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Text File | 1999-06-06 | 43.6 KB | 1,183 lines
4128 Font face name\nFont Face 4129 Font point size\nFont Size 4130 Zoom Control\nZoom Control 4352 Printer Not Found 4353 No default printer selected. You may use the Control Panel to select a default printer. 4354 Select Printer 4355 The printer '%1s' is not installed on port %2s. You may use the Control Panel to install it. Do you want to substitute the default printer? 4356 The printer '%1s' is not installed. Substituting the default printer. 4358 min 4359 Document Properties 4364 This is not a valid number. 4365 The number must be between 1 and 1638. 4368 Choose Directory 4384 File Save Failed 4385 The document could not be saved in %1s. It has been saved in %2s. 4386 Text Object 4387 CRPaige library CRPaige(32).DLL cannot be found.It should be on the path. 4388 Page Width 4389 Whole Page 12288 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 14336 Seagate Crystal Reports: Memory Error 14400 Seagate Crystal Reports: Font Error 14401 Cannot initialize. 14402 Cannot enumerate fonts. 14403 Invalid font use count. 14404 Font still in use. 14405 Unknown face name. 14406 Invalid font context. 14407 No default printer selected.Please use the Control Panel to select a printer and start Seagate Crystal Reports again. 14408 Cannot get LOGFONT for system font. 14409 Memory allocation failed. 14410 Cannot get text metrics. 14411 Internal error - %1s %2s. 14464 Seagate Crystal Reports: Printer Error 14528 Seagate Crystal Reports: File Manager Error 14530 Dos error. 14531 File not found. 14532 Invalid directory. 14533 Too many open files. 14534 Access denied. 14535 Invalid file handle. 14536 The current working directory cannot be removed. 14537 There are no directory entries. 14538 Invalid seek address. 14539 There was a hardware error. 14540 The file is in use by another application. 14541 The file is in use by another application. 14542 Disk full. 14543 End of file reached. 14561 File already exists. 14562 No more files. 14563 Invalid TLV record. 14592 Seagate Crystal Reports: Error 14593 Not implemented. 14594 Memory full. 14595 There are not enough free System Resources to perform this operation. 14596 Not supported. 14597 User cancelled. 14656 Seagate Crystal Reports: MFC Error 14720 Seagate Crystal Reports: CS DLL Error 14784 Seagate Crystal Reports: Paige Error 14848 Seagate Crystal Reports: DIB Error 14849 Unrecognized bitmap format. 16384 Seagate Crystal Reports 16385 \nReport\nReport\nCrystal Reports\n.rpt\nCrystalReports\nCrystal Report 16706 Can't load file: 16707 The selected page is after the last page! 16708 Unable to load blob field! 16753 Dictionary "%1s" not found. 16754 Dictionary changed. 16820 Parameter field has already been used in a link. 16821 Drill-Down 16829 Cannot read report - version %1d.%2d 16830 Tools 16831 in 16832 cm 16833 Design 16834 Preview 16835 Grid 16836 Formula Editor: 16837 Record Selection Formula Editor 16838 Group Selection Formula Editor 16839 Please select a color. 16840 Report Fields: 16841 Database Fields: 16842 Format Field 16843 Field: 16844 Text: 16845 Picture: 16846 Format Picture 16847 Parameter Fields: 16848 Subreport: 16849 OLE Object: 16850 The library "%1s" cannot be found.\nContinue to open report for viewing only? 16851 This is a TrueType font.This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen. 16852 This is a scalable printer resident font.The screen image may not exactly match the printed output. 16853 This font is designed for use with a pen plotter. 16854 Move/Resize 16855 Undo %1s Ctrl+Z 16856 Can't Undo 16857 Redo %1s Ctrl+Y 16858 Can't Redo 16859 Section Height 16860 Move Guideline 16861 Add Guideline 16862 Remove Guideline 16863 Attach Object 16864 Detach Object 16865 Edit Text 16866 Insert Object 16867 Insert Field 16868 Clear 16869 User Default 16870 Rename Formula 16871 Edit Formula 16872 New Formula 16873 Insert Text Object 16874 Insert Subreport 16875 Insert Group 16876 Remove Group 16877 Reorder Group 16878 Change Group Options 16879 Insert Field in Text Object 16880 Change Subreport Link 16881 Change Subreport Links 16882 Others 16883 Insert Section 16884 Split Section 16885 Move Section 16886 Merge Section 16887 Delete Section 16888 Show/Hide Section 16891 Crystal Reports Object\na Report Object 16894 Is Linked To 16895 Prompt User 16905 Formatting Page %1l 16906 Generating Page %1l 16907 %1l of %2l 16908 Recalculating Summaries 16909 Total 16950 LABELS.TXT 16972 Printing Page %1l 16973 Copy: %1l 16978 Black 16979 Maroon 16990 Green 16991 Olive 16992 Navy 16993 Purple 16994 Teal 16995 Gray 16996 Silver 16997 Red 16998 Lime 16999 Yellow 17000 Blue 17001 Fuchsia 17002 Aqua 17003 White 17004 Transparent 17005 Custom 17007 Common Format 17008 Text Format 17009 Picture Format 17010 Field Element Format 17011 Report Header %1s 17012 Page Header %1s 17013 Group Header #%1d%2s 17014 Details %1s 17015 Group Footer #%1d%2s 17016 Grand Total 17017 Page Footer %1s 17018 Report Footer %1s 17019 RH%1s 17020 PH%1s 17021 GH%1d%2s 17022 D%1s 17023 GF%1d%2s 17024 GT 17025 PF%1s 17026 RF%1s 17028 ? 