- Fatal Racing
- Fate Preview
- Fates Of Twinion
- Fatty's Bear
- Fence Fence
- Fences 1.0
- Fgodmom F. Godmom
- Fibs
- Fictionary 1.32
- Fiddle.
- Field General
- Field General V5.0
- Fifa
- Fifa 97
- Fifa Soccer
- Fifteens
- Fiftyfifty
- Fighter
- Fighter Duel Demo
- Fighter Duel Se
- Fighter Wing
- Figurepic
- Figurpic
- Fintec Backgammon
- Fintris 1.26
- Final Fantasy Vii
- Final Liberatio
- Find The Flag
- Findword
- Finly Flush
- Fire And Ice
- Fire Fight
- Fire Power
- Fire Works
- Fire.
- Firestorm 1.1
- Firefight
- Fireplace For Window
- Firing Range
- Firing Squad
- First Expedition
- Fishatchery
- Fischer-spassky
- Fish
- Fish For Windows
- Fishfood
- Fishatchery 3.0
- Fishtro
- Fist
- Five Card Draw Poker
- Five-in-a-row
- Flash Attack V2.2
- Flash Feast
- Flash Maze V1.1
- Flash Worm 1.12
- Flashback Trainer
- Flashback
- Flashbak
- Flasher Ii V2.1
- Fleet
- Fleet Street Soccer
- Fleuch
- Flight
- Flight Commander 2
- Flight Simulator 50a
- Flight Unlimited
- Flinstones
- Flip 'em For Windows
- Flip 'em
- Flip Aces
- Flip It
- Flip Out
- Flip Out! 3.0
- Flip The Coin.
- Flip-it
- Flip-it 4.6
- Flip-n-drop V. 1.0.
- Flip-n-drop
- Flipout!
- Flipem
- Flipped
- Flixmix
- Floatris 1.1
- Flowerbed
- Fly
- Fly Game
- Fly8
- Flying Tigers
- Fold-50
- Football Scoreboard
- Football
- Football Challenge
- Football Clock
- Football For Windows
- Football Pool
- Football Pool Keep
- Football Pool Keeper
- Football Pro '97
- Football Pro 96
- Footltd
- Footy
- Fop 95
- Forced Alliance
- Ford Simulator
- Ford Simulator '92
- Ford Simulator Ii
- Forest
- Formula 1
- Formula 1 97
- Forsaken
- Fortress
- Fortune Kookie
- Forty Thieves
- Forty-fives!
- Forty-nine
- Forzee V. 3.0.
- Four For Os2
- Four Handed Euchre
- Four Leaf Clover
- Four Seasons
- Four Seasons 1.05
- Four Winds
- Four-handed Euchre
- Fourteen
- Fowl
- Fox Ranger
- Foxfire 13
- Foxfire 13 V1.01
- Foxfire For Windows
- Foxhunt
- Fozzie Bear
- Frac 2.0
- Frac. 3-d
- Fractint
- Fracas
- Fractal Weave
- Fractint For Windows
- Fragile Allegiance
- Framed
- Frank
- Freaking Fuzzballs
- Frecell
- Fred
- Fred's Fractal
- Free Call
- Free Cell.
- Free Enterprice
- Free Solitaire
- Freecell
- Freecell 1.2
- Freecell
- Freecell 95
- Freecell Nt351 Alph
- Freecell Nt351 I386
- Freecell Nt351 Mips
- Freecell Nt351 Ppc
- Freecell Nt40 Alpha
- Freecell Nt40 I386
- Freecell Nt40 Mips
- Freecell Nt40 Ppc
- Freecell Nt35 I386
- Freecell Nt35 Mips
- Freecell Win32s
- Freecell Win95
- Freedom Soldier 3d
- Friday Night Poker
- Frog
- Frog Pond
- Froger
- Front Page Baseball
- Frontier
- Frredy Pharkas
- Fruits Fields
- Frustration
- Frustration Puzzle
- Fuck-man
- Full Burn Trailer
- Full Court Press
- Full Metal Jaket
- Full Throttle
- Full Tilt
- Full Tilt Pinball
- Fullburn
- Fumiko
- Fun Boot
- Funball V1.0
- Funballs
- Funcube 3d Puzzle
- Funky Puzzle
- Funny Face Ii
- Funsol
- Fury 3
- Fury Of The Furries
- Fuse App.
- Fusion.
- Future Cop: L.a.p.d
- Future Dimension
- Future Shock
- Fuul Tilt! Demo
- Fuzion
- Fuzion 2.6
- Fuzzy's World V1.00s
- G-nome
- G-police
- G-quest
- G-nome
- G-stones Iii
- Galactic Gorch V2.0
- Galactic Rim Wars
- Galaga '94 V2.1
- Galaxy Trek 1.0
- Game Net & Match!
- Game Wizard
- Gamebase V1.10
- Garbage
- Gate 1.6
- Gateworld
- Gcwf-the Door Game
- Gelules
- Gem Jam
- Gemma V1.0
- Gemstorm V1.10
- Getalife
- Gex
- Ghost
- Gjid
- Gnu Chess
- Go-renju 1.4
- Goblins 3
- Gobman
- God Of Thunder
- Goldhunt
- Golfhcap
- Google Ii
- Gotcha23
- Gr Demo 2.0
- Grand Theft Auto
- Greed
- Groan Dice
- Grot
- Gt Racing 97
- Gti Wordgrid V2.1
- Guessit!.
- Gunmetal
- Guzzle
- Gw 1.6
- Gwterm V. 2.5.
- Gadget
- Galacitx V1.5
- Galacta 1
- Galacta 1.1
- Galactic Battle
- Galactic Battles
- Galactic Conquest
- Galactic Crusade
- Galactic Empire
- Galactic Empires
- Galactic Food Fight
- Galactic Overlord
- Galactix
- Galactix 1.3
- Galactix V1.3
- Galactix V1.3a
- Galaktikon 1.0
- Galamax
- Galaxy
- Galaxy Fleet
- Galaxy For Os2
- Galleons
- Galt Hang-em V1.2
- Game Builder Lite
- Game Chest
- Game Chest\
- Game Day 99
- Game Guru
- Game Wizard 2.3
- Game Wizard Pro
- Game Wizard V2.1
- Gameroom
- Games Of Kasparov
- Games Of Nigel
- Gamesgrid Backgammon
- Gaming Zone
- Gamma Wing
- Gamma Wing 1.1
- Gapper
- Gaps 1.31s
- Garnott
- Gate Word
- Gateworld
- Gateworld V1.8
- Gateway
- Gathering
- Gatling
- Gatling For Windows
- Gazebo
- Gazillionaire
- Gearhead
- Geauxlsu 95
- Gegs
- Gemstones
- Gemini
- Gemma 2.0
- Gems V1.0
- Gemstones Iii
- Gemstorm
- Gender Wars
- Gene Machine
- Genewars
- General Budda's Lab
- General Retail
- General Trivia
- Genocide
- Genocide Ii
- Geoclock V. 4.4.
- Geography.
- Get Four V. 1.0.
- Get Lucky
- Get Medieval
- Get The Girl
- Get The Message
- Getberg Gettysburg
- Gex
- Giant Mazes
- Gin For Windows
- Gin Rummy
- Gin Rummy 3.3
- Gin Rummy 4.2
- Gin Rummy Challenge
- Ginrummy
- Gladiator
- Gladiator 3.6
- Glass Bead Challenge
- Glidepath
- Glider Test Flight
- Glidpath
- Global Domination
- Global War
- Global War 3.0
- Global War Terminal
- Gnasher
- Gnu Chess
- Gnu Chess V3.21
- Go
- Go Analyst
- Go Muko
- Go-moku
- Gogame
- Gomoku Game
- Gomoku Narabe
- Goal
- Gobble
- Goblins
- Goblins 2.
- Goblins 2.0
- Goblins Ii Demo
- Gobllins 3
- Gobman
- Gobman V1.0
- God Of Thunder
- Gods
- Goferpop.
- Gold Hunt
- Gold Hunt!
- Gold Monkey
- Goldpusher
- Goldrush
- Golden Axe
- Golden Tee Golf
- Goldmines
- Golf
- Golf Handicapper V4
- Golf League
- Golf Manager.
- Golf Menu V. 1.02.
- Golf Pro
- Golf Score Card
- Golf Simulation.
- Golf Solitaire
- Golf Tracker
- Golf V5.2
- Golf's Best.
- Golf-pro V. 1.3.
- Golfcap V4.2a
- Golfclub 2.1b
- Golfhdcp.
- Golflog V9.6c
- Golfstat V2.1a
- Golftour V4
- Golgotha
- Gomoku
- Gone Carazy
- Gone Fishin
- Goody
- Gopher 1.61
- Gopher Hunt
- Gopher-it For Window
- Gotcha
- Gotcha 3.10
- Gotcha 5.1
- Gotcha Door
- Gotcha!
- Governmental Control
- Graditor V1.0
- Grand Prix
- Grand Prix 500
- Grand Prix Legends
- Grand Theft Auto
- Grand Tour
- Grandslam Baseball
- Grandmaster Chess
- Grandpa Patience
- Gravitar
- Graviton
- Graviton 2.01
- Graviton 2.02
- Graviton 2.03
- Gravity
- Gravity Gravity 2.0
- Gravity Wars.
- Gravity Well
- Gravity Well (32)
- Gravity Well 3.4
- Gravwar2
- Great Air Battles
- Great Naval Battles
- Great Ultizurkian
- Greedy
- Green
- Green 1.11
- Green Green Ecology
- Greens
- Greens Golf
- Greyhound
- Grid Man
- Gridlock
- Gridfind.
- Gridiron Pro
- Gridly V1.0
- Grids 4 Kids
- Grim Fandango
- Ground War V. 2.0.
- Ground War V2.0.
- Ground-0.
- Gruesome Castle
- Gubble
- Gubble 2
- Guess A Number
- Guess A Number 3.30
- Guess The Animal
- Guess The Title
- Guess The Word
- Guessit!
- Gullivers Discovery
- Guys!
- H.u.r.l.
- H2o
- Hack
- Hancap
- Hangman
- Hangman Door Game.
- Hanman
- Hanoi
- Hcg Firezone
- He 1.1
- Hedge
- Helr 2.1
- Herecome
- Hero's Heart 1.3
- Hexpuz 3.0
- Hexxagon
- Hi-q.
- Hide 'n Seek
- Highway Hunter
- Hilow
- Hiroll Dice
- History Of The World
- Home Stretch
- Home Stretch Horse
- Home Stretch V1.1
- Home Stretch V2.1
- Hopper
- Horse
- Horse Racing
- Horus14
- Hpmaze
- Htrf Pace
- Hubie!
- Humongous Cave
- Hypercycles
- Hyrtm
- Halloween Harry
- Hamsters
- Hang
- Hang Man
- Hang Man For Windows
- Hang Sim
- Hang Sim V3.0
- Hang Win
- Hang!man
- Hang-em High 3.0
- Hangman
- Hangwin
- Hangem 1.0
- Hangman
- Hangman 4
- Hangman 4.2
- Hangman 95
- Hangman Deluxe
- Hangman For Students
- Hangman For Windows
- Hangman Game
- Hangman Jr
- Hangman Jr Test Driv
- Hangman Jr.
- Hangwin
- Hanman
- Hanoi Towers
- Happy Fun Ball
- Hard At Work
- Hard Rock Trivia
- Hard Truck
- Hardart
- Hardball 5
- Hardball 6
- Hardball Iv
- Hardball 4
- Hardball Iii
- Hardwar
- Hardwood Solitaire
- Harness Handicapper
- Harpoon Classic
- Haunted House
- Haunted Mission
- Havoc
- Hawkeye's Jackpot
- Head Banger
- Head Banger #2
- Head Rush
- Heart Of Darkness
- Heartlight
- Hearts
- Hearts For Windows
- Hearts Hunter
- Hearts V6.6
- Hearts V6b.2.
- Hearts: Card Game
- Heat Wave
- Heavy Gear
- Heavy Gear Ii
- Heavy Water Jogger
- Heimdall 2
- Helena
- Helicops
- Helicopter Gunship
- Helious
- Helix
- Henry's Game
- Hercules
- Heretic
- Heretic 1.2
- Heretic Ii
- Herman
- Hero's Heart 1.1
- Heroes
- Heroes Of Might
- Heroes Of The 357th
- Hex
- Hex Game
- Hex Jump
- Hex Minesweeper
- Hexen
- Hexen Ii
- Hexes
- Hexmap For Windows
- Hexplode.
- Hexplore
- Hexx
- Hexxagon
- Hey Einstein.
- Hgcoxyd Hgc Oxyd 3.4
- Hi-q
- Hi-q Puzzle
- Hidden Fields
- High Heat Baseball
- High-low V1.2.
- Higher
- Highroller.
