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296 lines
; wsinit.dll - WinBatch version
; WinBatch Studio checks for the existence of this file at startup, looking
; in the WinBatch Studio directory. It allows you a chance to customize
; every part of WinBatch Studio at startup without user intervention.
; If WinBatch Studio executes the script it saves the file date stamp. Subsequently
; at startup, WinBatch Studio will compare the file date with the saved time and
; will only re-run the script if it's newer than the saved timestamp.
regword="WinBatch Studio"
;gosub NukeSomeSettings
gosub SetupPage
gosub SetupFind
gosub SetupGlobal
; Set up some file types. Maybe should be first, as later items override earlier items...
gosub SetupHTML ; This one here primarily as an example.
; File specific settings
; This example sets up WinBatch Studio for HTML files.
; First, verify these settings were not already installed so we don't
; overwrite changes made by the user on a mere update. If thiere is
; a real update, then yes we do overwrite user customizations.
FileKind="HTML" ; Name of manil file group for this type of files
ConfigVerWBT=6 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
; The File mapping key sets up the file extensions with a particular
; file group. e.g. HTML, HTM and ASP type files all belong to the
; HTML file group
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\File mapping")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[HTML]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[HTM]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[ASP]", FileKind)
RegSetValue(regkey, "[XML]", FileKind)
; the File types key sets up the file extension - specific settings
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\File types\%FileKind% Files")
; add this file type to the FileOpen dialog
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AddToFileDialog]", 1)
; description and wild cards to use in FileOpen dialog
RegSetValue(regkey, "[FileOpenMask]", "%FileKind% Files|*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.xml")
; case sensitivity
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Case]", 0)
; show chroma coding
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Chroma]", 1)
; comment definition - two available
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 1]", "<")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 1]", ">")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment Start 2]", "")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment End 2]", "")
; font information for this file type
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 10)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font italic]", 0)
; 1 = insert mode; 0 = overtype
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Insert]", 1)
; pathname of keyword listing file
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keywords]", "%FileKind%.clr")
; 0 = CR/LF; 1 = LF; 2 = LF/CR; 3 = CR
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line end type]", 0)
; leave files locked when open
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Lock files]", 0)
; 1 = use tabs; 0 = insert spaces
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Keep tabs]", 1)
; show visible tab marks on screen
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Show tabs]", 0)
; tab size in characters
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Tab size]", "3")
; extra characters to be considered part of a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Extra word chars]", "<>/")
; extra characters that might start a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start chars]", "<")
; extra characters that might end a word
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Terminator chars]", "=>")
; colors. R,G,B values as a string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Background]", "255,255,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Comment]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Default Text]", "0,0,0")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Keyword]", "0,0,255")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Quote]", "0,0,0")
; character set 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[CharSet]", 0)
; compile command
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Compile command]", "")
; call a custom WIL error parsing script after compiling
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[UseWBT]", 0)
; if so, the name of the script
RegSetValue(regkey, "[WBTErrorFile]", "")
; the PageSetup key handles all the printing settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=5 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\PageSetup[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\PageSetup[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\PageSetup[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\PageSetup")
; 0 = ANSI, 1 = OEM
RegSetDWord(regkey,"[CharSet]", 0)
; 1 = print in color, 0 = OFF
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Color syntax]", 1)
; 1 = print italics, 0 = regular
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font Italic]", 0)
; name of font
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Font name]", "Courier New")
; size of font in points
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font size]", 12)
; 400 = normal, 700 = bold
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Font weight]", 400)
; footer macro string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Footer]", "Page $(PageNo)")
; print file time in footer, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[FooterTime]", 0)
; header macro string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Header]", "$(FilePath) - $(FileTime)")
; print file time in header, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[HeaderTime]", 0)
; print line numbers, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Line numbers]", 0)
; print pages two up, 1 = yes, 0 = no
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Twoup]", 0)
; 0 = use screen font, 1 = use printer font defined above
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Use printer font]", 0)
; the Settings\Find key handles the find\replace settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=5 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Find[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Find")
; these keys are all true/false, 1 = ON, 0 = OFF
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Forward]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Match case]", 0)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Regular expressions]", 0)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Wrap search]", 0)
; the Settings\Main Window key handles the global editor settings
;First check to try not to needlessly overwrite user settings
ConfigVerWBT=6 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ConfigVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window")
; backup location macro string
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Backup location]", "$(FilePath).backup")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Autosave location]", "$(FilePath).autosave")
; the name of the active project
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Active Workspace]", "Default")
; the autosave interval, in minutes
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Autosave interval]", 5)
; the rest are all true/false, on/off
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[AutoSave]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Horizontal Scrollbar]", 1)
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Make Backups]", 1)
; leave the cursor at the end of pasted text
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Paste After]", 1)
; automatically save files before running tools
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Save Before]", 1)
; don't prompt before automatically saving files
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Prompt Before]", 0)
; reload the open files from the last session
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Restore Workspace]", 0)
; allow only one instance of %regword%
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[Single Instance]", 1)
; allow the cursor to move past the ends of lines
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[VirtualWhitespace]", 1)
; set WIL files to be FileOpen default
regkey = RegCreateKey(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Options")
RegSetDWord(regkey, "[FilterIndex]", 1)
ConfigVerWBT=2 ; Configuration version number,. Update when changing this section
if RegExistValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]")
ConfigVerReg=RegQueryValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]")
if ConfigVerReg >= ConfigVerWBT then return ; if reg is same or newer, do not excecute
RegSetValue(@REGCURRENT, "Software\Wilson WindowWare\%regword%\Settings\Main Window[ResetBetaVer]",ConfigVerWBT)
;nothing to do this week.