17029 Group #%1d 17030 %1s: %2s (%3s) - %4s 17031 %1s: %2s - %3s 17032 Group #%1d Name 17033 Column #%1d Name 17034 Row #%1d Name 17035 GH #%1d%2s 17036 GF #%1d%2s 17037 A subreport named '%1s' already exists. 17038 Create New Subreport 17039 Subreport 17040 The existing preview which uses theseparameter values will be refreshed. 17041 All instances of this subreport will be refreshed. 17042 Subreport data will also be refreshed. 17043 Refresh Report Data 17044 Refresh report data? 17046 Insert Parameter Field 17047 Parameter Field Changes 17048 A parameter field named '%1s' already exists. 17049 report 17050 main report 17051 subreport 17053 Sections: 17054 Suppress (No Drill-Down) 17055 Don't Suppress 17060 &Close 17086 Reports: 17093 Dict Path: 17094 Server Type: 17096 Server Name: 17097 Data File path: 17098 Database: 17099 User ID: 17100 Log on %1s server succeeded. 17101 = Equal join 17102 = (+) Left outer join 17103 (+) = Right outer join 17104 (+) = (+) Outer join 17105 Log on SQL server 17110 Some field(s) not found in dictionary "%1s". Proceed to fix up the report? 17118 Section Expert 17119 Insert Group 17120 Insert Summary 17121 Insert Subtotal 17122 Insert Grand Total 17160 of 17161 Enter Prompting Parameter Field 17162 Please enter a boolean value, "%1s" or "%2s". 17163 Please enter a currency value. 17164 Please enter a number. 17165 Please enter a date value.\nFor example: "Date( year, month, day )". 17171 Seagate Software 17172 Crystal Reports 17181 There are no more matching items. 17182 Report Search 20535 Sum of %1s 20536 Avg of %1s 20537 Var of %1s 20538 StdDev of %1s 20539 Max of %1s 20540 Min of %1s 20541 Count of %1s 20542 PopVar of %1s 20543 PopStdDev of %1s 20576 PrintDate 20577 PrintTime 20578 ModificationDate 20579 ModificationTime 20580 DataDate 20581 DataTime 20582 RecordNumber 20583 PageNumber 20584 GroupNumber 20585 Total Page Count 20586 Report Title 20587 Report Comments 20588 False 20589 True 20590 F 20591 T 20592 No 20593 Yes 20594 N 20595 Y 20596 0 20597 1 20608 Arithmetic: 20609 x + y Add 20610 x - y Subtract 20611 x * y Multiply 20612 x / y Divide 20613 x % y Per cent 20614 -x Negate 20616 Conversion: 20617 $x To currency 20619 Comparisons: 20620 x = y Equal 20621 x <> y Not equal 20622 x < y Less than 20623 x > y Greater than 20624 x >= y Greater or equal 20625 x <= y Less or equal 20627 Strings: 20628 x + y Concatenate 20629 x [y] Subscript 20630 x in y In string 20632 Ranges: 20633 x to y Make range 20634 x in y In range 20636 Boolean: 20637 x and y And 20638 x or y Or 20639 not x Not 20641 Arrays: 20642 [x, ...] Make array 20643 x [y] Subscript 20644 x in y In array 20646 Pattern: 20647 x startsWith y Starts with 20648 x like y Like pattern 20650 Other: 20651 (x) Parentheses 20652 x := y Assignment 20653 if x then y else z 20654 // Comment 20656 Variable Declarations: 20657 BooleanVar x := y; 20658 NumberVar x := y; 20659 CurrencyVar x := y; 20660 DateVar x := y; 20661 TimeVar x := y; 20662 DateTimeVar x := y; 20663 StringVar x := y; 20664 NumberVar range x := y to z; 20665 CurrencyVar range x := y to z; 20666 DateVar range x := y to z; 20667 TimeVar range x := y to z; 20668 DateTimeVar range x := y to z; 20669 StringVar range x := y to z; 20670 NumberVar array x := [y, z, ...]; 20671 CurrencyVar array x := [y, z, ...]; 20672 DateVar array x := [y, z, ...]; 20673 TimeVar array x := [y, z, ...]; 20674 DateTimeVar arrray x := [y, z, ...]; 20675 StringVar array x := [y, z, ...]; 20736 Arithmetic: 20737 Remainder (num, denom) 20738 Abs (x) 20739 Round (x) 20740 Round (x, #places) 20741 Truncate (x) 20742 Truncate (x, #places) 20743 Sum (fld) 20744 Sum (fld, condFld) 20745 Sum (fld, condFld, cond) 20746 Average (fld) 20747 Average (fld, condFld) 20748 Average (fld, condFld, cond) 20749 StdDev (fld) 20750 StdDev (fld, condFld) 20751 StdDev (fld, condFld, cond) 20752 PopulationStdDev (fld) 20753 PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld) 20754 PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld, cond) 20755 Variance (fld) 20756 Variance (fld, condFld) 20757 Variance (fld, condFld, cond) 20758 PopulationVariance (fld) 20759 PopulationVariance (fld, condFld) 20760 PopulationVariance (fld, condFld, cond) 20761 Maximum (fld) 20762 Maximum (fld, condFld) 20763 Maximum (fld, condFld, cond) 20764 Minimum (fld) 20765 Minimum (fld, condFld) 20766 Minimum (fld, condFld, cond) 20767 Count (fld) 20768 Count (fld, condFld) 20769 Count (fld, condFld, cond) 