- Hilow 1.1
- Hind Helicopter
- Hind Helicopter 95
- Hioctane
- Hiro Mania
- Hit Or Miss
- Hitchhiker's Quiz
- Hockey
- Hocus
- Hocus Pocus
- Hogbear
- Hold'em V1.1.
- Holdem
- Hollywood Mogul
- Hollywood Rectangles
- Hollywood Scramble
- Hollywood Trivia
- Holy Grail
- Home Strech Racing
- Hong Kong Mahjong
- Honk Kong Mahjomgg
- Hooops
- Hoopla!
- Hoosier City
- Hop Over Puzzle
- Hop-over Puzzle
- Hopkins: Fbi
- Hopper
- Horde 1.21
- Horror Blitz 1.2
- Hostile Takeover
- Hostile Waters
- Hotbox
- Hotrod Harry
- Hounds & Jackals
- Hourse Track
- House Of The Dead
- Hover Craft
- Hover Craft V1.0.
- Hover Force
- Hoverrace
- Howitzer V0.9
- Howmany
- Howtow Howtwo
- Hoyle Casino '99
- Hua Rong Dao
- Huckabey Keno
- Hugo
- Hugo For Windows\
- Hugo Ii
- Hugo Iii
- Hugo's House
- Hugo1 Hugo's House
- Hugo2 Hugo Ii
- Hulk
- Humbug
- Humbug V4.7
- Humbug!
- Humongous Cave
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hungarian Cube V1.6
- Hunter Hunted
- Hurdles
- Hurkle 2.2
- Hurricane 1.01
- Huygen's Diclosure
- Hyper Hangman
- Hyperblade
- Hyperoids
- Hypoqueue V. 1.0.
- I A F
- I Ching
- I-war
- I.q. Challenge
- I.q. Challenge V2.0
- Ibm Space Harrier
- Ibmmaze
- Iconrmbr
- Idler
- If/a-18e Carrier
- If22-raptor
- Ift5demo
- Illusion
- Im1a2 Abrams
- Impede
- Imperium Rex
- Infinitris V1.0
- Invasion 2000 V2.00
- Ip-hokm
- Iq Challange
- Iq Smart
- Iq Test For Windows
- Iq Testing
- Iqer V1.0
- Irt
- Ishar Iii
- Isle Wars V3.0
- Iznogoud
- Ibid
- Icarus
- Ice & Fire
- Ice Hockey
- Ice Hocky
- Ice Pick
- Icofrite 2.0
- Icon Hop
- Iconwar
- Icons Drift
- Icy Metal
- Idiot
- Idiot's Delight
- Idiots Delight
- Idlewild
- Idlewild
- Ignition
- Igo
- Igor
- Ikari3
- Ilends Of Danger
- Illusion
- Illusions V1.1
- Imperial Conquest 2
- Imperium
- In Between
- In Pursuit Of Greed
- In The Dark
- Inca Demo
- Incoming
- Incredible Machine
- Incredible Toons
- Incubation
- Ind Jones Fate
- Indi Jones Atlantis
- Indiana Jones
- Industrial Killers
- Industry Giant
- Indy Adventures
- Indy's Desktop
- Indycar Racing
- Infernal Tome
- Infinite Fantasy
- Infinite Worlds
- Inner Space
- Inner Space Factory
- Inner Space V1.09
- Inner Worlds
- Insanity
- Insecta
- Intelligent Strategy
- Inter-stellar Wars
- Intifada Game
- Intruder
- Invmaze
- Invaded V2.5
- Invaders
- Invisible Maze
- Ion
- Iron Blood
- Iron Cross
- Iron Wolves
- Ironseed
- Isa Door Game.
- Ishido
- Island Mystery
- Islands For Windows
- Islands Of Danger
- Isle Wars 3.1
- Isle Wars V. 2.0.
- Italian Football
- J.b. Poker
- J.q.l. Poola Plan
- Jack Orlando
- Jackpot Slots V1.3
- Jackpot Slots V1.4
- Jackpot Slots V1.6
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Jetpack 1.1
- Jetpack 1.2
- Jetpack 1.3
- Jetpack Christmas
- Jetpack V1.4
- Jfkeno
- Jigsaw
- Jill 2
- Jill Of The Jungle
- Jjr Pinochle
- Joker
- Jouster 4
- Jsf
- Jumble V3.0
- Jumpjet
- Jacaranda Jim
- Jacaranda Jim V5.0
- Jack Flash
- Jack Jackrabbit
- Jack Matique
- Jack Nicklaus 4
- Jack Nicklaus 5
- Jack Nicklaus Golf
- Jack Orlando
- Jackmatique
- Jackpot Slots
- Jackpot
- Jackpot Slot 95
- Jackpot Slot Machine
- Jacks
- Jagged Alliance
- Jagged Alliance 2
- Jaialai
- Jake The Snake!
- Jambled Quotes
- Jammer
- Jammit
- Jane's F-15
- Janitor Joe!
- Jason Storm
- Java
- Jazz Ball
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2
- Jazz Jackrabbit 95
- Jbird
- Jedi Knight
- Jelly Bean Factory
- Jeri's Car Poker
- Jet Fighter Ii
- Jet Trader
- Jetfighter Iii
- Jetpack
- Jetpack 1.1
- Jewel Thief
- Jewels V2.0
- Jigsaw
- Jigsaw 1.0
- Jigsaw 2
- Jigsaw For Windows
- Jigsaw Puzzle
- Jigsaws Galore
- Jiji And The Forest
- Jill 3.0
- Jill Of The Jungle
- Jill Saves Prince
- Jixxa
- Jixxa V1.2e
- Jkpool3d V2.0.
- Joe Rabbit
- Joe Snow
- John Cain Solitaire
- John Madden Football
- Johnny Herbert's Gp
- Johnny Herbert`s Gp
- Joke Talk
- Joker's Wild.
- Jokes & Quotes 1.4
- Jones
- Josephine
- Josho For Windows
- Jotto For Windows
- Joust 1.05
- Joust 1.09
- Joust Game
- Joust Vga.
- Joust11 Joust Vga
- Juggernaut Corps
- Juker
- Jumble
- Jumblesquares
- Jumbled Quotes
- Jump
- Jump V1.2
- Jump.
- Jumpstar 1.0
- Jumper
- Jumper Dude
- Jumpman Live
- Jungle Jack
- Jungle Jack.
- Jurassic
- Juxto
- K-chess 2.0
- K-chess Elite
- K-chess For Windows
- K-chess V1.5
- K-chess
- K3
- Kaeon
- Kbs Crossword
- Kbs Trivia
- Kdpoker V2.0.
- Keen1
- Kentris
- Kerboom!
- Kidscon V5.1
- King Albert
- Kingcorn
- Kismet
- Kknd Krossfire
- Kknd2 Krossfire
- Kknd2: Krossfire
- Klondike
- Kpwinrun
- Kairen
- Kairn The Dungeons
- Kalah
- Kalakh. Logical Game
- Kaleidoscope
- Kali
- Kali For Os2
- Kali95
- Kali95 1.54
- Kamakaze
- Kamikazi Alien.
- Kannons & Katapults
- Kart
- Kasino Keno
- Kasparov-karpov
- Keen Dreams
- Kellog
- Ken's Labyrinth
- Ken's Parley
- Keno
- Keno 2.00
- Keno Door Game
- Keno Pro For Windows
- Keno Royale
- Keno V. 1.0.
- Keno V1.0
- Keno.
- Kens Labirenth
- Kens Labyrinth
- Keyboard Coach
- Keyboard Coach Hoops
- Keyboard Coach Iii
- Kickof 98
- Kidnapped Princess
- Kids Concentration
- Kids Wacky
- Kigdom Of Kroz Ii
- Kilgore-backgammon
- Killbees
- Kiloblaster
- Kiloblaster V1.0
- King Arthur's Kort
- King Arthur's Kort.
- King Of The Board
- King's Corners
- King's Quest I
- Kingsol
- Kingdom Of Kroz
- Kings Solitaire
- Kingsley's Mansion
- Kit & Cadooble
- Kitty In The Corner
- Kkards
- Kknd
- Kloks V1.0
- Klondike
- Klondike Gold
- Klondike Solitaire
- Klondkide Os/2
- Klotski
- Klotz For Windows Nt
- Knight
- Knight & Merchants
- Knight's Move V1.4
- Knight's Tour
- Knighter
- Knights & Merchants
- Knights Of Xentar
- Knights Tour
- Knock Out
- Knockpoker
- Kon-mei
- Kong
- Konnect Four
- Koolah V1.0
- Koplio's Story
- Kosynka's
- Kq
- Krisskross
- Krondor
- Kroz Vol. 7 V. 1.1.
- Krusty
- Krypto 2.4
- Krypto V. 2.0.
- Kryptogram Puzzle
- Krypton Egg
- Krypton Egg 1.1
- Kuba
- Kubik
- Kubulux
- Kung Fu Louie
- Kurtis Cash
- Kurukuru
- Kuwaiti Oil.
- Kye V2.0
- Kyodai 4.75
- Ladder Man Iii
- Ladders
- Las Vegas Craps
- Laser
- Laser Box
- Laser Light V1.02
- Ldm
- Legends V1.1.
- Lemmings 3
- Leong
- Lhx Attack Chopper
- Life
- Link Up
- Link4
- Lk-spots
- Logical Deduction
- Lollypop Preview
- Lone Star Lotto
- Loopz
- Lotto Stat
- Lptmaze
- Lucas
- Lucky Stars
- Lucky Stars Video
- Lunarbbl
- Lynq
- La Grande Armee
- Labrynth Of Zeox
- Labyrinth 1.5
- Lac
- Ladder Man Iii
- Laddermn Ladder Man
- Lalaw
- Lamers
- Land Of Red Dragon
- Landmind
- Lander
- Lander For Windows
- Landmine.
- Landslide! V. 1.1
- Larn
- Larry's Banana Crazy
- Larry's Casino
- Larry's Hangman
- Lary
- Las Vegas Bingo
- Las Vegas Casino
- Las Vegas Craps
- Las Vegas Ega Casino
- Las Vegas Slots Pro
- Lasvegas Bingo Club
- Lasagna
- Laser
- Laser Blocks 95
- Laser Chess
- Laser Chess 2.0.
- Laser Light
- Laser Tank
- Lasershot.
- Laserwars V 1.0
- Lasso!
- Last Bronx
- Last Half
- Last Half Darkness
- Last Of The Free
- Lasthalf
- Lasthalf The Last
- Lateblit
- Laura Bow Ii
- Lava
- Lava Cap V. 1.0.
- Lavacap Lavacap 1.1
- Lawn Mower V. 2.0.
- Lazerchess V1.1
- Lexpert
- League Tracker 1.1
- Leapfrog
- Led Wars
- Legacy Of Kain Sneak
- Legal Crime
- Legend Of Kyrandia
- Legions
- Leisure Genius Clue
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Leisure Suit Larry 5
- Lemball
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2.
- Lemmings 3d
- Lemmings 94
- Lemmings Chronicles
- Lemmings2
- Len's Bj Slot
- Let's Play Bridge
- Letruc
- Letter Hunt
- Letter Match
- Lexfree
- Liberation Day
- Life & Death V2.0
- Life 3000 For Window
- Life For Windows
- Life Game
- Life Lab.
- Lifegen
- Light Craft
- Lighthouse
- Lighthouse Chess
- Lights Off
- Lights Out!
- Lights!
- Lin Wars Ii
- Line-drive Baseball
- Linedrive Baseball
- Linedrive Baseball
- Linedrive Fantasy
- Lines (as) 2.0b
- Lines Of Luck
- Lines2sh
- Lines2sw
- Linewars
- Linewars V. 1.52.
- Link-up 1.04
- Links Ls
- Linx
- Lion King
- Literati Lite
- Literaty
- Litil Divil
- Little
- Little Thingies
- Llamatron 2112
- Lmputil
- Load Runner Live
- Loader Larry
- Loader Larry 1.2
- Loader Larry V1.1
- Loan Eagle -
- Lobwar Lobwar
- Lockjaw V. 1.0.
- Locus
- Lode Runner
- Lode Runner 2
- Loderunner
- Logic
- Logic Problems
- Logigram
- Logik
- Logikon
- Logistic For Windows
- Long Name Test
- Loony Labyrinth
- Lord Avalot
- Lords Of Doom
- Lords Of Magic
- Lords Of Realm 2
- Lords Of Realms
- Lords Of The Realm
- Lose Your Marbles
- Lost
- Lost Churchil Lib.
