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- Installing AntiGame Plus(TM) 4.2
- Step 1
- If you received AntiGame Plus on diskettes, then insert diskette #1 and run
- A:\Setup.exe and follow the installation instructions.
- If you received AntiGame Plus in a ZIP file (i.e., via download), then use
- PKUNZIP to expand the compressed files into a directory. Enter the directory,
- run Setup.exe and follow the installation instructions.
- Step 2
- In order for the "Check Compressed Files" option to function properly, the EXE
- files of those archive products (pkunzip.exe, arj.exe, lha.exe and rar.exe)
- must be in a directory that is pointed by the PATH environment variable. Also,
- the PIF files (pkunzip.pif, arj.pif, lha.pif and rar.pif) must reside in the
- "start in" directory (Windows 95) or the "working directory" (Windows 3.1).
- If your are using DOS version below 3.1, you must set the AntiGame environment
- variable to point to your antigame directory by inserting the following line
- in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- set antigame=c:\antigame
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Congratulations. You have finished installing AntiGame Plus (for Windows and
- for DOS). To activate the 32 bit Windows version, double-click the AntiGame
- Plus Win 95_98_NT icon (or run the ANTIGAMW.EXE command.) To activate AntiGame
- Plus for Windows 3.1, double-click the AntiGame Plus Win 3.1 icon (or run the
- AGAME31.EXE command.) Use the on-line Help for operating instructions. For
- operating instructions of the DOS version please read MANUAL.RTF. Pay special
- attention to the section titled Unattended Mode and to the information on when
- to use the ANTIGAMW command and when to use the DOS command.
- To activate the AntiGame DB Editor, run AGDBEDIT.EXE (registered users only.)
- Shareware users evaluating AntiGame Plus can view the AGDBEDIT.HLP help file
- for information on the AntiGame DB Editor.
- Note: Unlike the AntiGame Plus utility that can run on most PC environments,
- the AntiGame DB Editor requires Windows 95 or above.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For technical support, please contact DVD Software, Inc. at:
- Tel.................... 949-376-6678
- Internet.............. support@antigame.com
- Fax.................... 949-376-6978
- America Online......... AntiGame
- Mail.................. DVD Software, Inc.
- 2957 Terry Road, Laguna Beach, CA 92651