20770 DistinctCount (fld) 20771 DistinctCount (fld, condFld) 20772 DistinctCount (fld, condFld, cond) 20774 Strings: 20775 Length (str) 20776 TrimLeft (str) 20777 TrimRight (str) 20778 Trim (str) 20779 ReplicateString (str, #copies) 20780 UpperCase (str) 20781 LowerCase (str) 20782 NumericText (str) 20783 ToNumber (x) 20784 ToText (x) 20785 ToText (x, y) 20786 ToText (x, y, z) 20787 ToText (x, y, z, w) 20788 ToText (x, y, z, w, q) 20789 ToWords (x) 20790 ToWords (x, #places) 20791 Space (x) 20792 InStr (str1, str2) 20793 InStr (start, str1, str2) 20794 StrCmp (str1, str2) 20795 StrCmp (str1, str2, compare) 20796 Mid (str, start) 20797 Mid (str, start, length) 20798 Left (str, length) 20799 Right (str, length) 20800 Val (str) 20801 Chr (x) 20802 Asc (str) 20804 Date/Time: 20805 Date (dateTime) 20806 Date (year, month, day) 20807 Year (x) 20808 Month (x) 20809 Day (x) 20810 DayOfWeek (x) 20811 CurrentDate 20812 Time (dateTime) 20813 Time (hour, min, sec) 20814 CurrentTime 20815 Hour (x) 20816 Minute (x) 20817 Second (x) 20818 DateTime (date, time) 20819 DateTime (year, month, day) 20820 DateTime (year, month, day, hour, min, sec) 20821 CurrentDateTime 20823 Date Ranges: 20824 WeekToDateFromSun 20825 MonthToDate 20826 YearToDate 20827 Last7Days 20828 Last4WeeksToSun 20829 LastFullWeek 20830 LastFullMonth 20831 AllDatesToToday 20832 AllDatesToYesterday 20833 AllDatesFromToday 20834 AllDatesFromTomorrow 20835 Aged0To30Days 20836 Aged31To60Days 20837 Aged61To90Days 20838 Over90Days 20839 Next30Days 20840 Next31To60Days 20841 Next61To90Days 20842 Next91To365Days 20843 Calendar1stQtr 20844 Calendar2ndQtr 20845 Calendar3rdQtr 20846 Calendar4thQtr 20847 Calendar1stHalf 20848 Calendar2ndHalf 20849 LastYearMTD 20850 LastYearYTD 20852 Arrays: 20853 Sum (x) 20854 Average (x) 20855 StdDev (x) 20856 PopulationStdDev (x) 20857 Variance (x) 20858 PopulationVariance (x) 20859 Maximum (x) 20860 Minimum (x) 20861 Count (x) 20862 DistinctCount (x) 20864 Other: 20865 Previous (fld) 20866 Next (fld) 20867 IsNull (fld) 20868 PreviousIsNull (fld) 20869 NextIsNull (fld) 20870 PrintDate 20959 A 20960 D 20961 O 20962 S 20964 in ascending order. 20965 in descending order. 20966 in specified order. 20967 in original order. 20968 sum 20969 average 20970 sample variance 20971 sample standard deviation 20972 maximum 20973 minimum 20974 count 20975 population variance 20976 population standard deviation 20977 distinct count 20983 xBase Files (*.dbf) 20984 *.dbf 20985 Paradox Files (*.db) 20986 *.db 20987 Btrieve Dictionaries (*.ddf) 20988 *.ddf 20989 Access Files (*.mdb) 20990 *.mdb 20991 All Files 20992 *.* 21008 Suppress_If_Duplicate 21009 Suppress_If_Zero 21010 Negative_Type 21011 Use_Thousands_Separators 21012 Use_Leading_Zero 21013 N_Decimal_Places 21014 Rounding_Type 21015 Currency_Symbol_Type 21016 Use_One_Currency_Symbol_Per_Page 21017 Currency_Position_Type 21018 Thousand_Symbol 21019 Decimal_Symbol 21020 Currency_Symbol 21021 Allow_Field_Clipping 21022 Boolean_Output_Type 21023 Date_Windows_Default_Type 21024 Date_Order 21025 Year_Type 21026 Month_Type 21027 Day_Type 21028 Date_First_Separator 21029 Date_Second_Separator 21030 Leading_Day_Type 21031 Leading_Day_Separator 21032 Time_Base 21033 AM_PM_Type 21034 Hour_Type 21035 Minute_Type 21036 Second_Type 21037 Hour_Minute_Separator 21038 Minute_Second_Separator 21039 AM_String 21040 PM_String 21041 Date_Time_Order 21042 Date_Time_Separator_String 21043 Word_Wrap 21044 First_Line_Indent 21045 Left_Indent 21046 Right_Indent 21047 Max_N_Lines 21048 Left_Line_Style 21049 Right_Line_Style 21050 Top_Line_Style 21051 Bottom_Line_Style 21052 Tight_Horizontal 21053 Tight_Vertical 21054 Drop_Shadow 21055 Fore_Colour 21056 Back_Colour 21057 Line_Width 21058 Fill_Style 21059 Object_Visibility 21060 Hor_Alignment 21061 Ver_Alignment 21062 Keep_Object_Together 21063 Split_Adornment 21064 Expand 21065 Section_Visibility 21066 Show_Area 21067 New_Page_Before 21068 New_Page_After 21069 Keep_Area_Or_Section_Together 21070 Suppress_Blank_Section 21071 Reset_Page_N_After 21072 Print_At_Bottom_Of_Page 21073 Underlay_Section 21074 Section_Back_Colour 21075 Record_Selection 21076 Group_Selection 21077 Record_Search 21078 Group_Search 21079 Font_Colour 28800 Seagate Crystal Reports: Database Error 28801 Physical database not found. 28802 Dictionary integrity error. 28803 File not found 28804 File permission error. 28805 File integrity error. 28806 Main window not found. 28807 SQL server error. 28808 Server has not yet been opened. 28809 Unable to log off. This server is still in use by some reports. 28810 This dictionary is still in use by some reports. 28811 Incorrect password. 28812 Open database session failed. 