- Lost In A Labyrinth
- Lost In Space
- Lost In The
- Lost V2.0.2
- Loststone Mansion
- Lotomania
- Lottery Manager
- Lottery No. Picker
- Lottery Number Pick
- Lottery Tracker
- Lottery Win Checker
- Lotti39
- Lotto -
- Lotto 8.1
- Lotto Buster
- Lotto Combo V. 2.0
- Lotto Logic 6/50
- Lotto Luck
- Lotto Magic
- Lotto Magic 2.70
- Lotto Magic Wheel
- Lotto Mania 2.02
- Lotto Master
- Lotto Pc
- Lotto Picker
- Lotto Picker 2.09
- Lotto Piker
- Lotto Pro V3.5
- Lotto Prophet
- Lotto Prophet 5.0
- Lotto Simulator
- Lotto Thunder
- Lotto Tracker
- Lotto Winner 2.5s
- Lotto5w
- Lottomatic
- Lottomatic V. 1.00a
- Lottomatic
- Lottoprof 3.16
- Lottotrak 1.0
- Lottsa Lotto Picks!
- Lotus
- Lovefire V1.2
- Low-ball
- Lowball
- Loyd V. 1.1.
- Lucas
- Lucas's Puzzle 2.1
- Luci World
- Lucie
- Lucky 8 Lines
- Lucky Lotto
- Lucky Numbers
- Lucky Seven
- Lucky Stars Slots
- Lucky Stars V4.1
- Lucky-7
- Lucky-7 Jackpot 2.0
- Luma Cycles
- Lunar Lander
- Lurid Land
- Lvslot12
- Lvspro23
- Lynx Lottery Manager
- M*a*s*h Trivia
- M-track
- M.a.m.e.
- M.a.x.
- M.a.x.2
- M16 Range Simulator
- Mac Invaders!
- Maecca
- Majyk
- Mapedit Ver 8
- Marble Fighter
- Marbles
- Marooned
- Master Maths
- Master Won Liu
- Master's Trivia
- Maxis Sim City
- Maze
- Mcw Stockmarket
- Mdk
- Mechwarrior 2
- Medwar V1.1
- Megaman X
- Memogame
- Memory
- Memory V. 2.0
- Mice Maze V1.1
- Mice Moves V1.0
- Micro Machines 2
- Micro1
- Mile2
- Mind
- Mind Grind
- Mine
- Minefield
- Minehelp
- Minerva
- Missile Launch'97
- Mj
- Mjwin
- Mmind
- Mon41
- Montana
- Monte Carlo
- Montecar
- Monty
- Moria
- Moria V. 4.872
- Morphello V1.1
- Motels
- Mother
- Moto Racer
- Mqbe11
- Mrdguess
- Ms Baseball 3d
- Ms Flight Simulator
- Ms Golf 3.0
- Ms Hearts 95
- Ms Pinball Arcade
- Ms Tetris
- Ms-pac
- Ms-pac
- Mschomp
- Mule 386
- Mvp Bridge
- Mvp Bridge V2.21
- Mvp Wordsearch
- Mwave
- Myth
- Macblaster
- Machine Gun/hand
- Machine Nation
- Mad Mad Mad Mazes!
- Mad Trax
- Madmaze
- Maddemo
- Madden 99
- Madden Nfl 98
- Maddog Williams
- Madelbrot
- Madlibs
- Madspace
- Maelstrom V. 2.1.
- Mag V1.0
- Magestom
- Magic & Mayhem
- Magic 8-ball
- Magic 8-ball!
- Magic Board
- Magic Carpet
- Magic Carpet 2
- Magic Crayon 1.0
- Magic Hexagons V1.1
- Magic Hexagons V1.2
- Magic Hoops
- Magic Maycabs V1.1
- Magic Pockets.
- Magic Squares
- Magic Squares 1.0.3
- Magic Squares V1.4
- Magico Dominoes
- Magneto
- Mah Jong
- Mah Jongg
- Mah Jongg 1.01
- Mah Jongg 4.2
- Mah Jongg For Win
- Mah Jongg Laptop
- Mah Jongg V3.3
- Mah Jongg V3.5
- Mah Jongg V4.1
- Mah-jongg
- Mahajong
- Mahjong 4.1
- Mahjong Solitaire
- Mahjong Vga 3.1
- Mahjongg
- Mahjongg Os/2
- Mahjongg V3.0
- Mainbreak 4.0
- Majik
- Major Stryker
- Make-a-word
- Makemaze
- Mancala
- Mania
- Manx Tt Superbike
- Many In A Row
- Mapper
- Marathon 2
- Marble
- Marble Drop
- Marble Guess V1.1
- Marble Man V. 1.0.
- Marble Mayhem
- Marble V1.13
- Mario
- Mario Brothers Vga
- Mario Teaching
- Mario Tetris
- Mark V. Shaney
- Martian Memorandum.
- Mass Destruction
- Master
- Master Code
- Master Mind
- Master Of Dimensions
- Master Of Magic
- Master Of The Maze
- Master Video Poker
- Master-mind
- Mastermind 2.0
- Masterix
- Mastermind
- Match
- Match And Solve
- Match Maker
- Match Wars
- Match'em
- Match'em V. 1.10.
- Match-two
- Match32
- Matchbox
- Matchmaker
- Matchmaker V1.2
- Matchup
- Matchem
- Matches
- Matchin' Mania!
- Matchup Basball
- Matchup Baseball
- Math Bingo
- Math Castle
- Math Maze
- Math Sampler
- Mather V1.0
- Mathfun
- Mathtrx I
- Matrix
- Matrix V1.1
- Maxit
- Maxit 2.01
- Maze
- Maze & Logic
- Maze 3.0.
- Maze Generator
- Maze Survey
- Maze Wars
- Maze.
- Mazemaker
- Mazeprog
- Mazeball V1.1.
- Mazeing V1.1
- Mazeman
- Mazeques Mazeques
- Mazer
- Mazewars.
- Mcdoe
- Mcgee
- Mcarthurs War
- Mcmurphy
- Mcpop V1.1
- Meadowlark Bridge
- Mean Streets
- Meat Puppet
- Mech Warrior 2 Demo
- Mech Worior 2 Demo
- Mechwar
- Media Trafic
- Medieval
- Medieval War
- Medwar
- Mega Jatsy
- Mega Man X
- Mega Mind Maze 1.
- Mega Morejong
- Megamaze 1.2
- Megapups
- Megatraveller Ii
- Megaword 2.2
- Megamaze
- Megapade 1.3c
- Megapede
- Megapede 95
- Megatris V. 1.
- Megatron
- Megatron V. 2.4.4.
- Megatron V6.12
- Megatron Vga
- Megatron Vga.
- Mel Odious
- Melee At Sea
- Melvin Freebush
- Memory Jiggler
- Memory Master
- Memory Master V1.4.
- Memory Match\
- Memory Tiles
- Memory V1.0
- Memory-jiggler
- Memtiles
- Men In Black
- Meno Plus
- Menzoberanzan
- Mercenaries
- Merlin Riddle
- Merlin V1.0
- Metal Grind 1.0
- Metal Knights
- Metal Knights 98
- Metal Marines
- Meteor
- Meteor Shoot One
- Metropolis
- Mgic Carpet 2
- Mice Men 2.2
- Mice Men V1.0
- Mice Moves 1.1
- Micemen Micemen 1.1
- Mickey Puzzle
- Micopede 1.02
- Micro Deluxe
- Micro Golf
- Micro Machine
- Micro Machines 2
- Microbucks Ii
- Microchief Winlotto
- Microfox Baseball
- Microlink Crux
- Microman Adventure
- Microprose F117a
- Microsoft Golf 1998
- Microsoft Golf 3.0
- Microsoft Hover
- Microsoft Soccer
- Midnight Oil
- Might And Magic 2
- Might And Magic 3
- Might And Magic 4
- Might And Magic 6
- Mike's Snake 5
- Mile Bones
- Mile Bones V2.0
- Mile Stones
- Mille Bornes
- Mille Bornes V4.6.
- Mille Bornez
- Mimi & The Mites
- Mind
- Mind Warp V. 1.00.
- Mindblox
- Mindcube Mindcube
- Mindlock
- Mine
- Mine Blaster
- Mine Bombers
- Mine Cheat
- Mine Field
- Mine Field V1.00.
- Mine Find
- Mine For Os2
- Mine Help
- Mine Layer
- Mine Sweeper
- Minehunt
- Minefield
- Minelayer V. 1.1.
- Miner Vga V. 1.1.
- Mines
- Mines 2.0
- Mines 95
- Minesweeper For Dos
- Minetrap
- Minhato
- Mini Golf Mania.
- Mini-golf Game
- Minigolf
- Miniature Golf V3.0.
- Mintris
- Miramar
- Miramar Jet Flight
- Mirror Maze
- Mirror Maze 2.0
- Mirror Of Kofun
- Miser For Windows
- Misermind
- Miss Match
- Missile Attack
- Missile Attack!
- Missile Command
- Missile Command 386
- Missile Master
- Missing Link
- Mission Maze V1.0.
- Mission Supernova
- Mission: Mainframe
- Mix And Match.
- Mjestic
- Modclone V. 2.10.
- Modem Chess.
- Modem-3d
- Modem-chess V. 1.00.
- Modern Conquest
- Modern Problems
- Moku For Windows
- Molberko Castle
- Mole's Quest
- Momkey Island Demo
- Monaco Grand Prix
- Money Market V3.3
- Monkey Island
- Monopoly
- Monopoly 95
- Monopoly Monopoly
- Monopoly V2.0
- Monster
- Monster Bash
- Monster Bash Lite
- Monster Bash V2.0
- Monster Bridge
- Monster Bridge 1.0
- Monster Load
- Monster Memory
- Monster T Madness 2
- Monster Truck
- Monsters Of Terror
- Montana
- Montana Solitaire
- Monte Carlo
- Monte Carlo V1.13
- Montezuma's Return
- Montezuma's Return!
- Monuments Of Mars
- Monuments Of Mars.
- Moodring
- Moon Mountain
- Moon Phase
- Moon Racer
- Moon Shot
- Moontool For Windows
- Morabis
- Moraf's World
- Moraff's Dungeons
- Moraff's Escapade
- Moraff's Mather 3.0
- Moraff's Morejongg
- Moraff's Pinball
- Moraff's Revenge
- Moraff's Spherejongg
- Moraff's Stones
- Moraff's Stones 3.1
- Moraff's Tinyjongg
- Moraff's Ultra Blast
- Moraff's World
- Mordor
- Mordor 1.1 (beta)
- Morecraft
- Morejong
- Morph
- Morpheus
- Morraf's Escapade
- Morraf's Revenge
- Mortal Combat 3
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Mortal Kombat 4
- Mortal Kombat Ii
- Mortal Kombat Iii
- Mortal Pomg
- Mosaic
- Mosaix
- Mosaix 1.0-b
- Mother Goose
- Mother Of Battles
- Moto Racer 2
- Motocross Madness
- Motor City
- Motor Mania
- Motor Mania.
- Motorhead
- Mousejet.
- Mr Clown
- Mr Jack.
- Mr Pacford
- Mr. Muncher
- Mr. Nind
- Mrmind
- Ms-trek V. 1.0
- Mschomp
- Mshearts Win95
- Mstrmind Mastermind
- Mudball Wall
- Multi-lottosim
- Multimedia Bingo
- Multix
- Multy D Thief
- Munchguy.
- Murder
- Murder Mansion
- Mush
- Mustang V. 3.0.
- Mutant Space Bats
- Muzzle Velocity
- Mvp Bridge 2
- My Cats
- My Friend Koo
- My-t-tris
- Mynes
- Mynes For Windows
- Mysteries Of Sith
- Mysteries Of The Ori
- Mystic Towers V1.1
- Myth Master
- Myth The Fallen Lord
- Nascar Racing 2
- Nasdemo
- Nba Action '98
- Nba Basketball
- Nba Hang Time
- Nba Jam Extreme
- Nba Live 97
- Nba Live 98
- Nba Playoffs
- Nba-jam Te
- Ncaa Football 98
- Ncaa Football 99
- Nchess
- Need For Speed Iii
- Neko
- Netris
- Netspades 1.1
- Nfl
- Nfl Football
- Nfl Pool Manager
- Nfl Scorekeeper V2.0
- Nfl-aid
- Nfltpw 1.1
- Nfl_1993
- Nfs 2
- Nhl
- Nhl '99
- Nhl 98
- Nhl Hockey
- Nhl Powerplay
- Nhl Powerplay '98
- Nightmare Creatures
- Nim
- Nitemare-3d
- Nitemare-3d V1.00
- Njpick
- Nmmwin
- Noisy Video
- Noisy Video Poker
- Nova Chess V1.11
- Nt Freecell
- Nt Solitaire
- Nt Winmine
- Ntetris
- Nubb
- Nuts
- Nvpoker
- Nab!
- Nahlakh
- Name Of The Game
- Name That Noise
- Name The States
- Namegram
- Namegame Name Game
- Nanocore
- Nanotech
- Napoleon Solitaire
- Nascar
- Nasty Wanda.
- National Soccer Team
- Ned's World
- Need For Speed Iii
- Neko For Windows
- Neko V1.0
- Neophyte
- Nessysoft Riskit
- Net Storm
- Netchess
- Nethack 3.1
- Nethack
- Netris
- Netspace.