28813 Error detected by database DLL. 28814 Error removing file.There are still fields in the report from this file. Please clear them before removing the file. 28815 Error opening new index.The file "%1s" could not be recognized as an index for file "%2s". 28816 Error opening new index.The index must be in the same directory as the data file: "%1s". 28817 Error opening file."%1s" could not be opened. Please choose again. 28818 Configuration Error.Error loading report database - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application. 28819 Cannot create temporary file. 28820 Cannot rename temporary file. 28821 Cannot delete old file. 28822 Cannot save to temporary file. 28823 Error recognizing file.File "%1s" is not a known database type. Please choose again. 28824 Error opening file.File could not be found: "%1s", at file location: "%2s" 28825 Error opening file.File permission error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s" 28826 Error opening file.File integrity error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s" 28827 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s", at file location: "%2s" 28828 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s%2s". 28829 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please check its location. 28830 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please choose correct location. 28831 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s". 28832 Error opening file.There are no fields in the file: "%1s". 28833 Warning - Dictionary file "%1s" not found. Please give location of dictionary used to create this report. 28834 Error - Dictionary file "%1s" could not be opened. 28835 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s" 28836 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s" 28837 Database file error.File could not be read due to memory error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s" 28838 Database file error.File could not be read: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s" 28839 Configuration Error.File could not be opened because the library "%1s" cannot be found. 28840 Configuration Error.Library "%1s" cannot be opened. Please check its configuration. 28841 Configuration Error.No database DLLs found ("PD*.DLL"). Please ensure that the application is installed in the same directory as the database DLLs. 28842 Configuration Error.Error loading "%1s" - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application. 28843 Configuration Error.Error loading "%1s" - Missing function: '%2s' 28844 %1s 28845 Configuration Error.Feature not supported by SQL DLL. Please upgrade to newer version. 28846 Error in file links.Warning: Fields in the report from the file "%1s" cannot be linked. 28847 Invalid file link. SQL tables must be joined on the same number of fields. 28848 Invalid file link. SQL stored procedures cannot be linked. 28849 Invalid file link. A File must be selected for this file link. 28850 Invalid file link. To link the same file to itself please assign two different aliases. 28851 Invalid file link. This file link already exists. 28852 Invalid file link. An index must be selected for this file link. 28853 Invalid file link. Field(s) must be selected from the first file. Click the combo box items to insert fields in the list box. 28854 File link warning. The specified fields may not link successfully due to different lengths (%1d and %2d respectively). 28855 Field not Found. The data dictionary field '%1s' not found. 28856 Error loading field. The data dictionary field (tableID %1l, fieldID %2l) cannot be loaded. 28857 An error handled by a DB DLL 28858 DB Error: Bad number of files 28859 DB Error: Invalid parameter values 28860 DB Error: No stored procedure found 29120 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Parser Error 29121 The matching ' for this string is missing. 29122 The matching " " for this string is missing. 29123 The matching } for this field name is missing. 29124 There are too many characters in this string. 29125 There are too many characters in this field name. 29126 There are too many digits in this number. 29127 There are too many letters and digits in this name. 29128 The word 'then' is missing. 29129 The word 'else' is missing. 29130 The ) is missing. 29131 The ] is missing. 29132 A number, currency amount, boolean or string is expected here. 29133 This field name is not known. 29134 A boolean range variable is not allowed. 29135 A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type. 29136 A variable name is expected here. 29137 The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula. 29184 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Compiler Error 29185 A number is required here. 29186 A currency amount is required here. 29187 A boolean is required here. 29188 A date is required here. 29189 A string is required here. 29190 A function is required here. 29191 A number range is required here. 29192 A currency range is required here. 29193 A date range is required here. 29194 A number array is required here. 29195 A dollar array is required here. 29196 A boolean array is required here. 29197 A date array is required here. 29198 A string array is required here. 29199 A number, currency amount, boolean, date, or string is required here. 29200 A number, or currency amount is required here. 29201 A number, currency amount, date, or string is required here. 29202 A number, currency amount, or date is required here. 29203 A string or an array of values is required here. 29204 A number array or currency array is required here. 29205 An array of values is required here. 29206 A number field or currency amount field is required here. 29207 This field cannot be summarized. 29208 A field is required here. 29209 This field cannot be used as a group condition field. 29210 A group condition is not allowed here. 29211 A group condition must be a string. 29212 This group condition is not known. 29213 There must be a group that matches this field. 29214 The summary field could not be created. 29215 The special variable field could not be created. 29216 Too many arguments have been given to this function. 29217 Not enough arguments have been given to this function. 29218 Too many items have been given to this array. 29219 The result of a formula cannot be a range. 29220 The result of selection formula must be a boolean. 29221 This field must be in the same section as the current formula. 29222 This field must be earlier in the same section as the current formula. 29223 This array must be subscripted. For example: Array [i]. 29224 The result of a formula cannot be an array. 29225 Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999 29226 A formula cannot refer to itself, either directly or indirectly. 29227 There is an error in this formula. Please edit it for more details. 29228 A memo field cannot be used in a formula. 29229 This field has no previous or next value. 29230 A variable is required here. 29231 The variable could not be created. 29232 A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type. 29233 The formula cannot be evaluated at the time specified. 29234 This field cannot be used because it must be evaluated later. 29235 This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later. 29236 This function cannot be used because it must be evaluated later. 29237 Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented. Try agian later. 29238 Error in parse tree. Please contact Crystal Services. 29239 The word 'else' is missing. 29240 Error in dBASE expression: %1s. 29241 Unknown error in dBASE expression. 29242 %1s 29243 The group name field could not be created. 29244 A time is required here. 29245 A date-time is required here. 29246 A time range is required here. 29247 A date-time range is required here. 29248 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Code Error 29249 A string range is required here. 29250 A time array is required here. 29251 A date-time array is required here. 29252 A number must be between 0 and 255. 29253 The formula result must be a number. 29254 The formula result must be a boolean. 29255 The formula result must be a string. 29256 Invalid time: hour must be between 0 and 23, minutes between 0 and 59, and seconds between 0 and 59. 29312 Seagate Crystal Reports: Formula Evaluator Error 29313 Numeric overflow. 29314 Division by zero. 29315 Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999. 29316 A month number must be between 1 and 12. 29317 A day number must be between 1 and the number of days in the month. 29318 The number of days is too large or not an integer. 29319 A string can be at most 254 characters long. 29320 A subscript must be between 1 and the length of the string. 29321 A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array. 29322 The formula is too complex. Try simplifying it. 29323 The result of the selection formula must be boolean. 29324 The number of decimal places is too large or not an integer. 29325 The string in non-numeric. 29326 Cannot find "CRXLATE.DLL". 29327 "CRXLATE.DLL" is damaged. 29328 The number of copies of the string is too large or not an integer. 29329 %1s 29330 Sorry this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later. 29331 Error in formula code. Please contact Crystal Services. 29332 Error in dBASE expression: %1s 29333 Unknown error in dBASE expression. 29334 Hour must be between 0 and 23. 29335 Minutes must be between 0 and 59. 29336 Seconds must be between 0 and 59. 29337 Bad number format string. 29338 Bad date format string. 29339 Bad time format string. 29340 Bad date-time format string. 29341 Compare condition must be 0 or 1. 29342 String length is less then 0 or not an integer. 