- Neurobics
- Neurolot.
- Neutron Dive
- Neverhood
- Neverlock
- Nevermind
- Newman Haas Racing
- Nextrek
- Nexus Tk 3.0
- Nicky Boom
- Night Raid
- Nightlong
- Nightmare 3d
- Nil
- Nine Man Matrix
- Nine Men's Morris
- Ninja 2
- Nisus Missie Master
- Nitemare-3d
- Nitefire
- Nitemare 3d
- Nitemare-3d
- Nitemare-3d Windows
- Nl2
- Nocturnal Nightmares
- Noisy Video Poker
- Nomad Sales
- Noman's Land
- Notes Play
- Notrus
- Nottery
- Notyet
- Noughts & Crosses
- Noughts And Crosses
- Nova 9
- Nova 9 Demo
- Nova Strike
- Nova Strike V2.1
- Nova Tetris
- Nth Star Trek
- Nuclear Strike
- Nuclear Strike.
- Nuclear War
- Nuke Wars Ver3.0
- Numges For Windows
- Number Crunch 2.0
- Number Fill
- Number Guess Door
- Number Puzzle
- Number Sum
- Numbers
- Numbers & Logic
- Numlet.
- Numlo
- Numpuz Challenge
- Nuseum Madness
- Nuts
- Nyet3 - Neat Tetris
- O.j.'s Race
- O.r.b.y. V1.0
- Obsidian
- Octolris V2.0
- Odt
- Oilcap V6.2
- Oilcap V7.0
- Okgrade Book Power
- Okguess For Windows
- Omega
- Ono
- Op Art Of War
- Os/2-planets
- Othello
- Othello 2000
- Ouija
- Ouija For Windows
- Outlanda
- Outlaw 1997
- Oakflat Nuclear
- Oakflat Nuclear Pps
- Occult Trivia
- Odds And Sods
- Odell
- Off Road V. 1.00.
- Office Darts
- Office Darts 3.01
- Oh No !
- Ohmyword
- Ohhell
- Ohno
- Ohno Lemmings
- Oil Baron
- Oil Cap V. 5.0.
- Oil Cap V6.1
- Oil Industry Tycoon
- Oilcap Pro
- Oilcap6 Oilcap 6.01
- Ojb
- Old Trash
- Olga Chess
- Olga Control
- Olga Correct
- Olga Cros
- Olga Drafts
- Olga Hangman
- Olga Reversi
- On The Seventh Day
- Ontarget V1.5
- Ontarget V1.7
- One Arm Bandit
- One Armed Bandit
- One Must Fall
- One Must Fall 2097
- One Must Fall V1.0
- Onesimus
- Oobsidian
- Oog
- Operation Bodycount
- Operation Wolf
- Operation: Overkill
- Orbots
- Order Out Of Chaos
- Original Soul
- Orion
- Orion Odessey 1.1
- Orion Odyssey
- Orion Project
- Orion V2.0
- Os2chess
- Oscar
- Osmosis
- Osmosis V1.12
- Othelllo
- Othello
- Othello For Os2
- Othello Othello
- Othello Ver 3.01
- Otra V. 1.2.
- Oubliette
- Ouija
- Out Bridge
- Out Of This World.
- Outwars
- Outburst.
- Outlaw 1997
- Outlow
- Over The Reich
- Over-under
- Overdrive
- Overkill
- Overload
- Override V.1.0.
- Overseer
- Oxyd
- Oxyd 3.9
- Oxyd A
- P M P 2.24
- P-funk Remix
- P. G. Solitaire 98
- P.c. Whiskers
- P.e.g.s.
- P.o.d. Wars
- Pacpc
- Pacwar 1.5
- Paints
- Pako Ii
- Pandemonium 2
- Paparazi
- Paradise Slots
- Patuman2
- Paw Review '93 #03
- Pba Bowling
- Pba Bowling
- Pbb
- Pc - Jigsaw
- Pc Cryptograms 1.1
- Pc Downs.
- Pc Golf.
- Pc Hack V3.6
- Pc Jigsaw 3.1
- Pc Keno
- Pc Larn V12.3
- Pc Poker.
- Pc Pool V. 0.1.
- Pc Pro-golf V4.2
- Pc Pro-golf
- Pc Yahtzee
- Pc*bert V1.01
- Pc-arena Chess.
- Pc-gammon V. 4.16.
- Pc-gammon V. 6.0.
- Pc-gammon V1.1
- Pc-jigsaw V. 1.20.
- Pc-jigsaw 3.0
- Pc-keno]
- Pc-poker
- Pc-railroad.
- Pc-sherlock 2.1
- Pc-sherlock: V1.3
- Pc-slot
- Pc-slot Machine.
- Pc-vd
- Pc/vegas.
- Pcbingo V1.1.
- Pcfender.
- Pcgammon
- Pcman
- Pcs-pinball
- Pcstud 1.5
- Pc_jigsaw V1.1
- Pdtrek 2.5.
- Peg 1.04
- Pend
- Pendulous
- Pentpuzl
- Perm Checker
- Pga Tour 96
- Pga Tour Golf
- Pga Tour Golf.
- Pga Tour Pro
- Pgnrd, V1.50.
- Ph
- Phage2
- Phrase
- Piano V1.0
- Pick 'n Win 1.2
- Pilot
- Pinball Dreams
- Pinochle
- Pirate's Gold V1.0
- Pirates
- Pizza Worm Ii
- Plague
- Planaria
- Plane Crazy
- Planet
- Plife
- Pmchess
- Pmmath
- Pmpikit
- Pmxeyes
- Pod
- Pod 1.3
- Pod 1.32
- Poke-it Poker!
- Poker
- Politikademo
- Power-play Slots
- Pp
- Prank
- Pretty Good
- Pro Football Picks
- Profess Video Poker
- Progslot
- Protec
- Pry-ma.
- Psionics
- Psycho Pinball
- Ptic-tac-toe
- Pudge
- Puiss4
- Pundit
- Purevex
- Puz
- Puzsvg
- Pyrosaurus
- Pac Man
- Pac-in-time
- Pac-maine.
- Pachisi
- Pachisi V. 1.5.
- Pack Rat
- Packman
- Pacman Mania
- Paddle Buttle
- Paganitzu Req
- Pai Gow Poker
- Paigow Poker
- Paigow.exe
- Pairs
- Pairs (ka) 1.1
- Paladin
- Panda
- Pandemonium!
- Pango
- Pango.
- Panic In The Park
- Panzer Commander
- Panzer General
- Panzerkrieg
- Papam
- Paper Airplanes
- Paradise Solitaire
- Paratrooper
- Paratrooper Bob 1
- Paratrup
- Pass-around Trivia
- Passage Plus
- Patcom Patriot
- Patdd
- Path Finder
- Patience
- Patience 10
- Patience 10 V3.3
- Patience Abroad
- Patience Solitaire
- Patience V4.01
- Patii
- Patiii
- Patolli
- Patriot 1.1.1
- Patriot Command
- Patuman
- Patuman V1.4
- Paulie Python 1.0
- Pax Imperia
- Pc Sonic
- Pc-pool
- Pearl
- Peg Jump V2.3
- Peg Puzzle
- Peg Solitaire
- Pegsolitaire 95
- Pegged
- Pegged For Os2
- Pegout
- Pegout.
- Pegs
- Pen The Pig.
- Pencil & Paper
- Pendulous
- Pendulous 2.4
- Penn State Trivia
- Penny's Arcade
- Pensate
- Pent House Puzzle
- Penta
- Penta Blox
- Pentam 1.4s
- Pentaminos
- Pente
- Pentidum
- Pentomino
- Pentominoes
- Pentomuno
- People's General
- Percentage Chess
- Perfect General
- Perfect General Ii
- Perfect Weapon
- Personal Challenge
- Pfl
- Pga Tour Golf
- Phagefight.
- Phantasia V8.1
- Phantomtris 2
- Phantomtris.
- Pharaoh's Tomb
- Pharaoh's Tomb V2.7
- Pharaoh_s Ascent
- Pharmacy V2.2
- Photon Chess
- Phraze Craze Pick
- Phylox
- Piano Professor
- Picksix V2.1
- Pickle Wars
- Pickle Wars 1
- Picture Perfect Golf
- Picture Puzzeler
- Picture Puzzle V1.3.
- Picture Puzzler
- Picture Slide
- Pigeon Hunt
- Pile
- Pile For Windows Nt
- Pilgrim's Journey I
- Pilot
- Pinball
- Pinball 2000
- Pinball 4000
- Pinball 95
- Pinball Builder
- Pinball Construction
- Pinball Dream 2.0
- Pinball Dreams
- Pinball Fantasies
- Pindemo
- Ping For Windows
- Ping Pong
- Pingpong
- Pinochle
- Pinochle Bunch 1.08
- Pinocle
- Pinocle Games
- Pipe
- Pipe Dream
- Pirada
- Pirada 2
- Pirada 3
- Pirada I.
- Pirada2
- Pirada3
- Piranha Panic
- Pitfall
- Pitfall For Win95
- Pix Folio
- Pix Puzzler
- Pixm
- Pizza Worm 1.2
- Pizza Worm 2.1
- Plage
- Planet Blupi
- Planetaire
- Planetary Raiders
- Planets
- Plateau
- Playroom
- Plix
- Plix10 Plix 1.0
- Plumber's Mate
- Plunder
- Pm_unoo
- Pocket Poker
- Pod
- Podwars
- Poke-it Poker
- Pokeman.
- Poker
- Poker Broker 3.0
- Poker Challenge
- Poker Compiler
- Poker Dice.
- Poker Door Game
- Poker Face
- Poker Galore
- Poker Matique
- Poker Slot
- Poker Soliatire
- Poker Solitaire
- Poker Squares
- Poker Squares V1.27
- Poker Squere V1.6
- Poker V1.0
- Poker! For Windows
- Pokermatique
- Pokertris
- Police Quest 3.
- Police Quest I
- Poly Maze.
- Polytile
- Polytris
- Pong
- Pong 3d
- Pong Game
- Pong! V1.0
- Ponge V1.1
- Pontoon
- Pool
- Pool Champion
- Pool Game
- Pool Shark
- Poolmaster
- Poolshrk Pool Shark
- Pop Corn
- Pop-a-hoop
- Pop-it
- Popgames V. 0.9.
- Poptball
- Populous
- Pork
- Porno Tetris
- Ports Of Calls
- Postal
- Pot 'o' Gold
- Power Drive
- Power Gamer
- Powervr Tomb Raider
- Powerboat Racing
- Powerslave
- Powerslave!
- Powerslide
- Ppk
- Practice Poker
- Prairie Dog Hunt
- Prairie Dog Hunt 2
- Prairie Dog Hunt Pro
- Pray For Death
- Predma
- Predman
- Predator 2
- Prehistorix 2
- Pressure Drop
- Pretzel Pete
- Primal Rage
- Prime Nine Baseball
- Prince
- Prince O Destruction
- Prince Of Persia
- Prince Of Persia.
- Prince Of Persla
- Prison Guard
- Pro Artillery.
- Pro Football Edge
- Pro Football Lmaker
- Pro Hunting
- Pro Pick
- Pro Pinball
- Pro Pinball The Web
- Pro Pinball: The Web
- Proball Pro Football
- Professional Euchre
- Project X
- Proliferation
- Prospector.
- Protec Pinball 2.0
- Pryma
- Psl Jokester
- Psycho
- Psycho Pinball
- Pub Darts
- Pub Poker
- Pulse
- Push Your Luck
- Pushover
- Putt Putt Moon Demo
- Putt Putt Parade
- Putty
- Puz
- Puzzlex
- Puzzle
- Puzzle -8
- Puzzle 8
- Puzzle 8 For Windows
- Puzzle Assistant
- Puzzle Editor
- Puzzle Factory
- Puzzle For Windows
- Puzzle Game
- Puzzle Maker
- Puzzle Pack
- Puzzle-8
- Puzzle8-2
- Puzzlemaster
- Puzzler 3.0
- Puzzler For Windows
- Puzzlers
- Puzzyvga 1.01
- Pw2
- Pwrchess Power Chess
- Pyramid
- Pyramid 2
- Pyramid Deluxe
- Pyramid Solitaire
- Pyramid Solitaire Fo
- Pyro Ii
- Pyro!
- Pyrotechnica.
- Qb Invaders
- Qbits V3.18
- Quadominoes
- Quarantine
- Quarry
- Quato V2.1
- Quest-3d V. 3.1.
- Quips & Quotes V1.0
- Quizzy V1.01
- Quotfall
- Q_dfrmt
- Qant
- Qat Qat
- Quad
- Quadralien
- Quake
- Quake 1.06
- Quake 2
- Quake 2 3.19
- Quake Ii Beta
- Quake Rally
- Quake V1.08
- Quakeworld
- Quakeworld Client
- Quakeworld V1.64
- Quantum-leap
- Quatation Puzzle
- Quato 1.1
- Quatra Command
- Quatris Ii
- Quatris Ii Gold
- Quatris Ii Plus
- Quatris Ii V1.0d.
- Quatris Pro V2.0.
- Quatris Quatris Ii
- Qubert
- Que
- Queen Of The Amazon
- Queen The Eye
- Quenzar
- Quenzar's Caverns
- Quest For Glory
- Quest For Glory 5
- Quest For Glory Iii
- Quest2
- Quick Majik
- Quik Pc
- Quiltrex
- Quimbee
- Quink
- Quinta
- Quinta V. 1.0.
- Quinta3 Quinta 3.0
- Quiver
- Quiz Machine 2.5
- Quiz Masters Offers
- Quizard's Mountain
- Quizmaker.
- Quizzy Delux
- Quizzy Deluxe V2.01
- Quote
- Quote-tris
- Quote-tris V1.0
- Quotefall 2.1
- Qwirks
- R.a.w.\
- R.s.a. Darts
- Railroad Master
- Rammer
- Raptored
- Ravenloft
- Real Video Blackjack
- Real Video Poker
- Rebel Assault
- Rebel Assualt
- Recycle Mania!!!
- Renegade Robot
- Repeat
- Reptalia
- Rgb 1.0
- Rip Sweeper 1.0
- Rise To Power
- Risk
- Road Hog!
- Robix V1.1
- Robo Rumble
- Robot Battle
- Robot Battle V1.3
- Robots
- Roids
- Rollem
- Rollover
- Rouge
- Roulette
- Rr
- Rsc Test Cricket
- Rsi Casino
- Rudy112
- Rundoom 2.2ß
- Rabbit Returns
- Race
- Race The Nags V1.3
- Race Track
- Racetrak
- Racecar 1.2
- Racer
- Races
- Races V. 2.1.
- Races V2.2
- Raceway
- Rachel's Dolls
- Rack'em Biliard
- Radiaki
- Radiation
- Radix
- Radix 1.1
- Radix Beyond The
- Radon
- Rage Of Mages
- Ragnarok
- Rags To Riches
- Raiden
- Raider
- Raiders
- Railroad Switch
- Railroad Switch V5.0
- Railroad Tycoon Ii
- Rainbow Six
- Raku Master
- Raku Master 1.1
- Rally Championship
- Rally Racers
- Rampage
- Rampcube
- Rangoon
- Rapid Response
- Raptor
- Raptor V1.1
- Rastermind V. 1.0.
- Rat Poker
- Rats
- Rattler
- Ray-wars
- Rayx
- Rayman Gold
- Razor Blade
- Rbomaze Iii
- Reactor
- Reader Rabit
- Real Time Checkers
- Real Video Bj
- Real Video Poker
- Real-time Backgammon
- Real-time Checkers
- Real-time Chess
- Real-time Connect
- Real-time Othello
- Realms Of Arkania Ii
- Realms Of Chaos
- Reaping The Dungeon
- Rebel 2 Demo
- Rebel 7.0
- Rebel Moon Rising
- Rebel Runner
- Rebound Rebound
- Recipe Gourmet
- Recoil
- Red Alert
- Red Baron
- Red Baron Career
- Red Button
- Red Dog
- Red Dog V1.2
- Red Hell
- Reddog Casino
- Redhook's Revenge
- Redkey 1.0
- Redline Racer
- Redneck Rampage
- Reflector Chess
- Reflex
- Reflex V1.2.4
- Remove-the-tiles
- Renju
- Reno Keno
- Reproduction Man
- Rescue
- Rescue Mission
- Rescue Of Lorri
- Rescue Rover
- Resume Master Delux
- Retal
- Retribution
- Retrovaders
- Return Fire
- Return Fire Demo
- Return Fire Ii
- Return To Kroz
- Reunion
- Rev5d
- Reval
- Revenge Of Doh
- Revenge Of Froggie
- Revenge Ofthe Killer
- Reversi
- Revolutn
- Rex Blade
- Rex Nebular.
- Rhapsody!
- Ribble
- Rice Of The Triad
- Rick Dangerous 2
- Ricochet
- Rimshot V. 1.0.
- Ring Legends
- Ringer King
- Ringing Belles
- Ringing Bells
- Ringjongg
- Ringjongg 95
- Rings Of The Magi
- Rise Of The Robots
- Rise Of The Triad
- Rising Lands
- Risk
- Risk V. 1.1.
- Risky Woods
- River Run
- Road Hog!
- Road Kill V1.03
- Road Rally Trivia
- Roadkill
- Roadkill V5.0
- Roadwarrior
- Roadwars
- Roball
- Robert
- Robin Hood
- Robix
- Robodice
- Robocops
- Robomaze
- Robomaze Ii
- Robot Battle 1.2
- Robot Crusades V1.0
- Robot Game
- Robot Madness Ii.
- Robot Revenge
- Roboto! V1.1
- Robotron
- Rock
- Rock 'n' Roll Trivia
- Rock Man 1.1
- Rock Man V1.2
- Rock Rap 'n Roll
- Rock Wars.
- Rocket Jockey
- Rocket Raid
- Rocket Scrambler
- Rockford
- Rocks
- Rodent
- Rodeo Poker
- Rodeo Poker V. 1.0.
- Rodge Rock
- Roger Rabbit
- Roland Garros 97
- Rolem
- Roll 5 V. 2.0.
- Roll It!
- Rolltide 95
- Rollin
- Ronnie Resort 1
- Roo&robby
- Rooms Of The Abyss
- Rotaktix
- Rotating Susi
- Rotbl
- Rotmc
- Rott
- Roulette
- Roulette 1.1
- Roulette 40
- Roulette 40 Numbers
- Roulette For Windows
- Roulette V2.0s
- Round42
- Rox
- Royal Cotillion
- Royal Force
- Royal Game Of Ur
- Royal Video Poker
- Rubics Cube
- Rubik
- Rubik's Clock
- Rules Of Engagement
- Rumtile
- Rummy 500
- Rummy 500 4.3
- Run Away
- Runner
- Runner V1.0
- Runnin
- Runoff V. 1.0.
- Runoff21 Runoff 2.1
- Runtet
- Ruscell95
- Rush Hour
- Russpack
- Russian Roulette
- S S Battleship
- S. M. Solitaire
- S. World Of Soccer
- S.c.a.r.s.
- S.m. Gettysburg!
- S.o.d. B;ood
- Sand Storm
- Sanitarium
- Sanity
- Schtkr 1.2
- Schtkr V1.1
- Seahaven
- Sec Trivia 95
- Sega Touring Car
- Settlers Ii
- Sfcs
- Sfcave For Windows
- Sfighter
- Shadow
- Shells
- Shellshock
- Shift Zone V1.3
- Shl Hockey
- Shootem
- Sicbo
- Simspace
- Sixfeet
- Sk-111 Star Killer
- Skrap
- Skulas
- Skunny Kart V1.0
- Skyroads 3-d
- Slam _n Jam
- Slot Machine
- Slot-8 V. 1.3.
- Sloty
- Smart House
- Smg
- Snakes!
- Snarf 2.61
- Snooker
- Soda
- Soko
- Solitaire King 1.0
- Solitaire Suite
- Solitaire Suite 1.13
- Sonic Cd
- Soviet Ii
- Space Chase I V2.0
- Space Empires Ii
- Space Jam
- Spacedude Demo
- Spanit
- Spearhead
- Spec Ops
- Speech
- Speed
- Speed Racer
- Spell Games
- Spellcross
- Spexp1
- Spider
- Squarez Deluxe!
- Squark
- Squirmer
- Sr71.
- Ssa
- Stalker
- Stalker 1
- Star Hammer
- Starcraft
- Starduel
- Stargunner
- Steel Panthers Ii
- Stelcon3
- Stellar Empires
- Stone Ponies
- Stopbus
- Strategic Baseball
- Streak Ii
- Stuker Slots
- Su25
- Su27 Flanker
- Subspace
- Super Blast
- Super Speed
- Swar
- Swarm
- Swat 2
- Swatm
- Sweepstakes Dice
- Swiv 3d
- Sword
- S_joev
- Sabotage
- Sabre Ace
- Safecracker
- Sage
- Sage Blackjack 1.0.7
- Salomon
- Sam & Max
- Sam Spade V1.0a
- San Diego Monopoly
- Sand
- Sand Storm V2.0
- Sandea Hearts
- Sandwarriors
- Sango Fighter
- Santa Slayer
- Satori.
- Savage Time Trap
- Save Our Pizzas
- Scarab
- Scary Windows
- Scaryfish 2.1
- Scaryfish 2.2
- Scat
- Schloss Dunkelstein
- Sciflypc 2.1
- Scissors Paper Stone
- Scoot
- Scoot-a-long V1.0.
- Scopa
- Scorched Earth 1.0
- Scorched Earth 1.2
- Scorched Earth V1.2
- Scorched Earth V1.2.
- Scorched Earth V1.5
- Scorched Planet
- Scorcher Two Track
- Scorches Earth V1.0
- Scorstat
- Scrabble V. 1.1.
- Scrabble V. 1.3.
- Scrabout
- Scramble
- Scramble (asd)
- Scramble For Win95
- Scramble Helps
- Scramble V. 1.2.
- Scramble V1.0
- Scramble V2.3
- Scrypt-o-grams 1.01
- Scubaman's Quest 1.0
- Scubaman's Quest 1.1
- Scud Atak 2
- Scud Attack
- Scud Industrial
- Sdi2040
- Sdi2040 V. 1.1.
- Sea Battle
- Sea Battle V. 2.53.
- Sea Quest
- Sea Run
- Sea School
- Seahaven Towers
- Seahunt
- Seabattle.
- Seahaven Towers
- Seamine
- Search & Destroy
- Search For Freedom
- Search For Freefom
- Seawolf
- Second Conflict
- Second Guess
- Secret Agent
- Secret Agent 1.0
- Seek And Destroy
- Seeker1
- Seeking
- Self Distract
- Semafore For Windows
- Semper Fi
- Senet V1.0s
- Sensible Soccer
- Sensor Combat Bosnia
- Sentinels Of Ceth
- Seq
- Sequences
- Serpent
- Settlers Ii Gold
- Seven Kingdom
- Seven Kingdoms
- Seven Paladins
- Sevvven
- Sex Tetris
- Sexy Stax
- Sexyaht 1.2
- Sgoose
- Shadow Keep
- Shadow Warrior
- Shadow Warrior V1.1
- Shadowforce
- Shadowmaster
- Shadows Of The
- Shaft
- Shakii The Wolf
- Shanghai Dynasty
- Shards
- Shareware Pool Game
- Shark.
- Sharks
- Shattered Steel
- Sheepshead
- Sheepshead Revisited
- Shell Game
- Sherlock
- Sherlock 1.1
- Sherlock 1.5
- Sherlock V. 1.2.
- Sherlock V1.3
- Shift Tac Toe
- Shih Dao
- Shih Dao V3.7
- Shih Tao
- Ship Wrecked Sherman
- Ships
- Shipwars V1.0.
- Shipwreckers!
- Shivers
- Shockwave Assault
- Shogatsu
- Shogi
- Shogo
- Shogun V2.51
- Shoot 'em Uup Game
- Shooter
- Shootgal Shooting
- Shooting Gallery
- Shooting Gallery 1.1
- Shooting Gallery 3.2
- Shooting Gallery 3.3
- Shooting Game
- Shopadv
- Shot Gun
- Shotgun
- Shotstar
- Shotting Galary V3.
- Shrine
- Shuffle
- Shuffleboard 3d
- Shut The Box 1.2
- Shut The Box V1.1.
- Shuttel Fighter
- Shuttle
- Shuttle Approach
- Sic Bo V1.0
- Sidetris 0.4
- Siege
- Siege! 1.2
- Silence
- Silencer
- Silent Hunter
- Silicon City 2.5d
- Silver
- Silver Talisman
- Silverball Pinball
- Sim City 2000
- Sim Earth
- Sim-fish 1.0
- Simcity 2000
- Simcity Fedgrant.
- Simcopter
- Simearth
- Simgolf
- Simjack
- Simpark
- Simsafari
- Simsock Ii
- Simspace V2.4
- Simcity
- Simcity 2000
- Simjack
- Simon
- Simon For Windows
- Simon Says
- Simonsez
- Simonsays V1.2
- Simona
- Simone 1.2
- Simple Pleasure
- Simple Pleasures
- Simple Simon's Photo
- Simpson
- Simultaneous Match
- Sin
- Sinaria
- Singa Along
- Sink 'em
- Sink Or Swim
- Sink'em
- Sinksub
- Sir Addalot
- Sir Hangman 1.0
- Sitris V. 1.0.
- Six Feet Under
- Six Letter Word
- Sixbid
- Sixtysix
- Sjpods
- Skaphander
- Ski
- Ski Free For Windows
- Ski Or Die
- Ski Racing
- Skirmish
- Skullcracker
- Skullduggery
- Skullitaire
- Skunny
- Skunny Demo
- Skunny Kart
- Sky Bombers
- Sky Mountain
- Sky Planetarium
- Sky Raider
- Sky Roads
- Skyglobe
- Skynet
- Skyroads 3d
- Skyxmas
- Skyland's Star
- Slamtilt
- Slay
- Sleuth V4.1
- Slick Chick
- Slick Joe 1
- Slick Willie
- Slicks N Slide
- Slicks'n Slide 1.20
- Slicks'n' Slide
- Slider
- Sliding Puzzle
- Sliding Puzzle Game
- Sliding Tiles V1.03
- Slik'n'slide
- Slime
- Sline.
- Slipstream 5000
- Slither V. 2.0.
- Slob Zone
- Slot Jack.
- Slot Keno.
- Slot Machine
- Slot Machine Ii
- Slot Matique
- Slot-tris
- Slotmach
- Slots
- Slots (rk)
- Slots Of Trivia
- Slots!
- Slugs
- Sly Fox
- Small Soldiers
- Smart Gambler
- Smart Gambler V1.6
- Smart Games
- Smartcross
- Smashing Pamping
- Smiles 1.1
- Smoke'em Poker
- Snake
- Snake Chase
- Snake For Windows
- Snakebar
- Snakes
- Snakes And Ladders
- Snaky
- Snarf V. 2.50.
- Snarf V2.03
- Snarf V2.6
- Snarf.
- Sneesnoo Snake
- Sniff
- Sniff Dominoes
- Snmaze
- Snooker
- Snoopy
- Snow Scene
- Snow Wave Avalanche
- Snsor Combat Korea
- Solator Casino
- Solator Suite 1
- Solator Suite 2
- Soccer '98
- Soccer Doccer
- Soccer Management
- Soccer Scoresheet
- Soccer Scoresheet32
- Soft Panger
- Soko Ball
- Sokoball Sokoball
- Sokoban
- Sol
- Sol Confinement
- Solar Crosswords
- Solar Hockey League
- Solar Realms Elite
- Solar Vengeance
- Solar Wind
- Solar Winds
- Solator
- Solator Suite
- Solator Suite 1
- Solator Suite 2
- Solitile 3.5
- Solit
- Solitair
- Solitaire
- Solitaire - Dos
- Solitaire 95
- Solitaire Chinese
- Solitaire Collection
- Solitaire Golf
- Solitaire Ii
- Solitaire Japanese
- Solitaire Nt35 Alph
- Solitaire Nt35 I386
- Solitaire Nt35 Mips
- Solitaire Nt35 Ppc
- Solitaire Nt40 Alph
- Solitaire Nt40 I386
- Solitaire Nt40 Mips
- Solitaire Nt40 Ppc
- Solitaire Suite
- Solitaire V1.5
- Solitaire Win31
- Solitaire Win311
- Solitaire Win95
- Solitairy
- Solitare
- Solitare-like Game
- Solitary Croquet
- Solitile
- Solitile 3.55
- Solitile V. 3.0.
- Solo For Windows
- Solo Whist
- Solus 1.5
- Solus For Windows
- Sonar.
- Sonic And Knuckles
- Sopwith
- Sopwith1
- Sorcerer's Cave
- Sorry Sorry 2.0
- Soultrap
- Sounds Like A...
- Space Adventure
- Space Bastards
- Space Bucks
- Space Chase
- Space Chase 1.13
- Space Chase 2.14
- Space Commanders
- Space Dangeons
- Space Dynasty V3.02
- Space Empires Iii
- Space Exploration
- Space Federation
- Space Flees
- Space Girl
- Space Intruders
- Space Investors
- Space Miner
- Space Nightmare
- Space Quest I.
- Space Rocks
- Space Rocks 3d
- Space Shades 3.00
- Space Simulator
- Space Spirals V1.63
- Space Walls
- Space Walls Ii
- Space Weenies 1.0
- Spaceinv
- Spacekill I
- Spacebar
- Spaced
- Spacewar V. 1.71.
- Spacewar. V1.50.
- Spades
- Spades (dc)
- Spades 0.24
- Spades Card Game
- Spades For Windows
- Spades V3.0
- Spbaby
- Spectrum Sorcery
- Spectrus
- Speculator
- Speed Busters
- Speed Race
- Speedbusters
- Speedy
- Spellbound
- Spellbound!
- Spellchick
- Spelljam
- Spelunker
- Spharejongg
- Spherical Mahjongg
- Spider
- Spider Run
- Spider Solitaire
- Spider, Double Deck
- Spider1
- Spiderman
- Spidermen
- Spiders
- Spiders For Windows!
- Spiffy Pong
- Spin
- Spin 'n' Win
- Spin For Cash
- Spinwall Spinwall
- Spirit
- Spiro
- Spit Wad Willy
- Spitwad
- Sports Card Tracker
- Spring Weekend
- Spud Puzzle
- Square
- Squares 1.2
- Squares Vga V. 1.0.
- Squarex 1.1 I
- Squarez
- Squarez 1.0
- Squarez Delux
- Squarez Deluxe V1.1
- Squeeze Play
- Squeezils
- Squirmer Squirmer
- Squirmer V. 1.03c.
- Squirt
- Squynchia Adventure
- Sslots
- St. Helena
- St2to3 V. 1.0.
- Stack 'em V1.7
- Stack'em V2.0
- Stacks
- Stained Glass
- Stained Glass 91011
- Standings
- Star Command
- Star Control 3
- Star Crusaders
- Star Empire
- Star Fire
- Star Fleet
- Star Gazer
- Star Goose
- Star Minds Ii
- Star Quest
- Star Trek Game
- Star Trek V. 1.1a.
- Star Trek V1.1a
- Star Wars Rebellion
- Stargunner
- Starmines Ii
- Starcon
- Starcraft
- Stardate 2140.2
- Stardef Star Defence
- Starduel
- Stardust
- Starfighter
- Starfire
- Starlord
- Stars
- Stars!
- Starship Combat
- Starship Commander
- Starship Pilot
- Starsiege
- Startrek
- Startrek.
- Stattrak V5.2
- State Capitols
- Statman
- Stax
- Steel & Ice Hockey
- Steel Panthers Iii
- Steel Wheels
- Stelcon
- Stelcon 2469 V1.3
- Stelcon Stelcon 2469
- Stelcon V1.21
- Stellar 2.
- Stellar Conquest
- Stellar Defence 1.1
- Stellar Defence 2.0
- Stellar Explorer
- Stellar Police
- Stellar Warrior
- Stelly's Puzzle
- Ster
- Stick Fighter 1
- Stick Fighter Ii
- Stickem
- Sticks
- Sticky Wicket
- Stock Market Technic
- Stocks And Shares Ii
- Stone Age
- Stone Mist
- Stone's Throw
- Stones
- Stones Moraff's
- Stop Sign V. 1.0.
- Stopsign 2.0
- Stormovik Su-25
- Story Maker
- Story Twister
- Stratagem
- Strategic Space Game
- Stratego
- Strategy
- Strategy Challenges
- Strategy V. 1.0.
- Stratosphere
- Stratsys V2.0
- Street Fighter
- Street Racer
- Street Rod
- Street Shuffle
- Streets & Alleys
- Streets Of Simcity
- Strength Of Nations
- Stretch Yer Neck
- Striker V. 1.0.
- String.
- Strong Lines
- Stud Poker
- Stunt Island.
- Stunt Track.
- Suju V. 1.0.
- Sub Battle Simulator
- Sub Culture
- Sub Tracker
- Subspace
- Subspace 1.25
- Subliminal V2.0
- Submarin
- Subs
- Subway Simulator
- Suchen
- Sunrise Trivia
- Supaplex
- Super Ball
- Super Beast
- Super Blast
- Super Brain Viii
- Super Craps
- Super Croc
- Super Croc 3
- Super Decoder
- Super Domination
- Super Entrap
- Super Entrap V. 2.0
- Super Entrap V2.0
- Super Fight
- Super Frog
- Super Fruit Machine
- Super Hangman
- Super Happy Land
- Super Huey.
- Super Ice Qube
- Super Marble
- Super Match Soccer
- Super Max
- Super Maxit 2.0
- Super Nim
- Super Pong V1.0
- Super Qube Hoper
- Super Qube Hopper
- Super Retriss V3.0
- Super Retriss Pro
- Super Ski Pro
- Super Slots
- Super Slots V1.50a
- Super Slots V2.6
- Super Solitaire
- Super Stardust Demo
- Super Street Fighter
- Super Tank.
- Super Tetris
- Super Tetris V1.3
- Super Touring
- Super Vga Puzzle
- Super Video Poker
- Super Xonix
- Super Zzt V1.1
- Superfly V1.1
- Superfly V2.0
- Superfly V2.1
- Superfrog
- Superher
- Superpro Word Search
- Supershowdown
- Superslot
- Supertrek
- Superbike
- Superblox V2.0
- Superscape V. 1.1.
- Survival
- Survival In Ny
- Swat
- Swatm Jr. 1.1a
- Sweep
- Sweet Soul Music
- Sword Quest 2.0
- Sympathy
- Syndicate
- Syndicate Wars
- System Shock
- T&j Lotto
- T-n-t
- T-zero V. 1.03
- T-zero
- T2 Chess
- T4
- Tagalog
- Take 1.1
- Tank
- Tarot
- Tc Asteroids
- Tc Choplifter
- Tc Defender
- Tc Invaders
- Tc Joust
- Tc Robot Bout
- Tc Skirmish
- Tc Trekwar
- Tc Virtual Pingpong
- Tcb
- Tchess
- Tclone
- Td2192
- Team Apache
- Teen Agent
- Teenagent
- Telego 4.1
- Tennis Elbow
- Test Drive: Off-road
- Tetris
- Tetrix 2.0
- Tetrix 2.1
- Tetrix Ii
- Tfdemo
- Tha Ampro Ansinator
- The 5th Element
- The Chasm
- The Daily Crossword
- The Settlers Ii
- The Xargon Trilogy
- Thewall
- Things
- Third Reich Pc
- Threads
- Thy Super Knight
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tictacto
- Tim
- Timeslaughter
- Tlc Word Game
- Tm-bjack
- Tmatch
- Tom Bombem 2.1
- Tommy's Cassino
- Tommy's Ecarte
- Tommy's Hidden-words
- Tommy's Minesweeper
- Tommy's Patience
- Tommy's Pitch
- Tommy's Six-bid
- Tommy's Train
- Tommy's Trip-up
- Tommy's Whist
- Tommys Calabresella
- Too Many Geckos
- Top Tennis
- Total Knockout Box
- Towers
- Tpc Golf
- Trapper
- Tre
- Triangle Solitaire
- Tribolo
- Trickle
- Triple Yahtzee
- Triskelion.
- Trivia Quiz V1.1
- Trugg V1.0
- Tstp
- Ttt3d
- Tubes V1.1
- Tuppy
- Turbot13
- Turoid 1.20
- Tv Guided Bombs
- Tv Trivia V. 1.0.
- Tycoon
- Tz-minigolf
- Tz-minigolf Ii
- Tzone
- Tablenette 1.0
- Tacops
- Tactical! V. 2.31.
- Tailgunner
- Taipei 3.0
- Taipei For Windows
- Taipei V. 5.0.
- Take No Prisoners
- Takenote 6.7.1
- Takeone
- Takeone Whinge Scree
- Taking Care Business
- Taktix
- Tamatik
- Tamper Tamper 1.2
- Tanarus
- Tanarus V.90
- Tanarus93
- Tangaroos V1.0
- Tanger Worm
- Tangram 1.1
- Tangram For Windows
- Tank
- Tank Blitz
- Tank For Two
- Tank Regime
- Tank Tracker
- Tank V1.2b
- Tank Wars
- Tank Wars R2.5
- Tank Wars V. 2.0.
- Tanks!
- Tapeworm
- Target V2.1
- Target Word
- Tarot
- Taxi Run
- Taz
- Tea
- Team 47 Goman
- Teamtris
- Tear Down The Wall
- Techno Freak
- Tee Time
- Teed-off V. 3.0.
- Teenagent
- Tejas Lotto
- Tekwar
- Telecards
- Telecards 1.0
- Telecards 1.85
- Telecards 2.0
- Telechess
- Telemetry
- Telephone Pazzle
- Telephone Puzzle
- Telephone Puzzle 2
- Telephone Puzzle Nt
- Tempest
- Ten-thousand
- Tennis
- Terminal Terror
- Terminal Velocity
- Terra
- Terrace
- Terrace For Windows
- Terrace V1.3
- Terracide
- Terradyne V. 1.05.
- Terratron
- Terror - Demo
- Tesserae
- Test Drive
- Test Drive 4
- Testdrive Iii
- Tet
- Tetwin
- Tetravex
- Tetravex For Os2
- Tetris
- Tetris Classic V1.0
- Tetris Clone
- Tetris Clone Game
- Tetris For Os2
- Tetris For Windows
- Tetris Game
- Tetris Jr
- Tetris Like Game
- Tetris Pro
- Tetris V4.5
- Tetris-like Game
- Tetris-type Game
- Tetris.
- Tetrix Ii
- Tetrolis
- Tetwin
- Texas Hold'em
- Texas Holdem Poker
- Texas Lottery
- Texlotto
- Texlotto 3.4
- Texlotto-texas
- Texttris 2.0
- Textwars.
- Textris 2.0
- The Aeronautics Quiz
- The Animal Game
- The Art Of Flying
- The Ball Game
- The Bard's Quest
- The Birthday Game
- The Bit Recycler
- The Black Box
- The Blues Brothers
- The Brain V1.2
- The Catacomb Abyss
- The Chasm
- The Cheat Machine
- The Chess Recorder
- The Color Wizard
- The Country Of Rayx
- The Craps Engine
- The Creed
- The Crusade
- The Cube
- The Daily Number
- The Dallas Cowboy
- The Dice Game Pig
- The Doppy & Pru
- The Dot Game
- The Drums
- The Endless Night
- The Exterminator.
- The Fastest Mouse
- The Football Pooler
- The Genie
- The Game
- The Game Of Life
- The Games Room
- The Golf Pro
- The Greens
- The Hive
- The Horde
- The Horse Races
- The Inside World
- The Kingdom Of Syree
- The Labyrinth Door
- The Land Of Wonce
- The Last Express
- The Last Word
- The Lost Trail
- The Lost Vikings
- The Lynch
- The Maniac V. 1.
- The Mars Monuments
- The Memory Game
- The Mistake
- The Moon
- The Napalm Star
- The Need For Speed
- The Odd Ball
- The One Arm Bandit
- The Orion Project
- The Pinochle Bunch
- The Pit V3.53
- The Poker Program
- The Power Of Zenalok
- The Prince
- The Pyramid 1.04
- The Real Deal
- The Reap
- The Revenge Of Doh
- The Road To Baghdad
- The Settlers
- The Star 1.04
- The Tomb
- The Tower Of Druaga
- The Vashon Crossword
- The Winning Formula
- Theswamp 95
- Themdogs 95
- Theme Park
- Thief's Adventure
- Thinker V1.1
- Thinkin' Thinks
- Third Reich Pc
- This Means War
- Thivking 'thinves
- Thor's Hammer
- Thoroughbred
- Threat
- Threat 1.4
- Threat V1.40us
- Three-o
- Thunderhawk 2
- Tic
- Tic Tac Death
- Tic Tac Toa
- Tic Tac Toa For Os2
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tic Tac Toe 2
- Tic Tac Toe 3
- Tic Tac Toe 4
- Tic V1.0.
- Tic-tac-2
- Tic-tac-toe
- Tic-tac-toh
- Tic-tac-toe
- Tictac
- Tictactics V1.0
- Tick Attack.
- Tictac
- Tidbit Trivia 1.27
- Tie Fighter
- Tie Fighter Demo
- Tiger Woods 99
- Tigershark
- Tile Match
- Tile15 2.0
- Tile15 V. 1.0.
- Tiles
- Tiles & Tribulations
- Tiltmaze
- Tim
- Tim Puzzle
- Time Bo
- Time Bomb City
- Time Carmen Sansiego
- Time Commando
- Time Hunters
- Time Of Chaos V4.7
- Time Travelers
- Time Warriors
- Tiny Elvis
- Titanic Beyond The
- Toad
- Tobor V1.0
- Tom & Jery
- Tom Bombem
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider Ii
- Tomb Raider Iii
- Tommy's Air Shark
- Tommy's Clobby
- Tommy's Crosswords
- Tommy's Cryptoquips
- Tommy's Freecell
- Tommy's Gin Rummy
- Tommy's Hyperdrive
- Tommy's Nyet
- Tommy's Pachisi
- Tommy's Schafkopf
- Tommy's Space Panels
- Tommy's Starball
- Tommy's Stompers
- Tommy's Telewords
- Tommy's Think Tank
- Tommy's Trek
- Tommy's Trivia
- Tommy's Twenty-one
- Tommy's Wheel
- Tommys Dungeon
- Tommys Energy Fence
- Tommys Gorilla Balls
- Tommys Packrat
- Tommys Telewords
- Tommys21
- Tonk
- Top Gun Hornets Nest
- Toppler
- Torment I
- Tornado
- Tornaks V. 1.4.
- Torus 1.0a
- Toshinden
- Total Amnesia Door
- Total Annihilation
- Total Lottery
- Total Mayhem
- Total Recall
- Total Recall V4.4
- Total Soccer
- Tour Cars
- Tour De France
- Touzai Mahjong
- Tower Solitaire
- Towercheat
- Towers
- Towers (vv)
- Towers 1.31
- Towers Solitaire
- Tracer
- Trade Wars
- Traffic Department
- Traffic Jam
- Trail-burners
- Trainsim 1.0
- Transport Tycoon
- Trap Shooting
- Trap Shooting Pro
- Trap Trap
- Trapped
- Trapper
- Trash Man V1.1
- Treasure Galaxy
- Treasure Hunt
- Treasure Island
- Tree Masacre.
- Trek
- Trek Adventure
- Trek Trivia
- Trespasser
- Tri
- Tri-bingo V2.0
- Tri-yach
- Triangle
- Triaxis Triaxis
- Tribal Rage
- Trick
- Tricky Questions
- Trifles Trivia.
- Trio
- Tripeaks
- Triple Deck
- Triple Hi-lo Dice
- Triple Option V1.0.
- Triple Play 98
- Triple Play 99
- Triple Take V1.1
- Triple Yahoo!
- Triplets
- Triplets 2.0
- Tristan
- Tristate
- Tritris
- Tritryst
- Trivia 2.01
- Trivia 2000
- Trivia Tic Tac Toe
- Trivia Whiz
- Triviatron
- Trix Slots V2.1
- Troff Ii.
- Trolls
- Tron Tron V1.0
- Trophy Bass
- Trophy Bass 2
- Trophy Rivers
- Trotters
- Tsetse
- Tub World
- Tube
- Tubes! V1.00
- Tubular Worlds
- Tumble Bugs
- Tune Trivia
- Tunnel Blaster
- Tunnelb1
- Tunneler 2.0
- Tunnels
- Turbo Caribbean Stud
- Turbo Life
- Turbo Picture Poker
- Turbo V1.0.
- Turbo Video Poker
- Turbopoly
- Turf.v93
- Turkey Hunter
- Turoid V1.0
- Turok
- Turok V1.1
- Tut-busters.
- Tutstomb
- Tuxedo
- Tuzzle
- Twisted Metal 2
- Two Bit Poker
- Two Bit Poker V3.10
- Two Handed Spades
- Two-handed Eucre
- Tyler
- Typo Command
- Tyrian
- U Roughnes
- U. C. Golf V2.0
- Ufo
- Ufo Tracker
- Ufo/xcom
- Ugcs 2.0
- Ugh
- Uk Lottery Simulator
- Uk National Lottery
- Ultima 21 Blackjack
- Ultimate Baccarat
- Ultimate Craps
- Ultimate Gin 4.0
- Ultimate Solitaire
- Ums
- Under Pressure
- Universal Lottery
- Universe
- Uno
- Uno 1.1
- Us Navy Fighter
- Usa-crypto 1.1
- Ushf Hovercraft
- Ushoot
- Usm
- Uss Destroyer
- Uw2
- Ugh
- Ultim@te Race Pro
- Ultima 21
- Ultima 21 Deluxe
- Ultima 7
- Ultima Blackjack
- Ultima Underword
- Ultimate
- Ultimate Baccarat
- Ultimate Blackjack
- Ultimate Body Blows
- Ultimate Doom
- Ultimate Dice
- Ultimate Gin
- Ultimate Gin
- Ultimate Gin V1.3
- Ultimate Poker 1.3
- Ultimate Roulette
- Ultimate Simonsays
- Ultimate Solitaire
- Ultimate Universe
- Ultimate Warrior
- Ultizurk 3
- Ultizurk I
- Ultizurk Ii
- Ultra 3d Pinball
- Ultra Blast
- Ultra Slot V. 1.0.
- Ultralaunch
- Ultralife
- Ultraquz Ultra-quiz
- Ultris.
- Unreal World
- Under
- Under Pressure
- Unforgiven
- Ungaria.
- Universal Hint
- Universe
- Unnecessary Roughnes
- Unnkulian Ii
- Unnkulian Unventures
- Uno
- Unoscore
- Unreal
- Up The Wall
- Updown
- Uprising
- Uprising 2
- Uprising 3dfx
- Urban Assault
- Usurper
- Utopian Worlds
- Utumno V1.0a5
- V2000
- Valor
- Vampyr
- Vc
- Vcr Challenge
- Vegas
- Vegas Video Poker
- Vga And Music Demo
- Vga Blackjack
- Vga Blocks.
- Vga Coloring Book
- Vga Concentrate 2.1
- Vga Concentration
- Vga Go
- Vga Jigsaw 2.10
- Vga Kix
- Vga Kix 1.0
- Vga Miniature Golf.
- Vga Muck Mem
- Vga Planets
- Vga Planets Bbs Door
- Vga Roulette.
- Vga Sharks
- Vga Sharks 2.0
- Vga Sharks V. 1.1.
- Vga Shuffle
- Vga Star Trek
- Vga Trek
- Vgabomb
- Vgawheel V.1.91
- Vgawheel
- Video Blakjak!
- Video Poker Deluxe
- Vinyl Goddess
- Vltpoker
- Vocabulary Power
- Voodoo Lunch
- Vortex
- Vr Baseball
- Vsharks
- Valet Parking
- Valgus Squared
- Vampyr Vampyr 2.0
- Varmit's War
- Vb_jig
- Vchess
- Vector Balls Demo Ii
- Vector Mines
- Vegas
- Vegas Casino Poker
- Vegas Johnny's Draw
- Vegas Knight Casino
- Vegas Poker
- Vegas Pro Blackjack
- Vegas Pro Video
- Vegas Slots 1.1
- Vegas Slots V3.0.
- Vegas-dice
- Veil Of Darkness
- Velcro Mind V1.1
- Vendetta 1.0
- Vermin
- Verse Quest V. 1.0.
- Vga Bomb
- Vga Concentration
- Vgabomb Vgabomb
- Vgalemmi Vga Lemming
- Vgaoxyd Vga Oxyd 3.4
- Vgasol
- Vgatrek2 Vga Trek
- Vgawheel V. 1.6.
- Vgawheel Vga Wheel
- Vicky
- Victor V2.11
- Vidpoker
- Vida-x
- Video Baccarat
- Video Blackjack 2.0
- Video Blackjack
- Video Clock
- Video Darts
- Video Draw Poker
- Video Jokerpoker
- Video Keno
- Video Pocker Slot
- Video Poker
- Video Poker 1.3s
- Video Poker 1.3s
- Video Poker 2
- Video Poker Delux
- Video Poker Fest
- Video Poker Game
- Video Poker Tutor
- Vier Gewinnt
- Vigilance
- Vikings
- Vikings Ii
- Vindicator
- Vinyl Goddes
- Viper
- Viper Racing
- Virex
- Virtua Fighter
- Virtua Fighter 2
- Virtua Squad
- Virtual Jigsaw
- Virtual Karts
- Virtual Pat
- Virtual Pat 2
- Virtual Pool
- Virtual World 3d
- Virtuoso
- Virus: The Game
- Vmyth
- Vortex
- Vocabulary Power
- Volcano
- Volcano Hunter
- Volfied
- Voodoo Doll
- Vpoker
- Vpoker For Os2
- Vyper
- W I N G O !
- Wak 0.2
- Wall $treet Raider
- Warcraft Ii
- Wargame
- Warpath
- Wars Demo
- Watzi
- Wblock5
- Wc Prophecy Test
- Wc: Secret Ops
- Wcw Nitro Pc
- Webx
- Weyes V1.1
- Wf V2.0..0
- Wfdemo
- Wheel3
- Whohoo V2.0
- Wild 7 Slots
- Wild Pitch! V1.1
- Willi
- Win Muehl
- Win-a-lotto V1.5
- Winadv
- Winagram
- Winant
- Winbj
- Winbj2
- Wincrib
- Wind Surf
- Windog
- Windows Lotto V1.1
- Windows Pool
- Wineuch
- Wineyes
- Winfight
- Winoj
- Winpok30
- Winpoker
- Winroach
- Winroids
- Winspds1
- Winwheel V.1.50
- Winyow
- Win_uhs
- Windows Hearts
- Windows Solitaire
- Wlife
- Wndomino
- Word Challenge V1.4
- Word Fill V2.2
- Word Hunt V2.3
- Wordle
- Wordle V1.1
- Wordman
- Wordmix
- Words V1.0
- Wordsearch Mania!
- Wordwiz
- Wordy 2.62
- Worm
- Wowspill
- Wowzee
- Wraith
- Wracko
- Wsp
- Wt
- Wwf Wresltlemania
- Wwi Air Fighters
- Wwii Fighters
- Wwiv Backgammon.
- Wa-tor
- Wa-tor.
- Wacky Wheels V1.1
- Wak-a-rat
- Wall Pipe
- Wall Street Raider
- Wallball
- Wallpipe Wallpipe
- Wallstr4 Wall $treet
- Wallstreet Trader
- Wanderer 2.2
- War
- War Boats
- War Breeds
- War Games
- War In Heaven,
- War In Korea 1.2
- War On The Sea.
- War Tank V1.3
- War Wizard
- Warbirds
- Warbirds V1.08
- Warbirds V1.09
- Warbreeds
- Warcraft
- Wareagle 95
- Warfare
- Warinc
- Warbnker
- Warbots.
- Warcraft
- Warcraft Ii
- Warfare
- Wargasm!
- Warheads
- Warheads V. 1.01.
- Wari
- Warlords Ii Deluxe
- Warlords Iii
- Warlords.
- Warped For
- Warped For Windows
- Warship
- Warships Warships
- Was
- Wasteroids
- Water Puter
- Wator
- Wave After Wave
- Waxman 1.1
- Waxman
- Waxman 1.4w
- Waynes World
- Wbaffle
- Wchecker
- Wconnect
- Webwar
- Webs
- Weird Island
- Weirn
- Welcome To Space
- Welltris
- Wesp
- Western Shoot Out
- Wetrix
- Wgolf
- Whabuse
- Whack A Mole
- What Is It
- Whatsmy#
- Whavend Witch Haven
- Wheel Of Fortune
- Wheel Of Luck
- Wheel Of Luck 2.1d
- Wheel Of Sparta
- Wheel'o'yum Supreme
- Whichaven Ii
- Whiplash
- Whist
- Who Dun It.
- Wibbles Ii
- Wibbles Iii
- Wiggly Worm 94
- Wild Pitch
- Wild Racing Ii
- Wild West
- Wild Willy
- Wildlife Tetris
- Wildcard Poker
- Wildgame
- Wildpich Wild Pitch
- Wilf V. 3.0.
- Willy
- Willy Beamish.
- Win 3: Volutare 3d
- Win A Lotto
- Win Aliens
- Win Chess
- Win Craps
- Win Daleks
- Win Elvis-n-space
- Win Fish
- Win Hangman
- Win Mvp Bridge
- Win Mine
- Win Neko For Windows
- Win Pelvis-n-space
- Win Poker V1.0
- Win Pool
- Win Risk
- Win Simon
- Win Slot
- Win Spider Solitaire
- Win Tetris
- Win Worm
- Win$easy
- Win$easy Lottery
- Win-mind
- Winadv 2
- Winawele
- Winbowl
- Winbrick V2.04
- Winbrick V2.07
- Winbridge
- Winchess
- Winchess 2.30
- Winchess For Windows
- Wincraps
- Wincrypt
- Wincurl
- Windominoes
- Winfight
- Winfish 2
- Winfish 3
- Winflash V2.1
- Winfour
- Wingo
- Winhangman
- Winjack
- Winjack For Windows
- Winjack V. 2.0.
- Winjammer
- Winlotto Pro
- Winmatch
- Winmind 2.0
- Winmind 2.0 Nt
- Winmind For Windows
- Winpac 2
- Winpac V1.0
- Winpac V1.5
- Winpoem For Windows
- Winpoker
- Winpoker For Windows
- Winpolis
- Winroach
- Winroid For Windows
- Winshark Poker
- Winskat
- Winsol Plus
- Winspades
- Winswim
- Wintrek
- Wintrek 1.4
- Wintrek For Windows
- Winwar Ii
- Winwar Ii 3.0
- Winwayout
- Winwheel For Windows
- Winyahtzee
- Winyotz
- Window Sniper
- Windows Alie
- Windows Billiards
- Windows Black Jack
- Windows Blackjack
- Windows Chess Game
- Windows Command
- Windows Craps
- Windows Cribagge
- Windows Dice
- Windows Football
- Windows Hangman
- Windows Lotto Game
- Windows Ms Hearts
- Windows Mine
- Windows Mines
- Windows Reversi
- Windows Slam
- Windows Slot Machine
- Windows Solitaire
- Windows Solitare
- Windows Spider
- Windows Wizard
- Windows Yacht
- Windows Yacht 2.21
- Winds Of Zolaria
- Winemine
- Winfive
- Winfly
- Winfract
- Wing Commander
- Wing Commander Ii
- Wing Commander Iii
- Wingo
- Wings Of Glory
- Winhex
- Winjig
- Winjump
- Winmaze
- Winmine
- Winmine - Gateway Pc
- Winmine Nt351 Alpha
- Winmine Nt351 I386
- Winmine Nt351 Mips
- Winmine Nt351 Ppc
- Winmine Nt40 Alpha
- Winmine Nt40 I386
- Winmine Nt40 Mips
- Winmine Nt40 Ppc
- Winmine Wfw311
- Winmine Win31
- Winmine Win311
- Winplan
- Winpoker
- Winpolis
- Winroach
- Winsaw
- Winter Race 3d
- Winter Scene
- Winvade
- Winwisdom
- Winzee V2.21
- Winzle
- Winzle!
- Wipeout
- Witchaven
- Wizard Maze
- Wizard's Arena
- Wizard's Doom
- Wolf
- Wolf 3d
- Wolfenstein 3-d
- Wolverine 95
- Wonder Word
- Wooden Ships
- Woodstock
- Word Chase
- Word Find 1.1
- Word For Word
- Word Game
- Word Hunt
- Word Mastermind
- Word Nerd 2.2
- Word Puzzles
- Word Pzzles
- Word Rescue
- Word Search
- Word Search 1.1
- Word Search Contruct
- Word Search Creator
- Word Search Door
- Word Search Generate
- Word Search Kit
- Word Search Puzzle
- Word Search Rampage
- Word Search V1.10
- Word Shuffle
- Word Slide Puzzles
- Word Stalk Game
- Word Tetris
- Word War!
- Word Weaver
- Word Whiz Volume I
- Word Whizard
- Word Wrestle
- Word Wrestle 95
- Word Zap
- Word-up
- Wordchase
- Wordfind
- Wordfind 8.1s
- Wordhide V3.5
- Wordmax 1.0
- Wordmix 1.3
- Wordsquared
- Wordwiz
- Wordzap
- Wordzee
- Wordfind
- Wordhai
- Wordhunt
- Wordlok Version 1.1b
- Wordograms
- Words*words 1.1.
- Words*words 1.3
- Wordsearch Mania!
- Wordsrch.
- Wordtrix
- Wordtrix! V. 1.0.
- Wordwhiz
- Wordwise
- Wordy 2,5
- Wordy 2.5
- World
- World Cup 98
- World Empire 2.0
- World Empire Iii
- World Empire Iii V2
- World Empire V1.50.
- World Empire V2.0
- World League Soccer
- World Quest V1.0
- World Quest V2.0b
- World War
- World War 2
- World War Ii
- World Wrestling
- Worm
- Worm For Windows
- Worm It Up!
- Worm War
- Worms
- Worms 2
- Worthy Opponent
- Wpkrsol
- Wpyramid
- Wrath Of Earth
- Wrath Of The Demon
- Wrestling
- Wuzzle
- Wumpus
- Wvworld
- X Tetris
- X's And O's
- X-com Apocalypse
- X-com Interceptor
- X-figure
- X-men
- X-tetris
- X-wing.
- X-wing Mission
- Xatax
- Xcell
- Xenophage
- Xerix Ii
- Xfigure
- Xfigure For Windows
- Xfire 2.02
- Xixit
- Xnum #1
- Xnum #2
- Xnum #3
- Xnum #4
- Xnum #6
- Xquest 2
- Xs
- Xsums.
- Xwing Vs Tie Fighter
- Xword
- Xword #13
- Xword 10
- Xword 11
- Xword 12
- Xword 14
- Xword 15
- Xword 6
- Xword 7
- Xword 8
- Xword 9
- Xwordjjo 1.6
- Xxiv
- Xargon
- Xcom Demo
- Xenoball
- Xenocracy
- Xenophage
- Xerix 1.3
- Xerix V1.1
- Xevious
- Xfavor
- Xfire.
- Xfort
- Xianqi
- Xlagit
- Xonix
- Xonix V2.3
- Xoru
- Xplosive
- Xquest
- Xship V. 3.2.
- Xword-vga V. 0.9.
- Xyphr V. 2.0.
- Yabweye
- Yaht-c
- Yaht-see
- Yahtzee
- Yerout!2
- Yoda Stories
- Yogi
- Yova
- Ytz
- Yz
- Yab Baseball
- Yacht For Windoas
- Yacht-z
- Yahwho
- Yaht V2.2.
- Yahtc
- Yahtxee
- Yahtzee
- Yankee-21
- Yatzee
- Yatz V. 1.1.
- Yeager Combat
- Yendorian Tales
- Yermony
- Yet Another Tetris
- Yo!
- Yotto V. 1.2.
- Yotz
- You Don't Know Jack
- You Don't Mean Jack
- Young Blood
- Yova 1.1
- Yova/2 1.02 For Os/2
- Yova/2 1.1 For Os/2
- Yukon
- Yumb
- Yy
- Z & Z Color
- Z & Z Puzzle
- Z Demo
- Z&z Color
- Z-blast
- Zox3d
- Zzt V3.0
- Zzt V3.1
- Zack's Video Poker
- Zanti
- Zanti!
- Zanti! For Windows
- Zapshot.
- Zaser
- Zaxxon
- Zblast
- Zeek1
- Zeliard
- Zentris
- Zentris V. 1.31.
- Zeppelin
- Zero Hour V. 2.10.
- Zigsaw V. 1.0.
- Zikaron
- Zilch!
- Zimon.
- Zipman 3
- Zit
- Zlich
- Zlotto
- Zone 66
- Zone One
- Zone Raid
- Zone Raiders
- Zool
- Zool 2
- Zoom
- Zoop
- Zorak
- Zorro
- Zpeller V3.00
- Zyclunt
- 0x-10 V1.0
- 1001 V1.02
- 101st Airborne
- 123
- 13 Out Solitaire
- 15!
- 15-square Puzzle
- 1942 Pacific Air War
- 1993 Tris 6.02
- 1993tetris V7.0
- 1993tris
- 1994 Pool 6.01
- 1995 Football Guide
- 1poker Solitaire
- 1st&goal Fantasy
- 1st & Goal Fantasy
- 1st&goal
- 1stmate
- 2 Bit Poker
- 2-bit Poker
- 20 Squares
- 21 Blackjack
- 21 Cardtrick 1.1
- 21 Solitare
- 3 Card Monte
- 3 Dimensions
- 3 Point Basketball
- 3 Shuffles
- 3 Space
- 3-ball Juggler
- 3-card
- 3-d Shooter 1.0
- 3-demon
- 3-pair Poker
- 301 Scorer
- 31 For Windows95
- 3d Belote
- 3d Cuballz
- 3d Cubic
- 3d Cyber Blaster
- 3d Cyberpuck
- 3d Dudes
- 3d Empire State
- 3d Lemmings
- 3d Mahjongg
- 3d Mahjongg 95
- 3d Maze
- 3d Maze 1.0
- 3d Pitfall
- 3d Table Sports
- 3d Terra
- 3d Tic-tac-toe
- 3d Ultra Mini Golf
- 3d Ultra Minigolf
- 3d Ultra Nascar
- 3d Ultra Pinball
- 3d World Boxing
- 3d-cribbage
- 3d-cribbage
- 3d-life
- 3d-pitfall Ver 1.3
- 3d-world V1.2
- 3dcubes
- 3ddom
- 3di
- 3dmaze 95
- 3dworld
- 3fish
- 3shuff
- 3d-maze
- 3dmaze
- 3yahtz
- 4 Corners
- 4 Queens
- 4 Square V2.2
- 4 Wins
- 4-in-a-row
- 4-in-a-row.
- 4-play
- 40 Thieves
- 4d Boxing
- 4play
- 5 Card Draw Poker
- 5 Card Stud Poker
- 5-or-more!
- 500 Card Game
- 5d Hangman
- 5d Word Search
- 5gewin
- 5piles
- 5th Element
- 5th Fleet
- 688 Attack Sub
- 7 Cities
- 7 Card Stud
- 7 De Setembro
- 7 Paladines
- 747 Jetset
- 7crdstud
- 7kings
- 7th Legion V1.01
- 8ball
- 8puzzle
- 99 Year Conquest