29343 Start position for string searching is less then 0 or not an integer. 29344 Invalid date or time. 29345 Number must be between 0 and 255. 30400 Seagate Crystal Reports: Print Engine Error 30401 No error. 30402 Not enough memory for operation. 30403 Buffer too small for string or missing null byte. 30404 No print destination specified. 30405 Invalid job number. 30406 Invalid text or object handle. 30407 Report not found. 30408 Invalid table number. 30409 Invalid file name. 30410 Invalid field number. 30411 Invalid field name. 30412 Invalid formula name. 30413 Invalid sort direction. 30414 Print engine not opened. 30415 Invalid printer specified. 30416 Export file already exists. 30417 Error in formula %1s 30418 Invalid condition field in group section. 30419 Print engine already in use. 30420 Invalid section. 30421 No print window is opened. 30422 Print job already started. 30423 Invalid summary field. 30424 Not enough system resources. 30425 Invalid group condition. 30426 Print job busy. 30427 Unable to load report. 30428 No default printer. 30429 SQL server error. 30430 Invalid report line number. 30431 Disk full. 30432 File I/O error. 30433 Incorrect password. 30434 Can not find database DLL. 30435 Unable to open database. 30436 Error detected by database DLL. 30437 Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters. 30438 Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. 30439 Unable to connect: incorrect table location. 30440 Parameter has invalid structure size. 30441 Operation not yet implemented. 30442 Request cancelled by the user. 30443 Invalid date. 30444 Missing or out-of-date export DLL. 30445 Error detected by export DLL: %1s 30446 Unable to go to previous page when at first page. 30447 Unable to go to next page when at last page. 30448 Access to report file denied. Another program may be using it. 30449 Unable to open report because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded. 30450 Invalid row or column field in cross-tab. 30451 No summarized field in cross-tab. 30452 Print destination is not export. 30453 Unknown label number. 30454 Table is not a stored procedure. 30455 Invalid stored procedure parameter. 30456 Invalid page number. 30457 Graph not found. 30458 Invalid graph type. 30459 Invalid graph data. 30460 Cannot move the graph to other sections. 30461 Invalid graph text. 30462 Invalid graph options. 30463 Invalid section height. 30464 Invalid supreport name. 30465 Field already exists. 30466 Invalid parent window. 30467 Invalid window magnification. 30468 Invalid value type. 30469 Invalid multicolumn label info. 30470 Page header or footer longer than a page. 30471 Low system resources.. 30472 Report is not using Crystal Dictionary/Crystal Query. 30473 Invalid group number. 30474 Invalid object format name. 30475 Invalid negative value. 30476 Invalid memory address. 30477 Invalid object type. 30478 Invalid line style. 30479 Invalid cross-tab row or column. 30480 Invalid graph data type. 30481 Invalid paragraph number. 30482 Invalid alignment type. 30483 Invalid tab-stop number. 30484 Invalid embedded field number. 30485 Invalid subreport link number. 30486 Parameter field link already exists. 30487 Invalid cross-tab row col value. 30488 Invalid summary number. 30489 Invalid graph data field number. 30490 Invalid subreport number. 30491 Invalid field scope. 30492 Invalid report type. 30493 Field is in use. 30494 Invalid file type. 30495 Invalid database table alias name. 30496 Invalid special var type. 30497 Invalid parameter number. 30498 Invalid page margins. 30499 Report is based on a secure query. It cannot be set to non-secure report. 30500 Cannot open secure query. 30501 Invalid section number. 30502 Cannot find SQL server. 30503 Logon to APS failed. 30504 Logon to an APS different from the one used to create CIV. 30505 User has no bypass info view right. 30506 Invalid summary type. 30507 Invalid database link number. 30508 Not main report job. 30509 Table alias name already exists. 30510 Invalid cursor. 30511 First pass not finished. 30512 Creating data source failed. 30513 Creating drill down parameter failed. 30514 Encapsulating page failed. 30515 Encapsulating totaller failed. 30516 Checking for data source changes failed. 30517 Starting background processing failed. 30518 Drill on graph failed. 30519 Get last page number failed. 30520 Get page number for group failed. 30521 SQL server is in use. 30522 Group sort field cannot be set. 30523 Can not save summaries when not saving data with report. 45056 Search for help on a topic\nHelp Search 45057 Consult the Private Tutor\nPrivate Tutor 45058 Print registration form\nRegistration 45060 View the contents of the Crystal Library\nCrystal Library 45061 View information about other products from Crystal Services\nCrystal Products 45074 Save data in report file when report is closed\nSave Data 45075 Preview report with limited data\nPreview Sample 45076 Export report to a file, to mail, ...\nExport 45077 Mail a report\nMail 45078 Distribute report to other computers\nServer 45079 Print report definition\nPrint Definition 45080 Set page margins\nMargins 45081 Set Seagate Crystal Reports options\nOptions 45082 Set options for the active report\nReport Options 45083 Select fields\nSelect Fields 45084 Edit the selected formula field\nEdit Formula 45086 Modify the selected summary field\nEdit Summary Field 45087 View data for the selected field\nBrowse Data 45088 Show or hide sections\nShow/Hide 45089 Delete a section\nDelete Section 45090 Insert fields\nInsert Fields 45091 Insert a text object\nInsert Text Object 45092 Insert a formula field\nInsert Formula 45093 Insert the page number\nPage Number 45094 Insert the record number\nRecord Number 45095 Insert the group number\nGroup Number 45096 Insert the print date\nPrint Date 45097 Insert a subtotal for selected field\nSubtotal 45098 Insert a grand total (maximum, count...) for selected field\nGrand Total 45099 Insert a summary (sum, maximum, count...) for selected field\nInsert Summary 45100 Insert a group \nInsert Group 45101 Insert a field that gives a name for each group of records\nInsert Group Name Field 45102 Draw a line on the report\nInsert Line 45103 Draw a box on the report\nInsert Box 45104 Insert a picture from a file\nInsert Picture 45105 Insert a graph/chart using expert\nInsert Chart 45106 Choose report style using expert\nStyle Expert 45107 Auto-arrange report to fit best on page\nArrange Report 45108 Change the format of the selected field\nField Format 45109 Change the border and colors of the selection\nBorder and Colors 45110 Change the line height\nLine Height 45111 Change the format of the selected line\nLine Format 45112 Change the format of the selected box\nBox Format 45113 Change the format of the selected picture\nPicture Format 45114 Edit graph/chart\nChart Format 45115 Change the format of a section\nSection Expert 45116 Visually link tables in report using expert\nLink Expert 45117 Open another database for linking\nAdd Database 45118 Remove database from report\nRemove Database 45119 Set database location\nDatabase Location 45120 Set database alias name\nDatabase Alias 45121 Verify all the databases in the report\nVerify 45122 Verify report automatically when printing\nAuto-Verify 45123 Log onto SQL server\nLogon 45124 Log off from SQL server\nLogoff 45125 Show the SQL query that will be used during printing\nShow Query 45126 Set stored procedure parameters\nParameters 45127 Select records to be used in report\nSelect Expert 45128 Edit record selection formula\nRecord Selection Formula 45129 Edit group selection formula\nGroup Selection Formula 45130 Change the definition of a group section\nGroup Expert 45131 Set top N or sort on summary fields\nTop N Expert 45132 Set record sort order\nSort Records 45133 Search for a particular value in report\nSearch 45134 Continue searching\nSearch Again 45135 Zoom report (fit to window, fit to width, full size)\nZoom 45136 Discard saved data and reprint report in preview window\nRefresh 45138 Set print date\nPrint Date 45139 Make executable version of report\nCompile 45140 Distribute report to other computers\nDistribution Expert 45141 Close all report windows\nClose All 45142 Show or hide the format bar\nToggle FormatBar 45143 Set the magnification of the current view\nZoom 45144 Bold font on/off\nBold 45145 Italics font on/off\nItalics 45146 Align font to left\nAlign Left 45147 Align font to center\nAlign Center 45148 Align font to right\nAlign Right 45149 Increase font size\nIncrease Font Size 45150 Decrease font size\nDecrease Font Size 45151 Add/remove currency sign for number field\nCurrency 45152 Add/remove thousands separator for number field\nThousands 45153 Add/remove percent sign for number\nPercent 45154 Increase number of decimals for number field\nIncrease Decimals 45155 Decrease number of decimals for number field\nDecrease Decimals 45156 Add/remove underline\nUnderline 45157 Enable/disable overstrike\nOverstrike 45165 Display and edit the properties of the active report\nProperties 45166 Change the format of the selection\nFormat 45167 Cancel the menu 45168 Insert a subreport\nInsert Subreport 45169 Close current report view\nClose view/tab 45170 Show or hide sections\nShow/Hide Sections 45171 Insert a parameter field\nInsert Parameter Field 45172 Insert a section\nInsert Section 45173 Close all previews\nClose All 45177 Change the links between the containing report and subreport\nSubreport Links 45178 Change grouping field or sorting order\nChange Group 45179 Delete current group\nDelete Group 45189 Set format of the current paragraph\nParagraph 45190 Set tab stops\nTabs 45197 Suppress the selected section\nSuppress section 45198 Change the format of the selected section\nFormat Section 45203 Insert a section above the selected section\nInsert Section Above 45204 Insert a section below the selected section\nInsert Section Below 45205 Merge the selected section with the section above\nMerge Section Above 45206 Merge the selected section with the section below\nMerge Section Below 45207 Split the selected section\nSplit Section 45208 Move the selected section\nMove Section 45209 Delete the selected section\nDelete Section 45213 Insert the total page count\nTotal Page Count 45214 Move a section\nMove Section 45215 Merge sections\n Merge Section 45216 Insert a cross-tab\nInsert Cross-Tab 45218 Change the format of cross-tab\nFormat Cross-Tab 45219 Browse field data\nBrowse Data 45221 Reenter report expert\nReport Expert 45222 Move the selected object backward\nMove Backward 45223 Move the selected object to back\nMove To Back 45224 Move the selected object forward\nMove Forward 45225 Move the selected object to front\nMove To Front 45226 Show or hide guidelines.\nShow/hide guidelines 45227 Insert a line at the end of the section 45228 Delete the last line in section 45229 Arrange lines in section 45230 Remove empty space beyond last line 45231 Edit the selected text object\nEdit text object 45232 Snap object to grid\nSnap to Grid 45233 Show grid in the design view\n Show Grid in Design 45234 Show grid in the preview\nShow Grid in Preview 45235 Show rulers in the design view\nShow Rulers in Design 45236 Show rulers in the preview\nShow Rulers in Preview 45237 Show guidelines in the design view\nShow Guidelines in Design 45238 Show guidelines in the preview\nShow Guidelines in Preview 45240 Show guidelines in design view\nShow Guidelines in Design 45243 Insert the print time\nPrint Time 45244 Insert the date the saved data was created\nData Date 45245 Insert the time the saved data was created\nData Time 45246 Insert the date of the last modification\nModification Date 45247 Insert the time of the last modification\nModification Time 45248 Insert the report title\nReport Title 45249 Insert the report comments\nReport Comments 57344 Seagate Crystal Reports 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new report\nNew 57601 Open an existing report\nOpen 57602 Close the active report\nClose 57603 Save the active report\nSave 57604 Save the active report with a new name\nSave As 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the active report\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Delete the selection\nClear 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection to the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57638 Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source\nPaste Link 57639 Insert Clipboard contents with options\nPaste Special 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57666 List Help topics\nHelp Index 57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 57696 Set the font of the selection\nFont 57856 Insert an embedded or linked OLE object\nInsert OLE Object 57857 Edit linked OLE objects\nEdit Links 57858 Convert object to different type\nConvert Object 57872 Activate embedded or linked OLE object 57873 Activate embedded or linked object 57874 Activate embedded or linked object 57875 Activate embedded or linked object 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the standard bar\nToggle Standard Bar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompt to save the document 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61402 Opens the selected item 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61581 Updating OLE objects 61582 Picture (Metafile)\na picture 61583 Device Independent Bitmap\na device independent bitmap 61584 Bitmap\na bitmap 61585 %s\n%s 61586 %s\n%s 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61590 Rich Text (RTF)\ntext with font and paragraph formatting 61591 Unformatted Text\ntext without any formatting 61592 Invalid Currency. 61593 Invalid DateTime. 61594 Invalid DateTimeSpan. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61824 Can not activate a static OLE object. 61825 Failed to connect.\nLink may be broken. 61826 Unable to process command, server busy. 61827 Failed to perform server operation. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61830 Failed to launch server application. 61835 Failed to convert OLE object. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61838 OLE objects cannot be saved while exiting Windows!\nDiscard all changes to %1? 61839 Failed to create object. Make sure the application is entered in the system registry. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels